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Everything posted by Rahima

  1. Honestly Juma, you can be such a pest at times . I don't know about everyone else, but i've just had it with those faces. Shidh, war naga dhaaf dee :mad:
  2. Firstly the hadith which is quoted something to the extent of all the things which Allah has made permissible, divorce is the most hated by He- is apparently weak. Secondly, most divorces result because of the husbands. This is obvious and all would be solved if they would get their bloody act together, so i suggest some severe correctional methods be applied on them. Have a nice day and please boys, save it . They say the truth hurts, just hope you don't end up like those before you. Disclaimer: This is a generalization for it does not apply to each individual case; hence the example of how wonderful of a husband Farax living in Windsor Avenue Brooklyn is is not needed.
  3. Yeah what can i say, great bunch of people they are . For such a small population, as compared to Somalis in other western countries, they sure have achieved a lot.
  4. ^You are so full of it brother Like you give a stuff, all you want is complete domination of uncle CY and co. Don't get your knickers in a knot , i'm only stating fact With that said, like I’ve stated before more and more i believe that Somaliland is a wonderful idea, the concept of a united Somalia is fading with the wind. Considering the amount of hatred existent (no need to look further than these forums, namely yourself and brother Juma) we can kiss Somalia goodbye. As for Boorama, it actually wasn't a joke, my siblings, cousins (of various tribes deary ) and I are considering setting up life there- at least this way i can finally get to know my fathers family and escape the hatred of Somalis .
  5. Alla, thank-you so much HA , i too was getting agitated by the nonesense been posted on this forum lately. It's quiet sad to see grown men in cheerleader uniforms. Even worse are the xabash lackeys (no need to attack boys, don't reveal yourselves, hush, it's our secret i promise ).
  6. Nur, I have sent the Duagramme, inshallah it will be accepted. I now await your end of the bargain excited like a little girl waiting for a lolly jazaakum Allahu Khayran akhi
  7. Nur i have a complaint to make . Why are you limiting our choice to only three? It really is quiet unfair. How can you put in front of us all these delicious topics and expect us to pick? This is just wrong! I personally want to read about them all so could you please re-consider your offer. As always we will make duca for you after every and each topic . Sorry for any inconveniences, i sat here for five minutes trying to select and decided to complain after my head began to hurt.
  8. I Can Only Make Dua Babar Ahmad Article ID: 1215 | 200 Reads "Verily, they used to hasten to do good deeds, and they used to make dua to Us with hope and fear, and they used to humble themselves before Us." (Quran 21:90) Since my arrival in prison I have received dozens, if not hundreds, of letters that revolve around a central theme: the inability (or unwillingness) to do anything except make dua. They say, ‘I am helpless to do anything else except dua,’ and ‘There is nothing we can do except dua,’ and ‘We can’t do anything so we are making dua for you,’ etc. However, upon close examination of these statements and those making them, we can find some contradictions. To begin with, dua (supplication) is one of the most excellent forms of worship, one of the deeds most beloved to Allah, one of the best gifts that a Muslim can give to another and one of the most formidable weapons in the armoury of a believer. That said, the number of instances mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah where dua is mentioned alone, without any accompanying action, are very few. Rather, the norm in the Quran and the life of the Messenger (SAWS) and his Companions and the Pious Predecessors is dua accompanied by action. For example, at the Battle of Uhud, the Prophet (SAWS) and the believers did not just sit in Madinah and make dua. Rather, they went out to face the army of their enemy and then made dua before, during and after the battle. After establishing authority in Madinah, the Prophet (SAWS) did not just make dua for the spreading of the Message. Rather, he sent out emissaries, propagators and scholars to call the masses to the Message, but made dua before, during and after his efforts. There are numerous other examples in the Quran and Sunnah. In the above verse, Allah the Exalted mentions actions WITH dua: He does not mention dua alone, without actions. Dua is mentioned without action only in a few, emergency circumstances, where action was all but impossible. For example, Yunus (AS) made