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Posts posted by -Serenity-

  1. NG, you dont tire from writing on SOL or writing short sheekooyin! So you excuses do not compute. Get to writing and make it exciting.


    Wit, intrigue, good use of language, touch on some somali taboos along the way and you have a winning formula in the community.

  2. UD has vested interest in keeping certain people below their potential as it means (he dreams) there will be people to do all the menial tasks he considers beneath him.


    Might as well add that he doesnt blv in educating women either smile.gif

  3. Ibti, it makes no difference if its man made or not. Figures/pictures made artificially or not to imitate prostration are not offensive by themselves (I make provision here for those that object to figures/pics/art involving living things in totality).


    Altho, with every action, its the intent that matters. If its to mock, then its offensive, if its to praise & glorify, then its not. And sometimes the same action can fall into both categories depending on who does it and in what manner.


    So seeing this picture and knowing they are Muslim youth, the assumption is not that its malicious or intended to mock, but just them making light-heart of prayer.

  4. Ibti he posted an article. Get over your anger issues and address the topic. I see nothing negetive about the article but a genuine and valid concern from the author with regards to young Somalis and how serious they take their education.

  5. Thanks A&T. The certificate in question is called a PADI license. Its a diving license. I wanted to get one, but I realized that its pretty scary and not something I would do at my own will at anytime. So I only did it once with an instructor to see the wonderful underwater world at Ras Mohammed, Egypt - it was truly awesome when I wasnt concetrating on breathing through my mouth :D .


    Actually, it was a bit like being in Finding Nemo

  6. Originally posted by *Ibtisam*:

    Serenity welcome back, did you pass and get certified?

    Thanks Ibti.. and no I didnt. I only did it once and thought it was a bit of hard work for a holiday, especially since the oxygen cylinder weighs as much as I do. So maybe some other time...

  7. Its not the snow per se II, its the fact that we are ill-equipped for it as a nation. No buses, trains or other means of transport, so no moving.


    I dont have any boots to help me trawl through the 6inches of slippery lush either.


    So the problem is, we are stuck at home.

  8. Originally posted by Valenteenah:

    : Just out of academic interest, how good-looking were the natives?

    Very good looking. Helpful, courteous eye-candy wherever you turn. :D

  9. NG - Totally loved it. Did lots of adventurous stuff, best being diving and snorkeling. Although I had a panic attack when I first tried both and almost bailed out. LOL.


    Pretty pricey though, since the pound is on a downward spiral and the place is very touristy. The only thing I didnt like was how there was no such thing as a 'set price' for anything and you couldnt shake off the feeling that you were being ripped off every step of the way. We probably were since me and my cousin are the lamest hagglers on the planet :D .


    Oh... they have some very good looking (and really friendly) people.


    Would definitely go back someday - maybe some other part tho.

  10. Quite bronze.


    My mother says all the tanning makes me look healthier :D


    Val, I can complain because the welcome back was a bit chilly (altho I'm grateful for the semi-day off - working from home ;) )

  11. My little body is in shock. I was sun-bathing this time yesterday and now I can barely walk around the house without two layers of clothes.


    The journey here was a nightmare, the plane got directed to a different airport (Luton) and since lots of flights got diverted there, they mixed up all the luggage. It was a total joke. And then getting a cab that was slower than slow to get home meant I got home early this morning. :(


    All this re-affirms my beleif that I simply shouldnt be living here.

  12. Surprisingly enjoyable film. Really enjoyed watching it. I think most Somalis will like this film, as they are so tuned to the whole bollywood scene :D


    Sad storyline like Ibs mentioned, but from the way it was shot, it didnt aim to pull at your heart strings every step of the way. It has lots of exciting and anxious moments.

  13. Lily, whats are you anticipating in spring?


    Did I announce here that I'm off on holiday to NORTH AFRICA this sunday. I havent set foot in the dark continent for 15yrs... and this is as close as I'm willing to get now icon_razz.gif:D