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Everything posted by Rahima

  1. As someone who has just returned from our capital (a little over a week), allow me to explain that this could not be further from the truth. I have now learnt that Somalis excel at propaganda, most with a vendetta against the city and inhabitants. As they say hate consumes. Alxamdullilah our capital is thriving, sure it could be better, but it is much better than the somali media (certain outlets) make it out to be and a hundred times better than many here seem to believe.
  2. AJ, Brother you are renting the portion of the house which does not belong to you. They have a right to receive rent on their portion considering that you are living in it. e.g. Say you bought a house for $100,000, paid 10,000 upfront. Also, the market value of rent in your area is 100 per wk. You would be paying 90 per week considering that you own 10% of the house and hence do not need to pay rent on your portion. If in a years time for example you paid off another 10,000, this would mean that you own 20% of the house and they 80% which you have to pay rent on, and hence your rent drops to $80. If in another 6 months time you came across great fortune and were able to pay another 30,000 towards the house, this would mean that you would have only 50,000 left to pay, hence you own 50% and the bank 50% of the house. Therefore, the rent drops down to only $50 a week. Hope that it makes sense. But I’m with Jacaylbaro on this one, why don’t you consider buying one in Somalia? That is your land after all.
  3. Sadly, this issue of our displaced brothers and sisters in not just within PL, but also across the rest of the country. Here in Mogadishu, the problem is the same; probably even larger considering that it is the capital. With the blessings of Allah, something is been done for these Somalis, at least in Mogadishu. There are various Muslim relief agencies and god-fearing Somalis who reside in Mogadishu and are trying to make a difference. Many are from Bay&Bakool, reer Shabeele and Somali Galbeed. Often it is the religious folks who are striving for the plight of these people (especially those who have fled from Somali galbeed) for it touches a nerve. They have fled from the tyranny of the Ethiopian government and hence have been left homeless with little on their backs. I was shocked the first day, but over the weeks my heart has been lifted for I see the work been done by many people. Inshallah with the coming of the government their situation will improve dramatically. Why all the emotional outbursts I wonder? No one shed a tear for our nomad Otali who was banned for good for making a small comment on the relationship between Ayaan Hirsi Ali and... you know what I mean. Otali although wrong (and personally i believe he was rightly banned) was outnumbered. All those crying for Nationalist (sincere cries, not so that they can have a laugh), are comrades. Not long ago I remember that Duke was crying for WD. Here, nationalist was amongst friends so this outcry does not surprise me. Regardless of taunts, anyone who breaks the rules should be rightly banned, however if Nationalist is to be allowed to return, then so should WD and Otali and all the others. The brush of fairness should be spread.
  4. This is nothing more than propaganda and a plot to tarnish the work of the Islamic courts. Sure enough they are not perfect, but they are trying. I am in Mogadishu at the moment and I have to commend them for their work. Often those who oppose them do so without knowledge, have an issue with the manhaj followed by these courts or are driven by political motives. Here in Mogadishu, they maintain the stability there is and keep the city relatively safe. Often the Somali media hypes any unease that may occur, such as this case. The courts have denied any involvement; hence we shall uphold the notion of innocent until proven guilty.
  5. The sad point surrounding the issue of zamzam is the way it has been misused by many. Had she been from a different region, many who cry foul here would not be doing so and many who deny would not be doing so. This is the sad reality of sick Somalis.
  6. This is amusing to say the least. I don't know if i trust any of these people, but nonetheless we hope for the best and inshallah they shall remain true to their word. OG_Girl, We have CY as president, need i say anymore? Lets not hold our breath, no one is going to hear any appologies from these people.
  7. As usual Yasemine has articulated views of great worth, she nailed the issue well. What shocks me about the whole case is the way it is been used by certain factions to take cheap shots at others whilst others trying to downplay the trajedy. Try as they may, their intentions are very clear, on these forums very few actually care about this girl because she is our sister. If that's your idea of nationalism my 'brother'...STICK IT! It seems that he has a wrong understanding of nationalism. Never did i think that any sane MUSLIM somali would speak words of such disgrace, walaahi this is shameful.
  8. ^ Typical somali mentality, why should he feel guilty? No sane individual, no to mention a Muslim would condone such actions, including Somalilanders (guessing from your reply brother, you seem to think that guilt by tribal association is viable). Somalis have wronged and continue to wrong each other probably more than any other group of people who share so much, but we shall never move foreward until we correct each other, forgive whilst learning from our past mistakes and move on. You will be reminded evry day of her ordeal!!! Such mentality will only keep us where we are. There is no need to milk the pain of the innocent for our own political gains and agendas, because this is what this case has become. Somehow in the midst of all this, many have forgotten, that this poor girl is our sister whose pain should be felt because of that, not because of the reasons that have been used.
  9. Rahima

