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Everything posted by Rahima

  1. HA, You have to understand that Nationalist doesn't get out very often, he admitted to mixing with only PLs, hence issues pertaining to PL are of extreme importance and to not show such passionate interest is to border on blasphemy . You can see how these forums are always bombarded with such topics (which is fine, but to expect others to show such interest is laughable, it's not like he shows such ineterest to SL or posts anything postive on Xamar). Don’t blame him; it’s not his fault really-just circumstances. Nationalist, i understand walaal, please do not be angry with us-we only mean well
  2. Nationalist, instead of having this pre-occupation with our location choices, best you get pre-occupied with your choice of name , you are anything but a Nationalist (and that is to say the least). Secondly, I asked HA to borrow his tag because as I saw it it took a lighthearted jab at Mudug , a region where it’s people are so proud of nothing more than a few small cities surrounded by land which is basically desert-like (I was hoping to erase the stereotype of the reer Mudug individual, not all of us are obsessed with qabiil, faan and are arrogant ). I shall be honest; I could not care anymore/any less (depending on how you look at it) about Mudug than any other region-aside from Xamar perhaps, considering that I was born and raised there (at least for part of my childhood). Also, I would want no association with CY, walaahi I would feel ashamed to have any association with such a person, unlike you who would probably follow him into an endless pit for the sake of tribal loyalty. I feel ashamed that I have to share relations with some of Somalis biggest warlords/turned president (be they CY, Caydiid or Caato). I take no pride in it and seek refuge in Allah from any association with them. Why on this earth would I want anything to do with blood suckers? These people are the lowest of all Somalis, is this something to be proud of? Might be for some, but for even the half-brained individual this is a clear insult. Lastly, I suggest that you get out in the wider Somali community -you might then start to understand that you or the tribe that Allah chose you to be born of (you talk as if you worked for the “reward†:rolleyes: -horta do you believe your BS walaal :confused: ?) are any more important than any other person or any other tribe. And whilst we are at it, dude why would I feel this hunger for “Rer Mudughnimoâ€, by Somali standards you are no more reer Mudug than I am, hence what excludes you from such a thing? Once upon a time I used to say that I was reer Xamar, but was told to stick to my desert land; hence out of embarrassment I have resorted to this . Like I said to Smith, I would of have preferred to be from more exotic locations like Barava and Jamama, qabiil is almost of no value to some (I know that is a surprise for an individual such as yourself, but you better believe it).
  3. ^I do believe that you are right my fellow melbournian (at least that's how we say it ).
  4. ^Do you actually buy what you have written? The past has been forgotten and believe me they face no hostilities or agression whatsoever. They carry on with their lives and businesses and face no obstacles simply because of their clan. So true, I too have many family members who are not of the tribe insinuated and who live peacefully and successfully in xamar. Xamar has its haters; the reasons are basically what have caused the destruction of our homeland. They try to belittle Xamar as a city so as to belittle one particular tribe who they have “issues†with- the saddest thing which they fail to understand is that the city is free from such association, it is for all Somalis.
  5. Rahima you what ? forget Jamam, Jilib, Barava or Kismayu. For me its all about the red plains of Mudug, Galkacyu, Garacad and how can I forget reer Abti up in Hobyo Yeah that is where you and I differ; I couldn’t care any less about “ancestral†lands :rolleyes: - I prefer the fertile lands of the South (preferably costal cities like Kismaayo and Xamar). The weather does it for me. Rahima, where in Galkayo do you actually come from exactly, Barahley perhaps? You do know it's the most beautiful, wealthiest and safest area in Galkayo right? Yes, sarcasm is so refreshing . That I thank you immensely for Nationalist, but even more I thank you for entertaining me at every chance given . You are a joke to the name Nationalist (oxymoron to say the least); first the evident bias of almost all your posts, then the laxoox saga and now this. Yep, it is cemented and amusing. Mahadsanid from the bottom of my heart . Anyway brother, don’t let tribalism eat you inside- trust me I doubt the folks you hate so much and try as hard as possible to belittle know that you even exist (which is kind of sad don't you think, here you are day and night trying to take jabs and they go on with their lives). Taking such jabs at your fellow brothers (whether the folks of Baraxley or SL as you have done previously) is sad, mostly for you but also Somalia. Find something new to do, chess maybe ? As for Baraxley on what grounds does the place deserve such honorary sarcasm? Could it be that it is occupied by the tribe you have unfavorable feelings towards (rhetorical, the answer is evident to any person reading your remarks)? I on the other hand brother, do not distinguish between my people hence Baraxley is part of my beloved country, the only ones I do however detest are those consumed by hate and qabiil. I pray that Allah cures them, for it is only that which will help them. Have a nice day brother .
