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Everything posted by Rahima

  1. Lighten up boys; honestly you guys take this to heart a bit too much . Hmm, I wonder why :cool: ? I can guarantee that you Smith would not display such feverishness had these soldiers been from elsewhere (like say Hargeysa), so buddy ol’ pal let’s not talk about Somalia like you are a proud nationalist. I say this simply because of your cheap shot at Somaliland; allow me to remind you dear sir: Somaliland is built on British colonial memory, SOOL is built on the blood of the dervishes. I may not know Somali history (I am not really interested considering half of it is biased anyway :rolleyes: ) like the two of you, but bias has a filthy stench I can even smell all the way from down under . Basically what you were trying to say (in a more diplomatic fashion) was that whilst the people of Somaliland were British *** -kissers, the folks of SOOL were the fighting mujaahidiin against the infidels. I pretty much summed it up for you, no? Anyway boys be it right, be it wrong, it matters not here, your attempts to belittle Somaliland here were as I said cheap. Go and find something else to dabble with, preferable a massage , you guys are so tense .
  2. Lighten up boys; honestly you guys take this to heart a bit too much . Hmm, I wonder why :cool: ? I can guarantee that you Smith would not display such feverishness had these soldiers been from elsewhere (like say Hargeysa), so buddy ol’ pal let’s not talk about Somalia like you are a proud nationalist. I say this simply because of your cheap shot at Somaliland; allow me to remind you dear sir: Somaliland is built on British colonial memory, SOOL is built on the blood of the dervishes. I may not know Somali history (I am not really interested considering half of it is biased anyway :rolleyes: ) like the two of you, but bias has a filthy stench I can even smell all the way from down under . Basically what you were trying to say (in a more diplomatic fashion) was that whilst the people of Somaliland were British *** -kissers, the folks of SOOL were the fighting mujaahidiin against the infidels. I pretty much summed it up for you, no? Anyway boys be it right, be it wrong, it matters not here, your attempts to belittle Somaliland here were as I said cheap. Go and find something else to dabble with, preferable a massage , you guys are so tense .
  3. You may think I'm joking, but I use 7 out of the 9 words you posted, on a everyday basis. These are: Harraad = oon/thirsty (as in wan Haraaday) Hubaal = being sure of/tultulaaro miyaaa (Ma Hubo or ma hubta...is that the same?) Dubnaha = lips/bushimaha (we also use dubin) Fiid = right after sunset/habeenka intuunan gudcur noqon (fiidka) Habsaamid = soo daahid/being late or being lost (wan habsaamay or wa habsaamtay) Haleelis = helid/raadis/to find or to look (wan heelay or ma heeshay...is that the same?) I'm surprised you lot don't use these. Exactly what I was thinking !And my Somali ain't crash hot either. They all seem like strictly reer waqooyi terms. No, I know they’re used in Mudug also. Does anyone know the term Dumaal in english?..... Would they even have it, considering the concept is probably unheard of in the west.
  4. ^LOOL . I couldn't help it dee . He was right about Riyaale making Smith piss in his pants, just thought I’d finish off what he missed- extreme bias is his forte. It was funny at the time .
  5. Yes, so long as it is within the boundaries of Islam. Often, Muslims in an attempt to counteract the open promiscuity of the non-Muslims, tarnish and make it a dirty word that has no place in the life of a Muslim. As a young child, through friends and school mates, we learnt what is relevant as is seen through the eyes of the non-Muslims, at home we also somehow picked up that it is dirty and unislamic. I remember back in primary school after a sex-education class a Muslim friend and I told our non-Muslim school mates that we as Muslims did not do such a thing because it was against our religion; rather that God just implants the baby in the stomach of mothers. As we grew older, we began to learn that it is part of human procreation and not necessarily dirty so long as it is within the prescribed limits of our religion. The same can be said for puberty, I think often we Somalis do not educate the young about this and are often very misinformed. I know many young girls who believe that to get their period is basically the end of life, that they somehow loose their goodness and innocence. We need to counteract this type of thinking and misinformation. At least I know I won’t leave it in the hands of others to educate my children. Who knows what they might be telling them. Here in the west, the dogma is prevention not abstinence, we as Muslims must adopt the method of abstinence. Here in Australia, to get an abortion is a very private matter. You do not require the permission of a parent or guardian; it is a one-day procedure and almost hassle free. As far as I am aware the Somalis in Australia have not reached the levels of their counterparts in the US and Europe (only because most have being here for a short while in comparison), therefore promiscuity is not widespread and rarely do you hear of a girl falling pregnant outside of marriage. However, it is increasing as the years go by as they assimilate more and more into the western culture. My sister attended a session on FGM and the guest speaker who works at one of the prominent Women’s hospitals here in Melbourne explained how more and more young Somali girls are coming in for private abortions. She explained that in comparison to the complete numbers it is almost next to nothing, but a few years there were no such cases, but now you might get 2 or 3 cases per year. This is alarming, for it is just showing growth, who knows what the figures might be like in 10 years or so. In my opinion, these problems arise because these young boys and girls are not taught why we must abstain from the deed before marriage. Often we as Somalis focus on the pregnancy and reputation parts of it whilst neglecting the religious aspect. We fail to educate our young about the severity of the sin and hence they feel they can hide it. If they were taught the true reasoning and taqwa was established into their hearts then they would know that Allah is watching wherever they might be even if their parents or relatives are not.
