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Everything posted by Faarax-Brawn

  1. ^Waa iska caadi- Malika;745817 wrote: ^Aaaw, how nice of you..lol Whats up with the sarcarsm,heh?
  2. ^Dont listen to him. Look at his last name? Ina Jaad. Do you really think a jaad head and an atirisho can have duel? No dheh anyway, i dont remember if i wlc you or not,but so dhaaf. Gacmo iyo laab furan.
  3. I know a couple of guys who work for a couple of these companies. Some are quite legit,ya ppl
  4. I dont know a particular song that moves my heart, but this ONE here moves my BODY
  5. Che -Guevara;745258 wrote: Nothing beats accent...funny to the bone. Reer Mudug and Waqooyi accents are just obnoxious. Absolutely. Those guys,and the other variations are just straight hilarious. I find rer woqoyi funny as well...those guys are just naturally funny.
  6. Chocolate and Honey;745197 wrote: Solers, lately I feel lethargic. I don’t know what it but I’m in a funk. I tried exercise and eating healthy. I tried sleeping and resting. NOTHING! I’m tired from or rather unmotivated from the minute I wake up to the minute I go to bed. What gives? Since SOLERS are my own private therapists, doctors and psychiatrists all in one, I refuse to pay for any medical advice. So hit me! What do you do when you are in a funk? Any particular remedies or activities you take? Any supplements? I think it must be something to do with the air in MN. I feel the exact same way. I thought it was my lack of taking water,but,nope. I went to the gym, same shzit. So, i am trying the next thing
  7. Wadhyeeee, meeshan or should i say Meejaney, reer bari baa ka buuxo, ee balse watch what you say,Boowe. My favorite accent i think is the different variations of the OG accent. Those,of northern Kenyan, the Galtis(as we call em), and those of Southern Som. I also, find the deep Southern xeey tiri xuu yiri accent extremely entertaining. anyway, Juma Kareem
  8. Libaax-Sankataabte;745101 wrote: FB, Obama waxbuu la aamusan yahay. I am still puzzled by the persona of this man. Either he knows something we don't know, or he is doomed to fail. Tonight we will see what plan he has. Here is a piece from informs.org "With the presidential election a year and a half away, campaigning and punditry are already intense, with many commentators noting Obama’s low approval numbers in the polls and pronouncing him highly vulnerable. The most reliable model of presidential elections, however, indicates a different answer. Based on his “13 keys” model, quantitative historian Allan Lichtman called the 2012 election for Obama nearly a year ago, with some caveats about how some keys might change. His predictions are based on 13 questions, each with a “true” or “false” answer (see box). “True” answers favor the incumbent party. If five or fewer answers are “false,” the incumbent party retains the presidency; if six or more are “false,” the challenger wins." Intresting, that is actually 5/out of six(i am counting,the "probably true of the reccession into false)...that is too close for comfort. But,dude is way too calm and sober for his issues. If that was me,it will show on my face, and i wouldve gone off on boehner on national tv with some expletives ala rahm style.
  9. Dont mess up the thread yaa jamcaaul marqaan, abti macaan, naga choochi LST, Obama waa loo yaaba sanadkani, lakini,i have a feeling he will go thru inshallah...as long as the 2 front runners are the Mittman and the texan. I say this because, Rick Perry is Michelle Bachmann in a cowboy hat while Romney is a clone of his fellow massachusseterian, Kerry. We will smoke them up(pending the job market scenerio...if the jobs arent there, Obama is toast) One thing he has to do tonight,is take it to the repubs and potray them as obstructionists while sounding optimistic. He needs to be the old obama and not the new weired dude. He needs to revamp his staff, something is amiss with the message & finally, he needs to have new ideas and not the old tired crap.
  10. x-madiino;744795 wrote: yes, this is the article sxb.. read it. http://www.bernama.com/bernama/v5/newsindex.php?id=611152 The malaysians dont know jack shiet. there are only 6-7 major clans in somalia(not sub clans)
  11. Showqi;744747 wrote: Soo dhowoow. Faarax-Brawn, buuqa jooji. Marti qaylo badan ha noqonin. Halkan Soomaali baa iska leh Hadaan joojin waayo? maxaad igu sameyn?
