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Everything posted by -Serenity-
The Rendezvous, iska waran aboowe? Do you have to bring ma status as a mod into question? It’s a little unfair for everthing I say to be taken to represent anything but my own personal opinion, wouldn’t u say? Not a reflection of the site, my role or any1 else? Xiin, For one I take issue with the fact we commemorate this event (Birth that is) out of sheer imitation of the west Maybe you’re unaware or conveniently forgot that our prophet (scw) used to fast every Monday and say it was because it was the day he was born. Since you’re so anti-western..why not abandon the Gregorian calendar for the Islamic one too…and forget about incrementing your age on that day. See how well you flare with that thought. Eh? One more thing dear champions of somalinimo, we, the young people of the west or carabta (myself), have grown up in a different culture. Our attitudes, perception and view of things are all shaped by our life experiences. We cant and will never think like some1 who has grown up in Somalia. As long as our values are not anti-islamic, its not right for you to fault us.
The problem with you Sheherazade, is you have somehow managed to personalise ay kutubeey’s story and make it yours. Lets talk objectively about the issue of stalking. While I have gathered you like to add that humane touch to all your dealings, it’s not fair for you to role reverse and interpret the victimiser as the victim. Something definitely isn’t right with a man chasing a woman unremittingly. So who should deal with this? – not the victim me thinks, neutral people or the right authorities. If some maniacs dealings infringe on my right to live without fear, my first and foremost priority to secure my well being and peace of mind. I can feel all the sympathy, compassion and empathy in the world…but self-protection comes first. Don’t misunderstand me as I see where you’re coming from. But getting a restraining order and advising the right authorities hardly strips any1 of their dignity. It merely states your stance clearly for the hard headed ones. Should the stalker be persistent after the intervention, it is but fair to take them off the streets and into the right institutions. The issue of Somali and Muslim shouldn’t even come into the equation. A stalker is a stalker. It can be confusing why some1 of your own nationality and religion would do it you, but it shouldn't nevertheless deter you from pursuing the same course of action. Lastly, Ay kutubeey, I hope you have not taken your situation out of proportion. Stalking is serious business and should be dealt with accordingly. Although, some1 showing up at the places you’re most likely to be is not stalking but trying to get your attention – after all, you have giving the get-go with the starbucks incident.
Originally posted by sheherazade : If he were my brother I wouldn't want some woman stripping him of his dignity. If he continues to be a problem deal with him emphatically but compassionately, and Allah will help you out of it, inshallah. I'd say he has managed that all on his own. Empathy and compassion for a stalker... your altriusm shehe, is reaching unprecedented levels. Ay kutubeey, have a few of your brothers or relatives talk to him. If that doesnt deter, follow Phanta's advice..and if you're feeling a little vindictive, UD's
Haye, Stubborn Faaraaxyo against all things western. Birth date parties, good nomads, are distinctively western culture. Right. But are they wrong? You do increment your age by one year that day, or dont you? If you do, then my dear, you have observed this evil custom that is commemorating your birthday. How else do you observe this? Or you don’t? Is something wrong with the ones close to you remembering such a day and saying “Happy Birthday†or “Dhalasho wanaagsan� After all, you have lived through a time period that is considered significant (A year). Mind you, stubborn Faarax, that we are not discussing how to celebrate the day…for we could remember and wish some1 happy B’day and read du’a for them to honour the day. I quite admire you cultural patriots, but sometimes…just sometimes, I feel it clouds your judgement of what is and isn’t a threat.
^^ Approachable means **** in arabic. Cayda iga daa marax yahow. yeah yeah...being dyin to use the word marax for sometime. Befittin in this situation nevertheless.
Originally posted by Farah : amyst! that was below the belt. Gosh, are you speaking for NGONGE? WHY? If any1 took ma comments at face value, I dont know and have never met NGONGE. Still, I wouldnt discredit the fact that he could be ... erm...unbeautiful. Anyways, thought it was obvious :rolleyes:
Hizzy a blizzay MsWord n many stoked returns of tha year Green-fected you see
Very F-U-Double-Nizzy Green. I cant blv you americans is ready ta re-invent tha language . It dont stop till the wheels fall off. Is this how desperate afro-amizzles is ta makes a contribizzle?
Mornin Green. We are almost done with today in this part of the world . Cawo, I think you're right. Although if I did understand, I wouldnt be posting it here for enterpretation. Nice quotes. I just about figured Baashi's after 3mins of brain straining session. Green's for another day...seems very thoughtful.
Love is not blind - it sees more, not less. But because it sees more, it is willing to see less. So lets think about it - whats this mean??
Very touching. Nice poem BOB. I'm feeling kinda peachy today about the whole somali mess and that struck a cord.