  6. ^ Me a true Mudugian? By birth maybe, but I don’t have to like it . I’d love to be from somewhere more exotic like Jamaama or Barava-how cool would that be :cool: *daydreams the endless possibilities* I’ll tell you a secret, I often join in the reer mudug bashings , gives me a good laugh , so I can’t be a loyal reer mudug-some would call me a traitor, which is fine by me . And if I had any traits at birth, they were washed out of me by the wish-wash of Melbournian culture.
  7. ^Perhaps it's what we need, an outsider to rule us considering that someone will always be unhappy for the reason that the president is not their "blood relation".
  8. What on earth is lahooh? Where to they eat that? I thought we all eat anjeelo. And you call yourself a Nationalist :eek: . This is wrong brother, just wrong *shakes head*. I told you, you need to get to Melbourne. If you lived here you would know such things-diversity is very beneficial .
  9. After the battle of Uhud, when Abu Sufyaan (then the commander of the Makkan army) wanted to leave, he stood on a mountain and proclaimed as loud as he could, ‘Wars are won in turns! This is in return for your victory in the battle of Badr. Up Hubal!’ The Messenger of Allaah said, ‘Rise up, O Umar, and answer him.’ Umar then said, ‘Allaah is rather the Most-High and the Greatest. Our dead are in Paradise, while your dead are in Hell!’
  10. Xarago and Nationalist, Reading your posts on this thread can only force one to conclude that the two of you are nothing more than die hard qabiillists (not that i am saying that this is so, rather it is seemingly so) who are always defending the wrongs of their clansmen whilst demonizing another- but that’s ok, it seems to be a trait of our people . Get over yourselves and this role you guys seem to be so found of. Victim hood does not stand up as far as Somalis are concerned (except may be if you are from one of the smaller tribes, which the two of you obviously are not). All in all, do us all a favour and hush- we’ve had enough :rolleyes: . Now where were we OG_girl, ah yes. How is Kenya this time of year ?
  11. At this point in Somali history, this is irrelevant. Don't you people think we have greater issues of importance to address?
  12. To say it bluntly Bari......cut the crap. LOL , as I was thinking, but of course I’d put it in a much nicer way - maybe something like “Bari I have to disagree with you brother, I doubt many have heard of it let alone mastered it â€. I know how stubborn reer mudug folks can be... You better be careful, some folks lurking around in SOL are very defensive about that place (not HA though), you might get your eyes gorged out (I was saved after a similar remark because me is girl , you though are free game ). Best be careful, stubbornness is not their only trait .
  13. Why don't I change my location to Cabudwaq, The Mudug Desert and yours to Galkacyo, The Mudug Desert? Muchos Gracias brother - i was getting tired of this location anyway. After all, dont we all eat canjeelo in the morning? No, its laxoox in some areas, so you can understand the complexity of the issue and hence the need for division? Faarax says canjeelo/canjeero, warsame says laxoox, so how can two people so different get along sister :confused: ? Just too hard I tell ya, too hard. Differences so great cannot be compromised
  14. Maybe it sounds naïve, but I think we Somalis should lay the bloody past to rest. Let bygones by bygones and move on. Agree wholeheartedly, off topic, but maybe we should extend this motto to the dead, including Siyaad Barre and Caydiid (some of us have the habit of bringing up their past actions at every given moment , like it makes it a different at this moment in time). what are families for if not that. I said I was well connected, not necessarily the same connections *denying such connections, very much ashamed*. Another point, why should this man be sued when we have others just like him :confused: (assuming that he is what is being said about him) and even worse as part of our current government? This is just ****** !
