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Everything posted by Rahima

  1. Who cares anyway. I just wish that they would get on with it. This whole process is based on tactics of corruption, but i prefer corruption than anarchy.
  2. Second Puntland is a show that you have no part in what so ever. Why is that Smith?
  3. SMW, the bottom line is no one is completely innocent here, least of all Morgan. You demonize the JVA (namely Yusuf Idha Cade-we know why ) yet overlook the actions of Morgan. I mean heck, you openly support CY, which says a lot about how biased your views are. At the end of the day the facts are, this tragedy was started by Morgan, rolled on by the JVA, the general public of Dhoobley suffered and blame lies at the feet of all, including and probably most prominently Morgan. So please save us this BS about how supposedly evil this Yusuf guy is. Like I said, even if Yusuf Indha cade and Barre Hiraale are guilty, they still does not reach the rank of Morgan. Why are you concentrating on the little man in this war? Could it be that the little man is not your uncle but the big fish is blood? Blood is thicker than water ay? Assuming that Indha cade is guilty, he has done what Morgan has been doing for as long as most of us can remember. This does not exonerate the JVA, rather it puts a different light to it than that which you try and flash for us. Moreover, why can’t you just admit that these people are all guilty and the poor folks of Dhoobley have suffered? Can you not leave it that or is it a must you play the tribe card even in a tragedy like this? If these pictures truly saddened your heart you would not be playing the tribe card, rather you would sit back and contemplate this cheerleading you have taken to. Some have come around, but i wonder what it will take for you to come around SNW? It reminded me of Aydeed's millitias looting of the south in the early 90's. And oh yes, whilst we are at it, why don’t we all relive the tragedy of the civil war, yes that’s right, it was all the doing of evil Caydiid and the rest were innocent. I mean I’m sure that our people only suffered because of the USC. Listen brother, don’t try and kid us here, everyone I’m sure agrees that Caydiid was guilty just like I’m sure everyone agrees that he was not alone in that, so do us a favour and cut the cheap lines. It is in the past. You just love to resurface this every time it serves your purpose. This is almost the BS rhetoric of those who cry day and night how foul Siyaad Barre was (sound familiar? I’m sure it does, is this not what you say to some?). Get over it. This is a characteristic of the Jews, who till this day cry over the holocaust- trying to milk it for what it is worth is over. You’ve milked it enough, now let’s move on. However the people of Dhoobley know what happened it was not about Morgan, and his conflict with the JVA, but of criminals with guns and heavy armour who came about on an opportunity to loot, pillage and rape. Don’t even try and speak for the people of Dhoobley. You wouldn’t know the first thing about their suffering, so don’t use it in vain. I am sure that these people are not fond of Morgan- a mayor and few inhabitants do not speak for a whole people. The people of Dhoobley dont blame Morgan, they dont even blame Barre Hiiraale they blame Yusuf Inda Cade, how come are they scared of Morgan? They do? Interesting, so when exactly did you speak with them? Gotta love ya SNW. You give me a good laugh every time. Be discreet in future. unlike Afmadow who told him to stay AWAY Al-itixaad influence I’ve been told by a native of Afmadow. What I never get is, if these criminals want to fight, why don’t they do it on uninhabited land? Looking at these photos, puts more reality to it, I was saddened before, now somehow angry. Uff, how I hate these Somalis and their sick supporters.
  4. Is that normal???... LOL, that's what i was thinking With all the water restrictions here, that would probably be illegal. Generally though, good hygiene from body to oral hygiene (cannot stress enough the importance of that) and good dress-sense are the way to go. Perfume is nice also, although too much is just a turn off.
  5. And I dont know the english term for San Boor Hayfever. About bleaching creams and girlz beuty sheikh mohamed rashaad was talking about that topic in one of his muxaadaro in the last years mutamar in Sweden, it was kinda sad and scary when i really watched that video.. Subxannallah, I also watched this muxaadara in complete shock, especially the part about the constituents of make-up. Keep them coming girls, very much appreciated .
  6. OG. Girl, its not about who will be president but that we get back our country. We should all pray, hope and be optimistic about getting out of the situation that we are in Insha Allah. So true, and inshallah!
  7. Truth seeker, Brother whilst I’m sure that the hizb-tahriir has good intentions, their plan of action is not based on reality. These rulers are in place because the Muslims in general are corrupt. If as an Ummah we were god-fearing (or at least the majority was) then we wouldn't have so many gaalo-*** -kissing leaders. That is the bottom line akhi. We need to begin at the grass roots level. Don't expect to make a difference whilst your own home is in ruins, and worse still don't expect to make a difference when in essence Muslims like the lifestyle choices they are able to make under these leaders. The dictatorship and brutality is one thing, but they give the "moderate" Muslims a lifestyle that little bit closer to the one they so desire, that of the west. You need to balance out the benefit and the good that could possibly come out of overthrowing these leaders. I agree, we should be outspoken against them, yet i realise that to try and overthrow them at this stage will only lead to anarchy. We need a better strategy than that given to us by Hizb-tahriir, i'm sure the answers are in the correct sunnah.
