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Everything posted by -Serenity-

  1. Originally posted by LayZieGirl: No affection, no hugging, no kissing, non of that. Foreplay hadeyba kuu taqaano ba. Foreplay and that stuff is nonsense invented and perpetuated by the west. Beating about the bush... is blah!
  2. Attending a private school in Carabta has great many benefits - effortlessly going to western universities and being able to work anywhere in the world later on. Its completely understandable why Somali parents would consider English very important, because they see their residence in Arab countries as temporary and they want their kids to have skills (like English) that are easily transferable. However often Somali parents like Layzie's and my own overlook the importance of teaching their kids Arabic. Which is a beautiful language and language our identity as muslims is deeply rooted in. I'm ashamed, regretful and disappointed to say I was peddled to a private school for 7yrs in an Arab country and cant write or speak Arabic fluently. I can write slightly better than I can speak.. and that gratitude mainly goes to my dugsi teacher in Xamar I understand the misconception North is referring to... while it might be understandable why Somali parents in Arab countries send their kids to English only private schools, its not so understandable why Arab parents do, knowing it will put their own language and culture and the child's sense of identity at risk. Its vitally important for Arabs to cherish and propagate their language and make sure their kids are first and foremost fluent in the language , country and culture of their people.... its what the survival and preservation of their race depends on. North, I'm glad to learn the little one is learning Arabic already
  3. ^Get outta here you big show-off!
  4. ^He didnt ask for a riddle, he asked for a reason. I agree with NG.
  5. So JB wuxuu rabaa in uu soo 'jeexo' the border? ha ha! Good luck and bon voyage!
  6. ^LoL. No. Its funny how it started actually. I've had hargab all week and I lost my voice halfway through my sheekooyin. So took a pen and paper out to write stuff for her. Before you know, we were playing hangman and tic tac toe over tea for two hours. It was alot of fun actually... specially winning .
  7. ^ It was over dinner smart-alecky!
  8. ^ Including keyga? Speaking of Val, did I tell you all that she lost tic tac toe to me 10times in a row? Yup. Amazing. And she still insists she can play.
  9. Although tying the fallopian tubes is reversible, the chances of conception after the reversal are minimum. I'm of the opinion that once you've had the number of kids you want, one should say Alxamdulilah and stick to raising them. Haday dhintaan, then Ilaahayba u qorey and it shouldnt make one want to have more kids. The thing is, the chances of a child being born with a congenital disorder increases in late 30ties and into the 40ties. If one can help at all, they should limit their child-bearing between 20-35yrs. Also with age, comes the inability for ones body to recover from childbirth. Its really all about weighing the pros and cons for you. But being on the pill for a long period of time is not entirely reliable and it plays havoc with your body and hormones.
  10. Originally posted by Nephthys: I'm tempted to start "Is it ok for a married woman to go on vacation alone?" thread. The answer to that is a big fat, unambitious, unequivocal NO. Especially to a club, where there are black men. Nephthys (I liked Bishaaro better. I always read Nephthys as nymph-s.. and that makes me a little queasy!).. anyways I'm with you on this, hadaan anigu KK qabo beri horaan labada lugood ka jabin lahaa.
  11. Wa'alaykum As'salaam Somali. Welcommen to SOL. Feel free to tell us a little about yourself too: Age: Interests: What you do: Do you like my screen name?
  12. Why would anyone be on the pill for 10yrs? Pop three (adorable) kids in 6yrs and then tie the tubes (get a tuck and nip while you're at it). Thats my strategy.
  13. Underdog tuu dhabarka kaga istaago maba noolaaneyso.
  14. Pujah, one would have to be able to write in Soomaali to be critical of another's. I havent seen you write in Soomaali. Ghamina, just having a bit of a down-time at work. And no, lama'aan qosleen the retarded family, dhagax baan ku shiidayey! I wouldnt even think about fraternizing with the enemy. No. Not me.
  15. ^What happened to the self-imposed ban? Couldnt stay off ey? Or did you get tired of writing in soomaali? Or... did it sink in that your soomaali makes little sense? Val said your written soomaali is understandable, if one reads it out very loud.
  16. Anigaa iska ba'ay. Ducaysane, my like for Xiin is platonic and pure! Like he said, waa oday weyn oo coodh coodhey. Surely, even if you dont like me, you must want better for me Also, I've sort of started to see his sinister side. I turned around to concentrate on my career and when I returned, waxaan arkey isagoo convert gareeyey my beloved adeer. Castro oo Xamar ka qaylinaya uun baan arkey. Xamar! I'm too ashamed to mention it to the eedos.
  17. ^Well, its looks like adigu specially waxaad u baahantahay fara waaweyn. I'll keep that in mind. And you try to keep this in mind - EVERYTHING I write is light-hearted. Really.
  18. ^wuxuu taa kaga sii daray weliba the length of his posts and the amount of effort uu ku isticmaalo. Odayga yar laakin, this is his only source of entertainment. I mean, what else is there for a little wadaad-oday to do when not attending to family matters?
  19. Lady you're hooked, break away or there will be no turning back. You'll soon find yourself in a bad mood... and then realize its because SOL was down earlier in the day!
  20. ^Adi beri horaan kuu bixiyey Pointless. Yaa ku idhi anba ma ciyaarayo? Humourless Habar kulaha! As if... Oh shucks... did I forgot to do the ugly grin in the end? Here
  21. Originally posted by -: Serenity...No thanks for the offer. I would leave you to Duq Xiin. You seem to be liking Awoowes,and nobody said Cadaan is bad. I do not like awoowos! I just trust them more with that sort of responsibility, because they have the experience. Please dont spread such ugly rumours. I like them dhaylo. Its very rude to talk and make remarks about Cadaan's personal life. Lets not go down to that level people.
  22. ^Halkeed ku baashaaleysa sidan?
  23. ^Layzie, u take this too seriously. Everything isn't a pretense, u know. In the time I've been a member of SOL, I've never PM'ed the admin to ban anyone. Thats the sort of stuff small minded peeps do, come on! Anyways, some of us shaqaan leenahay. So git and dont ever EVER imply that I could remotely have a thing for you or nacaska aad dhinaca ku sidatid. Know your bloody boundaries!
  24. I think thats a lovely match actually. Really, go for it peeps.
  25. Aaaah! I like how your little heads have grown enough to think you're making an impression and representing your neck of the woods. Anyways, in that regard, weligiin ma gaadheysiin Reer UK... we have class and sass. Something sorely lacking in you Layzie KK.. You've made an impression. I've to say, a likable one too. You're only guilty by association unfortunately. p.s. I should probably mention that the banning is a joke. I wouldnt ban anyone. Ok, maybe Layzie, not even Tuujiye.... because I get some sort of a sick kick in aan la tirsado. Laakiin inantan Layzie... italics... cayaalnimo... Grrr, she makes me want to leap through the screen and smack her about.