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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^ I meant the Somali's xafadhaa[sp],dont have Somali neighbours,marka inaan xafadhaa kuu badan yihiin adoo..[does it make sense now?..Lol] Juxa..Indeed, do you deal with homocide cases? Resistance,nothing wrong at all..Anigii baa xaleytoo dawaneyee this dude that calls himself Allah- a manic depressive British millioneir on a high in Jamaica.
  2. ^Hello A&T!, there are all sorts of speculations in town,weli wax maa aquul aa havent been xafadihii labadaan cishoo..Lol
  3. ^ WCS WR WB ...Jobless? Maxaa gorahaan TV'ga uu dawaneysaa?.. Sabax Kheyr all.. A dull day!
  4. Juxa,wallahi am not sure if she has family or not, koleybaa reer bee kaa dalatee.
  5. Hello folks! Ngonge,the sabab is still a mystery,all sort of assumptions are flying around. The man a local taxi driver went to Nairobi to marry the woman,last Wednesday bee wadankaa soo gashee,friday night breathed her last breath by strangulation..The guy flew from the scene to Leicester,apparently he called his son to inform him of the body..Dee walaa xidhee. All sorts of assumptions of the reasons are flying about..people are being so creative,waxaad moodeysaa they were there..Illahi haa uu naxaristo maruhumaduu..
  6. ^ [is he your cousin?].. * taking off the Somali thinking hat off* Gee Shilling! I mean,duh! Well,Goodluck to the man..I am among the lazy thinkers wuu shegeeyee.
  7. There has been a Somali murder in my town..A man killed his wife of three days! :eek:
  8. Isn't the concept of 'feminism' a social constructed one? As a social construct,then it changes with time/society etc. Thus, perhaps 'Universal Feminist' will be about the universal biological concept of 'women'?
  9. Sabax kheyr trollers! It's been glorious couple of days for the sun worshippers..Lol
  10. ^Amiin! Suldaan,irony aa?? Of course,adigo oo kale you will probably have carried an Ethiopian flag,sing their national anthem whilst they were invading your lands..
  11. Malika


    ^ ,am suprised he didnt mention his curly hair..
  12. ^You didnt! Zafir,there was something fulfilling in torturing little creatures,anigu I spent most my afternoons,torturing our indian
  13. ^ , the retirement home is that way xaji >>>
  14. ^War hedhee,anagaa isgaraneyna[sp]..I mean,us and Marka adigu kaa leexoo ,C&H markee timahaa riftoo Ducaysane[apparently he is bold,darn!!]..
  15. Sayid, Sure..but 10,000 words? You will have to pay me..heh Insha'allah kheyr.. Goodnight folks!
  16. ^They are not fluent in Somali,not fluent in English..any special needs issues? Then an initial look at the environment in which the child developed their first language it will reveals a great deal of their lack of linguistic variety,it is suggested that virtually all children effortlessly and naturally learn the language of the home. So what is going on at home? Different child rearing practices perhaps?? Look into interpersonal talk..
  17. ^I agree a conflicting issue,nevertheless prostitution is a reality so is HIV/AIDS...Ah! humans!
  18. Che, I know..I had three days off,waan iska bashaalee hence the apprehension to going back Sayid,we dont want that now! Learning the linguistic structure and rules of a second language occurs much the same way as when occurring first language [Dulay & Burt 1974]. go find that journal...
  19. NNC, I am assuming so,it is not the first time he had address her as Macalimadii.. *sit's back and waits for CH to storm in*
  20. C&H, deal with Ducaysane please,rip him off!
  21. ^Fiicaan Habo, and you? I am hating on going to work tomorrow..arggggh! Shabeel,Self appraisal,is the begining of self awareness,so you see yourself as a scoundrel huh? By refusing C&H, your have breached a sacred Somali tradition on engagement..In Somali culture you do not dare refuse the girl give to you..Now the penalty is £2000,you can send it to me,I shall pass it on to the elders aka Ngonge iyo Xiin..heh
  22. ^Hey Habo.. Sayid, that is my field.. ,intee mareysaa? Sorry for trolling on your thread Aaliyah..
  23. ^What is your thesis on? Iska daa Shabeel..
  24. ^Loved it! Ta' Damian is carrying on his father's legacy..
  25. C&H,there is no such a choice,cant loose hope even if I try,my whole being and belief is living in hope... ..Lol