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Everything posted by Rahima

  1. But may I ask why "you" hate him I so know that i will be jumped at for this reason , but my fingers are itiching for the laugh,lool. I'll tell you why sister OG_Girl, It ain't because he is a warlord (that should be enough of a reason), it's because Nationalist believes him to be a traitor. You see, this warlord Mr. Jess sided with Caydiid during the civil war and hence became a traitor. I'm only saying it like it is . Nationalist, calm down brother. Remember it's Ramadaan, a time for serenity, peace and goodwill .
  2. ^ In all the years that i have being fasting the months of Ramadan, i have yet to come accross any year where all the Muslims began on the same day (usually the Turks on a different day). This year, once again we experienced the same problem, but most people started today, saturday the 16th of October.
  3. Rahima, Adeerkaa Yaah? Didn't know Nope, abti . My mother's family is scattered everywhere. From *** Dawa, Gaalkacyo to Xamar. My adeero, are in Boorama brother
  4. Xoogsade, Me change on the accounts of some peoples views- never . I've being called just about everything and to be honest, it worried me not. Personally what i dislike is propaganda and unfairness. Many folks on these forums excell in these two departments
  5. If indeed this is true, this is just horrific and disgusting. It actually makes me physically sick. I wonder, do these people not have human decency and compassion?
  6. The day Xamaar welcomes A/Yusuf with open arms is the day TNG part 14 will be taken seriously. The warlords may not, but the general public will. My uncle called the other day and explained how the folks of Xamar, just like the rest of Somalia, are tired of all of this lawlessness. They are waiting for the new president, and are in good faith. Let's hope that this proves to be true.
  7. ^ What a load of bullock (excuse my French). How would you know what month he was born? Most people my parents age don't even know the exact year they we're born let alone month- and mind you CY is old enough to have both my father and mother . Yusufaddie, we are Somalis brother, many of the older generations do not know their real age. I’m sure all those reports base their figures on estimations . Age just wasn’t important once upon a time to us (or so I’ve being told).
  8. Brother Salafi, Shaykh is a title with two basic meanings, an old man or as a title of respect for a scholar. We know that Usama is not a scholar of Islam but we do know that he is older, therefore that point is irrelevant. The point akhi to the article was the legitimacy of jihad on the discussion that can one wage a defensive jihad on the kuffaar without the say so of a khalif. The answer was a simple yes! Unless of course you disagree. Secondly, I did not state that the salafi scholars considered suicide bombing to be xalaal (you misunderstood). What I said was that although they do not consider it to be a legitimate form of combat, they still pray for the Muslims who use this form and pray that they forgiven and are admitted into jannah. Allow me to just clarify a point, are you saying that under no circumstances (except for the case of kufr which takes one out of the fold of Islam) is a leader to be deposed from his position? Also, can a Muslim commit kufr and not leave the fold of Islam? If so, do you believe that the Saudi Regime commits acts of Kufr? And lastly, do you consider the aiding of the kuffar against the Muslim to be an act of kufr? If in the affirmative, would you consider this to be a legitimate reason to depose them had there not being the fear of a greater fitnah (which is the exact reason why the scholars deem that they be kept there)? Please do clarify these points, I wouldn’t want to make assumptions based on that which is not clear. N.B. As for the fatwa of Ibn Baz, inshallah I shall write down the reference for you, since the book is in Arabic and not available on the net.
  9. Also just returned from tarawiix, but first day of fasting is tommorow for most folks in Melbourne. I'm just glad that the hot spell is over. Ramadaan Kariim.
  10. I see you didnt even get my street fighter lines!! what a pity. For the reason that she did not grow up nor does she reside in the West .
  11. ^ So what does it take to be a lander? puqland.com-Very mature :rolleyes:
  12. How relevant is bribes at this point? Not very really, but we don’t need to delude ourselves into thinking that this conference was based on fairness. If indeed it was, we wouldn’t have a bunch of warlords discuss the future of a country they burnt to a crisp in the first place. Perpetrators of crime need to be rehabilitated before they can be let out into the community. We’ve surpassed them of all of this, taken them past go, given a few of them a couple of grand and awarded them with the opportunity to determine our future. But alas, we let them; therefore we work with them and accept them. The Only thing that somlia needs to Build a Good Government is some 1 very educated in Islam, and who can only take his decission with his fellower collega`s and through religion If we get this, then I will be ecstatic walaahi. Yaa Rabb, allahumma a3iZal islam Wal musliin Wa adila Shirka Wal mushrikiin Aaamiin yaa rabb. Rahima, I have given up on you the day you said Hiiraale and Indhacade are not warlords. I mean, how bad does it get. Now Mobb, I ask you once again (this time have enough decency and be man enough please), quote where I stated that they were not warlords. I admitted to knowing next to nothing about them, but never did I declare either way. I can admit when I do not know, I have no shame in it regardless of the way you try to twist and weave it. Mobb, c’mon, what’s wrong with you. Take up the challenge for once , just once, i beg you dearest brother. Honestly, this ain’t making seem the least bit credible.
