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Everything posted by Rahima

  1. Assuming that even our brother Lakkad is guilty of what he is accused of, this is still disgusting and uncalled for. Walaahi I don't mean to disrespect you brother Darman, but this is just sad. Although this is just the net, we are still brethren in faith. None of us likes to be exposed (assuming he is guilty-which I'm not convinced of) so why do it to others? Read and reflect on the following hadith: The Prophet (pbuh) said: "O you people who believe with their tongues (meaning those who pay lip-service to faith), when faith has not entered their hearts, do not backbite the Muslims and do not expose their faults. Whoever exposes the faults of his Muslim brother, Allah will expose his faults. And if Allah exposes his faults, his faults will be open for everyone even if he would hide inside his house." (Related by Ahmad, Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi)
  2. Kheyr, how is the Wadaadnimo going? or has it been gone for that deserved vacation? lool, seems to of have . But hey we could be wrong and kheyr could be doing it with the wadaad style (whatever that is) Congrats to you and the lucky lady kheyr
  3. lol, in that case, iga raali ahow walaaley , but really adigaa iska shiftay , don't blame moi!
  4. QQ, What are you talking about brother ? C'mon now, you know better than that for Rasuallah s.a.w said: "Ahaqqu maa aufaitum min ash-shurooti maa istahlaltum bihi al-furooj." "The conditions which you have the most duty to fulfill are those by which you have made marital relations lawful." Bukhari & Muslim and don't forget the sign of the hypocrite is that he breaks his contracts. Let's hope you retract from that statement there
  5. Undoubtedly, diin and akhlaaq. Would be good if he's easy on the eye (I know, I know, but it's my right people ). And finally, must be a hard worker who has ambitions (great ambitions) and is working towards them (be it with education, business, Islam etc). And intuition, girlfriend, you have plenty of excellent prospects , like I told you the other day, make sure you don't live to regret letting go. Remember the dream !
  6. Rahima

    Just a thought!

    Gotta go with Barqaaqo on this, although it may seem like su'aal qaab daran, it would depend on the stage of your relationship. I mean if this is the guy that you will be marrying, he has a right to know (of course discreetly) for it affects him also. BTW Kynda, my fellow Melbournian, welcome to SOL . The more the merrier.
  7. Interesting research OG , even though i demand my equality (Allah given right), i can't say this applies to me. But nonetheless, fascinating! Tanag u .
  8. Its actually called polyandry when its females mating with more than one male at a time. Yeah true, but what i was saying was that Islam does not condone Polygamy, for polygamy is to have more than one mate (be you male or female). So basically Athena, according to Polygamy, you could actually have more than one husband , just like QQ could have more than one wife (as i'm sure he wouldn't mind ). And Polygyny (which i stated earlier) is a male having more than one wife-which is what Islam allows. Polygamy is the unification of polyandry and polygyny-which is why we as Muslims reject it. Hope that makes sense now! English :confused:
  9. Nope! I believe in restricted polygyny (that only a man can have more than one wife, and restricted to a mximum of four). Why do i believe in it? Because Allah has allowed it and for me to not believe in it would be to reject Islam. But do i like it? No not really and i can't imagine it happening to me. Polygamy on the other hand is that women can also have more than one husband (which is xaraam, and therefore i do not believe in it).