  12. x-madiino;744748 wrote: lolzzz, that is right, i have the source bro.... Proof it
  13. somalee;744733 wrote: Hello everybody, I'm glad to be here. Hope to learn from you and that my stay here will be great. Already excited about the prospect of interacting with some great Somali minds Have you thought about the prospects of interacting with the not so great somali minds? do you have a game plan,in the event that you run into one of these minds? Anyway, Wlc aboard, hopefully, you wont be another dissapointing newbie,who at first shows great signs of being a great nomad,only to fade to turn out to be a dud.
  14. Xoog badanaa...sandulis miyaa congratulationska? ...but since you are begging for it, i will say it. ,who knows, my duca could be accepted. "Mashallah bro. May allah make your union one that lasts long".
  15. Cara.;744699 wrote: The Amazon kindle. I guess any ebook reader would do, but this is the one I have currently and love it to bits. Oh yeah, also a water purifier. I never used to drink plain water because the tap water here tastes awful. Now it's like having xareed fresh off a cloud which brand? pur? *I still dont know the best thing i bought,ever*
  16. chubacka;744515 wrote: ^ what a useful network to be wired to, they should make that a radio stn haha, I would tune in. Lool@ FB, don't knock it until you tried it as they say. The thing is, i used to own a radio when i was 4yrs or so..marka i pictured if i owned a radio 40yrs or so ago(lol), it must be sad for someone to own one in 2011- Anyway,i was only jesting, i am sure a digitial radio is much fun...
  17. *Blessed;744532 wrote: I'm just glad that the current Brit golden is a Somali- big forehead and all. I'm sure we have many a talented young lads - hope he inspires more to take athletics seriously. Absolutely. Thats why i cheered for him. If Maxamad Farax Can do it, then Cali Farax, xusain farax, jamac faarax and qawdhan farax can and inshallah will all do it. Mashallah, he tried and tried and tried until he made it.
  18. ElPunto;744527 wrote: ^Don't you know - you can't state that you're not a big fan of Mo Farah(even if it's because his Q-ball of a head)? See the first page. So you hate talented Africans who leave their crappy countries to seek their fortunes where they can? No,not really. I just hate Benard Lagat and those Africans who run for other countries LOL. I am just not a big fun of Maxamad Farax, because, he is a threat to my favorite runners from Kenya..
  19. I am not a big fan of Mo Farah, but i cheared for him nevertheless,when he beat his friend Benard Lagat: Only because,i hate Benard Lagat & all those Africans(read Kenyans) who go run for other countries.(Whats up with Kalenjin calling himself, Husain Al Mahyum bin hudeyfah,he cant even pronounce it!!!). Anyway, I was really really happy for Maxamad Farax(i refuse to call him Mo Farah)..Only because for his resilience & his never give up attitude. Lets see how he will perform in London. As for Daegu, I am ever so happy because Kenya, of course was 3rd in the medal standing after 2 superpowers(usa had 300+ plus atheletes while kenya had 48).
  20. chubacka;744504 wrote: my digital radio (this might seem v. sad) but I am a big radio fan and this is brilliant, its served me well for years. . It might not seem sad,it is actually sad L0L. Just kidding, ive never owned a radio. Anyway, The best thing i ever bought,....I dont know really. I will have to think really
  21. Here is a link that could explain better. No known reason why it is...but,here it is anyway http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=circumcision-penis-microbiome-hiv-infection
  22. Yes. THanks. Africans are weired. the other day,i was watching news from tz and it said,that Zeruzerus are in high demand.
  23. Malika;743831 wrote: Lol@Ngonge. But as always Africans are still mystified by 'safe' sex - in some part of africa raping very young children or eating flesh of Albinos apparently cures AIDs... What do they call Albinos in swahili? i forgot. .... Just remembered. ZERUZERU(with the help of the internet of course)