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Posts posted by -Serenity-

  1. I just got back and I didnt see Ng's post but I got the exact same haircut!! :eek:


    Ibts, my colleague said I look like a pop star (compliment?). Its more volumized than in the pic tho and maybe half an inch longer!


    But I'm happy with it smile.gif

  2. Originally posted by Norf 1:

    Does anyone here get paid overtime?

    Yeah, no1 should be forced to work lots of extra hours without compensation. Rates for overtime are pretty shyte most of the time, its no match for quality time with whatever else one distracts themselves with.


    I've just totalled my overtime to 20hrs last week smile.gif .


    I'm thinking of the shiny new car the money is gonna go into... its what keeps me going icon_razz.gif

  3. Sophist - clear your inbox smile.gif




    The admin should do something about the below warning!


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  4. I watched The Kite Runner last night. Very emotive story.


    It was one of two books that I always saw people reading on the tube and receiving raving reviews in the papers.


    The other was The God Delusion.


    The Kite Runner is the story of an Afghan boy – growing up wealthy in Afghanistan in the late 70ties and moving to America as a result of the communist invasion, and going back to Afghanistan in 2000 during the Taliban rule. There is a sharp contrast drawn between his time and the times of the Taliban. It’s a family drama, but does not shy away from putting the story in a political perspective.


    However, what did catch my attention was how the Taliban were portrayed as women-hating, hypocritical paedophiles. It was seriously troubling. There is a scene where a well known Taliban figure commands the public stoning of a woman for adultery, but when the protagonist goes to visit an orphanage, is told the Taliban man takes young girls from the orphanage for his pleasure and uses little orphan boys as entertainment in his house.


    I never liked the Taliban, but it’s hard to swallow this of them.


    Also, is it me, or are books that defame religion and God, super popular?

  5. Originally posted by NGONGE:

    [QB] Serenity,

    I pray for the day when you become a housewife, work is not for you.

    Istaqfurulah! Niyow habaarku ma fiicna :mad:




    That sounds like almost as bad as my Sunday/Monday.


    I dreamt about defects last night. And in all my lack of sleep and over-thinking, I forgot my laptop at home this morning and realized 3/4 through my journey (when I saw some other suit carrying a laptop). So I freaked out for about 20mins, and then decided to call my local cab station and ask them to pick it up and drop it to my workplace. Cost me $45 :( .


    Needless to say, I actually started working 2hrs late, which defeated the whole purpose of rushing out of home and trying to get in early to see how things are!