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Everything posted by Rahima

  1. Rahima

    Open Minded

    Complete open-mindedness like freedom of all speech and freedom of all choice are all nothing more than farcical notions based on delusion rather than reality.
  2. It's not xijaab. It's just a piece of material covering the hair. Xijaab is far greater and more noble than this.
  3. Sahal, With all due respect, why must you make such comments? Who have you benefited here? Yaa Allah, what is wrong with us these days, it's like we are out to cause fitnah for ourselves. This discussion was concerning other matters, no need to come and pollute it (no offence), irrespective of what someone has said in another thread. Also, do not generalise the whole salafi manhaj, for when you say this you are also insulting a great deal of the culimaa' of Islam. Furthermore, simply because someone or a group of people do not agree with all the fataawa of a particular shaykh, it does not mean that they are disrespecting him or making xaraam accusations against him. All in all, one person does not speak for a whole manhaj, hence it would be much appreciated if you refrained from such remarks.
  4. How on earth could u entertain the idea that I’m running for another touch down in SOL stadium especially when u know too well this old miskiin has the brightest star that shines in his possession? How could u heh Rest assured I had retired to the arms of that special Qallanjo…u hear me I’m grounded . Nice Bashi And yes, many of us nomads think you're pretty cool
  5. Rahima

    Going Home!

    I can't imagine living in the west for the rest of my days. I can't imagine not going back home and I can certainly not imagine having children here and raising them in this society. Home is Somalia; this place for me is just a place of temporary stay although I have been here since I was a small child. To me, Somalia is Somalia, region is irrelevant in my books. Although technically by Somali standards I would be labeled as one who heralds from the region of mudug, my father was born and raised in Boorama (where his whole family resides), my mother born and raised in Gaalkacyo, my siblings and I born and raised in Xamar, hence I make no distinction- although I am biased somewhat and wish to reside in Mogadishu. This summer inshallah I shall be going for a holiday to the homeland- I can't wait. I've been looking forward to this for so long, its now become an obsession. Inshallah I shall visit all these places, and probably look around for avenues which will assist my permanent return after I graduate. All in all, if we, the new generation do not return home and utilise our learned skills, who then will rebuild and cultivate our land? We have a responsibility yaa shabbaab, do your part and don't be selfish. If at least not for yourself, then your children- surely you want them to have the experience of going to a nice home. Walaahi, I become sad at the fact that I left home so young, barely remembering anything. This trip for me will be some major dhaqan celis.
  6. So true walaahi! May Allah relieve them soon and bring them success. It's amazing how when so many of our brothers and sisters are suffering at the hands of the filthy gaalo, we Somalis still somehow manage to be turning on each other rather than facing our common enemy. This is what happens when a people stray from the siraad al-mustaqiim.
  7. This language is more convincing than to yell " This is a war on Islam" if they have not officially raised the official banner of war on Islam, why suggest it when you know that we are to be blamed in the first place of what happened to our faith? people wh calim to be "Muslims" played to the hands of those who want to defame Islam as a faith. This may be true, however this does not diminish the crystal point that this is a war on Islam and the followers of Rasuallah. Akhi, this is not anything new, Allah told us that the non-believers would forever be in warfare with the muslimiin, irrespective of whether or not they display this intention. For them to not openly wage war on Islam is nothing more than a tactic (which seems to be working). Not all enemies are so honorable as to openly verbalise their distaste for you and their wish for your demise. It would be silly of us to expect Bush and his cronies to stand in the front lawns of the White House and declare their intentions openly. I sure as hell am not holding my breath. And we mention this point so that Muslims wake up and smell the coffee, we mention it in the hope that they stop asskissing the kuffaar and have some dignity. How sad and revolting it is to beg your enemies, and not just any enemy but one who is hell bent on wiping you all out one by one until you submit to their ways and denounce Allah swt. But yes I concur wholeheartedly as to who the majority of the blame lies with. Sad to say, but we Muslims are the makers of our decline and humility. Regardless of the strength of the enemies of Allah, if the Muslims had true Iman, then as Allah has promised us, success would be ours. Therefore, it is up to us really, and personally I feel that many Muslims are fighting for the wrong reasons (mainly nationalism) and until we eliminate these corrupt reasons and return to our roots we shall never smell the sweet fruits of the success that Allah has promised.
