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Everything posted by Rahima

  1. Thanks Ameenah . At the very least, this was a great achievement for myself- longest Somali poem that I have ever read.
  2. Shabella, jzk sister . As a Muslim student of medical science and the health field this was undoubtedly a beneficial topic.
  3. ^^I so love Sheikh Albani (Raximahullah). I too have this immense love for him - reading on his life and the way he approached issues has created this love I have for him. I don’t know why, but of all the scholars, I’ve always held him most dearest- I’m just saddened that I never got a chance to meet him myself and benefit from his knowledge directly. Mobb, may Allah bless you brother. This was very beneficial- you have no clue. I have being so engrossed in worldly affairs (unfortunately thanks to school), but inshallah I shall endeavor to take benefit of Ramadan for who knows I might not be around for the next one.
  4. Rahima

    Thin legs

    How i loved this narration when i first read it . Jzk for the reminder.
  5. When i read such stories and events, my heart becomes saddened for we have lost such a great Muslim, yet i know i should be happy for him for he has left this world and inshallah for one which is better. This reminds me of the day i found about the deaths of Shaykh Al-bani. It was about a year or so later, when i first had any sort of interest in Islam. I was shocked, not only because such a believer was no longer with us, but that i did not know of him while he was alive- this for me was the most shocking part of all for i did not know one of the greatest scholars of Islam yet i could name so many kuffaar stars. May Allah have mercy on him and grant him janatul-firdows.
  6. Beautiful poem and very beneficial.
  7. Masha'Allah! very beautiful voice! So true, Mashallah. His voice is so sweet.
  8. ^ Which is what amazes me about him. At his age, where did he learn such English?
  9. I support him? :confused: Brother i know nothing of the man besides what I’ve heard from Maxamad Sh. Cusmaan. *Confused, Rahima what is he on about :confused: ? How can you support people you know nothing about? Confused you are* As for what you've said, if indeed it was all true, then how is it that Maxamad Sh. Cusmaan would still support him? Are you saying that Maxamadh Sh. Cusmaan supports a warlord? It smells fishy to me, i cannot imagine him supporting such things (and i know adeer Maxamad very well, family friends way before my entry into this world). Somalis accuse everyone, I’m sure even shariif cabdi nuur would not escape their attacks.
  10. And the tit-for-tat drum beats on :rolleyes: . I'm smelling propaganda- yeah probably just that. OG-Girl, No human tradition tolerates rape and torture, but sadly in times of war, rape is used as weapon, and means to humuliate your enemy, and Somalis raped and killed women in mogadisho, hargayse , kismayo,Galkacayo, Somaligalbeed and elsewhere. The story of Zamzam, and this allaged story of Mako is nothing new,but sad repeation. However it is even sadder when people even da sane use these tragedies to farther their causes. I find it sick seeing Pland sites using this story to demonize Sland, and I gurauntee you will see this Mako story all over Sland sites soon. People writing these stories whether true or not are getting more xenophic, and will come up with more wilder accusations. Nationalist and Smith, in the event that you two boys come across this- Che has said all I was saying . You might be more favourable towards his views .
  11. what the! That means people who supported the Somali liberation movements such as SSDF, SNM are gaalo-collaborators? The RRA whom freed their people from the evil Aidid are gaalo-collaborators? What are you on about? Do you even know who I was referring to? I think not, hence it would be best brother that you make sure before you comment. Nationalist brother, not everyone is going to buy into a one sided debate- all Somalis, not just PLs excel in that. Such stories, or similar stories I’m sure happen all the time. you must be sharp! concluding all this without proof all by yourself? Magician perhaps? Where are you from? If from Somalia, then surely you must know that the stories of inhumanity and hypocrisy are many, Samsam is another. You are allowed to reply to me, but don't make me reply back. Why thank-you sir *curtsey*. Are you for real? :rolleyes: With you Nationalist, replying to you will only ensue anger. I don’t want anyone being angry at me during Ramadan-especially for something as silly as words on a screen. I'm afraid that you will try and curse me or something . Mercy? Allah knows whether or not I have mercy for my sister, move it on its probably the lowest form of a cheap shot. Bottom line is this folks, what happened is a tragedy. Yes, report it, protest about it, make duca, but let’s not use the tragedy of this girl as a political tool-which so far it has been in this forum. Have a nice day boys, and don’t let a few words ruffle your feathers. I'm sure all has fallen on deaf ears, pick yourselves up and continue with the one-sided debates . Macsalaama.
  12. And yes, constant reminders on SOL with side jabs at SL is going to do the trick . Save your energy brother and write to the SL administration or even better make duca for the sister. Walaahi i am serious about this.
  13. I don't get JB :confused: . He confuses me As for Togane, it's not that he is biased, but rather the way he insults tribes (all tribes) to get his point across. It’s not that I dislike him as a person- i should take that back (I don’t know him personally), but rather what he writes. I just think it's inappropriate.
  14. Yes, we have discovered that the somali speakers disagree with each other (with diin, no such thing as family loyalty). Bravo There are those who support the courts, like Maxamad Sh. Cusmaan, Umal, Cumar Faruuq and Sharrif Cabdinuur and other who object to them saying that their development is premature (for the Somalis anyway). I personally do not have an opinion, but if forced would lean towards them being premature, but who am i to hold an opinion on such matters. Anyway that is beside the point, like i said, Maxamad Sh. Cusmaan who you love and admire, respects Xassan Dahir aweys. Let me repeat myself So what is the difference between Maxamad Sh. Cusmaan and Xassan Daahir Aweys? You do know that they are very good friends do you not? You do know that Maxamad Sh. Cusmaan supports him very much? So i ask you, how can you dislike Xassan Dahir aweys but admire and love Maxamad Sh. Cusmaan. These two men hold the same views and fight for the same cause- only one small difference. Qabiil. Just highlighting the double standards . You can't love, admire and support Maxamad Sh. Cusmaan and condemn Xassan Dahir aweys. Not possible, these two men agree on the matters discussed, so why the difference of opinion on them? I could speculate, but i won't Good night , I shall go to the land of nod.
