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Everything posted by -Serenity-

  1. Come on, dont make it into a soap...spit it out PS. Or just PM me da nick
  2. ^^ Darn technicalities eh? !! :mad:
  3. Leave da creep for good. There is no love without personal freedom.
  4. ^ Expose the cheat! There is no place for plagiarism on SOL
  5. Originally posted by Rahima: Polygamy on the other hand is that women can also have more than one husband (which is xaraam, and therefore i do not believe in it). Its actually called polyandry when its females mating with more than one male at a time. With regards to the Poster. I believe the system as I'm required to beleive in its validity as a muslim. However, I'm skeptical about its practicalities in different situations. I personally choose to not be that kind of a relationship. Alhamdulilah its optional.
  6. I hate being woken up from sleep unnecessarily by inconsiderate people talking at the top of their lungs...qofkii nasoo dhax gala aniga iyo hurdadeyda, ilaahay ha iga badbaadiyo :mad: I hate assignment that take more than a week to work on...2-month long assignments drain me physically and mentally and since I can never beat procastination, I'd down half the month 'cause every1 else is mid-way and I've not even started I hate winters with passion...and especially snow.
  7. LOL@Feynman...you just depressed me there walaalo. I sure hope you find happiness...from the pattern of lifesytle you pictured there, I think you need a dramatic change...one closer to GOD and away from wordly pleasures and gains. Give it a shot. I'm currently residing in London ==> Female ==> student ==> I sing in a low almost humming like tune when people arent looking ==> Listen to everything and anything that sounds aight ==>Interests? not much, im too much of a slacker to have any interests outside academics which I consider compulsory. Besides that, I'm kinda addicted to the internet and the tv and I love video games - just dont own one at the moment. Nice to meet u too Xu.
  8. Do u know how much I hate these internet persona reviews? They are far from reality if you dont know the person and such a waste of time! So here goes. Barwaaqo: I used to think she was a patronizin lil prick who just said the rite thing at the rite time...but of course NOT. She is just plain sweet - from every angle . An intelligent and a true sister. Sophist: Just like Bee said, I pictured him as an ol geezer with nothing better to do but write semi-comprehensible, jargon filled posts...but of course I was wrong. Having paid close attention, it all makes sense now. A very intelligent, extremely entertaining and charming young man. Sue: Seemed a little confused initially but overall funny. Lakkad: I almost never paid attention to him until lately. A very funny, easy going and kewl brother. One of the top 3 people I can easily get along with on this site. Opinionated: Quite misunderstood. She is truly sweet and contrary to popular opinion, very easy to get along with. SomeAlien: Split personality - sweet vs. crudely funny. Silent-Sista: Never paid close attention to her on SOL but on paltalk she is by far the smartest and funniest girl.
  9. Its very difficult for an 11yr old to understand the meaning and the importance of hijaab. I think the mother should concentrate on instilling the more important aspects of the religion i.e tawheed which do not alienate the child physically from other children yet give them a strong sense of being different and belonging to something special. Its difficult for a little girl to look different from her peers. Kids get mocked for all sorts of things - clothes, looks, ability... the little girl obviously felt uncomfortable and unable to blend in with the hijaab.
  10. Excuse me, but how many B'day's does this guy have? I distinctly remember seeing this post not too long ago.. or maybe he is da only 1 who gets B'day wishes on SOL :confused: Anyways.. Happy Birthday MOTI... and how old ar you now? (since u seem to be aging twice as much as average folk )
  11. If I may point out the obvious, I was referring to the restaurant scenario where Hibo decided to eat with her hands and show how cultured she is. I do realize that eating with your hands is indeed sunnah....however, I do stand by my argument - it is indeed unsightly and unhygienic to be eating with your hands in public places. PS. I'm done with this thread
  12. Yasmine, you've ventured into new grounds there. It maybe culture for you, but its one I'm willing to surpass along with many other cultural and traditional beliefs like FGM. Justifying something as cultural and expecting to pass it along as such without questioning the validity, importance and its place in an ever changing, ever growing and ever advancing society is backward. Necessity is the mother of invention . I'm sure in biblical days, they used their hands too..why? 'cause there were no cutlery - maybe wooden ones but I'm sure the average folk ate with their hands. With advancement, comes change. If its better, we embrace it, else NOT. With that said, most somalis dont know how to eat with their hands properly anyways...esp guys, its like there's a bariis storm going on, some of it even hitting da walls Lasty, whether you eat with your hands or not is a personal preference. Its less hygienic in public places + quite gross to look at.. However, in the confort of your own home, its probably feels better.