  8. XISBI- Are you serious about not loving your wife?
  9. Boys, i believe you are doing more damage than good. There are many users on these forums who will be very confused by what you guys are discussing. Yes i realise that this is a public forum, however you have a responsibility and hence should fulfill it. Please show more xikma. If however you all wish to discuss and debate this topic, then do so via e-mail- just a suggestion.
  10. And then after all this, some Muslims are ****** enough to actually believe the propaganda machines which try to brainwash us all with rhetoric such as "this is not a war on Islam". Allah already told us, that they would only accept us if we leave Islam and join their evil forces, therefore yaa muslimiin wake up and smell the coffee, whether you like it not, Islam is been attacked, protect it from your corner. JZK for the beautiful letter.
  11. This is just embarrassing. Nothing to be proud of really!
  12. Subxaanallah, may Allah give your brother patience and perseverance. In a way it is a blessing for inshallah he will be given a real chance to prove his faith and be a real mujaahid for the Islamic cause. Look back at history and take a look at the great names that were tested with similar trials, truly it is an honor to have the same experience. Also, we should not see this just as a calamity, the saxaba used to race each other to prove their iman, they used to race each other towards dying for the sake of Islam. If ever given the opportunity, may we all succeed. May Allah reward him immensely on the day where everyone will wish to have had such an opportunity.
  13. abaydiis gabar muslimad ah soo matihid, maxaa geez it is derived from the word Jesus.. sorry if i put u on the spot. Never occured to me :confused:
  14. Bashi, Like I've already said brother, this issue is not black and white. The judgement of these scholars seems to be somewhat premature for the simple reason that they are going on what has been told in the media (that this man was just an opportunist looking to make some quick money in Iraq). It would be different if they had said assuming that he is as we have been told then the judgement would be….. However, as you can see from LSK points, there is undoubtedly some cloud surrounding this man. Sure enough in Islam there are general rules, nonetheless we must also understand that there are differing circumstances which need to be addressed as such. What most are saying here is the general shariica law, and yes we all agree that generally prisoners of war must be dealt with in the best of manners, BUT this is not always the case. There were many a times where Rasuallah killed POWs for the reason that their release could prove to be very dangerous for the Muslims &/or their crimes were incredibly inexcusable. Examples in the seerah are many, one that comes to mind is the incident of the Jewish tribe of Bani Qurayda which committed treachery and Rasuallah put their fate in the hands of the companion Sacad, who judged that their men be slain (along with other judgements). A trench was dug; they were all beheaded and buried. You can find this in Raxiiqul Makhtuum (if memory serves me correctly). Furthermore, Allah says: "O Prophet! Say to those who are captives in your hands: 'If Allah findeth any good in your hearts, He will Give you something better than what has been taken from you, and He will Forgive you: for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. But if they have treacherous designs against thee, (O Messenger!), they have already been in treason against Allah, and so hath He given (thee) power over them. And Allah is He who hath (Full) knowledge and wisdom. (The Noble Quran, 8:70-71)" Anyway as I've said, I can't really see how anyone can answer this question for we don't really know much about this incident, however the scholars can speak about different possibilities, in that if he was truly a POW without treacherous views then a conclusion similar to that given would be in accordance with the established Sunnah, but the point here is could it possibly be that this man was not as innocent as some claim him to be- which would of course undoubtedly lead to a different Fatwa.
