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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^ :)and a *cyber hug*. Rejection is a sour pill to swallow sometimes, it is so negative and a horrible thing to go through. Nevertheless sis, you’re not and never will be the only one that has encountered it through their journey in life..It happens to all of us in different ways. The good thing is you have recognised its impact on you, thus the task of dealing with it shouldn’t be hard [i hope]. We women tend to take this rejection inward, causing ourselves great injustice by asking ****** questions like ‘why’..ish!!, making assumptions that something is wrong with ourselves, then one tries to find ways of ‘bettering themselves’ so to fit in with the ‘supposedly requirements’ ..Only to be setting oneself to fail – who would want a low self esteemed person? Add your disability on your profile, only those whom truly would want you will approach you, those whom will not, will not..You will have to respect their decision and move on, as it has nothing to do with you. ps.I trully empathies with you sis,it's a long way to go before,we can change the constructed prejudice on disable people,nevertheless there is hope,there many married disable people. Pss. I know this is important to you, and I pray Allah makes it easy for you to find your Mr right..Insha'allah,nothing is impossible - by Qadr Allah.
  2. Malika

    Sipho And Vusi.

    ^ ,it's a struggle to be beautiful,I tell ya! too much corruption of the mind,distorts the views of the beautiful world.
  3. Malika

    Sipho And Vusi.

    ^ ,an active imagination leh,is her
  4. ^Alla! it takes two to tango.. ,you were trolling too! Enough trolling
  5. ^ , are we flirting? :eek: ceeb!
  6. ^That is not suitable for African hair oo laa jidjidee..Lol,will probably look like a cat caught in electric wire after the ride. ps.Very much so. pss.Enough trolling on Hunguri's thread.
  7. ^Your not going to the concert? I got stood up,aduunyoo!!
  8. Nuune,do share. Islaan baa qaatii katagaan,every Sunday morning bee albabkaa iguu soo garaacdaa.I have tried been sweet,wajiga uu bedelaa malin malin,marmarnaa I do not even open my door iyaduu ii jeeda from the kitchen windown..Lol Walle they are determined so and so's..
  9. Congratulation Hunguri! Finally the football team kaamiil ayee noqootee[am assuming here]..heh
  10. ^ ,didnt know being a kiss *** was a overachievement trait..heh! Che, the green eyed moster got the better of you..Lol
  11. Seeker,hiyo nyimbo ya bata wajua maana yake?..heh I would have posted the video clip to give you the clue but that will mean me committing multiple sins. Cowke,look for Nomads Somalionline - You will find Solers.
  12. My boss is a control freak,the witch will soon perish under her own created pressure/stress.. Ah,the weekend is here..boss? what is a boss??
  13. ^He got you good,waa runtisaa..Loool ps.Maaddeey,what are you doing in here?? :eek:
  14. ^Lol,adigu odeygaasi iska daa,am sure he will be serving a long time behind bars.. ps.I have an inkling, I know who you were talking about before - the clinical psychologist.
  15. ^Nuune's service can be extended..Lol Juxa,no increase? I am glad it is Thursday,on Monday I felt like this week will never end..
  16. Hellooooo! C&H,quraan halaa saroo wilka, iil baa gale ..,am nuune's agent,so if you need our services do let us know. Thank You.
  17. ^ C&H, down days are normal,if it continues visit your local hospice..Seeing people on near death,will rejuvent you to loving life again!..
  18. ^Naa iga daa, service to the community aa? The work it will entail alone to find out all the information should be paid work,nothing for bilaash! gotta bounce,c ya!
  19. ^Who is the victim, the man or woman? if man,so deservingly he is.. ,am kidding. Toxic relatiionships are a waste of life really!
  20. ^Looooool@new found geesinimo,the image of Ngonge hitting someone with his brolly comes to mind..hehe Juxa,I see..Let me do the homework marka,what say 50/50 share of the commission?
  21. ^I never understood why would anyone tolerate abuse of any kind,be it physical or mental..argh! A segment on legal advice .. A segment on education/career paths.. A segment on beauty/dermatology advice [target skin bleaching as a topic] A segment on positive stories of positive people.. A segment on 'building islamic character' I think there is a massive need here. A segment on 'intergration'- [the boggie word],intergration politically,economically and even socially.
  22. Juxa,It is being dealt with as a homicide,will they still get money? Maskinaduu just came from Nairobi last wednesday,koleybaa she had family there or even here..I have no knowledge.