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Posts posted by Faarax-Brawn

  1. Where's Bill Cosby

    I have No idea where Bill cosby is.


    somewhere in new jersey or new york am guessing though

    why are you looking for mr cosby?


    Wait,wait lemme say that in izzle language...



    I have No idea where B-to-tha-izzill cosby is.


    somewhere in new jersey or new york am spendin' though

    why is you look'n fo` mr cosby.


    Hey Amethyst, I 'need' to talk to you(you seem like the kind that can be approached),so holla at me. ;)

  2. [quoteإذا لم تستحى Ùصنع ما شئت" ..هنا أقول Ùكتب ما شئت!...



    Sure, I will see you @the desert

  3. Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, "I think I'll squeeze these dangly things here and drink what comes out"?

    ^I have no Idea, UdderDog, err i mean UnderDog.sorry oops :D

  4. HeHeHe.Hanif.


    Check this Translation i digged here.

    Hi, everyone

    my name is mr green, nomad gangsta in this somaliaonline website.where we D-R-to-tha-izzink camel mizzay like gin n juice.

    holla B-to-tha-izzack all mah maryooleys with the gangsta shit that keeps ya hangin



    if you wanna translate, go up to where its says,'textilizer' and type anything

  5. Did you ever sneak out of da house?????..




    and if dats a Yes How? Why?


    How, I Bribed the security guard(sigar iyo tubako)

    Why,Some xalimo Dared me.


    u ever get busted?? lol

    Yes,The same security Guard reported my **** .Laakin i had the last laugh,since i added some Ooma(sabuun) on his tubako! :cool:

  6. Morning!.World's Best Cyber Buddies.


    Love huh?

    Well i got A love quote for yall,'Virginia is for Lovers' icon_razz.gif


    serious quote.



    We the willing


    Led by the unknowing


    Are doing the impossible


    For the ungrateful…


    We have done so much


    With so little


    For so long


    We are now qualified


    To do anything


    With nothing.

  7. Brown/Green: and I suppose you are Mr Bright, pointing me to the light

    *My Thank You.*. You notice the positives in me eh?. I could really care less anyways.


    Moving along.....

    If you would've been so smart as to read between the lines, you would've noticed I was just being dramatic and that was all there was to it. But no, there you go assuming the worst and poking your lil red nose into places it's not meant to be...War dee bas...

    Now Backpeddling here arent we?! Seriously What could possibly be hidden in that post you had previously?.


    Between the lines you said?,God these lines :rolleyes: ,where are they when you need to see them? .If anything you were very clear.You just prooved me right about your sensitivity.


    Dear, Grow/borrow a spine and stand up will ya?. Actually scracht that since am not into the advising business. ;)


    there you go assuming the worst and poking your lil red nose into places it's not meant to be...War dee bas...

    Assuming?, actually i was right on the money(going with the theme here bashi!), about your Sensitivity.Tsk Tsk Tsk....And oh yea My Nose is not Red, Its green. icon_razz.gif


    UD.LoooL. way to go son.Knock the crap outta anything that moves.....

  8. Sheherezade.!

    Let's stay positive, please. I have good news. I made a decent amount of money today- aside from the boring day job- and I didn't even do anything! Delegation, gotta love it. I'll give some of it incharity, inshallah. I'm encouraged.


    No enthusiasm for anything us Somalis!! Anybody else have anything positive to add to Bashi's post?

    ^Yes. I do Have Something Positive to say. The concept of 'beating one's own drum'[in regards to making decent amounts of money], is not something that is quite fitting in this topic.


    Phanta. I dont need Diamente's attention. :eek:

  9. Horta, what's happening in SOL lately? Everyone is at each other's throat, and don't say this is just a mere exchange of words, because really it isn't. Everything has to be blown out of concept and proportion. I even have to think twice about replying to threads, I fear for my safety and well-being on the net which is ridiculus.

    Is it the weather change, hormones, boredom...WHAT!?

    ^Dont be ridiculous.There was basically nothing going on.Horta You are very Sensitive.Sometimes i wanna reply to you{and some others} genuinly but ,out of respect i say to myself.'How would she(they) take it'?.so i just divert.


    I wish ppl could take some heat without xanaq.


    I am actually craving for some argument,some punches. all you rats are Wuss's and Chickens!.


    I say Amethyst and U.D are handling this quite well. Am actually impressed.

  10. ^Ameythist,Good Place you from 2months ago eh?


    Happy for you Dear. :D


    Checkmate Sxb, Hes Not Santa Claus,Just a lil Bearded Suze Orman-ish Farah.


    Baashi,I tell you this. You not helping here.

  11. Stop Going in circles.Man.


    What should a farax like that do to save?



    Having said that, Faarax has to use the process of elimination. Shopping jackals that don’t make enough money to satisfy their unsustainable habits are out of the radar. Next, gold diggers and penny lovers are not on the list. Beauty chicks with no other qualifying attributes are avoided. Degree waving, arrogant Xaliimos and this particular Faarax have irreconcilable differences and hence these types are not pursued. Helpless and confused Xaliimos who demand attributes and qualities they don’t even have from this Faarax are shown to the door. This way Xaliimo expenses are reduced and Faarax’s self esteem is enhanced by showing him how to exercise his choices. He now knows he too have to select the best and the brightest

    ^You Reckon?. This almost Impossible to Archieve. Better off with your other plan. :D

  12. By any chance, is there anyone who’s willing to pay u $50/Hr for ur skills?

    Good Grace. NoBody is willing to pay me $10.50.


    Scenario: Get Paid Weekly. eh? $10/hr. work 40hrs, thats 400/week.net Income after taxes 300bucks.monthly pay of 1200bucks eh?


    Income: .............. ................ $1200



    Rent/utilities: $400

    Insurance: $100

    Food/Gas/Other: $100

    Somalia $400

    Total Expenses:...........................$1000



    Net Income: ..................................$200


    This is the typical farax Budget.


    I left out Malboro lights, Jaad,Tim Hortons and Riwayad Expenses. :D of course Xalimo Expenses.

  13. So what crime have i committed brother?]

    You Have Committed the crime of talking Niic.The crime of Talkin Cowdung and Horse Manure.The crime of confronting A Lady.

    Surely thats a Crime.Besides,Shes the Boss here.


    If you ask me, She was awfully nice to you.Had that Been me, i would have deleted every thing you had written .


    Grown A$$ men talkin about Pubic hair? Sometimes i beleive what freud says. icon_razz.gif