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Aaliyyah;739981 wrote: nop havent been burping at all lol...tan kale oatmealki waxbaad ka sheegi..digirtii waxbaad ka sheegi..aduu maxaad cunta wa suaale? Everything else except the two you mentioned.LOL.
Dubai Burj Khalifa: Ramadan Fast 'Lasts Longer High Up'
Faarax-Brawn replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in General
N.O.R.F;739888 wrote: G to floor 124 takes about 90s seconds What about the other way round? from 124 to G?- is it not faster? Eitherways, It will save me a good 30secs LMAO -
Aaliyyah;739976 wrote: loool ..why walaal? I personally don't like eating digir but it was the only thing my mom cooked had to force it down! bt whats wrong with digir iyo caano?? salaam Daac qurun.com aa ka dhaceyso.
Gheelle.T;739977 wrote: You will be asking for trouble if you eat greasy stuff for Suxur. Oatmeal or Grits and a glass of milk with honey. That should do it for me! Oatmeal, is haraad bringing cunto.
Aaliyyah;739971 wrote: had digir and cup of milk for suxuur...or as some of you call it "canbuulo" salaam Digir iyo caano? Something aint right with u dear Aaliyah.
Valenteenah.;739835 wrote: I like the camel-herders in the banner...and also its smaller size. SOL without geel is not SOL at all. Owrta are indeed eye catching....the sun and the desert dunes in the background add to it as well.
Dubai Burj Khalifa: Ramadan Fast 'Lasts Longer High Up'
Faarax-Brawn replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in General
A_Khadar;739840 wrote: That high, elevator would take longer than seconds if floor stops added, it could take more than minutes.. 2 minutes is not much.. I thought hour or more when I read the title.. All things constant, i dont think it will take more than 2 minutes. -
Dubai Burj Khalifa: Ramadan Fast 'Lasts Longer High Up'
Faarax-Brawn replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in General
L0L. two minutes a whole lotta time. Esp in the desert...that place is hot even @6am. -
The Red fonts look ok to me.
Dubai Burj Khalifa: Ramadan Fast 'Lasts Longer High Up'
Faarax-Brawn replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in General
But you can take the elevator down in secs and break your fast on the first floor? -
Juxa;739588 wrote: Fb maxaa la ganuunacee? And most importantly to me yaah yaah It is not greasy kebebka taqan, this is made out of tuna Ganuunaca baahida iga keentay walashey L0L. Kabab sidiisaba maba kaheli, something iffy about it
Juxa;739585 wrote: Val I like malawah, I do mix caano to get soft. But since Ramadan started I did not make it. Picked up from my sister few times bless her she makes us afur to go Now did you ever try making kabaab ? Not kebab the Turkish version. I give you the recipe if you have not made it yet. Simple and delicious What the hoot is the difference? Kabab,kebab shiish kebab... Malawax, Sambus,etc is filling, when i was younger,i could down those things in minutes,not any more. Valenteenah, ooh, I see you are a victim of the make her cook and dont show up game, Most men pull that once every now and then...I am just kidding,there is no such pact in the male fratenity. LOL.
Aaliyyah;739386 wrote: ^I am sure princess doesnt go there to socialize n was just talking abt ppl's attitude it is good to see people in a good mood at the mosque after all to smile is sunnah....bt many ppl actually go there to socialize.. I salam Then she has no reason to worry about ganfur taag habro
nuune;739392 wrote: Just had my suxuur, hopefully will leave this crazy timing by tmoro and head off to the GMT timing zone, xagee lagu arkey waxan, my afur was exactly one hour ago, and now suxuur, maalintii koobaad ayba dhaantey 2 hours camal aaba u dhaxeesey, yaasiinka iyo burdaha Doora kalifkeed?(MUUFOY MAC)
princesshafsa;738798 wrote: hello everyone! i am a little bit confused and i would like to know if any of you have experienced this. i went to the masjid tonight to pray taraweeh and almost all the females i saw there looked really mad:confused:i am a little bit confused, isnt masjid suppose to be meel farxad ah oo dadka dhan is sharfaan instead oo afka leeysku taagayo?hada dhihi lahaa miskiimiinta wey gaajeysanyihina ma ah because this was after iftar Adu masjidka ma waxaad utimid to socialize?
Juxa;739356 wrote: Pucca I am with you mixure of water melon with honey melon and I am sorted! Watermelon as in Qare & Xabxab?---gabdhow, maxaad cuntaan heedhe?
^Eat Less aa?-Yaa warkaas kaa dhageysanaa? Suxurtu, waa muhim indeed.
-Lily-;738232 wrote: To avoid heart burn stay clear of heavy foods & especially fried stuff which has too much herbs added to it. Ramadan is about self-restraint, that includes after you afur as well. Good Saxuur foods: Yogurt with a tea spoon of flaxseed Cereal/Weetbix with banana or berries Porrige with Agave nectar Toast / sandwich (light toppings) Pancake with dates (malawax from earlier on) Fruit with frozen yogurt or ice cream (it’s really hot at the moment) Slice of plain cake and milk Soup with a bun or slice of toast (if you’re very hungry) Or at least that’s what I would eat if I ever woke up for saxur, the prayer & cup of tea and a glass of water if there is time is usually enough. I am always astounded that people can eat full meals at that hour of the night. People eating heavy afur/saxur are doing themselves no favours. Thats is my kinda suxur.
^What is an innocent smoothie dear Fahmo?
Yes i am interested.
Yaabka-Yaabkiis;732575 wrote: Hello, Yaabka-Yaabkiis waaye oo safarki dheeraa ee Virtual world kasoo laabtay, Suaal please? Bidaar yar iyo ciro ayaa bilaabatay, is that da'di badatyay mise fikirka, mise sanadkaan ayaa bidaarti iyo cirada badatay? Yaabka-Yaabkiis Sual gani hii?- Bidaar iyo cirro qofkey soo gasho,waa habar oday ah. End of story. Showqii beentisa xabadna haa ka dhageysan.
&Now they are beating up Sheikhs in Mosques here in Minnesota
African man in the kitchen? Quick, call the fire brigade
Faarax-Brawn replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in General
Juxa;732202 wrote: Aaliyah yours is the excitement of youth Fiiri cadeey he must provide but no sharci says inaan canjeelo walaaqo! As I said before to me chores are not biggie. I am control freak and like things done my way so I just do it myself mostly. If push comes to shove lakin xeer baa noo degsan Now I wish I could stay home too, sadly geeljire invested and as such I must keep career. Another long day ahead ee bal good night gacaliso FB waa iska sheeko waxeena ee we wait our kasband fadhigiisa! Waqti xun baa lagu jiraa and us ladies waxaan nahay dispensable. L0L@Juu-Caadi matihid. But,aan ku ask gareeyo; what do u mean by "waqti xun" LMAO -
African man in the kitchen? Quick, call the fire brigade
Faarax-Brawn replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in General
Aaliyyah;732200 wrote: Farax brawn dee way xineesani haha LMAO- You are funny - -
African man in the kitchen? Quick, call the fire brigade
Faarax-Brawn replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in General
Ooo bilcaanta maxay qaban markuu ninka jikada galo? Ba'a