  8. Mashallah, what an inspiring article. Like I’ve said before, I can’t wait to graduate. I will be going to Somalia in about two months Inshallah to have a look around and after I graduate I shall be on the first plane back (Allah-willing). I pledge my utter elegiance to the new upcoming governtment. As I do, and inshallah most of us. Gediid, You see my brother; this is when I get irritated by some Somalilanders. What benefit did you get out of making such a remark? With all due respect, if you can’t make a positive comment, then it would be much appreciated if you kept it to yourself. This is our problem, we shall deal with it. Even if it were to take us another 14 years, it is still our problem, but by the will and aid of the Almighty this shall be the last time. I’m beginning to think that some of you are actually praying for the failure of Somalia. "None of you will truly believe until you love for your brother what you love for yourself". Bukhari
  9. On the other hand which president, primeminister, or any head of any state would openly criticize the only excisting superstate?? The Prophet Muhammad said, "The greatest jihad is to speak the word of truth to a tyrant." The problem is we lack Muslim with true resolve. Even at their weakest level, Muslim leaders should at least shut it if they are not able to speak the truth. Why must they feel the need to praise?
  10. ^ LOL The number stand for letters not in the english language. e.g. 7=X and 3=C (Somali), someone correct me i'f i'm wrong. This is what i've picked up from reading their letters.
  11. Acuudu bilaah. This woman needs to be dealt with.
  12. May Allah ease their pain and suffering. This just makes me so sad walaahi. Here are our muslim somali brethren suffering/dying and here we are in the comfort of our own homes hardly ever giving them a second thought. I can't wait to graduate.
  13. What criteria are necessary to convice you of the legitimacy of a prospective Islamic government? The criteria are many and extensive, but two which come to mind are that the government must implement the shariica across the board and not have a different set of laws for the upper class which basically allow them to get away with most crimes, yet punishing the poor for every minute crime (this is the case in Saudi Arabia). Basically, there must be an element of fairness where all are equal. With Somalia, I worry that this will be one of our downfalls if we adopt an Islamic form of governance. The second will have to be the introduction of the shariica in a step-by-step mode instead of doing in an all at once fashion. You need for the people to understand the law before you can implement it. It may be that the religious folk of Somalia will have a fair understanding of the shariica, but the common Somali aside from the basic xuduuds probably lacks awareness. Would you give an aid to such a movement if you were convinced of its true Islamic status? As a Muslim how can I not?
  14. Mobb, Not only indha cade, but be it my own brother, father, uncle, husband i will always support the call for justice (of course only if it judged by that which Allah has revealed through his prophet s.c.w). I have faith that if indeed they are innocent they will be found to be just that and if they are guilty they should pay the price. But allow me to ask, why did you feel the need to ask me such a question? Have i in some way made it seem like i support this man (if so, please quote exactly where you read me doing just that) or any other for that matter or dare i say are you just supporting your comrades? No need for such comments brother.
  15. Good point, it was a waste of life that was lost in that conflict. MP Hiiraale spoke well, gave a good account from his point of view. I can sense a glimmer of hope for the Juba's and Insha Allah we hope it becomes more than a glimmer and leads to peace. Inshallah it will.
  16. ^ To most it is crystal clear , Otali i do believe is somewhat confused . He needed that clarification i think
  17. Yes smith! That is why i detest Caydiid Jr the most along with your cousin CY of course And my high horse is just fine with me , getting down from it would mean the risk of being infected with that which you seem to of have
  18. HA, I do believe brother that Otali seems to think you share a common cause with him. It's about time he realised how far removed you are from that.
  19. Smith and Otali, worry not boys. I'm sure both of your cousins who you both seem passionate about defending, will be brought to trial . Have no fear, Allahs justice is a surety, if not on this earth then inshallah in the akhira. Just make sure that the two of you don't head down that road, action with your current line of thinking will take you there so you better watch it .
  20. Yeah we only know barbarian goats sereaslly and my dad used to buy them just to support his people ...I know he is racist ..lol He knew his people needed the support dee
  21. Mudug should be separated into Lower and Upper Mudug, probably by making the dividing line right through Gaalkacyo. The people of this region can never seem to agree upon anything (probably why most of the troublemakers call it home); therefore asking them to collectively govern a state is to warrant disaster. Aside from that adjustment, I personally feel that HA division would best suit our people.