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Posts posted by Faarax-Brawn

  1. to the rest....those babies look adorable, i feel like cutting off those rosy cheeks and eating them just about RIGHT NOW!

    Aw Baby Cunow, qof weyn maas udaaha?



  2. How can you prove someone was not raped?

    The things they can do these days.


    Apparently they can tell a regular entry vs forced entry. V-Trauma they call it. icon_razz.gif or so i have heard.


    Eitherways, if it was a western country, i BET you on my baked tomatoes, that the guys will have been CHARGED WITH RAPE.


    Lets face it,some islamic nations tilt slightly towards men's side.

  3. They needed a make over. Its about time they got rid of randy.


    Did you know that there other recievers that play for the vikings?


    For the team to succeed they had to get rid of randy, whenever dante throws a ball, 9/10 times it goes into the hands of Randy.The Fcuk is that?


    Now, yall rem well what happened when randy got injured,eh? becoz of his(Dante) in ability to communicate well with other recievers,they failed miserably.


    I think this is the best thing that has ever happened to the mpls based Side.


    You will never win championship games based on ONE(or two) good player(s). It takes team effort.


    God i despise the Vikings. icon_razz.gif

  4. ^thats the only girl who is not chineese among the lot.


    but to answer your Q, shes saying:

    Cant this woman cant even use deodrant?, lifting her hands over my nose.







    That KID who is gettin jabbed reminded me how much i still hate MY SCHOOL NURSE redface.gifredface.gif

  5. Originally posted by Bishaaro:

    I have to say David Chappele.


    Brown: I liked that episode too ( The KKK dude>>WHITE POWER), especially when he divorces his wife, not bc she made him believe he's white, but she married a Nigga loooooooool.


    I forgot to add, The FRUITCAKE LADY on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. That old woman cracks me up. Can't get the link but type 'ask the fruitcake lady' on google.

    Bisharo: The fruit lady is just plain crazy. and ppl asking her ****** Qs. :D


    Am guessing you also like the 'the tonight show Pres. bush'.loool..*hehehehehe*(with the shoulders)

  6. see, thats all you had to do. listen carefully. :D


    hehe@woodcock. i can imagine that name being called over the intercom. 'mr woodcock, dick, please dial...'


    lol@f!ck for life.

  7. whats with these xalimos?


    i didnt ask for a moral, i pondered if you guys have heard of ludicrous weired names before.


    Dont you females ever listen? :D


    besides, i have always been morning person....6am am always UP.Lazy Bum.........

  8. ^Her Question was quite simple. does she have to be a homophobe to be a good muslim?


    You said YES? ...right right.


    A good muslim is one who is a HOMOPHOBE!...


    licks his pencil , and proceeds to jot that one down.. :eek:

  9. I AM NOT A HOMOPHOPIC , forget about this sh*t R/virgin, cut her into pieces and feed her to the hyenas, before she spreads her disease.

    Juma,There No Hyenas in Daytona Beach :D



    r u trying to say that WE MUST be homophobs to be good muslims?




    R.V.: Is she a Hottie? ;)

  10. Limits? , That’s a very vague question dearest.


    Limits to what exactly? Laws of life, day to day rules? .


    If that were the case, then I would certainly say limits are needed.


    However if you were talking about the mind, dreams and imagination, why would one limit them?


    Besides, it’s about time we experimented on limitless life anyway.

  11. Dave is crazy. Y'all remember that episode with Wayne Brady, Balaayo I almost cracked a rib and bust my gut but my fav. was when Rick James guest starred on the show, that was just beyond funny anyway here is my top 5

    LOL. I loved it when he says 'Charlie murphy never hit me' and then 1 minute later, he says, 'yea i rem charlie murphy hitting me' lool.


    *coccaine is a heluvva drug*. Did you see when him and lil Jon appear and Oprah calls and says shes pregnant? looool.


    Fav. Episode: Black Bush.(and the KKK black dude!).


    Watch tonights reruns of the ppls chappele. :D


    he's nicknamed one girl Lemon already, I shudder at to think what he would think of next.

