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Posts posted by -Serenity-

  1. An Islamic organization – such a broad term. The term can be used to describe any number of organizations, from Islamic insurance to Islamic banking to Islamic estate agents, etc. An organization does not necessarily have to be involved in dacwa or spreading the religion to use the word ‘Islamic’. As long as they are applying Islamic rules to the way they do things, its an Islamic organization.


    From reading your points, I guess the type of organization you refer to are Dacwa organizations or Islamic system of governance for a region?

  2. Cheating is rooted in values. If someone cheats, and you cant ever see yourself doing that, no matter what the external or internal factors, then there is a fundamental difference in values. So one should really be asking if they are with the right person.

  3. I had a party of 3 last night at my house with two close friends. Half an hour before mid-nite, we all wrote our new year resolutions and then read them to each other. Then we traded papers so we could ask each other throughout the year if we managed to live upto any!


    I cant share them all here as some are family & personal, but there are a few I can share:


    1. Manage finances better and get acquinted with something called a Saving Account.

    2. Finish Diploma in Business Analysis (this is a course that comprises of 4 modules and an oral examination - I finished one module and passed the exam, and I just need to take the time to do the rest).

    3. Make a conscious effort to be a better practicing Muslim and attend some of those million talks and seminars I get invited to regularly (by my really nice and well meaning cousin and friends).

    4. Visit Australia and NZ!! I've visited all 4 other continents, and I simply must do Australasia, so I can brag about being on all continents!

    5. Have TWO long weekends away in a sunny place – Spain and Egypt/Morocco.

  4. Its doing great! And I managed to re-instate the manufacturer's guarantee, so we r off to a flying start. I've already done 2.5k miles on it, and I only drive on weekends.


    So basically - GREAT!!


    NG, blv it or not, I get more done at home than in the office. Its because I'm very comfortable and not getting distracted every few mins by a colleague smile.gif

  5. Cant blv its only 4pm. Feels like 8pm, been between one aggraving meeting after another all day. I really really really really want to go home and not come back for a while. Grr.

  6. What a funny topic (and where did this way duushay iyo wuu duulay business come from?! - my guess is this poor grammar can only originate from ibts or ngonge).


    Anyways, I woke up on Saturday around 1:30pm and looked outside. The weather was abysmal. My guess is that the ladies went there but couldn’t take the flight. So now the poor, shame-faced creatures are being tight lipped about it all.

