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Everything posted by Rahima

  1. but i hope he is gonna lead somalia Through the Holy quran.. Don’t hold your breath sister ; CY is openly anti the implementation of Islam. This is the man who after 9/11 was crying out to the US how Somalia was full of terrorists and for them to eliminate the country of his brothers. It then becomes obvious why they favoured him . From such a person, can we expect much in terms of Islam? I think not! So long as he does not go back to his old ways of brutality, we are satisfied. They say one step at a time . Nugaali, It still does not make it right. What I disagree with is the point that he won the presidency upon fairness and justice. That is a load of crap, and we all know it . Money and support from certain outsiders (namely the filthy xabash) made the difference. But of course I don’t blame him for it, he was only playing the game that the rest of the sick Somalis were playing. Nationalist, Brother, don’t kid yourself . Believe you me, very few people are happy that he won the position, just take a look at SOL, how many non-puntlanders are happy? very few and if they are, it is not because of his great ceredntials . I suggest that you have a chat to the average Somali, I have yet to come across any Somali-from all areas, from Hargeysa to Afmadow and all in between- who is happy with the outcome of president, but nonetheless are happy for the chance at success. The people of these cities celebrate because it is a prospect of peace. I guarantee you that the celebrations would of have been the same regardless of who won. These people celebrated in the same fashion when cabdiqasim won at the last conference. Don’t confuse the two . Some would love it if all were overjoyed at the selection, but this is not the case and I’m sure if you got in touch with reality you would see that .
  2. ^ I was talking about the average Somali, not those at the conference. And anyway, never could the conference and election be fair. I've thought and stated this even before the president was elected. It is based on corruption (where have you ever heard of bribes been fair?), but like i said, corruption is better than anarchy. Most people celebrate because of the prospect of peace and prosperity. CY and the new government have a lot to proove before the average somali begins to sing their praises. This i think shouldn't be too hard. So long as they have the support of the people, the only way is up (we've gone as low as we can).
  3. Ramadaan Mubaarak to all.
  4. ^ Greedy or not he is what we have, we must make the best of it. Let's hope that his words begin to ring truth . I have hope in that, with so many eyes on him, he cannot afford to fail.
  5. Suldanka LOL, dont make me laugh mate. Hobyonet are sore at the loss of the election. However right now the respected members of Mogadishu clans are competing for the PM post. So forget about recognition son. Its too little to late. Even at a time like this Smith, must we resort to such a card? Walaahi this is just so sad. Milk it for what it is worth Smith , at the end of the day it matters not who is disappointed and who is not, we have a bigger goal. There are those who supported CY for legitimate reasons (namely they thought he was strong/ruthless enough to make a difference in the dog-eat-dog world of Somalia), then there are those who supported him for reasons of relations. This is becoming more and more evident- the latter group will inshallah be left behind in this new age of Somalia , enough with qabiil.
  6. ^As i thought, how i hate these debates. They sure as hell don't serve me any purpose. The previous topic here i ended for it was of no real value. I have posed all the questions of disagreement to the scholars for we will never agree. As for the differences between the two akhi, one is speaking generally (therefore harshness can be utilized for it is speaking to Muslims in general), whilst the other is speaking about certain individuals and hence gentleness is a requirement. That is how i see it .
  7. sure we can forgive him if he promises that he wont back his old That i am hoping. How nice would it be if he repented and made that promise to the people of Somalia. Life would be so sweet Dare i say, i would be the first to give him a hug of congratulations (not literally of course ).
  8. ^ Aamiin brother, Aamiin. At this point, we are so desperate, we will accept almost anything besides warlordism.
  9. Baashi, That is disturbing to say the least. Acuudu bilaah, let's hope its a rare thing.
  10. Sure enough the man is not innocent, but he will know how to best handle the warlords, such minds think alike . One thing i am looking foreword to is the way he will handle any opposition- who knows he might after all do us the favour of getting rid of the other warlords - I suppose we can live with one. I hope my friend was correct; with any luck his ruthlessness will pay off in this situation. As for Somaliland, if indeed this is successful, then I don’t see under what grounds they will continue to seek independence.
