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Everything posted by checkmate
^^^LoooooL....iam afraid it's still is.....you chicken pakpakaaak asxantu
^^^Gember waxaa la dhigtaa meel kula goddon...what kynda of nacnac is thaaat... ..i don't get this kynda stuff(reer xamar songs) too much nacnac for my ears.... **gooska gadaal** **gadaal gadaal** asxantu
posted by underdog Since the young mind is a sponge for everything around it, I blame the parents for not being there to teach their kids what they need to know. Very well said brah, i couldn't agree more.. asxantu
^^^LooooooooL@danger...the man hasn't even taken off his shoes yet ...underdog, errthing is undercontrol/cool/irry/krisp brah.. how was dubai? i wanna take a trip soon. asxantu
^^^My kinyda girl you are, can i have you with some fries .....If you don't smell like what was being cooked in your house, am sorry to say "there is no way your getting it with me" asxantu
FIRST DEGREE A married couple were asleep when the phone rang at 2 in the morning. The wife (undoubtedly blonde), picked up the phone, listened a moment and said, "How should I know, that's 200 miles from here!" and hung up. The husband said, "Who was that?" The wife said, "I don't know, some woman wanting to know if the coast is clear." `?:-.,_,.-:*´`?:-.,_,.-:*´`?:-.,_,.-:*´`?:-.,_,-:*´`?:-.,_,.-:*´`,.-:*´`?:-.,_,-:*´`?:-.,_,.-:* SECOND DEGREE Two blondes are walking down the street. One notices a compact on the sidewalk and leans down to pick it up. She opens it, looks in the mirror and says, "Hmm, this person looks familiar." The second blonde says, "Here, let me see!" So the first blonde hands her the compact. The second one looks in the mirror and says, "You dummy, it's me!" `?:-.,_,.-:*´`?:-.,_,.-:*´`?:-.,_,.-:*´`?:-,_,-:*´`?:-.,_,.-:*´`?-:*´`?:-.,_,.-:*´`?:-.,_,.-:* THIRD DEGREE A blonde suspects her boyfriend of cheating on her, so she goes out and buys a gun. She goes to his apartment unexpectedly and when she opens the door she finds him in the arms of a redhead. Well, the blonde is really angry. She opens her purse to take out the gun, and as she does so, she is overcome with grief. She takes the gun and puts it to her head. The boyfriend yells, "No, honey, don't do it!!!" The blonde replies, "Shut up, you're next!" `?:-.,_,.-:*´`?:-.,_,.-:*´`?:-,_,.-:*´`?:-.,_,-:*´`?:-.,_,.-:*´`?,.-:*´`?:-.,_,.-:*´`?:-.,_,.-:* FOURTH DEGREE A blonde was bragging about her knowledge of state capitals. She proudly says, "Go ahead, ask me, I know all of them." A friend says, "OK, what's the capital of Wisconsin?" The blonde replies, "Oh, that's easy: W." `?:-.,_,.-:*´`?:-.,_,.-:*´`?:-.,_,.-:*´`?:-.,_,-:*´`?:-.,_,.-:*´`?:-.,_,.-:*´`?:-.,_,-:* FIFTH DEGREE What did the blonde ask her doctor when he told her she was pregnant? "Is it mine?" `?:-.,_,.-:*´`?:-,_,.-:*´`?:-.,_,.-:*´`?:-.,_,-:*´`?:-.,_,.-:*´`?*:_,.-:*´`?:-.,_,.-:*´`?:-,_,.-:* SIXTH DEGREE Bambi, a blonde in her fourth year as a UCLA freshman, sat in her US government class. The professor asked Bambi if she knew what Roe vs.Wade was about. Bambi pondered the question then finally said, "That was the decision George Washington had to make before he crossed the Delaware." `?:-.,_,.-:*´`?:-.,_,.-:*´`?:-.,_,.-:*´`?:-.,_,-:*´`?:-.,_,.-:*´` SEVENTH DEGREE Returning home from work, a blonde was shocked to find her house ransacked and burglarized. She telephoned the police at once and reported the crime. The police dispatcher broadcast the call on the radio, and a K-9 unit, patrolling nearby, was the first to respond. As the K-9 officer approached the house with his dog on a leash, the blonde ran out on the porch,shuddered at the sight of the cop and his dog, then sat down on the steps. Putting her face in her hands, she moaned, "I come home to find all my possessions stolen. I call the police for help, and what do they do? They send me a BLIND policeman." `?:-.,_,.-:*´`?:-.,_,.-:*´`?:-.,_,.-:*´`?:-.,_,-:*´`?:-.,_,.-:*´` asxantu
