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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^Lol..hiyo nina kubali,maisha ya hapa yana taka uwe mlevi tu,ndio utayaweza..Lol Tangulia wewe,miye nitafuata nyuma..bado kidogo tu,lazima kwanza nitafute mtaji ama sio?
  2. Mac mac,iyo tight cyber hug @ CL...Welcome back darling..[siye hatujambo,mambo kama kawaida nala kuku kwa mrija.. ]
  3. ^Indeed..if one can go to India for a spare part,just because folks there are poor imagine..what one can get in a mad place like Somalia. Horta,what is the Islamic ruling on organ transfer?
  4. ^Somehow that guy reminds me of nuune and his stories..I wonder how many he has pulled by telling them about his 'adventures'..Looool [sorry nuune]..hehehe
  5. ^ ,the ego got bruised huh? Dont allow it to ruin your first intention which was to give da'wa..[and you did have some good advice]. ps.Your tone is far from one of the principles of giving da'wa..Dont allow anger [gentle of speech is very important when giving da'wa]to reason,be patience with people.
  6. Loooooool@ C&H..Maandeey just responded as expected..Looooool
  7. KK & Oodweyne, Sheydanka iska nara. ps.Women this,women that war amaan nasiya,we are not this bad..loool
  8. Ibti,you lucky so and so's..anaguu our generation we didnt have 'fit' farah's, they used to dress and looked like the Congolese musicians..Lool
  9. ^Mine is well trained,just a look tells her where to get maya,am doing home visit for work,visiting this particular family is dreading business. One has to be on alert mode all the time,hadii kale you might leave the house with injuries..Lol qalqaali wey dafeen ciyalkaan..they swamp you as soon as you enter - before you know it,koob baa laa soo turee your direction,mar remote controlkii..the mom just says ' waryaa hebeel,edo maxaa uu mageysaa?'..waa bila eedoo the kids need tawabar..arghh.
  10. Looooooool@ slash eyebrow hair..Lol It must be summer,the number of reports by SOL girls on 'fit', drop dead gorgeous' farah's has increased.. waa halki Nur - summer time,lower your gaze..Looool Afternoon ladies! and bye..not looking forward to a home visit. I am anticipating having yogut thrown at me.Maxaa ciyalkeeni dabecadaa kaa xumeyee..arghh.
  11. Give the african's some credit,their game is entertaining..Even folks like me find themselves throughly enjoying watching football..[ I am converted] marka,nagaa dayaa hee! African teams are met with far more issues then the cry babies from Europe..
  12. ^Akhi,Nur I have been around,lurking mostly in the general section - Insha'allah kheyr aan rajeenayaa,and will keep you in my prayers.
  13. ^Erm,who mentioned anything about validating your [ :rolleyes: ] religion? Did you know that MJ was a muslim too?.. Gosh! seem's like your the one making all the fuss here with your huffing and puffing.. Chill.
  14. ^Mwaaah!..welcome back. A&T, what Somali millioneirs oo kuwaan uu eeg? The henna haired old men with safari suits maa sheegeysaa? ,aar nagaa daa!
  15. On the subject of famous people,I was pleasantly suprised by :
  16. ^Use to listen to that song,when I flew the nest - and that was tormenting to say the least! Anywho; Anyone watched this programmed called : Tribal Wives on BBC2 ? Comes on Tuesdays at 9pm,there six series - two already aired,but one can watch them on BBC iplayer or Youtube. Here is an overview,it is a must watch. Six women are given the opportunity to travel to some of the most remote parts of the world and experience life with a tribe in this new series for BBC Two. Like many women today, juggling with the pressures of Western life from careers to home and family, all the women think something is missing. By spending time with tribes in which women's roles are very different, they hope they can find some answers and, in doing so, change their own lives. The series provides a unique and intimate insight into the lives of women in tribes around the world, from the Amazon to sub-Saharan Africa. For the six Western women, it proves to be a life-changing experience as they immerse themselves into living as a tribal woman in some of the world's most remote and beautiful locations. Just some of the quotes from the tribal women: *walk your life" - face fear,and live..[liked that] "embrace your femininity,from it draw strenght"
  17. ^ ,dee maxaa kale. It's not the end of the month - so not salary. ah! I know. Something to do with a US visitor? I should pay this much attention to reading quraan.
  18. Ibti, I dont believe that! Someone is bullying you?? Iska celi,be firm. Tell them if they dont stop harrasing you,your reporting them. Meanwhile keep record of their abusive emails,record their phone calls.. ps.Make a point of telling them your keeping taps on their abuse.
  19. ^Something is fishy with his 'mood' it a minyaro? ..Only that will make a man this happy..heh
  20. ^Afternoon Jac,your exceptionally happy maantaa maxaa soo kordee? I am supposed to be in a meeting,I cant be bothered!!
  21. Looooool@ miyaanu iska tagnaa..Lol Afternoon folks!
  22. ^Waaw..Indeed,except for those Allah gave the gift of understanding to* Loved it!!
  23. ^ War kaa dayaa wilka,it was a moment of emotional outburst. I believe their [xaji and Oodweyne] bitterness stems from a deeper place - their sense of injustice,unfairness [the blue flag reminds them of] which has fueled the seccionist agenda is perhaps blinding them to just see that moment for what it was..a moment - perhaps very significant and perhaps not.
  24. Xaji iyo Oodweyne, Is this bitterness and cynicalism about the 'flag' ama wax kale aad kaa gubaneeysaan? 20yrs of the illusive recognition perhaps? ama sidii aad bitter uu dex dabalaneyseen you have lost any sense of humility? [dead inside?] You can mock,joke and poke fun at what that moment meant to people - despite what the realities on the ground are,it offered folks a sense of re awakening. As for the reality on the ground this includes SL,it's a part and parcel of Somalia..still!