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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Nur,that will be very much appreciated and anticipated brother. "Iron should rust,not our hearts" - Indeed!
  2. The raising of that flag trully reawoke deep sentimental feeling's one harboured for many years. As a child,I grew up just few doors away from the Somali Embassy - seeing the flag every morning risen,it waving on the ambassadors car,used to fill me with hope. Hope of going home - born in another man's land is never the same as being born in your own forefathers lands..I had a home..That blue flag represented that home. So for a minute there,K'naan waving of that flag gave me a glimpse of that hope I had..I felt hopeful. I also wanted to be that ambassador - maybe there is still time,who knows..One lives in hope.
  3. ^AS kids,have something better then jingle/jaad and job - their's is a promise of paradise. These kids know nothing better,their whole lives is consumed by violence - they live by guns, play with guns,reason with guns..mexee kaa garanayaan another life!
  4. ^Lol,reminds me of a student of mine,every monday he come's in my lesson and announce's that his dad and him are moving out- Unappropriet conversatiion to have with a student,but it is just funny,how he and his father plan their escape every weekend..heh
  5. War xagee kaa dacdee @ Mr Paragon. Ibti,I will be around on the 1st..c u then. Norf,why Mombasa? Dar es salaam ayaa kaa ficaan..
  6. LOL@ Ibti - I do exist! ask your cousins,they will confirm of my existance..heh Insha'allah,if it is before the 20th. After that I shall be basking in the sun in Zanzibar. Norf, swahili's love salaan..mantoo daani wey kusalaami. How are you? Hali yako? I'm fine Sijambo[am fine/well] Ibti - Habari yako - is same as 'maxaa shegtee' asking for one's news..
  7. ^ I see,what else have you learned?
  8. Too much energy given to people,maa istiiriid? Too demanding are human relationships,koleybaa keligaa dalatee,keligaa dimaan.. As for the husband,miskinkaa waa misunderstood..4 wives buu mareyaa,isagaa wax kaa si aa koleybaa..heh
  9. ^*cyber hug*..Exciting! it will be nice to see you after all these years..hehe,I heard of the wedding..[small town]..heh Norf, poa[cool]
  10. LOL@Ibti.. Wcs Wr Wb.. Morning all!..
  11. ^LOL..You did miss the part that, USA and Somalia are the only two countries that didnt sign the UN - children's right convension? waa sidaa aan kuyirii labadaa baa wax baa ismaa damaan..either their dawlaan isku sheeg ama they are a rebel group.. actually thanks for agreeing that Al-Shabaab is a rebel group,rather then the usual - revolutionary nac nac tittle..
  12. @ Norf,dee beeriyaah calcaal lee kaa haree,is it middle age crisis? Gormaa middle age noqootee..dont just start 'am bored' thread like Ngonge..Lol Gabdhiin meyeen maantaa?
  13. ^Waa same shiidh,amaa sii waad ama iska daa. :mad: , at both side they use kids to fight their battles - kids that dont know any better raised by adults that dont know any better..maxaa lagaa sugeyaa! Who fund's Al-Shabaab?..Someone must do,koleybaa iyaguu 'economy' uu gaar mahayaan,nagaa daa dee!
  15. ^Any different to the kids fighting for Al-Shabaab? Tragic!
  16. ^Lol..I need a holiday,I sleep less,I over eat..war maxaa kuu haya?..Lol Resistance,none. I really havent paid any attention to any match...I might watch when Brazil or Cameroon play.
  17. football,football,football...goormee naga damaneeysaa waxaan..arrrggg! Morning all!..
  18. ^Nagaa daa dee!..Lol I cant function unless I have had 7-8 of good sleep..hadhii kale,I am like a bear with a sore head - very aggressive baan noqdaa.
  19. I want to send K'naan a thank you letter,for he has done a wonderful thing - raising the self esteem of Somali kids,today they walked with pride..Some having the audacity to tell the librarian off for not having a Somali flag among the other flags in the Library..Lol Is K'naan a Soler? Dee waxaa laa yiri everyone famous of something near being famous is a Soler..heh
  20. Bless him..ah,bless him..bless him. Seeing the blue flag waving, drums with the flag print on it.. representing Somalia..when those it represent are busy tearing each other up.. :mad:
  21. Loooool@Ayoub..maskiin. Sitting there all puppy eyed..ehehe
  22. ^ , noted and corrected the spelling.. I know.. ,bes am out of here.
  23. ^You dont say?..waa caadii,she might appreciate the feed back and take on Sheh's offer of a make over..Lol Maa adunyoo oo dani baa SOL joogta? Everytime aan qof xamaneynaa we are told they are a Soler..where are these people? tobankeenii leh melahaan marmarnaa..LOL
  24. ^Indeed..Her neck is bare,marka its not a hijab.. Anyways, nagaa dayaa danbigaan.. women: is that a hijab,look her make up blah blah men: hubba hubba,wey bislateey [maa cambee baa] blah blah blah Lol