  10. As much as it's always best to avoid such circumstances, certain issues become inevitable and as Muslims we must fulfil our responsibilities by clarifying and if need be defending the Sunnah of Rasuallah. So basically the issue at hand here is the eating with ones hand. If one out of their own will chooses to eat with spoons/forks/knives (as opposed to the hands) and does so without belittling eating with ones hands, then inshallah it is fine for there is no harm in that. However, the problem arises when one is clearly belittling an act of established Sunnah (irrespective of its classification, mu'akadah or not, punishment or no punishment). Belittling the Sunnah is most certainly not a trivial issue for Rasuallah said: "That anyone who rejects my Sunnah is not of me". (Bukhari and Muslim). NOTE: my sunnah, no classification here. I don't wish for this to seem like personal attacks, but I hope it is obvious which particular comment I am speaking of. Subxanallah, I don't understand how anything which Rasuallah did could be disgusting. Furthermore, let us remember that to mock, reject or belittle anything established in Islam is to abrogate ones Islam (of course unless it is based on ignorance, which I sincerely hope it was, for at least that is an excuse in front of Allah). Therefore folks, in light of the prophet's advise: Adhere very closely to my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the rightly guided successors after me; bite on to it with your molar teeth, and beware of the newly invented matters. Repent from such things and never contemplate such thoughts again. The prophet s.a.w also said: Islam began as a stranger, and it will revert to being a stranger just as it began. So give glad tidings to the strangers. We are proud to hopefully be strangers! BTW, the hadith concerning the raxmah of differences is daciif. Read sifatus-salaah, the comments of Shakh Al-Bani (Rahimuallah). Allah has said in the Quran " And be not as those who divided and differed among themselves after the clear proofs had come to them. It is they for whom there is an awful torment". (3:105). Therefore, through Ikhtilaaf on established matters (with proofs) we will only attain Jahanam and not the Mercy of the Creator. I'll leave it at that, if I have offended anyone then I apologise, I have tried to keep any personal comments to myself and have instead opted for the proofs from the religion.
  11. Came across this in the paper today. Simple, but fantastic. Enjoy people. _______________________________________________ Dad ... what's a terrorist? By David Campbell April 23, 2004 Surely even a child can understand the difference between good and evil. Dad ... what's a terrorist? Well, according to the Oxford dictionary a terrorist is "a person who uses violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims". Which means that terrorists are very bad men and women who frighten ordinary people like us, and sometimes even kill them. Why do they kill them? Because they hate them or their country. It's hard to explain ... it's just the way things are. For many different reasons a lot of people in our world are full of hate. Like the ones in Iraq who are capturing people and saying that they'll kill them if all the soldiers don't leave? Exactly! That's an evil thing called "blackmail". Those innocent people are hostages, and the terrorists are saying that if governments don't do what they want the hostages will be killed. So was it blackmail when we said we'd attack Iraq and kill innocent people unless they told us where all their weapons were? No! Well ... yes, I suppose. In a way. But that was an "ultimatum" ... call it "good blackmail. Good blackmail? What's that? That's when it's done for good reasons. Those weapons were very dangerous and could have hurt a lot of people all over the world. It was very important to find them and destroy them. But Dad ... there weren't any weapons. True. We know that now. But we didn't at the time. We thought there were. So was killing all those innocent people in Iraq a mistake? No. It was a tragedy, but we also saved a lot of lives. You see, we had to stop a very cruel man called Saddam Hussein from killing a great many ordinary Iraqi people. Saddam Hussein stayed in power by giving orders that meant thousands of people died or were horribly injured. Mothers and fathers. Even children. Like that boy I saw on TV? The one who had his arms blown off by a bomb? Yes ... just like him. But we did that. Does that mean our leaders are terrorists? Good heavens, no! Whatever gave you that idea? That was just an accident. Unfortunately, innocent people get hurt in a war. You can't expect anything else when you drop bombs on cities. Nobody wants it to happen ... it's