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Everything posted by checkmate

  1. posted by phanta Ciyaal suuqnimadaada ayaa halkaa ku dhigtay ee waxba a ii hanjabin aniga. Xishood iyo xushmo midna maaha erey aad fahmeyso sidey u eegtahay, waayo hadii kale maadan qori laheyn waxaa. If you want to talk trash, take it elsewhere mate. So now i went from being Kilab to ciyaalsuuq huh, as if you havn't talked all the trash in the world here. Xishood iyo Xushmo markaan ku iri miyaad ka gubatay. and how is't that i can't comprehend what they mean, but you who comprehends calls me "ciyaal suuq and kidaab". i think you just shot yourself in the foot sowwie sis...once again i say to you, xishood oo xushmo isku yeel Raga gambooleyda la gunuunuca kama mid ihi, ee xagaas hanoogu ekaato asxantu
  2. Posted by nuune phantasmagoria, you edited what checkmate wrote and u r calling people kilaab(Dogs), what is the difference between what checkmate wrote and what u said, what you said is much horrible than what he said. woow hold up nuune, you are making it look like, i wrote something horrible, which i didn't. All i wrote was the two definitions the word "buuf" has, what's so wrong about using the word "bisqin" in "bisqin" "bisqin" "bisqin" so what.How is that qualifies as an insult hah. Phanta meel kale ayeey ka guban naysaa baan u maleynayaa....where does she get off calling ppl Kidaabyaal, dumarka aanan xishoonin baaba aduunka ugu daran. Qof yahay sida isku dhaan, mar danbana rag kaa waaweyn ha af lagaadeeyn. waa xushmo dari waxaas. asxantu
  3. thank you caddilathiif war ma anagaa waalan mise cadan baa laga heesayaa asxantu
  4. nuune, LOOOOOOOOL walaalkiis u have it all wrong, dad nakala bixiya ilaahey hanoo keeno, lahjo qalafsan ayaa wadataa. waraa buuf in my lahjo is kuunto or Laan or your option number TWO, hadaa tiraahday LAAN is option #2, option #1kaaga ilaahey aa ka magan galnay. meeshaan hadaan ku oran lahaa, DAASAD IYO QASAC isku mid miyaa?, waxaa dhihi laheed CANBAAR IYO BIIJO waa isku mid...Hadaan warka kuu soo afjaro, aniga waxaa la igu ciseeyaa oo la iigu caleemo saaray "af soomaaliga".... marka qof nakala saara ilaahey ha noo sahlo. asxantu
  5. posted by nuune kuunto means buuf LooooooooooooL....walaahi it's been so long since i heard the word "buuf" But waad qaladay KUUNTO doesn't mean Buuf...theey are completely two different things.....KUUNTO means booty ...BUUF means two things actually 1) ....2).....ama dumarka xoolahooda. waa kii saaxiibkiis ku yiri oo kale "nin laba kor u jeeda arkey ka samir afar hoos ujeeda" LoooL..maahmaahdaas waxay ku socotaa ninmanka oo boolooyin ah, raga saas camal u jilicsan la ima tuso aniga. asxantu [EDIT] You took too long okay? I need to sleep and I wasnt about to leave it unedited. [ March 14, 2005, 09:01 PM: Message edited by: Phantasmagoria ]
  6. wiilo, Fiiri waxaad sameeysay hada, aniga iyo sweeter_then_your_shaah fataramaanzo charecters aan mataleeyney, fiiyoore yar ehna waan abuureysey. hada wixii dhen adaa jijibisey, xaasidkii jeceelka aa nagu noqotay. maxaa? maxaa kaa sameeyney? Sweeter_then_your_shaah, hablaha taan ka doortaay, wiilo aa na isku keen aqoonsatay, janada aa noo balan eh xabiibti. *indhaheyga ilin aa afka u istaagsan* asxantu
  7. checkmate


    I agree with Ay kutubeey, and i know a brother who would volenteer to do this job. Tuujiye cuz he's always looking for wax uu tuujiyo Bob, this post is three years old brah, am pretty sure that they are still happyly married, and that she also weights about 900 kiilo with 10 kids asxantu
  8. ^^I ain't never seen NAW without there, GAW PS: please be carefull next time of how you use the NAWS AND GAWS. asxantu in advance asxantu
  9. checkmate