    Career Planning

    Asalaamu calaykum wr wb, Like my sister Femme, career aspirations are proving to be a bit of a dilemma for me. I finished high school with the intention of pursing medicine through graduate medical school. Originally as a fresh seventeen year old I was made to believe that medical school was just six years, meaning that I would be done by 25 at the latest and could still pursue life’s other pleasures, namely having children. Two years into my medical science degree, I become somewhat wiser and through questioning realized that medicine was not such as easy as six years, and hence dropped this aspiration because the way I saw it was either choose medicine and delay having children (not to mention thinking of the possible problems which arise as an older mother), or choose a career path which would still enable me to contribute to the ummah and still have a family. I chose the latter for as I saw it, brining up righteous children was another way of assisting the ummah. All was good and I was contempt with my decision until advice from all corners was screaming that I would be doing myself and the ummah injustice by settling, not to mention family pressures. Now I am in a state of limbo, I am in the process of applying for the graduate medical exam. Personally it’s not the commitment which worries me but rather that in the event that I do get married, the responsibilities of juggling the hectic schedule of medical school and raising children might become too much. At the moment, if all goes well, I have made the decision of marrying a decent brother in the coming year (it would be unfair of me to expect him to hang around till I decide I am done with school), therefore the issue of the permissibility of contraception comes into question. Reading various fatwas has meant that I know (and hence cannot claim ignorance) it is not permissible in most circumstances-im not sure whether or not I would fall into the daruura category. I am not against having one or two children, but the problem is having one after another whilst trying to complete medical school. Bottom line is brother Nur, me is confused to say the least . Is contraception permissible in such a circumstance? Please explain with daleel if possible. Jazaakum Allahu Khayr .
  10. I like this thread; it's amusing to say the least. I’m always amused at people who spend day and night belittling a Somali city because they have a vendetta against the tribe, which inhabits it (in majority).
  11. Reward all the warlords so they can feel they have stake in the running or recreating government functions. I can think of better ways to deal with them, but diplomacy would have to be chucked out the window.
  12. And this is what i disagree with in Somali politics. Instead of selecting people in the government based on merit, qualities, achievements and what they can do for their country, selection is based on that which they had no control over. To me, Somali politics is so backward at times I wonder if its beyond repair :rolleyes: .
  13. LOL Don't lissen to 'em. Say what's in your guts. Express your hatred for the people of Puntland/Gedo the way your idol, Mudane Faisal Waraabe (UCID leader), so openly did in his latest "opinion" piece. I'm beginning to think this runs in the family! Yes that’s right, and I’m sure that you are far removed from this hate game. To say that a whole qabiil is full of hate is just as bad a comment as that of kowneyns, only difference is you sugar coated your insult. Kowneyn has made clear what was suspected, the true self has emerged. But as for you say what’s in your guts . Express your hatred for the people of Somaliland. Don't be afraid, you'll find friends here
  14. ^ Nothing new on SOL, day and night some here have made it a hobby to report the negative news on Xamar and SL. Any chance given they will post it with the guise of concern :rolleyes: , what BS! Puntland is no exception, only Allah knows Jumas intentions here, but to speak generally, PL, like SL and Xamar has its haters. Nothing new, the cycle of hate continues. Ah, how wonderful it is to be Somali, the love just kills me.
  15. OG_Girl, Sister they are still killing each other, don't expect much from such people. At the same time, there are many Somalis from Somalia who are in support of the struggle. I know of two of my fathers friends who died in the jihaad, may Allah accept them as shuhadaa. We shouldn't brush everyone with the same stroke, but yes i understand your frustration, a hidden enemy is worse than the clear one.
  16. OG_Girl, Sister they are still killing each other, don't expect much from such people. At the same time, there are many Somalis from Somalia who are in support of the struggle. I know of two of my fathers friends who died in the jihaad, may Allah accept them as shuhadaa. We shouldn't brush everyone with the same stroke, but yes i understand your frustration, a hidden enemy is worse than the clear one.
  17. OG_Girl, Sister they are still killing each other, don't expect much from such people. At the same time, there are many Somalis from Somalia who are in support of the struggle. I know of two of my fathers friends who died in the jihaad, may Allah accept them as shuhadaa. We shouldn't brush everyone with the same stroke, but yes i understand your frustration, a hidden enemy is worse than the clear one.
  18. The most puzzling part is how this division can actually surprise some. This is politics after all, and the worst kind to top it off, Somali politics -dictated by the misuse of tribe. What did you all expect? Have you all forgotten that the conference was basically an amalgamation of the same men that destroyed our country in the first place, with the blood still fresh on the hands of some? They added to the disaster by electing one of the worst for president, hence this division of cabinet is of minute importance. I personally am not surprised and did not expect any better. Somalis are allergic to the idea of justice; each man is out for their own. But at the same time, I don’t see why qabiil is of such importance; the position should be given to the right person regardless of lineage. If by chance there is a majority of one qabiil then so be it, but this is in an ideal society where discrimination along such lines does not occur, Somalia is excluded obviously. All in all, like I’ve said previously, we really don’t have much of a choice, we must accept all garbage that they throw at us. We aren’t in a position to be crying about the level of unfairness, no one cares about fairness, so lets not waste our breath and just make duca that Allah gives us success with this attempt.
  19. Another sual, what are you doing staring at a sister if your happly married with kids. As i was thinking
  20. Mashallah and alxamdullilah, may Allah make this trust easy for you brother nur
  21. Rahima, my sister quite a disapointment of late. Why, because I am not blinded by loyalty to land :rolleyes: ? I don’t have to praise Mudug more than any other region because I was told it is where I am from. When i see good i shall comment regardless of region, but i refuse to blind follow. If this disappoints you Smith, then too bad