  11. ^ I think most Somalis are in that boat. I have yet to come across any person who wants CY to fail, everyone I know of is praying for success. To support the government does not mean that one has to sing the praises of any leader whilst overlooking any possible problems. We have to be realistic, it's not like it's going to be an easy smooth transition. We therefore, have to accept the good with the bad for the love of peace and nationhood. At least that's how i see it
  12. ^ Actually sister, the brother made perfect sense. The first line was to you, the second as a general response to the topic. All the hatred is that expressed by these non-Muslims and “bring it†was directed at them basically. At least that is how i understood his point . As for the kuffar hating us, this is no surprise. Allah has already told us over and over in the Qur'an- it's about time the Muslims woke up and realized this. All of this gaalo-*** -kissing will not bring us success.
  13. My Only fear is Abdullahi yusuf to become another Failed Muslim Leader who appeases the enemies of Islam by cracking down on Islam and Muslims by accusing them to be terrorists. I hope Ethiopia stays out of this and doesn't cause Abdullahi's Failure. This, sad to say is an almost certainty. We are going to need a miracle for this to happen (Ethiopia to not interfere). Ethiopia and the US have being itching for years for this opportunity. Let’s hope (a very big hope) that CY dampens this for them. I can’t see that happening, but nonetheless miracles have happened before.
  14. wheter Bin Laden was behind 9/11 or not is irrelevant What is more irrelevant was for you to begin posting in this thread with points regarding the Islam of Usama- as if this was the point. Allow me to quote the article once more: As an example they claimed that, the Mujahideen led by Shaikh Usamah Bin Laden are not entitled to declare Jihad in the absence of the Islamic State (Khilafah). The subject of Khilafah has been conveniently avoided and now, it has suddenly becomes important! Since, when does anyone need permission to declare or fight a defensive war (Jihad)? When the slaughter of the defenceless Muslims is rampant, even common sense dictates that permission is not required, not even from the Khalif. The point was the legitimacy of Usamas struggle, not the Islam of Usama or whether he is that or this- this my brother was irrelevant to this discussion. Whether or not this struggle will be accepted by Allah, is not for you or any other human being to decide akhi (unless of course you pronounce kufr on him). I’m sure you know of the story of the bani Israel, the one about the learned man and the sinner. We are not to believe completely nor deny completely the stories of the bani Israel, but in quoting it, the scholars are making the fundamental point that you do not know what Allah will accept and what He will reject. my sister fil Minhaj; The reason why we are discussion Osama status is simple, the author of that piece, called Osama a “Shaaykh†someone to be followed and looked up to, this is when I and another nomad interjected! My brother fil minhaj, as for the author, it is called an opinion; don’t assume that all scholars are totally against Usama on all points. Sure enough like I’ve said, he may have faults, but not all scholars are as harsh against him as the Saudi scholars. As far as politics is concerned, I lean more towards scholars that are not necessarily in support of their government (i.e. the scholars of the hijaaz)- I prefer the stances of Shaykh Al-Bani. He objected also, but in my opinion was more objective and kept things more in perspective. Now, don’t jump down my throat, I am in no way defaming any scholar. BTW, Did you know that shaykh ibn baz rahimuallah, stated in a fatwa before he died that the greatest jihad on earth at that time was to fight against Saddam, mind you the Israelis and the Americans were in full force. and you in spite of all this you still support him! Of course. To support someone does not necessarily mean you have to agree with them on each and every point. We support by default. Overall I believe he can make mistakes, but inshallah I hope his efforts will be accepted by Allah. Like I’ve said brother, this is the stance of the scholars on many similar issues(such as suicide bombings). its not Spubs who says it’s a big no no! Overthrowing the muslim Government according to our minhaj is a “no noâ€, unless you see clear Kufar, yet this is still a " “no no" untill you have the power to overthrow them, Are you sure about that? Brother, I suggest you do a tad more reading. The Muslims, can overthrow any unjust leaders, so