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Everything posted by -Serenity-

  1. I went to see this last Friday. As stated, its subtitled, which took some getting used to. Overall I would give it a 3 star. It dragged on for some parts which was frustrating and the production got confusing towards the last 30mins as there was a lot of water involved in a grief stricken and destitute land. There is also not alot of mention or explanation of the political environment as alluded to by the snippets in the review. Its a story of a family, with the 1948 slicing and dicing of Palestine to curve out Israel as a backdrop.
  2. Somalia is the worst country to live in
  3. Sool, Sanaag iyo Bari bey isku xidha. Very strategic dheh!
  4. Sayid, I always thought Qardho was a joke-ish name for the place you're from and not an actual tuulo, until I saw it on this map! http://www.un.org/Depts/Cartographic/map/profile/somalia.pdf
  5. Prove it Ibtisam - give us another sheeko.
  6. Reading the archives and this ^ just made my day. ROFLMAS!
  7. Buuxo, jetlag is a thing of the past Alhamdulilah. Sayid, you feel a certain way about most things happening around you, even if it doesnt concern you. You feel a little sad when you read something tragic, elated when your team wins a sport you like, upset when you feel an unjustice has taken place etc etc. Its doesnt necessarily mean you're effected on the same level about different things and most times people just choose to 'feel' a certain way but not vocalise it, however the point is you do associate a certain type of feeling with almost everything around you. In this particular case, CL felt the lady in question was demeaning her worth and hence the repulsion. Nothing illogical about it.
  8. *Waves at Buuxo* Hello darling! how is sunny P? I'm terribly missing your city! You guys have the LIFE - great weather, sandy beaches, cafe culture... I'm getting depressed just thinking about it. [Edit] and good people!
  9. Originally posted by Sayid*Somal: -Feel bad that other people have an easier life. Sayid, you're confusing disgust with feeling jealous. Its a completely different feeling - revulsion that someone has to do such things for another person to be loved.
  10. There is this funny rumour floating around that there is a shortage of quality men, markaasey is wada qaateen nimankii oo dhan and gabdhihii dhulkey is wada dhigeyn. The embarrassment of being a woman these days!
  11. Hey Laba-X, long time no see! I cant say half the stuff above comes across as kufr at all. Also, dont see the issue with conforming to international law/charters as long as they are not in direct conflict with the Sharia, Quran and Sunnah. Curiously, is there such a thing (articles) as a uniform/basic Islamic constitution?
  12. Oh man, you guys have exhausted the troll corner? Cant say I'm sad to see it go, I was getting tired of seeing my own nick!
  13. Greetings from sunny Australia my UK folk I've been enjoying sunshine for 3 weeks and still going strong! Bad timing with the salaan?
  14. Last day in the office for 4 weeks - off to sunnier climes . Can any1 beat this level of cheerfulness? ha?
  15. I know, completely istubidh track.
  16. Xiin, ragu inta badani mid bey u taag laayihiin. Anyway, glad I made your day Tuujiye, I'm surprised you think I want to learn about polygamy - why? I found this the most amusing bit - its what Nur peddles! "It was difficult for me in the beginning, but I knew it was because of my emotions, my desires," she told me. "But polygamy is a way for us to find happiness and love in this world. "There are a lot of advantages for women in polygamous marriages - we learn how to control our desires and jealousies, and this brings us closer to Allah."
  17. Yes Choco and Honey, puts me off the whole marriage and babies shyte!
  18. I dont know wuxuu sameeyey! And his kombiyuutar is here but isagii is MIA! I was going to bargain a work-from-home for monday and tuesday before my holiday but I guess I can kiss that good-bye :mad: You know what made me very sad - waan daawanayey inanta and she used to be very pretty. Waxay u eekeyd qof waalan and waxay xidhneyd shaad qaaban and her dashboard tummy was, well... not sidii hore! I just had an overwhelming sense of sadness and disappointment looking at her... for her!
  19. Juxa, seriously hadal'ba wuu iga soo bixi waayey. Baby bey u dhashay a few months ago'na. I feel a mixture of sadness, wis-wis and anger.
  20. All this relationship drama! Maanta naagtuu ninka ceo'du qabo ayaa timidey office'ka isagoo maqan, markaasey isku xidhey qolkiisa oo waxkasta isku qastey. Its glass walls, soo waan daawanayey and couldnt do a thing, completely agog. Then wey iska tagtey like nothing happened.
  21. Sorry I'm on the run,so cant post any commentary, laakin ila akhriya and rejoice and yes, dont forget to contact them and offer support! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/8412496.stm
  22. I'm alone in the office and listening to magool out loud on you tube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2J7Vu_G948