  15. We applaud the north for peace and security, but which part of Somali isn't? Sure there is skirmishes here and there, even in the north, but the overwhelming majority of Somalia is peaceful and all Somalis are progressing. True. HA, can i steal the mudug desert location? Pretty please with cheery on top . It sounds good and i've heard on the ball.
  16. Give the government and the guy a break will you. How long has it been? A month? What did you expect :confused: ? This reminds me of those who wanted the last government to fail-for the same reasons that some want this one to fail. JB, you know something is not right, when those who hate the idea of Somalia are having a laugh at what you say (you might think they are laughing with you, so do not be deluded). At this point, you either hope for the best and for this attempt to succeed or you want it to fail. It is that simple.
  17. They should, but the current qabiil-warlord orientated Somali political arena does not allow them to do so. And Somalis are best at opposing, even if the intellectuals and religious folks were to take charge, there would always be some sort of opposition- which is expected, but the problem arises when this opposition is expressed through the gun.
  18. Heh. Muslims shouldn’t kill each other either, sister. Without a doubt, but you don’t try to rectify a wrong with a wrong. Bottom line is, if anyone believes that they will gain justice in a man-made legal system/court, then they are kidding themselves (partial justice maybe- if such a thing is possible). If the issue is one of daruura or a must such as defending Islam, then it is different, but here the people have a choice. At least that is how i see it. OG_Girl, you hope so :confused: , girl you need to have better conviction than that. Who knows you might be called into court to provide a character reference and I tell ya, a “I hope so†will not do poor old Smith any favours (maybe i should take over his defence , you aren't doing a good job girly, you'll get the brother locked up for sure and peeling potatoes in Cambodia :eek: ). Anyways, me is going to leave this discussion, my lawyer ain’t as good as Nationalists and judging from Jamatatus talk his either. Anything can happen in court- even poor old me can be found guilty of scratching the girl next door for calling me something I can’t repeat here- she had it coming, i swear she did .
  19. This is looks like a show of “look how dignified we treat the SL POWs and how evil SL was in treating our POWs†(as was in other threads). Like I said, looks like , only Allah knows the intentions of people , but as said by Silence Both SL/PL need to cut down on these trash talks We shouldn’t have POWs to begin with, how sad to see Muslims fighting one another.
  20. ^ , poor smith, how i'd hate to be in his shoes. But Jamatatu, give up on suing Smith, the man is well connected , with CY and Caato as adeer and abti respectively, and Caydiid Jr as a cousin, your wasting your time. Just to avoid the wrath of Smith, I must confess that like him, I too am well connected and I tell you, we are untouchable and beyond Somali justice (but me is innocent anyway ). As for the topic at hand, this is wrong; Muslims should never seek justice against one another in a kufaar court. If justice cannot be achieved in an Islamic court, then there is always the day of judgement. To do such a thing (sue a Muslim in a gaalo court) is to put your Islam in danger.
  21. Gediid, Exactly what i was thinking :eek: , although i'm sure the brother was joking , i don't know if such comments come into jokes (or so i've been told :confused: - according to Somali dhaqan).
  22. ^Bashi, are you sure that you are Somali :confused: ? Nowadays, Somali men in their 40s get offended when we call them adeer or abti. How many a times have i called a man adeer (out of respect) and he replies with walaal or abaayo :rolleyes: . Personally i couldn't care, i continue with my adeer-it stamps the relationship for him
  23. May you (young nomads) never fall for the negative tribalism crab many are breaching day in and day out! Aamiin, but why exclude yourself Baashi? Youth is until the age of 40 OG-gal, Baashi is inadeer not adeer (don't feed this old man mentality of his ). I prefer to think of him as the progressive youth than the generation which destroyed us.
  24. Worry not brothers and sisters. Victory is to the Muslims. The dead are inshallah in jannah and eventual victory is to Islam. This is the promise of the Almighty.