just the way things are. So in a war only soldiers are supposed to get killed? Well, soldiers are trained to fight for their country. It's their job, and they're very brave. They know that war is dangerous and that they might be killed. As soon as they put on a uniform they become a target. What uniforms do terrorists wear? That's just the problem ... they don't! We can't tell them apart from the civilians. We don't know who we're fighting. And that's why so many innocent people are getting killed ... the terrorists don't follow the rules of war. War has rules? Oh, yes. Soldiers must wear uniforms. And you can't just suddenly attack someone unless they do something to you first. Then you can defend yourself. So that's why we attacked Iraq? Because Iraq attacked us first and we were just defending ourselves? Not exactly. Iraq didn't attack us ... but it might have. We decided to get in first. Just in case Iraq used those weapons we were talking about. The ones they didn't have? So we broke the rules of war? Technically speaking, yes. But ... So if we broke the rules first, why isn't it OK for those people in Iraq who aren't wearing uniforms to break the rules? Well, that's different. We were doing the right thing when we broke the rules. But Dad ... how do we know we were doing the right thing? Our leaders ... Bush and Blair and Howard ... they told us it was the right thing. And if they don't know, who does? They say that something had to be done to make Iraq a better place. Is it a better place? I suppose so, but I don't know for sure. Innocent people are still being killed and these kidnappings are terrible things. I feel very sorry for the families of those poor hostages, but we simply can't give in to terrorists. We must stand firm. Would you say that if I was captured by terrorists? Uh ... yes ... no ... I mean, it's very difficult ... So you'd let me be killed? Don't you love me? Of course! I love you very much. It's just that it's a very complicated issue and I don't know what I'd do ... Well, if somebody attacked us and bombed our house and killed you and Mum and Jamie I know what I'd do. What? I'd find out who did it and kill them. Any way I could. I'd hate them for ever and ever. And then I'd get in a plane and bomb their cities. But ... but ... you'd kill a lot of innocent people. I know. But it's war, Dad. And that's just the way things are. Remember? David Campbell is a Melbourne writer.
  12. I don't believe i said the Somali women were perfect (although i do believe they are far more together than our men are), but the topic at hand here was our men standing around at mukhaayado-therefore i addressed it as such
  13. Sophist, Sister, where did you get the idea conraceptive being Haraam? There was Ictizaal at the time of the Sahaba and this was common practice. Never did the Prophet denounce this-- I am sure Nur will correct me. True akhi, i was actually referring to the modern forms of contraception, but nonetheless correct me if I'm wrong, but is it not so that contraception can not be used except for one of a few reasons (e.g. to space out the children-which is also under much debate, illness etc) and not just because a couple wishes to delay having a child (the first child). I was always under the impression, that wishing to complete your studies was not a viable reason. Walaahu aclum.
  14. Winter for us, but probably still as warm as you lot up north :cool: . I hope not to be disappointed. Raxmah, you probably will be , nothing to see really :rolleyes: ,lool, joke londoners, joke .
  15. I wouldn't utilise the word hate, maybe dislike, annoy etc. Hate is just too harsh. But the issue is not when they do it once in a while (for there is nothing wrong with hanging out with ones friends provided the sheeko is xalaal), but it becomes an issue when they do it day in day out neglecting all their duties and failing to better themselves and their community. They have a responsibility to take their position and perform their duties. We do not accept slackers for then someone else is going to have to take on board their neglected tasks, namely their female relatives. Just take a look at the married men who sit at these mukhaayado most of the time, who's at home taking care of the children and looking after their every need and want? Who's at home taking care of the homely duties? And even sadly at times, who's providing the finances? Yep, you guessed it women! So you see why we get all psychotic ? This practice needs to be eradicated for it can be bad influence on men who otherwise have the potential to be good men.
  16. Insha Allah, build the greatest Islam/Muslim Empire ever. OMG, this sounds so pleasing and satisfying. Someday Insha Allah. Inshallah! My sentiments exactly.
