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Everything posted by -Serenity-

  1. I am worth $2,426,454 on HumanForSale.com ... Thats more than Cara - all I need to know really!
  2. I’ve lost my voice. Sore throat galore this morning. I’ve presentation on Friday and lots of very important talking to do. Just wolfed down a concoction of vitamin C and Zinc tablets and two strepsils. Any other ideas on what else I can do to get rid of this horrible pain in my throat before Friday? Please help!
  3. Do you guys go to work in that weather? :eek:
  4. Originally posted by rudy: eat your heart val gal. guess them homies r going out of style!! its faraax time Rudy, I think you should wait until you shoot them birds to brag to dear Val. You know what they, a bird in hand is worth two in the bush! ha ha
  5. Originally posted by STOIC: Serenity, Now will you call my girlfreind and say to her what you just wrote? I think you just lost a couple of girly votes there . And maxaa gf'kaaga i gaadhsiinaya? Fuduul baa waxaas oo kale la yidha.
  6. Val, I feel so...so....outed! :mad: . Shuddup. But you're right, I would have voted for him. He is a polite, very complimentary nomad, who I consider very honest. I'd have also voted for Naden - the most balanced chick in here... and Cara, I dont know why, perhaps for her mean one-liner come backs at me! Stoic, . You deserve an honesty award. Some1 is winning the Crazy award, hands down
  7. I'm feeling slightly guilty for not sending my nominations (clearly, some of the categories could do with a bit more flavour. For starters, how can any1 think Stoic is the best citizen? The boy sounds like a greying old lecturer ready to kill ya mind with a volley of unimportant hardcore facts. And Nur should be excluded, simply because there are those who fear being unsanctified if they don’t vote for him, me included ), but I did enjoy voting and seeing the results. The duo category is my fave. Spot on with the Rudy and Val. I'd say, if these two can overlook each other's minor differences, a lot of love could be had! Val could learn to write a paragraph without worrying about the grammar and the full stops and Rudy would have new found faith in Somali sisters and be more forgiving of Jamaicans lol. I also eagerly await who wins the 'friendliest' category between Kimiya and North. Well done Centurion, for your efforts, you're my fave newbie!
  8. Cheb Khaled, Rachid Taha, Faudel - Abdelkader
  9. Originally posted by Taliban: Istaghfurullah! Waa markaad daawatay Inan fiican!
  10. Xu, make-up != pretty! Only ugly people put on make-up. Atleast thats what I've convinced myself for there is nothing else to explain why I cant look decent whenever I put it on. Even putting on something essentially as simple as mascara goes wrong half the time for me. I dont think I'd do a better job even if I had more mirrors and my eye-lashes on a plate. I suppose some people are just not made for the art. However, Kimiya's advice seems the easiest and least problematic to me... so might follow that one myself. No matter what, I wouldnt try to emulate any of Xalimo's eye-shadows... not for a while ateast.
  11. LOL. How do you know its true?
  12. Azmaya, they must be doing something right between the sheets because wadaads are usually the ones who go for more than one woman and often have tens of kids. So I'd assume, they perform their duties (and more) in that department.
  13. Originally posted by Johnny B : its just that darn reality of Asprin doing great job against headaches and Condoms protecting agains STDs That make me chuckle Johhny!
  14. Living outside of Somalia is considered by most as transit life, regardless of location. So in that sense, alot of people are in transit. And what better place to be in transit than somewhere safe, with an Islamic environment? Kimiya, I take it you're not missing Muscat one little bit?
  15. Brown, you hold long grudges haye? I said those things 5yrs ago. Five yrs. I was a teenager then. Since then I've said lots of nice things about you... like you're a decent bloke, a genuine friend etc etc. Do you ever remember that tho? Maya :mad: .
  16. Originally posted by Che-Guevara: Where did he praise us? It was implied in every 'point'.
  17. LoL. I'm good. Off work this week. Hooyo is on holiday with aabo. As for Valentine , I dont celebrate that gaalo-instigated, consumerism-perpetuated load of shyte. How are you and what possessed you to write all of that? You dont have to beat up other men if you want to praise the :rolleyes: Somali man :rolleyes: .
  18. Originally posted by Xoogsade: Xiinfaniin, Serenity is not up for the taking, She is already mine and taken, so stop giving her away Erm, u sheeg.
  19. Originally posted by xiinfaniin : ps--haddaad tartami kartidna Serenity yay ku dhaafin . One, baadiye ku ma nooli. Two, I certainly have a college degree. Three, why would you assume I was available? You're giving him mixed signals yaa Xiin? Inanka jarka ha ka tuurin yaa?
  20. Originally posted by MKA Yoonis: Tell me Xiin are you rather a 'modern man' or more of a traditionalist like me! Do you hoover the staircase, mop the kitchen floor , cook xiin recipes, wash the windows and dry the dishes? Please tell us, we would like to 'explore' more of how religiously leaning folks behave at home? LoL. Enquiring minds want to know, dheh!
  21. ^ Good for you Brown! I honestly cannot imagine you in love... you've always come across to me as... not of the romantic disposition... So tomorrow is V-day ey? What will you be doing then Brown? Dont mind the odayaal above ya, they have had their fun, once upon a time. I'm recovering from a mini-op I had yesterday so will be very busy abusing the privilege of having people at my beck and call.
  22. Why does my actual age matter? I look 18 but feel 30