Thats it Malaika... marry the man so he can stop it.
B, You seriously dont think I'm goin to waste a joule of energy writing something as failing as that, do you? No. :rolleyes: Now if you'll kindly excuse me, I would like to take leave of this thread
Phantasmagoria. Potato, Poteto. If this was shukaansi, so was that. ha! :cool:
Originally posted by Phantasmagoria: ... Amethyst and UD 's less-than-smooth shukaansi tactics? Puhlease. Smooth iska daa...it was well oiled. And of course, you couldnt carry it off hadaad cirka soo taabatid. Now, hop off to ur topic and practice with Checkmate. Diamante, sheekaan kuu haya. Once when I was super slow to learn to swim, my abti took me to the middle of the pool and left me there. Biyo waan cabay waanan hafoodey, laakin I learned to swim.
little does Ms. Amethyst know that we have a 'category' for her too .... And then Hey, you put us in this category, what ever qualities or lack thereof associated with it are fully at your mercy. So feel free to assume I actually care what new misconception you wish to attach And you buddy Poster, sorry for the topic detour. I shant remodel any more topics today.
Originally posted by underdog: HA little does Ms. Amethyst know that we have a 'category' for her too....funny thing is her signature is more correct than she knows I dont know how you enterpreted my signature. But I know for sure trivial attributes like self-worth, self respect, self-esteem, self-protection and self preservation are foreign concepts "your category" detests with passion when it comes to women. ha! And once again, my signature rules :cool:
Its not my list that predictable…its you Somali men. You all fall into a number of categories that I can count with one hand. And no, I have no idea how that saying goes…maybe you should tell since I don’t pay any heed to inherently sexist Somali sayings. Funnily that can be applied to men too…so what would that say about you and your little elimination criterion? p.s. I'm in no way, shape or form offended or consider myself in any of those ranks.
LOL @ Elimination Tactic. That is too funny Baashi. I'm very tempted to make my own list of Faarax's to avoid at all cost. :cool: I fit the description pretty well, but I've a headstart on you 'cause I'm actually working towards improving my financial situation.
:mad: @ the blonde statement. Is this ur comeback for the ugly comment? ha! :rolleyes: Dubai is very liberal and accommodating. p.s. A moth is not a fly.
I wasnt persuading you dear. I was warning you. You know what they say, pride comes before a fall. So dont let ur ego or competitive spirit, whateva you prefer to call it, get the better of you. Like a fly to the fire This expression makes no sense whatsoever. Why would flies swarm to a fire? :confused: p.s. They are celebrating St.Patricks day in carabta? :eek: .
WTF :eek: Dont delude yourself miskiinyahow. You maybe a whiz with words but it in no way compensates for your less than welcoming aesthetic.
Its a lovely day isnt it? I'm thinkin of extending my liberties and goin shoppin during lunch...which should obviously take more than an hr. :cool:
Somali language is just raw, unrefined and more often than not, it comes across as awkward more than anything else. Specially when defining matters that require the sensitivity of language and tone. I can tell with assured certainty, that no-one meant to offend any1 else. Laakin, discussing semi-erotic material is hardly appropriate here guys... Bishaaro, I'm disappointed that your only comment was intentioned to beat the drums of ill-will. :rolleyes:
Man 'nearly decapitated' 14/03/2005 19:02 - (SA) Related Articles Man axed to death in London London - A London man was nearly decapitated in the street early on Monday by an axe-wielding attacker, witnesses to the crime told British media. Police would not confirm that the man had nearly been beheaded, but said the victim was a white man in his 60s who was found dead "with severe head injuries". They said they were called to the scene of a "serious assault" under way in northwest London at 09:40 and that a man in his 30s had been arrested over the crime. However, a man working on a scaffold in the elite northwest London neighbourhood told the Evening Standard newspaper he watched the axeman run toward his victim with a weapon held high in the air and launch an unrelenting series of blows. "The man with the axe ran at his victim and just laid into him. He brought it down on his head and floored him," the witness, who declined to be named, said. Within seconds the victim was on the ground, and "there was blood pouring from his head and spilling onto the pavement. It was horrific," he said. After the hail of blows, the attacker put his axe down and stood next to the victim until police arrived, the man on the scaffold said. He said the men seemed to know each other because they had exchanged words before the attack. Another bystander, Avelinas Rodrigues, told the Evening Standard the sound of the axe blows was like "the sound of a child being hit by a car". The murderer "hacked his victim's head, cutting it as if it was a block of wood for a fire", she said. She and another woman, said they pleaded with the attacker to stop but were ignored. Police have sealed off Eton Avenue, the scene of the attack in the posh Belsize Park neighbourhood, and have launched a murder inquiry. Source Update London is the place to be and about.