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Everything posted by -Serenity-

  1. The day hasn't even began and I cant wait for it to end! :mad:
  2. ^You mean whats right with Rudy? Ok. I kid. Rudy, its all banter. I've nothing against u!
  3. ^U know she is right. Those Dutch boys wear skinny jeans. And who can take a man wearing tighter jeans than gabdhaha seriously? Not I.
  4. (shame Serenity had to grow up, my genes and those cheekbones would have produced some great babies). Genius’ too! Lay off the 18yr old fantasy. What could an 18yr old bring to a relationship besides a tight @$$? You’re demeaning the 30+ crowd whose interests and expectations go far beyond that. p.s. Rudy has more baggage than a divorced 45yr old woman whose hubby ran off with an 18yr old. Actually, Rudy's is worse, one of his 'women' most certainly ran away with a Jamaican " why drink an hand-out milk that always tastes different when you can own a luctating Cow of your fav taste ". As gross as comparing a decent woman to a lactating cow is, that adage is much better than the previous! Agree LoL@Johhny, you know, if I was distributing Xalimos, mid baan bari hore kuu soo tuuri laha
  5. ^ I was helping with DD's research!
  6. The SOL men are either: Married or Content in a relationship or Not looking for women who ‘chat/forum’. Or Too broke/young Which is why no self-respecting Xalimo should look into this pool for ‘potentials’. Of course, there is the odd exception here and there (Xoogsade, Gediid) D&D, is this another one of your ‘surveys’ for ‘friends’?
  7. Are you practicing your meager Arabic?
  8. ^^ Igu salaan qofkastoo aragtid
  9. ^dadkaad daan-daan saneysid iska daa.
  10. ^ Your question just brought me really good memories of one of my uncles. He used to be an ambassador and I went to his house (which was massive and very pretty, with the beach just a walk away) every Eid. It was the gathering place for the 'tol' . He gave me lots of money all the time. He passed away last year . Ilaahay ha u naxariisto.
  11. Inankan Gediid la yidha in biyo qabow lagu shubo ayuu rabaa.
  12. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ When you meet someone, you talk about what you have in common, silly. For example, if I ever get to meet you I am sure that we'll spend our time talking about Serenity's gravity defying cheekbones. I'm sure there are some implants and cosmotic surgery there you know. Lo0oL. NG, I'm all natural. Stop spreading rumours. Subxanalaah! I went to an Eid gathering in an open park in Greenford (1eid.net) sponsored by the charity Al-Fitrah. Waited in line for almost an hour to pray 2-raka. It was drizzling and uncomfortable. I cant remember an Eid prayer where I didnt return home cursing at the crowds. After that I had a long nap... then watched some tv all by myself, all alone at home. The sisters went out with friends and mum went around the neighbourhood. On saturday, we 'ordered' some hilib iyo bariis, where I made all the accompanying stuff and lots of reer 'aabo' iyo reer 'hooyo' showed up with all their kids.. who numbered into the zillions. All in all, I feel exhausted and financially depleted. I'm not sure I have enough money to celebrate my own B'day next week!
  13. I sympathize with you. I know the feeling. Mum really does my head in too. If it isnt, 'naa websitekaa noo gee... dee na tus waxa la sheegayo', its 'emailkeyka ii check'gare una jawaab so and so'. Worst of all is the 'e-mailkaas u forward'garee qofkaas iyo qofkaas iyo qofkaas' - this is in relation to ANY of those hadith/Quran e-mails. And if I dont do it, I get reminded every single hour! Waxa la i eegtaa markaan computerka isticmaalayo, especially if I seem to be doing something important! I've actually given up on teaching mum to surf the net herself... because every 2 seconds baa la ii yeedhaa with some or the other Q. Usually because she clicks on adds and stuff and su'aalo aan ka jawaabi kareen baa la i weydiinaya. Then she insists on not sticking to the objective and going from site to another... coming up with loads of ideas... and making me implement them. Like the time she insisted I call up some charity and pay a donation! * I hope I'm not coming across as trashing my mother, she is really a nice person - when not on the computer. ** The words you're looking for are 'insane frustration' Caano
  14. Zenobia, abaayo, maxaad wakhtigan la soo jeedaa? I watched the clip and felt my heart get heavy and sink into my stomach. I dont know what *I* could possibly do to ease the situation. I, like probably everyone else reading this, feel helpless and unable. See, I dont see the point of bombarding niman iyo naago cadaan ah with letters of our plight and begging for more foreign aid and handouts. I don't blv in the effectiveness and sincerity of external help anymore... especially after the 'west' was so quick to demolish the only ray of hope to come about in Mogadishu for so long. If anything is to change within Somalia, its got to come from within. Somalis have to understand it, want it and be patient for it. There is no other way. I was hoping, in a small way, that perhaps the poignant images of people suffering back home would make us sit back and reflect. Reflect on how fortunate we all are. Reflect on our responsibility to those less fortunate. Reflect on our responsibility to our country. And most importantly, reflect on the dire state of humanity.
  15. I c Ramadan was tough on the boys! hehe.
  16. Dadkiinan ma hurdo la'aan baa idin wada haysa? I'm going to an Eid gathering in an open park, where Muslims from all over London and the surrounding areas will come. I'll b seeing my aunts and uncles and all their kids there too! Lots of entertainment, kids stuff, plenty of food. Should be swell.
  17. Gediidow, ma sidan ayaad ku dambeysey? Korean? *shakes head* Waa inaan Hargeysa ku geyna si dagdag ah. Eid Mubarak
  18. Well, I dont know who mentioned this, but "apparently" its predicted that al yowmul aakhir will occur on a friday when its Eid. So in other words, *some scholars* might not be so keen on announcing Friday as Eid. Which obviously begs the question, does God really need us to proclaim its Eid to wrap this world! Funny stuff! I for one, am hoping tomorrow is Eid. Honestly, I cant take another day of fasting. I just want to eat and celebrate.
  19. Whats wrong with the tucked-in cabaaya look? I quite like it (and sport it ). Thanks ladies. Per una looks good. Like how they categorized stuff in their online store! And I just ordered a skirt from Debenhams. Shopping during work hours...
  20. Originally posted by NGONGE: The silly woman below is not talking to me Dont sulk and call me silly, you're more than welcome to join if you like. I'm not sure we will find skirts your length tho
  21. ^If you're off on Friday and it isnt Eid, we should go shopping. And not on Bond Street
  22. Horta, where would you ladies suggest for well-fitting skirts.. in London? It occurred to me that I dont own more than one skirt(which is awful looking and a size bigger than I) this Ramadan. Thank God for full coverage Cabayas