  15. Rahima, because we are talking about SamSam and her treatment. Yes, as you seem to be bringing back over and over . We thank-you for your constant reminder, it’s always good to see fellow Somalis who are so engrossed in the rights of their fellow brethren. Wonderful display of sincere brotherhood- just wonderful old chap . I'm sure there are similar stories of inhumanity and hypocrisy, but thank-god not everyone is going for this tit-for-tat game where the actual cause is lost somewhere in the middle and the suffering of the innocent is used as shots.
  16. In the case of SamSam how? Why should it be restricted to the case of Samsam? Rahima i agree with you Puntland is based along the Tribal/clan beorders and has never said otherwise Maybe not you brother, but certainly some have. The point is, why do some condemn SL on this point? Hypocrisy to say the least.
  17. Dear Rahima its not good putting words in people's mouth for I knwo Shiekh Mohamed did not say that the President hates ISALM. As you want to convince us. You are so sad walaahi. Did i say the man hates Islam? I said he doesn't like the people of the religion (the truly religious folks). CY is of the old school of Muslims, he likes what we now term as moderates. Dirac is astur type of Muslims. Anything more and you are a terrorist. LOL, I know him, I have love and admiration for him. I also know that he is a rival politicaly to the President and it has been bad from the days of Al-Itixad conflict with the SSDF. Thought you would . So what is the difference between Maxamad Sh. Cusmaan and Xassan Daahir Aweys? You do know that they are very good friends do you not? You do know that Maxamad Sh. Cusmaan supports him very much? So i ask you, how can you dislike Xassan Dahir aweys but admire and love Maxamad Sh. Cusmaan. These two men hold the same views and fight for the same cause- only one small difference. Qabiil. Somalis and their bias- amazing :confused: . You the one who is mentioning stress dear, winners dont stress Cajiib :rolleyes: So is CY the president of Somalia (which i am a citizen of) or does he represent a qabiil. Me is confused, am i naive?
  18. Oh this is hopeless walaahi. You are so missing the point. The hypocracy of people is this, that they would defend their warlords and fake wadadas such yusuf Inda Cade but they would ignore or even play down what happened to an innocent Somali girl at the hands of a so called government. Coming from a man who defended the actions of people who collaborated with the gaalo- this is amusing. Anyway Smith, have the decency to condemn what happened and leave it at that. I’m sure the pendulums of hypocrisy and inhumanity are swung both ways- you are choosing to see one side.
  19. Rahima, a Muslim must not slander other muslim's specialy those they do not know, its evident you dont know President Abdullahi and are going by what your clans folk are feeding you Do you know Maxamad Sh. Cusmaan (co-owner of Dalsan )? The Somali scholar? Very good family friend. Ask him and if you can't go find out who he is and what he thinks of our presidents stance on the religious folks. This will be interesting . Smith, not everyone functions on qabiil brother. There are many religious people who hail from PL who say the exact same thing about our president. This ain't no qabiil conspiracy nor is it a secret. Anyway worry not, we still support the government . Is that rash (from the stress) diminishing ?
  20. Am I being insulted or am I lacking sense of humour, or even worse am I not getting something ? JB, are you having a go at me ? Dude don't start me, what you mean? Do you doubt my intelligence? What is wrong with you? You're picking a fight boy, its Ramadaan, wait till it's over . Either way this will not be a favourable outcome for me :confused: .
  21. ^ I was responding to brother Orgilaqe, concerning his point that SL is clan based, not the topic at hand. Personally though, i don't see what the event has to do with SL as a whole- it is a cheap shot really. People do evil things all the time, it does necessarily mean that their leaders or fellow countrymen support the crime. The topic has been done to death; i don't know why it keeps coming up. So far we have yet to see any SL condone the crime, question it maybe considering the Somali media is not reliable, but certainly not condone. So why attack SL? Beyond me.
  22. Hey leave mentioning my family members I suggest that you keep your family members on a leash, they annoy me :mad: - in fact most of the reer mudug leaders/their supporters annoy me . Now hush Smith, no need to bring out the reer mudug claws, I’m joking (for today at least , until they cause another problem for my beloved country). I'd do it myself considering that they are 'family' to me also (sadly ), but I’m sure they will smell my dislike of them and give me a boot, not to mention me is girl.
  23. The Culima are not terrorists According to our president and certain MPs they are. Man, stop deluding yourself brother Smith , adeer CY detests the people of the diin. I’m sure almost every Somali knows that, except may be you - hence the terrorists he speaks of are the culima and the people of the religion. Have you forgotten the cries of post-9/11? Remember how our president was crying to the Americans then :rolleyes: ? This is no surprise, but alas what can we do. Difficult situation to be in, anarchy or this :confused: ? We’ll have to do with Gaalo stepping all over us- and even worse we ask for it.
  24. Have i mentioned that i don't like this fella very much? Yes i think i have, but Qs, when did he become elevated to the professor status?
  25. ^ I’ll probably be attacked for this, but who cares Umm, sir is PL not the same? I don’t get it walaahi :confused: . If SL is clan based, (not that Islamically speaking there is anything wrong with it, it all depends on how qabiil is used, such things were around at the time of the nabi) then so is PL. The only difference is that one wants to remain united with Somalia, the other doesn’t- basically the difference is unity with their brothers not the clan administration point.