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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Okay,what was that on her head?..Is that a wig? She is cute though..perhaps,just tone down on the dark lipstick and a nicer hairdo/ hijab..otherwise she is just cute..
  2. LOL@ Sheh,walle waad kaa darantahay!
  3. Why are we measuring 'loving oneself' with going out alone or being with others? I think loving yourself,is when one has understood themselve's thus making choices to enrich oneself. There are time,perhaps it require one to just be alone and other times with others to share those precious moments called being alive. C&H, ditch those,and just focus on your inner talk - what is that little voice saying? what is your fear? what is your triuph? *The moments of peace with my self are those just before I go to bed,after a long day..A shower,prayer/dua, dimmed lights in my cozy room..clean,smelling divine..I am at peace and that is love.
  4. This not a poem but loved,just loved it! It is new for women to be making history - not just a few queens, empresses or exceptional geniuses, but hundreds,thousands, millions of women now entering history, knowing we have made history - by changing our lives. Betty Friedan, 1921 from "It changed my life"
  5. ^Yeah,and more so those in third world should commit a mass suicide,their lives are not worth living..Lol Stuff iyo Nonsense..@ article
  6. ^^ ,I like it how it has been turned to 'Ngonge got kissed' thread..Loooool
  7. ^I got something for you,adiguu naa you dont do PM's..see laguu laa xiriraa Aaliyah?
  8. "Am an emotional *****!" by Maggie Estep The contraditions are hilarious..LOL.
  9. ^very early yet, nala joog ila 1pm Am so angry at some women!! uff qaarkood waa dayuusiin..[am just venting,dont read too much into]
  10. ^What time is it xagiina? I am stuck indoors for another two hours..argh
  11. ^Nothing new,same ol'same ol' - alhamdulillah. I better go make myself some delicous pancake,gaajoo aa ii haya! laters!
  12. Masha'allah @ Sheh..try,reasonable prices as well. Hello LOZ and Che.. LOZ by using a tutor one can be corrected on any mistake in regard to Tajweed. Juxa, do contact them, they might do private tutoring.
  13. Juxa, at white chappel..They actually were enrolling in April for the summer short course,I dont know if they still have places.. Seeker,turn off the pc..Lol,it tends to stimulate one's brain..
  14. ^ I know,ciil baa iga haya!! Hello lady@ Sheh..Must be something in the air today.. Tayyibun institute offers one to one xafidh tutoring.
  15. ^By the social constructed gender 'colours' both babies are wearing blue,indicating they are both boys..marka waxaad naa ledahaay 'same sex' interacial marriages will bring world peace??
  16. ^LOL..isn't too early for you? I was pissed off enough to write a formal letter of complaint to a Somali xawadla[money transfer] - How British of me..Loool
  17. ^ I agree,attentionkaan should be focus on those whom accutually matters. Waxaa macnaleeh baa lagaa digee qoftaani,subhanallah!
  18. Inna lillah waa inna illahi rajcuun..@ juxa, was it someone close? Morning and Jumaah Mubarak to you all! It is a sunny morning where I am,but woke up pissed off..I rebuke the sheytaan. :mad:
  19. ^LOL..You will be fine..This time of the year is horrible,saying Goodbye to youngsters you got somehow attached to..lakiin come Sept,waad ilawdee..hehe
  20. Never Give Up by Nick Vujicic.
  21. For whatever he has done or does the man has been received in well..Masha'allah.
  22. KK, Gurkuu waa waxyaloo kaa miid oo loo ducestaa,including having children,marka gabadhan maskinadaa ee guur dontaa aa uu ducee,iska daa qayladaa iyo buuqaa aa uu kicineysaa. Nin laan maxaa kaa oogtahay inadeer? Illahi baa kuu barakeyee, alxamdulillah dhe!