  15. He made no reference to the plight of the muslim victims, but rather reffered to his hate for arabs. Now, we all know that not all arabs are muslims, nor do arabs represent the majority of muslims. So I just dont see the correlation. The point was and is, that for one to state that he/she is anti-Arab means that are also anti some of the Muslim victims of the world. Last I checked Iraqis were Arabs, as were Palestinians. So basically, the killing of this one man (even if wrong) is so crucial enough that one would oppose his fellow brethren (including the innocent victims). Sister, we're just playing with words now , so with that I shall inshallah go off to the land of nod. My bed awaits me. It was nice debating with both you and NGONGE as it is always good to have healthy debates. w/salaam
  16. Just another sad reminder of our failures as a nation . Damn those warlords and their blind followers.
  17. And what does the suffering of muslims all over the globe have to do with this particular beheading? Condemning the beheading does not constitute me being insensitive to murders of innocent muslims. But then again, we were not discussing that, now were we? The poster (i was not referring to you) made the correlation, not I. He specified that he was anti-Arab now. I think that constitutes as a connection, don't you think ?
  18. I realise I’m being borderline sexist here No you're not actually. Rasualluah has instructed that the man is the leader of the family, however there must be mutual respect, which means that he must always regard her opinions and thoughts. Problems arise when this mutual respect is lost, either if the husband begins to use the authoritarian style of leadership or if the wife doesn't acknowledge this delegation from Allah. A strong Muslimah knows and realises this whilst using it to her advantage.
  19. Spare us the emotion, sister. Argue on the points on hand, right or wrong? I'm not in a position to say it is right or wrong for it is matter for the scholars to decide. However even if we were blessed with enough knowledge to make such a judgement, it would be next to impossible considering all reportings are from proven liars. Bottom line is, i just watched the full video on the net (as it is not been shown in its entirety here in OZ) and if the scholars were to have any qualms about the killing, it would definitely be with respect to the method as it contradicts a proven and established hadiths. On the other hand I'm not sure about the actual killing of the man considering that this is a battlefield and therefore the question still stands, what was he doing there? He knew that the Iraqis viewed the Americans as enemies, yet still went there. Had he expressed his disgust and anger at the treatment of Iraqis, he would be stating the OBVIOUS Like this isn't stating the obvious? There have always been casualties in wars, surely you must realise this and hence wouldn't it be just stating the obvious? Big whoop, I don't understand what all the commotion is about. It's like every time anything goes wrong, the Muslims somehow feel the need to prove themselves innocent. The generally accepted rule is innocent until proven guilty and we all know that a few people do not define Islam, so even if this was wrong, we have nothing to answer for. Walaahi it is so sad to see the honour of the Muslims diminish to such a depressing state. To accuse the original poster of having less sympathy for his fellow Muslims because he dared to question the actions of the brutal murderers and their relation to ISLAM is WEAK What's even weaker is to deliberately misrepresent someone's words. I don't believe that I attacked our brother's faith, rather I questioned his reaction. Don't try to stir the pot akhi, i would never participate in the wicked craft of character assassination, for Lakkad is my brother and thus deserves my respect. If however, it came out sounding otherwise (considering I was just arguing my point of view), then inshallah he will know it was not my intention. I don’t see the point of that! Indeed it is incredibly sad and disheartening that aside from everything else, you don't see the point in condemning the actions of these invaders yet conversely are in agreement with expressing such sentiments when the oh so holy blood of a kafir is spilt. Quiet often people state the obvious, I'm sure many of us are doing it here- we all know it is disgusting, but alas we feel this great sense of urgency to say it anyway. It's about time brother that you painted with the same stroke with every similar point. Now, lets all take a deep breath; leave the anger out of this for a minute and ANSWER Lakkad’s question. My problem with Lakkads post is not the question, but rather his anti-Arab sentiments as a result of this incident. Like someone already said, Rasuallah was Arab, not to mention there are countless Arabs who are good people. However as for the question who's qualified to answer it? I doubt any here, probably only Nur- and only then he could only go on hypotheticals considering no one really knows why he was there (and no, it is not a conspiracy theory, I hope the situation of the Asian missionaries is still fresh in your mind). There are so many fiqh issues to consider and it is not for a lame man to answer, in fact it would be a sin for people to answer without knowledge. We must say Allahu aclum till those who can do answer it- it may seem obvious but nonetheless we must ask the people of knowledge. At the end of the day, even if the scholars deem this to be wrong, my sympathy will only be to the Muslims- sorry just not enough to go around considering how many Muslims receive worse fates at the hands of our enemies I'm sure you can understand why. Devil's Advocate Sister, it might help if you read the rest of my post, not just that paragraph. I think it was rather obvious that I was referring to the Muslims who are suffering across the globe from the evils of oppression. Therefore, your points of the molester etc wouldn't really apply here.