Jazaakal llaah yaa akhii for these wonderful pictures, it's has been rewarding watching them. asxabtu
^^^because it's in the physics of our nature to do so, sis Q)How come pple don't play/buy lotarry tcks when the reward is $4Million, but play/buy tcks when it's $10Million,as if they have $4millions sitting in their bank accounts already asxantu
^^LooooooooooL....alaah yarkaas walaahi qatari saana aas yahay..aboow yarkaas toronto taas ka dhigay hadiin kuu sheego lee, atooro mala dhahkaro as magackaleetu loo raadiyo lee waaye "laashe istaare" magac malaga dhigikaraa yaa kheey..LooL asxantu
^^^^ ooooye ulukee badhtee, apunsee eesee baad naa karnaa, maar maarke panka see latwaaduungaa, saalee... Ps: Agar koi meeri baadkoo samaj aayee, is gahdee koo samjaanaa asxantu
OG-Moti I would like to come live with you and marry three of your 12 daughters please, because your life style is exteremely lavishing dear Sir asxantu
posted by wiilo saaxiboow saanna maxaa waaye aniga waligeyba iskuma maleynin in aan is mooday waxaanan aheyn. Haddii sida runta ah loo macneeyo qoraalkaaga mac nahiisa waa sidaa sxb. Marka aniga waxaan kaa rabaa "Explanation" as to why u said I am. abaayo macaan waxba ha iga xanaaqin, waxaan kaftan lee iga aheeyd, wixii niyadeeda ku soo dhaco aan iska qoraayey, i didn't intend anything of it abaayo....hadaan kugu xad gudbayna aad iyo aad iiga raali noqo..xaalna ha laiga qaado..100 masaakiina waa afur siina abaayo... posted by gediid Checkmate Waar aduunkan bal eega.Incase you didn't notice I'm keeping score and tis is the 2nd time.Yaanan shakiyey ee la soco..... My brother, after you wrote that, i felt what i wrote might have been somewhat a "girlyman" move, but my intend was purely to satisfy the ladies who thought of you as handsome...but sorry if i offended you brah...as Hanz and Fraz from SNL would say "hear me now and smell me later" posted by Horn Checkmate does this have to do with the "Student Talk" section... LOOOL maya maya abti, abtiyaasheey waa boqoro, ma anaa meel idiin kaga dhici kara, see weeye posted by legend of Zu Orgiyaasha SOL: adi iska bilow - Checkmate..hehehe walaalkiis Am honoured..thanx much i have always wanted to be "Orgi" for some strange reason posted by jacelybaro haye haye . . . Goormaan ku qiyaanay ??? Amazing ............. Yaa xabiibi, da'adii iga yareeydeey, walaalkeey aan jeclaayoow, ma aadan i qiyaanin, nin wax qiyaanana ma tihid, eega iga raali ahoow hadaan kugu xad gudbay aboowe...you know i ain't got nothing but looofis for you.. asxantu
^^LooooooooooooL...milinkiisa aas ku tumaa, waxaa la yiri nin reer xamar ah ayaan hada ka hor wuxuu maqlay labadaan maahmaan Nin daad qaaday, dugaalka ayuu cuskadaa iyo Labo qaawani isma qaado Markaas ayuu wuxuu ku jawaabay, Ninkii daad qaado, kaas waa ku daayey...LoooL......Labo qaawan aa maxaa la sugaa ka bacdi neh..LooooL asxantu
here is my list ppl..... Quruwaalaha of SOL: Mutakalim Qiyaanoolayaasha of SOL: Il-capo iyo Tuujiye, caravan iyo jacelybaro Quruxlowyaasha of SOL:Gadiid Quuqlayaasha of SOL: Qac Qaac, Laaska, and Og-gal Quruxleeyaasha of SOl: Juxa, Seven of 9,ameenah, FF iyo simply teh best Qalanjisyaasha of SOl: Besbaaso, X-qiuzit iyo diamante Qoyanayaasha of SOL: Baashi, nuune iyo North Qooleeyaasha of SOl: Nafta, ArynS iyo raula Guuxooda ka dheereeyaasha of SOL: Wiilo, iyo FF Maskiinyaasha of SOl:Nur, Jamaal11, Mop-deep iyo QLeap, krupt iyo Admin Munaafaqyaasha of SOL: Libaax sankataabte, Horn, Jumatutu, Ngonge, og-moti Yaanyuuryaasha of SOL: Mombasa-queen, DA, sue iyo Rudy Libaaxyaasha of SOL: Sophist, baashi, horn, Bari nomand, nur, mursal , L,sankataabte iyo jamaal11 Dhagoolayaasha of SOl: Admin Indhoolayaasha of SOl: Admin tukeyaasha of SOL: Ngonge, OG-moti, baashi, tuujiye, nuune, iyo Ilcapo Please ppl let's not take things personal, it's ONLY KAFTAN walaalayaal asxantu