  6. What a heart softener. JZK sister.
  7. Wishful thinking eh Bashi ? How many nomads who are eligible to vote are there? At least here it’s much easier to get your citizenship and hence have a chance to vote (not to mention its compulsory), yet still we couldn’t boot out the old bugger. At least in our seat of Melbourne though, Lindsay Tanner a Labour MP kept his seat, alxamdullilah- the man is very good to Somalis and Muslims in general. How is the media in the US? Biased like they are here I’m sure. Except for two channels (SBS and ABC), I believe all the others here are backing Bush especially channel 9- no surprise there, it is after all owned by our own resident Jewish entrepreneur Rupert Murdoch. Nevertheless, let’s hope he is given his send off, if anything the man is an embarrassment to the US (which might be a good thing though ).
  8. ^let's hope he is kicked out. We voted but unfotunately Howard is back
  9. LooooL What is on Earth ONLF doing in Sool? Loool, exactly what I was thinking , boy it must of have been a long trek for a useless war :rolleyes: . Why would they want to join such a futile effort when they could be fighting a jihad, baffled me :confused: . On the topic though, every group has made a ghost enemy, certain factions are not exempt. But Ethiopia is a real enemy to our brothers, ever been to Somali galbeed or have family who live there?
  10. Rahima honey ..A/yusuf DOESEN`T need my help to RUIN it. Honestly JB, all else aside, do you want this to fail? Do you honestly want for us to continue down this road of decadence because you detest one man? I’m sure most of us (except a few blinded by certain agendas) do not like him-I’m putting that lightly- but the progression of Somalia is worth far more. Can’t you see that?
  11. ^ Yeah, just like CY makes you piss in yours People enough pissing walaahi, this is getting ridiculous.
  12. Rahima, I agree thw word Mujahid is used out of context even by the SNM. Understatement of the decade. Nothing is sacred to Somalis. As for legends the people of SOOL are true patriots, their fore fathers fought alongside the nationalist hero Sayid Mohamed against the British. It was this fact that the brother was explaining, Somaliland is built on British colonial memory, SOOL is built on the blood of the dervishes. So they tell me. History my brother is dependant on who tells it. In 50 years i can sit with one group of people and they will tell me that Caydiid was a mujaahid, CY the devil incarnate and with another group CY the mujaahid, Caydiid was the devil incarnate. If Somaliland is built on British colonial memory then the rest of Somalia is built on Italian colonial memory . We all have our good and bad history; it all depends on how we twist it and who's better at it .
  13. Rahima, I agree thw word Mujahid is used out of context even by the SNM. Understatement of the decade. Nothing is sacred to Somalis. As for legends the people of SOOL are true patriots, their fore fathers fought alongside the nationalist hero Sayid Mohamed against the British. It was this fact that the brother was explaining, Somaliland is built on British colonial memory, SOOL is built on the blood of the dervishes. So they tell me. History my brother is dependant on who tells it. In 50 years i can sit with one group of people and they will tell me that Caydiid was a mujaahid, CY the devil incarnate and with another group CY the mujaahid, Caydiid was the devil incarnate. If Somaliland is built on British colonial memory then the rest of Somalia is built on Italian colonial memory . We all have our good and bad history; it all depends on how we twist it and who's better at it .
  14. Smith, That was amusing . Funnier still though, you seemed to miss that it was a dialogue , questions deserve answers.
  15. Smith, That was amusing . Funnier still though, you seemed to miss that it was a dialogue , questions deserve answers.
  16. Smith, That was amusing . Funnier still though, you seemed to miss that it was a dialogue , questions deserve answers.
  17. ^ Which means that you and your comrades have also being bombarding these forums with desperate propaganda from PL. Just thought I’d clear the haze a tad , it was clouding your judgment. No need to thank me It was my pleasure.
  18. Has someone been chosen yet? How long does it take, wish they'd get on with it.
  19. Orgilaqe, That was funny walaahi , reminded me of the old days when the Aussies would tell us to go home and we would answer that they were the convicts who needed to return to England. Convicts , how we loved that word. As for us, what are you talking about? We are Somalis, kicked us out ku lahaa :rolleyes: .
  20. Rahima no i didn't get it...hey hey what it must've been well b4 my time dear but i have been to Uluru/Ayers rock Yeah thought so, kiwis . It aint before your time, but before the kiwi invasion (which i'm greateful for ) Ask someone who has been in OZ for some time . That host (Daryyl summers) used to do the adds for the Northern Territory, namely uluru and kakadu national park. Me though, never been there, the furthest i've been in OZ is Geelong :cool:
  21. To quote my good friend HA I guess it is that time again Just warning you nomads to get prepared. We thank-you for the warning
  22. This is another pathetic attempt by the Puntland propaganda machine to equate itself with the legendary heritage of modern day Somaliland and its founding fathers. Excuse me if I may seem rude , but is this not propaganda? How did Somaliland and its founding fathers become more legendary than Puntland and its founding forefathers :confused: ? This is a case of the pot calling the kettle black .
  23. This is another pathetic attempt by the Puntland propaganda machine to equate itself with the legendary heritage of modern day Somaliland and its founding fathers. Excuse me if I may seem rude , but is this not propaganda? How did Somaliland and its founding fathers become more legendary than Puntland and its founding forefathers :confused: ? This is a case of the pot calling the kettle black .