  20. Being a devout shi'i Are you Somali brother ?
  21. I could be one of the low-caste clans of Puntland So there are low-caste clans? You'd think we would of have learned after all this time :rolleyes: . "All people are equal, as equal as the teeth of a comb. There is no claim of merit of an Arab over a non-Arab, or of white over a black person, or of a male over a female. Only God-fearing people merit a preference with God." And anyway, PUNTMAN and SADEBOI, ever heard of the age old saying: It's like the pot calling the kettle black? Think about it
  22. But seriously, and this is for the guys, marry them young, brothers. The age has its advantages. For a start, they’ll be able to “churn” out lots and lots of kids for you before their biological clock finally runs out of battery. When you’re an old man, you’ll still be able to look across at your wife and marvel at how young and full of life she is (that’s if you don’t drain the life out of her with extreme farax acts). But the best thing of all is the great opportunity you’ll be presented with to mould a young mind to your (obviously correct) way of thinking. An older girl will be set in her ways and ideas of life and how it should be lived. While a younger girl will be open to persuasion, cajoling and bribes! In no time at all you’ll have her dancing to your tune (a bit like the Barbie website above). Jeez you're old fashioned brother not to mentioned incredibly wrong. Let me put it this way, if you have the charm and what it takes then she won't be set in her ways, it just takes skill. Maybe you just don't have it,lool, And anyway, i don't know if most have noticed, but sooner or later the wife somehow begins to reach her husbands biological appearance :confused: - even if she is nine years younger. At times to the point where she may seem older. I blame the men :mad: , it is the stress they put upon us women. Personally, although age shouldn't really matter (for it doesn't determine maturity), 5-10 years is good. Considering that i am officially 21 today, 31 is the max for me, 26 preferably (not because of the age,lol )
  23. Why on Allah's good earth do you want to give up tea? Exactly what i was thinking. Apparently as told to me by a family friend who once caught be enjoying the delights of tea drinking, if i was in Gaalkacyo i would be the laughing stock of the town (as girls are not supposed to drink tea :rolleyes: ) I however, can proudly admit that i am a tea addict , at least it has lots of antioxidants (my way of deluding myself).
  24. Nope. Never stayed long enough to even be fired- always left as soon as a better opportunity came along.
  25. Lakkad and crew, I suggest that all your sympathy be given to the Muslims, there just isn't enough to go around. Walaahi I'm so sick to death and tired of Muslims making such a bid deal out of such incidences when it happens all the time-the only difference is this time it wasn't a Muslim. Why don't you become just as outraged when your brothers, sisters, daughters, sons, mothers and fathers of Iraq, Palestine, Chechniya, Kashmir, China, India, and even closer to home Western Somalia are been slaughtered every single day? Is there blood not worthy of such outrage and disgust? Anyway, like some nomads have already stated, we only know that this man was "innocent" from the propaganda machines of the pentagon, sorry to say, but in my books this is not very reliable. And anyway, what on earth was he doing there? Apparently he was looking to get a contract from the invaders and in my books that constitutes as stealing and hence makes him an enemy. The only innocent people are those who are truly working for the relief agencies with no hidden agendas. Everyone else is a target, if you want to be safe, get out. Don't they get it, they are not wanted there.