long as the benefit will be greater than the harm that may come of it. The conditions are very stringent brother, but I guarantee you that Islam makes way to replace a leader if he does not serve the interests of Islam. In the case of Saudi Arabia, I agree with the scholars in that it is not of benefit at this point in time, but at the same time, simply because I disagree with Safar and Salman on this, it does not make me look upon them any different. i have already showned the stands of the salafi Scholars concerning Salman and Safar Do you realize that there are salafi scholars outside of the Hijaaz? Do you think that salafism is only within the borders of Saudi Arabia? Anyway, have a read brother. _______________________________________________ Sheikh Ibn Baz's Defence of Scholars Ibn Baz Article ID: 8 | 123 Reads Date: 10/4/1414 AH From Abdul Aziz ibn Abdullah ibn Baaz to the honourable brother...............may Allah guide him to what pleases Him, Ameen. Assalaamualaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu: I received your letter in which you are asking me about listening to the tapes, speeches, lectures and books of the preachers and scholars, such as Sheikh Ayedh al-Qarni, Sheikh Salman al-Awdah, Sheikh Nasser al-Umar, Sheikh Safar al-Hawaali, and Sheikh Abdul Wahhab at-Tareeree, and whether they are innovators, and [saying] that they were from certain deviated groups, and that they are not Salafis but are Kharijis, and asking about the rule concerning backbiting them, may Allah provide you with His guidance. Answer: Their tapes are beneficial and they are NOT innovators NOR are they Kharijis, and BACKBITING THEM IS NOT PERMISSIBLE. On the contrary, ONE SHOULD DEFEND THEM, like any person of knowledge among Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah, although no one of them is infallible, and such are others among the scholars, everyone can make mistakes or can be right, and thus one takes what is right from his talk, and leaves what is contrary to the truth. And one should maintain that they meant good as much as he can, and maintain a good opinion of his brothers. A sound hadeeth of the Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, says: "Every son of Adam commits errors, and the best of those who commit errors are those who repent". And it was related in a sound hadeeth that he said, "Surely, when the judge makes ijtihaad and arrives at a correct judgment then he has a double reward, and when he makes ijtihaad and misses the correct judgement, then he has a single reward." And such is the case of the REST OF THE SCHOLARS, whoever arrives at the correct opinion has a double reward, and whoever misses the correct opinion has a single reward, if he is among the people of knowledge and is honest to Allah in his work. I ask Allah to guide all of us to what pleases Allah and benefits His servants, along with a protection from deviating turmoil, He is All-Hearing, All-Near. Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahe wa barakaatuhu. Mufti General of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia And President of the Council of Leading Scholars And the Departments of Scholarly Research and Legal Verdicts Abdul Aziz ibn Abdallah ibn Baaz _________________________________________________ Ibn 'Uthaymeen warns the Muslims from the Salafi Group Ibn 'Uthaymeen Article ID: 9 | 303 Reads From his [the Prophet](SAW) statement, "Whoever lives amongst you will see much differing, so adhere to my Sunnah", It can be learnt that if parties (ahzaab) within the ummah emerge in increasing numbers then one should not affiliate himself to a party (hizb). In the past, many groups have appeared; Khwaarij, Mu'tazilah, Jahmiyyah, Shee'ah, even Raafidah. Then there appeared, later on Ikhwanis, Salafis, Tablighis, and all those like them. Put all of them to one side and take [the path] ahead. Which is what the Prophet SAW guided to. "Adhere to my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the rightly guided caliphs." No doubt, it is obligatory for all Muslims to adopt the way of the salaf as their madhhab, not affiliation to a specific party (hizb) named, "The Salafis". It is obligatory for the Islamic Ummah to adopt the way of the salaf as-salih as their madhhab, not bigotry to those called "the salafis". Pay attention to the difference: There is the way of the salaf, and there is a party (hizb) called "the salafis". What is the objective? Following the Salaf. Why? The salafi brothers are the closest sect to that which is right, no doubt, but their problem is the same as others, that some of these sects declare others as being misguided, they declare