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Everything posted by Faarax-Brawn

  1. Someone on the first page jokingly,said that why would any1 want to be a Somali citizen?(Cant remember,cant be bothered to go back)....Look, Allah could make Somalia a great economic powerhouse thereby making every1 want to be a citizen. If and when we become a functioning govt, We could use Human capital, especially a diverse and a well educated human capital...If those people, are deemed to meet the criteria for having sharci, lets welcome them. It is funny those with foreign passports are the very same ones who are yelling the loudest against this so called sharci...Ma anaa waalan or is someone singing from Cadan and Sanaa(and the entire Arabian Penissula for that matter?!). Look people,There will be a ministry in charge of these things, I also believe this ministry will have an application process to vet the applicants, i am also sure there will be an immigration hearing, you will either be granted or denied. If there is need to believe that the system is abused or mismanaged, then we can always ammend it and make it better. Lets be Tolerant folks...as we have been tolerated in some many different countries worldwide.
  2. Mukulaalow;824656 wrote: ninka geel jiraha bal aragiisa fiiri. diif, rafaad, naxariis darro, baa ka muuqato. mida kale taariikhda soomaalida laguma haayo geel jire milyuneer noqday, laakiin waa la arkay beeraleey milyuneer noqday, malaay dabato milyuneer noqday. laakiin geel. a ah It aint all about money ina adeer...think about that for a moment.
  3. Mukulaalow;824638 wrote: abkeey mukulaal diloow geel nool maas u daahaa. but seriously, geela soomaalida xarago uunbuu u yahay iyo in laysugu faano. wax kaloo faa'iidah malahan. Yaa kuu sheegay warkaas? Nyanyuuray?
  4. OK,No offense,but those GEELs look like they have TB But,anyway, Nuuna iyo asxabtiisa,Geel suuqiisa waxba ka garan maysaan ee aamusa. Of course,like every commodity out there, the markets(supply and demand) dictate the price of Geel and or any product for that matter. Jiilaal ama abaar haday jirto, then..it is a buyers market(Every1 wants to make a buck before the camel dies anyway). Markay barwaaqo tahayna, it is a sellers market as most reer badiya will love to keep their priced camels ..Other factors include, the age of the geel, the region the geel came from, the sex of the geel and of course the seller/buyer. So, in essense,. it could be that a camel could cost 1000dollars today and 300dollars next month. So, a price of say $745,is considerably higher in regards to the 300dollars price tag,you get?
  5. The first panoramic picture is just breath taking & the Last picture of the kid with the Aar Gallaan is nostalgic! Indeed, Somalia is Beautiful...if only
  6. rudy-Diiriye;824005 wrote: kuwani de...waa garaabo cunayaala...homie try cheese cakes is what brings de home-gals to the yard!! Che when was the last time that u got wet?? lol and i am talking about this century..ok LMAO LoL.
  7. rudy-Diiriye;823555 wrote: I just went to the store...its mid-nite in la....n got my cheese cake!! With class of milk, its awesome. Now i can sleep. Cheesecakes and the cravings are for girls Rudy, wassup!?
  8. N.O.R.F;823714 wrote: There was no Somaliland in the 60s and 70s LMAO!
  9. WOW! This is truely amazing... PS You need to edit the title of the thread, LMAO. This after all happens in Somaliland, you dont want the truely patriotic lot to feel disenfranchised now do u?
  10. Showqi;823290 wrote: Wuxuu ku leeyahay iyagu waa in ay Tartanka Foolxumada uun ka qayb galaan.......Xaajigu caadi ma'aha Ninka ma falanyahay?
  11. Xaaji Xunjuf;823288 wrote: Miss congo iyo Liberia iyaga tartanka quruxda inay ka so qeyb galaan ba maha. maxaa jira?
  12. She is Prettier than Miss Congo and Liberia for sure....(Combined)
  13. Forget the phone calls, the iphone is the devils invention. This dude gave his girlfriend/fiancee an iphone and now,she checks on him every freaking 1hr or so it seems using facetime or whatever it is called.
  14. Good news! lool. ma Ayoub(lmao) baa idin unify gareeye labadiina? Abtigiis, hopefully haaigu noqon Af-ka nool abooto mudac...
  15. Carafaat;822887 wrote: :Hadda kahor waxaan maqlay in ninkoo cag dheer reer itobiya ah uu xoolo keenay Bosaso, baddii ayuu arkay oo waligii bad horay uma uusanu arag, markaasuu wuxuu u maleeyay balli biyihiisa la cabi karo, meel aan ka fogeyn ayuu wuxuu ku arkay gabar reer bari ah oo inta dabaal kasoo baxday xeebta jaankeeda xaajadeeda ku gudanaysa, ninkii cagdheerta ahaa aad buu u oomanaa oo biyihii badda intuu sacabada darsaday buu afka ka buuxsaday, inta heyn kari waayay buu soo celiyay oo tufay, buu gabadhii inta saa u eegay buu yiri "awoowgaa alla gub wuxu kalya dheeraa" wuxuu u heystaa in kaadideedii ay badda qurmisay oo dhanaan ka dhigtay. This is classic. LMA0. AT&t, maxay tiri Asha Abdow?-Iloow Saahaw? forget about it! Qoftaas ku yeeli meyso ilaad la heshiiso Xiinfanin
  16. Everything becomes bad when you abuse it...unless it is affecting your life in an extreme way, why deprive yourself? You gotta have self control, every man should. Be strong and do what is expected of you.
  17. Carafaat;821091 wrote: thats true Faarax. Burco folks are hilariouis, they even gave me a nickname. what do they call u lol
  18. All this because u did not find khat? -The few rer burco folks i met,are charming and quite civil. 1 thing quite common among them, was that they are ALL funny. Every1 of them.
  19. Yunis;820595 wrote: Geela Raascasayr state - wuu dabashaa, kaluunkuu cunaa, waana reer magaal . Hardly original, but hey other Tolka states shall youtube their goats dancing to dhaanto tune OK That is funny.
  20. Ilaahow kuu naxariiso. Subxanalah! What compelled this man to kill a 10 yr old(or even abuse him for that matter). Ya rabbi.