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Posts posted by Faarax-Brawn

  1. "I get charged one price and she gets charged another price for virtually the same material,"

    Poor him, He paid for both eh?



    Smart Man.


    Using Politics to Solve Domestic Issues.


    I am voting that Guy in...... if hes willing to reduce the price of dirac and dahab(not to mention diamonds) icon_razz.gif

  2. ^interesting how u ignored the second part of the queston "..if other men used your sister or daughter that way"

    You Prolly Didnt Read everything i wrote eh?


    She Made all that money Because PPL took pleasure Watching her HALF NAKED BODY!!


    ^This here is what Me Says,regardless if it was my sister or even you[and i like you more than the regular sol xalimos] ;)


    Oh! Gee.Nice Legs she has. icon_razz.gif

  3. ^^Well said.[in regards to the what she does -is for Allah to judge]. Also i agree with you on the average somali being as generous etc.....


    However You came back and threw a curve ball straight @me, when you said the following:


    A bit off-topic but... whoever find pleasure in watching a half naked woman, would you be proud if other men used your sister or daughter that way???

    How can i say this, err umm....aaa..Lord whats the word here?? Hmm.... .SHES A FREAKING MODEL!!!!!.....(well was million yrs ago icon_razz.gif ) She Made all that money Because PPL took pleasure Watching her HALF NAKED BODY!!


    And oh yea. Smashing legs for a 50yr Xalimo! icon_razz.gif

  4. ^Bisharo and it sure did look like a three cent comment.lol


    Anyhu Farah. Columbus is not a very bad place.The problem with somalis is they judge a city by where and what somalis do. True, some of the weirdest somalis live in the 614 area ,but they!, You cant avoid somalis.


    There lots and lots of things to be done in columbus. One of my fav things i did when i went to columbus was visit the Martin Luther King Cultural centre. Loved it.


    You can also see a Statue of the Man himself,Chris Columbus.fun eh?


    Avoid Morse[moos] and Maize street :D

  5. Mr/Mrs Smoker did you know that each year more than 400, 000 americans end up in that

    Axem. How about Canadian smokers?

    Am guessing The smokers on the other side of the atlantic dont have to quit eh? :D


    we are safe eh???


    on da real tho'Good Stuff son.smokers beware

  6. War Brownoow...always have to comment on everything eh



    Absolutly Not. I just like picking on You.


    I honestly didnt undestand what you meant by, "Happy Answering" , i mean you have to admit it was a silly and kinda cute word and all, but how could one be 'happy' when answering?. :D


    ok, i will leave you alone hadaba. icon_razz.gif


    oh, its not my brain that needs the salid.

  7. ^First of all, stop being a qaxoti. Just like any major decisions, you are given options, risks (fears?) and myths that come along with it


    One of the things given to you when you become a donor is a pamphlet that gives you a detail description of the options you have. One of the myths that is contained in that pamphlet is the fear Amethyst just talked about,.



    Just so you know donation neither disfigures the body nor changes the way it looks in a casket. Organs are removed surgically, similar to the removal of an appendix or a gallbladder from a live body. Comprende?


    Also most states do have the option of giving you the choice to donate what you want to donate. Plus your family has to still sign consent before any removals.


    My fear is not about my body being disassembled or disfigured. (am dead already maaha?).


    Is the risk worth it?, knowing you saved a life!

  8. ^Good lord of the Caribbean! , I have a funny feeling (I could be wrong!), that you are confusing between donating one’s body for experimentation ,educational purpose rather(mostly to medical institutions?) versus the regular day to day organ donation.


    I very much doubt it if that’s the case dear. Organ donation is what it is indeed is. Donating an Organ. Otherwise it will be ‘corpse donating’? NO?


    ^ I don't see why. In the byline of a supermarket, EVERY LITTLE HELPS

    I don’t get the joke, but oh well nonetheless here it is, :D

  9. ^You are making it as if every limb, arm and body part is plucked and removed like a Disassembled vehicle.

    Am sure you know its only the critical organs that are removed. (Liver, heart and kidneys)


    Am going to pose the same question I posed to your fellow londonite, will I get credit for every good deed the receiver does?

  10. I have two views on this subject---If people started to donate their organs when they died...the demand would decrease and poor poeple in third world countries would not have to sell their organs to survive (alot of young women and men, in India particulariy, sell their kidney (+other organs) to pay off debts or just buy food...from european and American customers. It's a very large lucrative black market business).

    Wouldnt it be much easier to adress the ISSSUES that causes poverty? :confused:


    I am a Donor!(Gladly).However what am worried about is,if and when someone gets my parts,and then turns around to be a menace to the society , :confused: am i to Blame?

  11. Raami saxiib shatigada ha ka weynaniin, dadka qaar in ay ka turaan ay rabaan been ayey ku sheegayaan. If you keep listening to them you will change your name to Mark Twain.

    Juma, Come on man, give credit where its due,hes not bad of a writer. the brother will shame mark Twain & Forresst Gump all @once. :D


    Amethyst, LOL.Paid a lil too much attention eh?


    whats a stalker by any other name... *axem*



    Jeelusiya?,is that a language they speak in Phantamasgoria?(if thats a habitable place) ;)

  12. He shifted his weight to one leg and let go. It was not only loud, but as stinky as a rotten egg. He had a hard time breathing, so he felt for his napkin and fanned the air about him.



    I mean,seriously how can that number of people be so silent with that kind of deadly gas?


    i would burst my lungs out laughing and then kick his gas releasing A$$.