    Lol.Lemme guess, you read the first and the last line sowmahan?, Typical Xalimo. Fudeed Badnaa. If you ask me you just wanted to respond to me hastily for me to notice you. Well it worked. :D



    The least you could do was read the damn piece. i know its Junk but it does help you respond better. ;)



    lol you wish...I don't think your poor confused heart could handle it, so keep it at customer services girls

    You are retreating back miyaa?, didnt you say you work as a Customer service girl sometime back?? ;)

  13. When i said gone are the days they would dictate the terms, i was refering to my earlier comments about ilitrate and blind Corrupt African leaders being cheated and duped into signing crazy contracts that only benefited the west.


    Many African countries learned from past. New leadership and civic education have made it difficult for lenders to take advantage of these poor nations.


    Just recently, during an HIPC(HEAVILY INDEBTED POOR COUNTRIES) conference in the Ethiopian capital Adis Ababa,Quite a Number of Progressive African Leaders Quetsioned the strict rules enforced by the world bank. this is just an example btw. its a start that they are standing up.


    Of course, the IMF and the World Bank dictates the lending terms(so does any lender-including your local xawala), but when you learn how to fiscally manage your money,empower your population and learn the terms,conditions and the consequences, surely they are not dictating. NO?



    You are right you not an expert, and neither am i. icon_razz.gif

  14. chatting up a customer service girl kulaha ....i bet you couldn't chat the socks of a blind granny wax kale iska dhaaf mister...stop biggin' yourself up

    HeHeHe. Are you hitting on me? icon_razz.gif



    Loool..! I have to ask you this, do you know this from personal experience of Brown's tactics..?

    Juma, LOL, sxb i think she wants to find out. :D

  15. getting back to ur raula concerning the politikin of HIV drugs, well unlike most unrealistic liberal minded ****** i am realist, u cant force big pharma to provide free medication we all have to realize like or not we live in capatalist driven world, they do have to answer to their shareholders

    No one is asking them to give out the drugs for free. What’s the point of them developing drugs when it’s of no use to them?


    90% of the worlds HIV cases is in the sub Saharan Africa. They shouldn’t be bothered in any way to waste money on research if they are not going to make the drugs cheaper.

    It’s a simple case of supply and demand.

  16. Good Brown, Shy “didn’t see anything wrong that the developed nations did†as well.

    In a way, He is right. Many of these Debts are as a result of Poor Money Managment(and gorvernance) By corrupt African regimes, as i have said earlier. The west was lending money to these regimes for loyalty purposes during the cold war. Some western nations Deliberately kept some of these regimes in power.


    Now, weather the west Deliberately(again) made these regimes dictatorial so that they can lend them money to manipulate them and use the natural resources(congo's diamond case in mind here)is one thing.


    Or It could also be the fact that most African leaders Back then were simply illitrate and were taken advantage off.they didnt know what the fine prints said or meant.


    He is in a way right, some African leaders were solely responsible for these huge massive debts. Knowingly or unknowingly.



    I do realize, however, that it takes a well-seated convictions and a set of principles to take a stand against Bush’s hegemonic policies in particular, and west’s unfair lending practices in general. And that may as well be a foolish daring for some, and admirable bravery and valor for others

    Gone are the days when the west would dictate lending terms.

  17. ^we were talking about debt relief.


    What Shy was talking about is the MIGHTY AIR POWER the USA has, you have to admit they do have some major A$$ whooping BOMBS.


    You can hate on the USA all you want, but by admission from everyone they are the only remaining superpower.


    Up and coming Powerhouses dont have a thing right now, They are still teh superpowers.



    Respect & Hate are two different things.

  18. Yeah they always punk people like Justin, all these Mickey Mouse celebrities, you never see them try to punk any rappers. I wanna see them try to Punk DMX.


    "Hey DMX you've been Punk'd!"


    "Oh yeah. You've been stabbed!"

    They did punk some rappers. They even punked the rock. but they got scared from the WWF dude, stone something?


    Has Anyone seen ELLEN DEGENERES PERFORM STAND UP? :D shes hilarious.


    Seriously has yall seen KEVIN JAMES(tha dude from KING OF QUEENS/HITCH) doing a stand UP??? :D


    Smashing Hilarious i tell ya....