    So who is proud? who's not? ... asxantu
  10. ^^ Pakistan Murdaa baad, Hindustaan Zinda baad Hibo, Haye kaisehain? tumhaari paraaye liqeh kaiseh chalreheihe? kher ham too tiikhee, di'aaye karreheeyee aap zinda saaf sutar lootke aaye insha allaah. aapkii yaadneh mujhe..... kiyaa mee baad bata'u..aap aa jaa'o naa asxantu
  11. ay kutubeey runta la kutub and tell your friend/roommate to get with my friends/roommates. ooh yeah tell the family member to mind their own BIZNIZ... serious note: tell the concerned party to do the right thing. asxantu
  12. Legend, I am your father. picifist, haye did ya end up watching " the human stien" was it? asxantu
  13. Somalia's meaniest cities: 1) Muqadisho 2) Burco 3) Hargeysa 4) Galkacyo 5) Boosaaso 6) Kismaayo asxantu
  14. ^^LoooL wishing you what dinho wished you asxantu
  15. Nacala washak. i just found my name and my home address and map to my home as well......the work of "THE MAN" never stops. baashi thanx walaalkiis, your a life saver. asxantu
  16. wiilo noo qalee nooh....tuujiye iyo nuune waa is hesheen....qacqaac waa isku xanaaqdeen (btw xarashkii aduunka aas kuu haayaa ogoow)..yaa haray haaa your better half (jaceelbaro) haye warka hoo hee..jeceelbaro naagtiisa aa u diidey in uu internet isticmaato, mamnuun aas ka yahay computer dhan maskiinka... asxantu
  17. Dear Xaliimo Firstly i would like to thank you for your NOT so kind and informative reply, and I did however look on to your reply as nothing less of destructive criticism. Don’t read too much in the physical appearance xaliimo, for in few years you too will be a worn out athletic shoe. Being still stuck in the 80’s keeps me grounded and the abusiveness of the cologne bottle is merely nothing but healthful living. You didn’t clearify whether you wanted to wear intellect or gucci bag to the mall, because it’s my cash will buy you the best of this in life not intellect. And since your so concerned about the well being of my wifes, i suggest you marry me so that we can worry about them together. Since you concluded that you and i can’t be a pair, I advice you to reconsider this proposal, for xaliimo like yourself needs faarax like myself. Always at your disposal faaxax asxantu
  18. ^^^ When ppl mention A PLACE AND FLY AWAY together, i says, too much Qajacleeey in their system brah ehe ehe ehe ehe asxantu
  19. ^^ You are KILLING to rebuild a country, they are KILLING for tribel shit...killing for good and killing for bad hah apples and oranges maaan apples and oranges asxantu
  20. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL....Alaah saan u qoslay....walaahi ilin aa iga imaatay....Ck ilaahey hakaa qosliyo hana kaa farxiyo noloshaada inta kuu dhiman....ilaah ya cizak...caleek caleek... asxantu
  21. ^^LoooL...ana xajar huh...maa caleesh yaa xabiibti...laakiin sax wa nifs..ana daaxiqatun wa jarjarul qacqacatun.. asxantu
  22. ^^LooL waxaan ku qoslaayey sida qacqaac loo jarjarooyo meeshaan....Ninkaan tuujiska aa la dhahaa baab ma shire waaye iyaaaah asxantu
  23. posted by Tuujiska Waraa adi Qac'Qac, Jbaro maseerka ka daa nooh..koow wiilo waxee dhahay I missed you qac'qac..adoo ordeysid aa irida kasoo gashay ayaa wili garabka bidixda kala wareejisay orodka aad igu dhaaftay..Markee wiilo kudhahday, I missed Jbaro ee aaway? intaa qoorta hoos u dhigtay sidii shimbir gaajo heysa ayaa waxaa bilowday filimaadkii loogu talagalay naagaha umusha ah..Young and the LoooooooooooooooooooL asxantu
  24. LooL..i heard this same joke in somali version. asxantu