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Posts posted by Faarax-Brawn

  1. Just as I was about to put the phone down, I heard him say, “By the way, did you hear about the war in Somalia?â€


    I hadn’t of course, but I quickly replied in the affirmative and hung up. Two weeks later, I was bored of my Super Mario game. The pointless guilt though, still remains.




    In reality of course I only found out about the war when the Somali guys I used to play football with used to discuss it and then turn to me and say “adna na xaggad ka qaxday?â€...for some reason “Carabta†was not a reply they appreciated

    You know, i decided to go back to the original text itself.(well the parts about where i find it humourless!) i figured maybe i over reacted. maybe i made a mountain out of an ant hill.


    Why dont i let you guys read that part again.


    Your country is @war. You didnt even care to know what happened.


    Oh well, was i right when i said you were detached? This is where the issue is folks. Some folks have seen it, witnessed parhaps a persecution right infront of there eyes. maybe saw a family member get raped infront of them.or parhaps even lost a limb/arm in the whole process. mhmmm......let me guess. You dont give a hoot. eh?


    am done.


    But if you didnt even 'care'(i hate using this word!) becoz you actually said you dont 'care'. Then parhaps,maybe u dont mind me reffering to you as a 'ceesh and shawarma'(fish n chips) do you?



    eitherways, we get the point, your family was not affected. you were safe and sound when ppl were dying. Good for you. you dont feel the pain because none of your family members got affected.


    Now i see where the homour is.


    Am out.

  2. If my humour offends you, tough! If your humour offends me on the other hand, I’ll probably laugh at how offensive you can be

    DID I read this wrong or what?, didnt the man himself say he has the right to offend if he so wishes?, whats with the barrage of paralegals up in ppls face?.


    Fine, stubborn older middle aged men cant even have the face and(and face!) to simply accept an err they made. Come on man. You cant win all battles. You are a very funny man. you write exceptionally well(even if it takes you half your day editing.still u do write well).You are outragiously popular. You cant jost and humorise every post of yours.You win some you loose some.


    I think this comes down to the person in the person. Mr Ngonge has the energy, time and intelect to come here and gracefully defend arabia. He was quite strong in his words against the somali ppl.(you know, the waxaa la yidhi concept!?), anyways this shows how detached the said man is from his ppl,his culture to the extent where He feels like he has the right to offend anyone who finds his less than humorous pieces of writing(yes even them words on a screen!)


    Now i woulld expect that from the likes of jessica simpson(your very own sick-retary!Ms ff) but not a grown man like you with kids!


    What are gonna tell your lil boy when he comes to you and asks you . 'Dad, what happened to your country 30yrs ago?' why did so many ppl die? why i was i born in qurbo?, why wasnt i born in my country?


    Are you gonna tell him, 'Dad i wish i knew this but unfortunatly i was playing nintendo in my room. :rolleyes:


    Now, thats not the issue anyways eh?, fine. fair enough.


    I will let you slide by.



    Baashi. Am gastronomically dissapointed with your responce.next time please dont be so correct. will Ya?




  3. ^Oi.


    The master hasnt spoken yet. You should at least wait till he responds and then.


    I was wondering when you will finish making his tea anyways. or was it bread? eitherways why does it matter? we can laughoff dead ppl.


    surely we can laugh about an amused damsel being amused by an older farax eh?


    Dawaco, i dont know if you have realised but the 2 here(ngonge and his sick-retary!), have a tendency to argue for the sake of arguing.




    Anyways, ff, wait for the boss to speak.(you know how he loong he takes to edit, proof edit, and then edit some more, then go to the dictionary and look for words...!) eitherwys, let him speak first!

  4. Oi! Oi!



    Let me respond to the comment about the easy ones: FF and Nifty. I finally got where your 'Humus' Was aimed @!! . Pure hearted clean teethed damsels. Moving along........ :D



    Lets start this from the bottom up, You said when you grow up you wanted to be like me eh?, eh eh. How much more growing do you have to do?

    No seriously by the time you grow up, hell will freeze over. icon_razz.gif



    About the content of the entire piece, one thing caught my eye.



    the fact that my name is on your screen, might have caused you.

    What? , Your name?, no no sir.Your name is actually not the problem


    The content of what you said was what i had an issue with. Be it bread or cuppacino or more bread as you put it and or toast. either ways. No i dont have a problem with your name.


    if you want an opinion about the name, we can open an entire thread about it.


    let me know!~


    I Thought they gave the green signal to feast on kentucky. lool.


    yiou started it missy and i couldnt but enJoy it.



    About Taco Bell(they should call it Taco Hell!), its got to be the nastiest food Pon D' Block!!, its probably the chihuaha in my mind everytime i see a Bell.


    think outside the bun kulaha. I think Not.


    Juba, Shes mistaking Puberty for the food shes eating.


    Half Amazing. Dearest Its just Age, Not chICKEN. :D

  6. Originally posted by - Nifty -:

    ^^ Quick answers



    Q1b. Ammediate Family...?

    well. Spank me for asking you such a dumb Q.


    Beats me why am talking to someone who doesnt know the number of lives lost in the worst civil war in their country!!!!

  7. ^Dawaco, Why dont you pass me by @ world trade centre while i homour the surviving relatives of the 911 victims with my amazing capabilities of playing nintendo,and yapping about my right to offend.


    Oh get me some bread and cuppuchino too.



    Ngonge, In your quest to be edgy and contraversial,i beleive this is a tad 'Un-Ngonge-ish' for me.


    All things considered, you seriously need to stop arguing for the sake of it. Honestly its getting ridiculously weired.

  8. Stoic, bro i wasnt refering to anyone in particular.


    I find it very sad, that whereas it is upon us to commomerate and pray for the dead and think of the destruction caused to our ppl, some ppl have the audacity to mock and ridicule a very sad part of our history.


    theres a time for joking and theres a time for reality.


    dawaco, well said huuno

  9. Wallahi am so offended by some of you homourising one of the saddest moments in mankinds history.


    To some of us this is a chapter of our lives that we will hope to bury it forever. Some of us have lost very dear ppl in our lives, and its quite disrespectful that some of you folks come in here and jest on it.


    Am sincerly offended by this.









    Who is going to speak for the dead?

    Who is going to speak for the raped?

    who is going to speak for the frightened?


    *diamante, walaalo i didnt even read your post, until now. at least someone is seeing where i come from*

  10. Hmmm, I thought you merely misspelled weirded dee but I do wonder how you arrived at the conclusion that I'm too young

    Well, am a perfectly Able *hard*(skinny?) Bodied farax, if i dont assume , well then am not a true farax ,NO? :D



    Ma Saas baa?

    Maya, Waa sida Kale icon_razz.gif

  11. Fetishly weirded kulahaa, war bal maandhow warka Isii, what exactly do you mean by that?

    I would have explained this, had you said , "Weired" instead of Weirded ;) , Since i have no clue what weireded is. However , i still cannot tell you what i mean by fetishly weired, since you are too young. :D



    I wonder who will be funny,budweiser commercial or Pepsi commercial coz i think it will be btw this two.

    That was what prompted me to comment nooh


    Well, You didnt have to Quote him nooh. icon_razz.gif