  17. Folks, Let's get a few things straight. Whilst we all agree that it is the teachings of Islam that we all get married at a young age (all relative really), it is not always possible- especially for us sisters. Whereas you men can continue your education and have a family, for us it usually comes down to one or the other and personally the way I see it is, why forsake my education when I can still get married after I have completed it. If you think about it, you can't exactly get married and continue your studies (without a great deal of hardship). I can't ever contemplate the thought of having my children been taken care of someone else while I attend school (except my mother, but she too has a life and it would be unfair of me to ask her to raise my children). And as for not having children at the beginning, we all know contraception would be xaraam in this situation. I see no problem in getting my degree and then finishing off half of my diin. Is there something wrong in getting married at 22? Or 23? Or 25? I think not! So boys, you do as you wish, but please for the love of God don't try and condition us towards your ways of reasoning for we are not the same. Believe you me, a decent Allah-abiding, well-educated respectful sister would have no problems in getting married. But yes, I concur and am not contradicting the established Sunnah, it is always best to tie the knot young-BUT it's not always possible. The best way to handle an impressive proposal before you have completed your studies, is just to tell him frankly, if his willing to wait till you finish your studies then he can wait, if not then I wish you all the best brother, but right now I have priorities. and our common Faaraxs are disadvantaged to be less educated than sisters of the same age group, this leads to a problem I have addressed before, the imbalance of eduacted sisters in comparison with Camel boys who may not earn the interest of sophisticated sisters with College education Nur akhi, walaahi this is so true! But whose fault is that? Personally I feel the blame lies with the brothers who do not step up to the plate. Anyway, the solution to this is to get married to a brother who has been taught Islamic knowledge for regardless of whether or not they have received secular knowledge they are mashallah amazingly intelligent and conduct themselves in the best of manners. Raxmah, don't stress sister , this was all written for you and will only happen by the will of Allah. Having said that, I advise you to not let a good brother go simply because you want to complete your studies (I used to have that thinking and let's just say a chance too good to pass by came up and I learnt to compromise). And as for your family, i make ducaa for you that they take it easy on you.
  18. Do u know what our beloved messenger(saas) would have done...he would have flogged abdi...(BTW abdi what? since u just can call someone Slave) 40 times...and he would have stoned Farah's wife to death...I wonder how many of you would do the same???Hmmmmm.... Let us not forget the conditions- it isn't exactly that easy. There had to of have been at least four witnesses that viewed the actual act (word of mouth is not good enough).
  19. Jazaakum Allahu Khayran to you all
  20. You're welcolme sweety and may Allah make the journey easy for you .
  21. Mu'adh ibn Jabal (radhi Allahu 'anh) said: "Through knowledge, Allah raises some people in rank, and He makes them leaders in righteousness and models in morality. The vestige of their faith is avidly sought, their deeds are emulated perceptively, and people will seek and sanction their opinions solicitously and unequivocally. The heavenly angels seek their company and anoint them with their wings, every fresh or withered life they pass by implore Almighty Allah to forgive them their sins... This is because knowledge revives the dead hearts and drives them out of darkness into light, and because knowledge is the light of the inner eyes that cures one's blindness and restores his inner sight." Imam Shafi' said: "All humans are dead except those who have knowledge ... and all those who have knowledge are asleep, except those who do good deeds ... and those who do good deeds are deceived, except those who are sincere ... and those who are sincere are always in a state of worry." And sister, it is only through education that you will attain knowledge. Although it may seem that these two great men were only referring to knowledge such as that of the Quran and Hadith, let us remember that Islam incorporates of all life and if you are attaining what is otherwise termed as "secular education" for the purpose of serving the ummah, then inshallah it will come under this banner of knowledge which these two quotes refer to.
  22. Mabruuk brother and may Allah bless your marriage. Baaraka Allahu laka wabaaraka calayka wajamaca baynakum fil khayr
  23. In men a similar classification exists, but, men do not have to wear special dress to show their observation of the law You sure about that Nur? I was under the impression akhi that for example the shortening of the trousers was part of the Islamic dress for the men as is the growing of the beard (which mind you so many men neglect as a duty ).
  24. I think some of the girls are over analyzing the issue (especially with the whole why wasn't Farax at work point), but I must concur, the story does seem unrealistic and is probably fictional. However, if we assume it to be realistic I believe hands down that Faarax did the right thing by not escalating the matter and it was proof of his noble character. As for marrying him, of course this would increase the chances (for clearly he has good akhlaaq), however there are other facets to be considered and therefore could not come to a conclusion based on just this.
  25. No suprise really, I suppose we bring it on ourselves!