them to be innovators and as being sinners. We don't censure this, if they deserve it, but we censure handling this bid'ah in this way. It is obligatory for the leaders of these sects to get together and say, “Between us is the book of Allah, and the Sunnah of His messenger, so lets us judge by them and not according to desires, opinions and not according to personalities. Everyone makes mistakes and achieves correctness no matter what he has reached with regards to knowledge and worship. Infallibility is [only] in the religion of Islam." In this hadeeth the Prophet SAW guided to the way in which a person secures himself. He doesn't affiliate him to any sect, only the way of the salaf as-salih, to the Sunnah of our Prophet SAW and the rightly guided caliphs. The following is his speech on Shaykh Safar al-Hawali's book "Manhaj al-Ashaa'irah fil-'Aqeedah" from the same tape: And how good is that which our brother Safar al-Hawali has written concerning what they say, or what he knows about their madhhab (i.e. the Ashaa'irah) ___________________________________________ And I thought this might be an interesting point: Legal Verdict Regarding Sayyid Qutb Article ID: 23 | 192 Reads Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Office of the Presidency of Islamic Research and Legal Verdicts Question: Some youth call Shaykh Sayyid Qutb a heretic and prohibit the reading of his books, and they say a similar statement regarding Hasan al-Banna, as they also say regarding some of the scholars that they are Khawarij. Their argument is that [they do this] in order to 'expose the errors [of these men] to the people,'. even though [these youth] are until now [only] students [of knowledge]. I hope for a response so that doubt may be removed from us and others, [and] so that this [phenomenon] will not spread. Response: All praise belongs to Allah alone. To proceed: It is impermissible to [unjustly] call the Muslims heretics or wicked as is evidenced by the statement of the Prophet SAW "Whoever says to his brother 'O enemy of Allah,' and he is not such but that it returns back to him." While in [another] hadith 'Whoever calls a Muslim an infidel it returns back to one of them.' While in another hadith: "A man passed by another while he was doing a sin and he said to him, 'By Allah, Allah will not forgive you.' So [Allah] said: 'Who is he who can pass judgment on my behalf that I will not forgive so and so, I have forgiven him and have nullified your deeds.'" With this I say, Sayyid Qutb and Hasan al-Banna are among the scholars of the Muslims and among the people of da'wa. Allah has brought benefit by them and through them He has guided many people. They both have efforts [for Islam] which should not be denied. For this reason Shaikh Abdul-Aziz ibn Baz interceded on behalf of Sayyid Qutb when the order for his execution was given. [ibn Baz] was gentle in his intercession, but President Gamal [Abdel Nasser] did not accept [ibn Baz's] intercession, may Allah send upon him [i.e. Abdel Nasser] what he deserves. When both men [i.e Hasan al-Banna & Sayyid Qutb] were killed, each was referred to as a martyr, as each was killed unjustly. This is borne witness to by those close [to them] as well as by the general public. As it was widely spread in the papers and books without anyone ever objecting. Moreover, the scholars have received their books [with acceptance]. No one has attacked them for more than the [last] twenty years. If some [heresy proceeded] from them, then [these mistakes] are similar to an-Nawawi, as-Suyuti, Ibn al-Jawzi, Ibn 'Atiyah, al-Khatabi, al-Qastalani and the likes of many of them. I have read what Shaikh Rabi al-Madkhali has written in his refutation of Sayyid Qutb and I found that he has placed statements where they do not exist. For this reason Shaikh Bakr Abu Zaid, may Allah perserve him, refuted him. Likewise, [al-Madkhali's] unjust attacks of Shaikh 'Abdur-Rahman ['Abdul-Khaaliq] and his [twisting 'Abdur-Rahman 'Abdul-Khaaliq's words] in order to find errors which would make ['Abdur-Rahman 'Abdul-Khaaliq appear] misguided, even though [shaikh Rabi] befriended him for a lengthy period of time and he never found any such errors [in the past]. And the eye of pleasure sees every fault insignificant, But the eye of hatred always finds fault. Dictated by Abdullah ibn Abdur-Rahman ibn Jibreen 26/2/1417 AH __________________________________________________ Did Abdul Wahhab not fight against 'corrupt' rulers? Indeed he did Brother Ayoub. JZK for highlighting this. This is a perfect example of the need to at times fight and get rid of the leadership. Ibn Taymiyyah was also in the same position.
