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Posts posted by -Serenity-

  1. North,


    In London, I dont really know the various Somali communities that exist or who runs them but I'm sure there is some level of hierarchy in these organizations. So approaching these communities and asking them to nominate someone to participate would be a good start. The event that Somalis are being asked to participate has to actually be significant enough marka hore laakin, which frontline isnt, and the Somali communities must recognize it as being important.


    Cynical Lady,


    Its really simple. If I were organizing a debate, I would approach participants who could represent different sides of the equation. Otherwise, I'm not really doing a good job, am I? So the onus is definitely on the organizer. Do you think the rest of the participants volunteer to spend an evening debating Somali issues because they want to? No - they are approached, their diaries accommodated and they are made to feel their opinion matters! Surely the organizers can do a bit more to get hold of Somali candidates if they wanted. Its usually their failing that Somalis are not in any of these events (unless they cant find someone and thats understandable too). Furthermore, if you CL, were to contact frontline today to participate in the next debate, I'm almost sure they would hesitate in letting you site next to Jon Snow who has this and that credit on the subject while you're just an ordinary citizen who doesn't fit into the star studded panel.


    Lets look at this from a different angle, there is a definite lack of Somalis that could be chosen. Somalis are registered in high numbers [80%+] as being 'inactive' [according to the Labour Force Survey]. This means that they are NEETs of all ages [not in education, employment or training]. Only 10-20% of Somalis are gainfully employed.


    Of the 20% remaining, many are students or young and have no connection to back home. This leaves us with a small margin for Somalis that can are available for these sorts of avenues. And I very much doubt that considering the number of other responsibilities they have to shoulder, they have the time to invest in every chitter-chatter passing off as debate in different corners of London.


    To conclude:


    1. The Onus is on organisers to find the right Somali candidates.

    2. Its understandable if there are no people to do the job on every front.

  2. that made me laugh - the english bit because GOD KNOWS I DIDNT UNDERSTAND THE 'SOMALI?'.


    just like wanting to win a popularity contest here would be sad, it would equally pathetic to try to seek attention.. its not MY cup of shaah.


    p.s. @camal xuun. You're my pick. :D

  3. ^That drivel is what passes off as topics these days and you get your head bitten off for saying so (and to Ibts credit, she is actually better than that)


    Originally posted by Sayid*Somal:

    LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL @ exchange between Ibti & Serenity. Cyber girly fight
    Allow tiin roon reerka u reeb!



    Warya Adam Z don't go in between them


    Get your popcorn ready cuz I've another half hour 2 kill.

  4. Aah, you're making my day more interesting!


    Ok, a bit of self-reflection would help with the accusation of continues nacnac.


    And like everyone else, I've the right to express my view on topics, if you happen to not like it - then tough luck dear! I'm commenting on a topic - neither after you nor interested if you like my views or not. Get that through ;)


    p.s. I like the use of 'immaculate high standard'. Really, I do.

  5. Originally posted by *Ibtisam:

    This is to avoid tactical voting and this tedious fighting, it would also allow for true speculation, rather than people polling together their votes to win together or accuse working together.

    LOL!!! So silly, its actually funny.

  6. Folks, the onus is on the organisers to approach the right Somali candidates to participate in these events. Otherwise, everyone can see that its just a bunch of non-Somalis debating Somali issues.

  7. Hey CL!


    I attended a couple of events before by the frontline group. I found the non-Somali event informational but the events related to Somalis very lacking. I dont know why, but I think you always know more and better being Somali than the folks sitting on the news-desk. Not really worth the time if you ask me.


    Also, I was surprised there was just one other Somali person in the event I went to - mostly cadaan student types. And that 1 Somali managed to embarrass me as he kept talking shyte!

  8. ^So you're winning a pointless competition? And according to Ibts, I'm losing.. (so should be disappointed?) heh!


    carry on..


    NG - it was probably a general statement as you're an all-round bore icon_razz.gif

  9. I've no idea why I'm in the list Ibtisam


    1. I dont know which 'other' thread is being referenced here, so I clearly didnt contribute.


    2. I would not consider myself a 'regular' poster at all since I check here once in a while


    3. There is nothing to be gained from being popular or lack of on this site..


    All together, a waste of time really.

  10. Buuxo - not a good subject for this time of year but there is a difference between gay and transgenders.


    Anyway, there was a lady in my old office who was transitioning (to a female) and she used the ladies. She would sometimes wait outside until I come out (or all the people), so as to not cause any discomfort and I genuinely used to feel bad.