  13. ^^ Don't promise what you cannot deliver. I just might take you up on that
  14. LOL@U...good observation! Your math skills are to reckon with too .. Now mind your own BIZ EH?
  15. Seems like a wonderful show! damn Brits! They give us 'BIG BROTHER' year after year... and think we should be grateful :mad:
  16. ^ Dearest, you may love to dive in with your hands, but thats your choice...and its certainly not the only option nor is it the cleanest. Leave my weak anti-bodies outta this, if yours can combat all kinds of germs , kudos to you...but dont advocate for the same as some of us may not be well equipped - especially under the pretence of 'culture'. I'm sure there are others like me who'd rather be safe than sorry. Nomad.. I roll my canjeero, slice it and eat it with a fork...da same with pizza. As for burgers, I leave the wrapper on. PS. Ms.Sloppy Eater ... I do wash ma hands frequently... and eat gracefully.
  17. Originally posted by Mrembo: If you really care about the germs on your hands...then wash your hands, take the towel to dry your hands, THEN use that towel to close the fountain,open the door, then get your clean a$$ to your table and eat your food..... And why would I go through all that? Just to look somali and shove it on every1's face that indeed I'm cultured (very debatable - what constitutes as culture). When just as easily, I could use the fork,spoon and knife provided for me? . Besides, in the event you were weary of the cutlery not being hygienic enuf, wouldnt thats include the plate you were gonna eat in anyway & be germ-infested 2? ..
  18. ^^ U lil troublemaker! I'm just glad you havent used da word 'screw' in that post - u been pretty obssesed with it lately On a serious note, who is gonna give u 'farxal' in a restaurant? duh! + those 'maqayo' dont qualify as sanitary eating grounds - not with those unclean surroundings, odayaasha with horrible stares and even worse feedin skills and the sharing of food - yuck! Also, if you visit any decent restaurant, you'll realize the plates and utensils are warn..its cuz thet have been sterilized bu placing them in microwaves... :rolleyes:
  19. ^^ Lets examine the restaurant scenario dear new-one . So you go to the toilet and wash your hands. Great. Now you touch the tap to close it after washing..there a few germs stuck on already. Next ===> Door - of the toilet! where probably a hundred unwashed hands have unwittingly landed on...a few more germs. I'm sure you're ready to have a feast now - with your clean hands . . G'luck
  20. Eating with ur hands is simply not hygienic...especially after travellin and landing in a restaurant...sorry...but faraha lala galayo cuntada has to go !
  21. There are plenty of rooms where they give talks and have Q and A sessions... look around.
  22. ^^ I resent that..stop the speculations!! He is da ruler of a muslim country. I heard he has wife and kids but they live outside the country
  23. For years one special nomad has dazzled us with his inspiring words, quick wit and impeccable intelligence. I'd like to take this opportunity to congratulate Sophist- a special nomad, a personal friend and a good brother on his recent Meher. Sophist, your Meher is something to celebrate. And your marriage is sure to be beautiful.Wishing you both - Long life. Great joy. Much love. Few tears. Good luck. Sweet times… Through all your years! Congratulations and warm wishes for a lifetime of nuptial bliss. **** ** *
  24. All u need to send me now is a plane ticket... n im there