  15. Kudos to SOL , You must be a very proud father LSK
  16. Cawralo, i guarantee you that almost all of the candidates would of have said the exact same thing. Trust me, the leader was always going to be a xabash lover (the US and Ethiopia made sure of it), just have a look at the winner and the runner up. Anyway enough of it really, we are in a situation of mere submission . Alas this is our fate
  17. ^ For what reason? Surely you don't think that the majority are happy that he won :confused: ? Sadly we accept. The dream is more important than any leader you see . Is that so hard to fathom brother? I guess it might be for his cheerleaders
  18. I personally am very, very disappointed at the result of this parliamentary vote. Laakiin for the sake of Soomaali midnimo and for the sake of plight of Soomaali people in and out of Soomaaliya, I personally accept Cabdulaahi Yuusuf Axmed as a president, and may Allaah make an easy transition for him: Aamiin. I think that this is the stance of most Somalis, because like them i too am tired. At this point, anyone will do, and we shall help him. I'm excited at the prospect though, not because he is the leader, but because i have hope that this government will make changes. For me, that means the achievement of a life goal, to return permanently to my homeland, my country of birth, my beloved Somalia. Such a sweet dream, i can almost touch it.
  19. ^ It's basically the same thing; Allah says not to call each other by disrespectful nicknames, just like we should not make fun of one another about illness. Hopefully he will survive this illness for a long time to come, in order to achieve that which has now become his responsibility- the rebuilding of Somalia. As for my personal opinion on this man, he is not my favourite (no real surprise there), but that is now irrelevant. I shall wait and see how he handles the responsibility, and so long as his good outweighs his bad (for surely we cannot expect him to take every right step), I shall be in complete support.
  20. We celebrate because of the hope of peace, not because of who the president is. I went to university today; so many glum faced and thought to myself, is this not better than anarchy? Heck, he isn’t my favourite person also, but nonetheless I have hope and pray for him.
  21. Allow khayrkiisa nasii sharkiisana adigan kaa magan galnay.allow dadkeena xaqqa tusi wadankeenana nabad nooga dhali..that is my ducaa.I hope si cadaalad ah in uu wadanka u rule gareeyo Aamiin and Inshallah. The real task is still ahead, I just hope everyone gets behind him and the new government. May Allah guide him to that which is correct and make him successful in the position (Islamically speaking).
  22. Nationalist, But I don't know, maybe it has got to something to do with the fact that there's only water between Perth and my homeland Somalia. So things can get smuggled in easily. No I think it has more to do with the fact that more and more folks (namely young single men) from Sydney are moving to Perth for the free qaad . I pity you guys in Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Sydney. We Somalis in Perth are reminded of our beautiful Somalia every single day by the African like environment here. They trees and everything look just like that of Somalia, we even have acacia trees. Oh please, I’ve heard all about Perth . I have two friends, one who originally moved from Melbourne, who have both come to Melbourne, complaining about Perth. They say, the heat is unbearable, here at least, if you don’t particularly like the weather, just wait 10 min and it is sure to change . They say that Melbourne has four seasons in one day . Only down side is I don't get to meet many Somalis I can disagree on things, since virtually everbody here's from Puntland. Come to Melbourne, you have almost every group you can think of . We even have Somalilanders, although small in number, nonetheless even their voice is heard. I have a question; Do you study in LaTrobe University? No, but why do you ask ?
  23. A friend of mine believes he should be president for the precise reason that he is shunned for- the element of ruthlessness. This man he believes will turn against his brother if he was to oppose him, therefore the reasoning is, if the Somali people get behind him, his ruthlessness towards those that may oppose him (namely other warlords) will proove to be of benefit - in that he will do us the favour of wiping them out . Then, because of his age, he will not be on the political scene very long. Sounds almost too good to be true, the extinction of all warlords.