checkmate replied to Wiilo's topic in Developement | Projects
LooooooooooooooO@ayeeyo raula Abti horn, hada ka bacdi waa in aan ishaada iska ilasha, abtiyaashu waa il kulul yihiin asxantu -
^^^walaalkiis adigaa iga mudan, anytime asxantu
listen i know this is not relating to anything in this topic, but i thought i had to share this with you guys, it brought tears to my eyes...Dear mama asxantu
^^marry another one who is NOT YET grown up to be strong and independent, what else asxantu
checkmate replied to Wiilo's topic in Developement | Projects
^^^maansha allaaah, i can now guess both your qabiils with out even asking, but yall didn't have to rub it in our faces like that guys...keep your correction updates to yours selefes ps: horn, i think you and i are "ilmo habreed" sophist, xoolaheenaba isku meel maka daaqaan "ina adeer" asxantu -
posted by tuujiye qaac'qaac nin yahoo xigma ayaa xaar camal kaaga buuxdo. LooooooooooL ..allaaah walaahi qosol daraadiis oohin aa iga imaatay....tuujis wax waalan back to the topic... Yes age does make a difference, there has to be a gap or 5 to 7 year difference between the hasband and the wife, qofka dumarka ah waxaa ku haboon nin waayo arag ah, xilqaan ah, dhaqan karana in ay guursato. asxantu
Interesting,But Brother In&Out i blame you for not taking control of the situation, you know very well when somali sisters say "NO" they mean "Yes", a little persistence would have been preferable in that situation. note: never take "NO" for an answer. asxantu
^^LoooooooooooL Da, look what you have done, you even have men fearing that Mic NOT to mention your avitor.LoooL asxantu
QQ, waxaan ka jeclaan lahaa adigoo "saxaro"ugu yeera...laakiin jawaabtaadu waa sax asxantu
Maymuunah, maansha allaah sis, mabruuk mabruuk caleeyk abaayo i have always loved these names for my daughters, too bad my betta half doesn't like them though. Ayaan Ifraax Mulki Ibyan Ismahan Sagal Istar Insha allaah we are going to find out the babie's sex in two weeks...If it's a boy i will name him after my uncle "kasim" if it's a girl the betta half said she is going to name her "savana"..insha allaah insha allaah all in due time asxantu
Posted by brother Moti Let me tell you a story happened to me, Walahi it happen in Xamar, I was in the house and we had stores in the ground floor of the house and they were empty, so I woke up with a loud voice, someone was breaking something, I came out and saw a group of people trying to break in the store, I told them wait the minute, there is nothing there, here the key just don't break the door, the man opened the store and couldn't find a thing, then he wanted to leave and this chick with him said lets check his house, let get in the house, then I got pissed off and I said no way u entering my house, do your worse, while the man is trying to respect my braveness the lady is pushing him, waryaa miyaad kacabsan, lets get inside the house and take all he got, while we were discussing and she is pushing, a group of my friends came and everyone pulls a gun, then she start blaming her guy, waan kuusheegay mar hore inaan gurigiisa galno ayey aheed, anyway they left, since then I knew this Somali war started because of the women, they pushed the men to take revenge aanan jirin iyo isku dirida raga ayey waligood kashaqeenayeen... Moti walaalkiis there is definately some truth is that story/theory, this is what has been said before " Where ever there is a conflict, it's result of fabrications,accusations and personalized interpretations of alleged writters, scholers, historians and powerfull individuals such as (women)"... asxantu
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