  13. Xoogsade, Whilst you may be partially right, brother it matters not where the government functions from for the reason that at the end of the day a Somali city is a Somali city- at least that's how i see the issue. If they wish to govern from Baydhaba, then so be it. As far as our people are concerned, I agree though, it would probably not be the greatest idea (considering that whether or not we like it, Mogadishu and its residents need to be on board for their to be success). Don't be gullible sis. How do you read "Paying back" in Saxardiid's comment? I may be gullible on other issues, but certainly not this . It was well noted, but it has little value to be honest. People can cry and whine all they wish :rolleyes: , at the end of the day, the status and importance of Xamar to Somalia is well established. No amount of belittlement can take that away. Personally I like the Australian initiative for a capital city. Sydney and Melbourne were bitter rivals for the honour, so to solve the problem, Canberra was created (half way between the two). Canberra is a relatively small city, with a small population. Somewhere in the arid lands of Mudug maybe (considering its central)? It’s bound to remain small and away from major conflict, considering I’m sure only the politicians and a few brave hearted individuals would dare to venture out there . Lastly, the Efforts of ARTA and others failed because No one, including Abdullahi Yusuf, wanted to work with others. The military men were sidelined and offerEd nothing. Every one of them felt they had something to lose and thus refused to co-operate right at the inception. It is on record I guess and people can read that for themselves. You can succeed with the co-operation of others, but as long as you have opponents who can spoil what they considered to be their usurped personal right, Saxardiid, You are bound to fail. Somali politics are doom and most know why. Nonetheless, it doesn't hurt to speak of our minds does it? So true, this is why the failure or success of this new government is dependant on the support of the people. They best make sure to not let the people of Somalia down, there is a lot riding on this. I heard Abdullahi is planning to be in Mogadishu by January insha Allah. Interesting. Should I get his autography for you Smith ? With a personal note and all? But you’re going to have to pay me.
  14. Milk what, have I said I told you so to anyone No, but I’m sure you’re itching for it . Let it out, I promise we won’t comment . We accept you see, unhappy, but accept and make duca. I got angry at Suldanka stating that the clans of Mogadishu will fight alongside Somaliland, why fight and what clans? Hobyonet.com represent no clan, as Mobb Deep kindly pointed out. Thanks for the laugh . Abdullahi is President but he is not the whole government, the PM will be important so will the Parliment. So will the say so of Ethiopia, US and every other filthy enemy we have. In terms of reconstruction and success by worldly standards- I have optimism, however in terms of the real success, that of our diin, it doesn’t look very good. For me walaahi, the latter is that which matters. As a friend of mine said today, we’d be better off living in tents and the people of the religion of Allah free to teach the book of Allah, then having all that this world offers and loosing that which matters in the akhira. I would be hesitant in making such statements, particularly in regards to the warlords. They have too much at stake and I am not talking about the businesses they run. They have to already accepted, no? The success or failure of this is going to be dependant on the steps taken by the new government. Currently, they have the popular support; their actions will swing the pendulum either way. Brother, the people of Somalia accept this decision- that is all that matters now.
  15. Sister, let us not be so sensitive and be honest to each other. You and I know what is going on and how they even deny even our existence and try to lebel us as a group of ONE clan who fighting for Land instead of seeing us we are Somali people who want their land back to them from Filthy Ethiopian. Look i agree with you totally (I’m sure you know that). But we need to keep in mind that the government does not necessarily always represent the views of the people they govern. I very much doubt, in fact i am sure that the decent folks of Somaliland do not support this despicable act. We just need to keep this in mind. As for Suldaanka, i can't say i am aware of the point of this. Looking back now, it may be a cheap shot at our government.
  16. ^ Heck, if it was up to me, most of the candidates would be on trial for crimes against my beloved people, and then given their punishment to the fullest extent possible. Alas, no one cares what we think, so we lay in submission.
  17. ^ Such as. So far, the only people who have accused me of such a thing, have turned out to be, you guessed it, CY supporters . And i still await the quote . Please feel more than free to reveal my errors to me.
  18. ^ Why not? What difference does it make? The president and prime minister are their to serve their country not tribe right? So it matters not really, be they blood brothers, tribal brothers or whatever brothers, they have a responsibility. But of course, we are after all a sick tribalistic people who base and value every bloody decision on qabiil like it's the Qur'an. My bad, my naivety at times gets the better of me.
  19. ^ Sister that is a bit unfair. I am more than sure that the average Somalilander does not support their government in this crime (just like I’m sure that the average Puntlander would not support CY for the same crime). I know for a fact that there are many God-fearing Somalilanders who very much oppose what their government is doing, in terms of handing over our brothers to the filthy enemies. Let’s be fair. Say the somaliland government instead of “youâ€, for then we are vilifying every Somalilander for the crimes of their government. As for Ethiopia being happy, did anyone expect any different?
  20. ^ You make me laugh often brother , that i must thank-you for. So i ask, where have i stated that i favoured Caddow for the position? Like i've said a billion other times, please do quote me on that. I await, just like i await for all the other times To say that Caddow is better for the position than CY, it does not mean i supported him. I don’t like him much at all, he like adeer CY is a lackey of some sort, namely to the US. And me no like lackeys. As for the Carta conference, where on this earth did you whip that one out of? Never did i say that Cabdiqaasim got the position fairly (he may of have- I doubt considering politics is a dirty game, but i wouldn't know precisely, i was much too young for that back then), so once again, what are you on about? Honestly Mobb, you worry me brother. Of all the posters here, you puzzle me the most. I am speaking about what's happening in the east and you somehow always manage to translate that as what's happening in the west :rolleyes: . What is it, do we speak different sorts of English?
  21. 4) Dont let any country specially Amxaaro huraley meddled in Somali affairs. Very important point, but i can't see that happening. Surely they will have a say. As for advice, to fear Allah. I believe that incorporates it all.
  22. ^ I don't see what difference it makes which city/town :confused: . Somalia is Somalia, let the government administrate from any city they so wish. Personally i couldn't care any less about this, nor could i care any less about which city is the capital city. Taking the status away from Xamar does not necessarily equate to diminishing the city in any other way. Here in OZ, our capital city has 3 houses, parliament house and another two down the road
  23. Live long Mr President, be the one who changes the nation for the better, be the next Adan Cade. Insha Allah Such high expectations, but nonetheless a very big aamiin.
  24. ^ So true. Let's just hope that we all change for the better, both the people and the president.