dua alone in the belly of the whale because there was nothing else practical that he could do in his situation. When Musa (AS) had delivered his people from Firoun, only to be sandwiched between the sea and Firoun’s army, he made dua alone because he had exhausted all of his efforts. Likewise, after the Prophet (SAWS) had called the people of Taif to Islam, and been mocked and beaten by them until his sandals were flowing with blood; he made dua to Allah, having exhausted his efforts. In the hadith of the three men trapped by a rock in a cave, each one in turn made dua alone to Allah because there was practically no action that they could undertake. Therefore, if we examine our own personal lives, we will find a contradiction between dua and action for our own selves and for the causes of other Muslims. When it comes to earning money, how many of us sit in our houses and make dua? When it comes to buying clothes and possessions, how many of us remain at home and make dua? When it comes to beautifying our homes, how many of us sit and make dua without making any practical effort? Yet when it comes to doing things for others, for other Muslims, for Muslim captives, we feel that it is justified to sit at home and make dua without any action or effort. Since my imprisonment began in August 2004, every member of my family has been working day and night, sacrificing, campaigning, telephoning, meeting, writing, speaking, networking and travelling- may Allah reward them. And they have been making dua excessively and plentifully-may Allah answer their duas. Even the babies and children have played their bit by sacrificing their nurseries and comforts to accompany their parents in the cold and rain to a protest or demonstration. And then there is my father, may Allah preserve him, who is probably the last person on the planet that I would imagine giving a speech on civil liberties at a protest outside Downing Street. But why is my father, my family, close relatives and a few close friends, going to all this effort? Why don’t they just sit at home and make dua? Because this time it is personal. This time their own flesh and blood is imprisoned, not some Chinese man sitting in Guantanamo Bay. Therefore, they cannot afford to sit and make dua without acting. So now we enjoy our own lives: money in the bank, children happy, stable job, house, family etc. Then we ‘do our bit’ for the Muslim captives by making dua for them and then we continue with our comfortable lives. But what if tomorrow it was our turn? What if our own door was kicked in tomorrow, our own husband, brother, son or father brutalised by armed thugs, then imprisoned to face extradition and a death behind bars in one of the worst countries of the world in their hatred of Islam and Muslims? Would things be different then? Would we still feel as ‘helpless’ as we did for that Chinese man sitting in Guantanamo Bay? Would we still make our few minutes of dua sitting in our homes then continue with life as normal? Or would all hell break loose in our family system? Or would we telephone, write, collect, organise, meet, travel, campaign etc.? Let’s be honest - our selfish nature and dead hearts would most likely mean that this time we will act. And make dua. So next time you think that you have ‘done your bit’ by making dua, ask yourself honestly if your situation really is like Yunus (AS) in the whale, or Musa (AS) in front of the sea. If anyone would have an excuse only to make dua, it would have been us captives. But even we do more than make dua alone whilst in prison. Those of us that can write, write. Those of us that can draw, draw. And even if we cannot write or draw for the benefit of the people outside, we at least build bridges across to the hearts of violent murderers, evil criminals and fearsome gangsters so that when they leave prison, at least they will have a positive opinion of Muslims and they will think twice before attacking Muslims with their evil. Dua accompanies action. So when we plan a conference, for instance, we make dua prior to the event to help in planning, we make dua during the even and we make dua after the even so that its outcome is beneficial and Allah accepts our efforts. This is the meaning and the role of dua in a difficult situation. So next time Shaytan whispers to us, "I can only make dua," let us consult our hearts and our consciences and we will find that it is only an excuse. A feeble one.
  9. Mashallah, kudos to my fellow melbournians. They have also collected supplies for Amoud University and Banadir University. Mind you, these are the efforts of a few men/women, not much organizing required. I know for a fact that one man (a neighbour of mine) achieved all the efforts to collect supplies for Amoud university.
