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Everything posted by -Serenity-

  1. Johnny, its Ramadan, no PDA please Sida kale.. Hi!
  2. Why do I get the feeling some people will be making that extra dua, just in case
  3. NG, you forgot a 4x4. I'd love to own one without being accused of driving a gas-guzzling ecological disaster.
  4. Ngonge, the word you're looking for is 'Lifestyle'. I liked the lifestyle. See, I dont want to go to Africa, because I couldnt live without today's modernities, however, I do not like to feel like a sardine in a can every morning to enjoy them. I'm not too keen on canada, as their winters sound horrendous, but the place is definitely livable and lovely in the summer. And certainly better than the UK on the lifestyle front.
  5. Its nice to know I'm not the only one who contantly contemplates leaving this dreadful weather and lifestyle. I despise the train... especially now that I've experienced a bit of the canadian lifestyle and their big cars and houses and highways and atleast predictable summer...
  6. Originally posted by AYOUB: ^^ My tip would be wait for the daily programme to be published. Pick a day "special" guests are booked not the ones who are here every few months. Take some cash with you just in case you like what's available. Isnt this the daily program? http://www.oxfordhouse.org.uk/template.php?ID=174 Its been published.
  7. Every year for the past 3yrs I've wanted to show up for atleast 1-2 events on Somali Week, but never have... Gotta try harder this year. Really nice line-up!
  8. Illiterate, but can hack! Interesting.
  9. NG, your question is an indication of a bigger problem here - your caajisnimo. This is not a question of if a 5yr old should make tea, but why cant you make your own tea? Dont let a 5yr old get anywhere near hot water or the stove, for at least another 8-9yrs. Otherwise, you'll never forgive yourself for any accidents. p.s. I'm all for teaching your kids stuff, but what benefits THEM.. looking after themselves, getting their own meals, washing after themselves, keeping themselves tidy and clean... ok, even keeping communal areas clean. However, making YOU tea or getting YOU food, is.. wrong!
  10. Hunger makes the work day longer. Alot longer.
  11. Pucca, hi! For some weird reason, I cant help feeling like I live in your neighbourhood... I'm staying in Somali central - Weston. Thanks for the welcome! I like Toronto, but I think its because I've had some excellent guides to show me around.. Hayam, should time and opportunity permit, I'll visit Montreal.
  12. I'm going back to Ottawa soon, and some of my friends suggested a drive to Montreal from there.. but I dont understand whats the allure? What am I supposed to be seeing there?
  13. Greetings Nomads.. Whats been happening in the nomad corner? I've been all over Toronto yesterday, I cant move my leg muscles.
  14. I dont think I slept last night. I had one of those nights where your mind is constantly racing, but yet you know the body is asleep, so you cant get up (make sense?)... anxiety of having to complete alot of planning/work before I leave. .
  15. ^ Really? This is the first time I've looked at the watch all day... really hectic around here. p.s. I've given up on the dress. Its dirac all the way.
  16. Half an hour to go.... p.s. Xiin, I tried to PMed you some gossip, but unfortunately it seems you have been at it already. Clear your inbox.
  17. Xiin, hadaad is tidhaahdid AT&T u gar qaad, waad ku waalan. The guy is diagnosed bipolar.
  18. malaha ninku waa undiagnosed bipolar?
  19. He looks like a normal Somali man... I dont know why thats shocking, but it is. What was I expecting?
  20. I wouldnt mind seeing AT&T's picture - its not admiration, but curiosity
  21. Yes, finally a holiday!!!
  22. Well, no thanks for the suggestion dude!
  23. ^Are you implying I'm a freak North? :mad: