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Posts posted by Faarax-Brawn

  1. Brown, that explains the question regarding apparent pornographic material

    Oh,lol. must have overlooked it.


    Eitherways, do you see my take on this tho?


    There was no enough historical background on the subject for us(me?) to be convinced otherwise that she has never entertained the idea(act?) of lesbianism.


    someone refute this theory. icon_razz.gif

  2. Fantastic story line, great moral to the story. Good writing skills.(although you could have minimised the number of times you have used her name) ;)


    But you haven’t given us Nimco’s sexual preference in the beginning, there is no mention of her sexual orientation, if she liked men or liked women. For all we know she could be secretly be a lesbian or have some characteristic of a bisexual individual. (Besides living alone/unmarried).


    Are we just to assume that by her being a Somali, then most likely she’s not a lesbian?


    Suppose we assume, What was she doing with a picture of a female’s private part? After all she’s an anthropologist and not a gynecologist.


    There is little or no biographical information about Nimco’s life in Canada. What was her childhood like?

    Did she play with dolls? What was her dating life like etc?


    For all we know she could be a lesbian.



    Ps. We are supposed to look at this literally right? (Entirely fictional) No?

  3. I remind myself of our Lord 5 times a day thanx very much


    anyway since both of you are not getting what I'm getting at, NEVER MIND


    I don't want this to become another bickering session


    Maalin Wanaagsan

    That still doesnt change the fact that all she did was remind you that theres better things to do. with or w/out you rem. your lord 5 times.


    maalin wacan.

  4. Damn.This is deep. Pass the Joint.


    1-When cheese gets its picture taken, what does it say?


    A: GUM.


    2- What would a chair look like, if your knees bent the other way?




    3- What do you do when you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant?


    A: Eat Both of Them.(what?)


    4- If a turtle doesn't have a shell, is he homeless or naked?


    A: I'd say the Niggga is Naked.

    5- If a man is standing in the middle of the forest speaking and there is no woman around to hear him - Is he still wrong?


    A:Of coz hes wrong.(whats he doing in the forest w/out a woman?)


    6- What was the best thing before sliced bread?


    A: Weed.


    7- If quitters never win and winners never quit, what f@@l came up with, "Quit while you’re ahead"?


    A: Puff Puff and Pass yo.I]


    8- How much deeper would the oceans be without sponges?


    A: You will find out when i throw you off my yatch.Jigga Wha?


    9- Everyone has a photographic memory; it's just that some of us are out of film. True or false?


    A: Am not part of 'You' folks.


    10- Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive, anyway. True or false and why?


    [A: More weed.Pleaase. thats too deep for me.

  5. I watched a nature programme about monkeys a while ago, and I remember seeing a scene about chimps having same-sex orgies. Curled my toes, that did.

    I saw a programme like that,only this one was about Gorillas. They solved every dispute by 'humping'. Theres no actual penetration invloved.its mostly 'ceremonial'[whatever that means] icon_razz.gif



    Mental Note: Arabs!. Even their Dogs are gay! ........

  6. lol.what?????


    worm kulaha? you cant even bend .axem :D


    Turns the music back to Mysticals' *shake that A$$ show me whachu working wit*


    Bites lips@[faarax style @juba]................ushers her to show me what shes working wit....... :D

  7. But they do have a choice. Come on,what are we, a bunch of punks?! You step on my toes, I'm knocking you out.

    :D Tell em, thats how yalls do it in the dirrt'teyh dirrtty souf!




    on the real tho, supuu, its not all parts of the world that has women empowered as you 'is'. some ppl were raised to fear,obey and simply be afraid of men.

  8. Originally posted by juba:

    quote:Originally posted by Brown:


    Lets face it,some islamic nations tilt slightly towards men's side.

    yea like every other major religon
    Juba, walaalo. why do i care about what other religions do or they dont do?


    I have a perfect religion. and when muslims come around and twist it to suit their very own egotistic rulings, that i have a problem with.


    One thing i know is, if and if that woman would have lived in a western country, the outcome will not be like this.

  9. Respect: noun: 1. the condition of being honored (esteemed or respected or well regarded)

    2. an attitude of admiration or esteem

    You took the whole meaning of the word Literally to a whole new level.


    you still didnt asnwer my q. what should i do with Brenda?

  10. This political correctedness thing is going to far...how can you..in your right mind...say that our religion says to 'RESPECT' someone who Allah hates? Who Allah and his angels curse? Who is the source for Allah's anger?

    SO, what do you suggest i should tell brenda, my co worker who is the sweetest thing i have ever laid eyes on? that i shouldnt respect a lesbian ???



    Brother, with all due respect you just explained why Feminism exists not lesbianism. Lesbians loathe men with passion so that rules out the idea they are trying to be more like men

    MsWord. whats the difference? :D

  11. shy.


    The new owner had to do some. eh



    In NFL u don't make a move just because u need a make over, but rather for strategic reasons.And that includes trading players to increase your chances of winining.

    So, why would a team get rid of its best player?



    Yes, nate burlson,Marcus Robison and Kelly Campbell.However none of them is as productive as Randy Moss



    Exactly! Ain’t nobody heard of em Mothaeffers! Daunte keeps on throwing the darn ball to RM.,As if hes the only player in the team.



    Yes,we lost some and we won some.In most cases, Our defense just let us down.

    Dude, without Randy, that team was nothing. He comes in and they start winning. Sure the D fence sucked, but with randy in, they were winning games.






    Again Assumption number two.We had no problems with our recievers.Our offense was one of the most explosive, and we were rated the second best offense after the Colts.

    Dude. You must be chewing on some heavy jaad. Didn’t you just say the other recievers were not as good as RM? That’s what am talking about, without randy in there, daunte could not be able to communicate with them. He only throws the darn ball to RM.


    Now, tell me what the offense stats are w/out Randy?.uhuh yea. Sure…….






    Partly true, but nobody said so.We never said randy moss alone will deliver us a superbowl ring.Furthermore if u check carefully,i said i'm not anti moss trade, which basically means i'm not against the idea of shipping moss to another team.However i didn't like what we got in return.There is no way we are going to fix our defensive problems with a seventh pick and Napolean Harris.Add the depature of moss to our defensive issues and i'm telling u,here in the viking's country we are no longer optimistic about the future.

    My thing is, all these other recievers were outshined by moss. They gonna step up to the plate and play hard. That’s my personal belief.



    Put u'r facts before the hate

    No I don’t have to give facts to hate a TEAM. Hehehe

  12. You should go outside the house or to the balcony/window and throw the fallen tooth towards the direction of the place where you born, if you didnt do that you won't get a new tooth again

    This is a MYTH??????????????. I just told my nephew the other day he had to do that ritual.. poor kid went to his mom and asked for the hospital he was born @. we googled it, got the direction and did the darn thng...


    Arghhh.... icon_razz.gif


    Anyways,i went to baadiye one time[Ask my ayeeyo], we were hearding some waxaros and it was about to rain, so i was so excited and i started pointing(with my finger) at the rain, you know how you can smell and feel the rain when its about to rain?[saxansaxan?]. i was so excited.shouted Rain! Rain! Rain!. and she slaps my hands and tells me in a authoratative voice. 'never point at the rain, if you point it will not rain'


    of coz it was just some drizzle,and it never really rained. when everybody was at home that evening talking about how it rained in meel hebel,she had the need to tell everyone how i jinxed the rain.


    I came back home the following week. I never pointed at the sky . i still beleived i was responsible for a dry season in baadiye.(until i took a science class in highschool) :D