  10. I'm betting on Syria next! One by one they all fall down.
  11. Very intriguing observation, so what do we suggest folks? Wipe them all out? Yep, the evil of Somalia, such trecherous murderous evil savages they all are :rolleyes: . I say we gas them all, or better yet burn them all alive , oh no no wait i have an even better idea, let's round them all up and pour hot oil on them . We make such clearly disgusting biased "observations" and then we wonder why we still go round and round in circles. So folks is this meant to an effort to unite all Somalis and if so how does such filth as above come into the equation of unification? I don't see the need to somehow or other bring all these men under the heading of their tribe, we could of have said the same thing about opposition to the presidency of C/qaasim (when yes, our good old uncle CY was against the then legitimate government-hmm I wonder why :rolleyes: ) but does it serve a purpose? I think not Duke! This is a disaster, thank-god i can hide away in Boorama.
  12. Rahima: My bad, yes he came and beat on the two out of the three wings of the RRA, which means they will call for their support base to beat on him. Whilst youe being sarcastic, i honestly believe that this is where it is all heading. More and more we bury Somalia. May Allah have peace on her.
  13. Boys, Boys, you dissapoint me, have you not learnt anything from history? When Caydiid was fighting the Americans, had he not massacred thousands of Somalis by this stage? Had he not committed countless crimes by this stage? Yet, Somalis from all corners of the country were going to Mogadishu to lend the support against the gaalo not to mention the support from those abroad. Few were fighting for the sake of Caydiid for they knew what he was about and what he had done, but it was not about him. Yet again, if any struggle does occur, it sure as hell won't be about lending support to folks such as Caato or Yalaxow, but rather once again fighting the gaalo.
  14. Nothing juicy about it, its a shame that the RRA six years after they liberated their town have been divided and once again conquored.. How insulting, like they don't have enough intelligence to think for themselves. Even if invited should the invitation not be from both parties of the conflict? I like that one, its made my day . So i'm locked into battle with Sky and you want to assist him, do you think i'm going to be happy about you beating the living daylights out of me? Both sides will never give permission so out the window with that.
  15. Boys, like i said, even if he is involved (note that i didn't say he wasn't), he was apparently invited by a local (as both of you attest to), i wouldn't exactly go around crying foul about him, rather speak of the matter as it is between two brothers. Like I’ve said on countless occasions, i don't know anything about this, rather just using logic. No need to blame the little man for the decisions of the big men. If Sky and I are engrossed in a battle (don't think about it Sky) and he calls upon your help, i ain't gonna turn all my energies on to you now am I? No rather, my problem is still with sky, why? Because we had an original disagreement which has not been solved and he is the one who brought you into the equation. Anyways go ahead Duke, i know it makes the story jucier . If you have no knowledge of this individuals involvement, how can you be so certain whether he the 'forerunner' or not? Because the same boys who I was having this discussion with said that he was called on to support to one group. If he was a forerunner, he wouldn’t exactly need calling upon, or am I wrong? youre right its between the rra factions, but a minority rra faction led by this sicko xaabsade is getting support from indhacade. that aint for nothing, indhacade is forced to 'help' becuz he, xaabsade and barre huuraale in kismaayo have an alliance where they help each other when things get tough, like say Am I wrong here, but does it seem that this is Xaabsade’s fight and this Indha Cade guy along with Hiraale are lending support which was asked for? How is then that someone else (when it’s Xaabsades fight in the first place) becomes the forerunner? Anyway this is boring, i don't give a shidh anyway. Eeverywhere you go, Somalis seem to be loosing the plot. A meaningless fight in Baidoa, one even more meaningless in Mudug and apparently another in Sool.
  16. At the end of the day boys, if the troops come and in the event of a war breaking out i very much doubt anyone is going to discuss the credibility of Xasaan Dahir Aweys, Indha Cade of Jamac Cali Jamac, rather as with Caydiid struggle against the Americans, it will be the cause that people support, not the man leading the charge or his intentions.
  17. With all due respect my dear brother, still this outcry does not make sense. Under the assumption that this man is involved (which i have no clue about), i am completely sure that he is not the forerunner (considering that he has no real power base in Baidoa). Is it that some cannot or rather will not accept that the main disagreement is between inhabitants of Baidoa itself, why the need to glorify the involvement of this man, as if he is the mastermind behind it all. Regardless of whether or not he is involved, the point remains, the disagreement is between folks of Baidoa, which is a blow to the government for contrary to popular myth not all are blind supporters of the government. I am not saying that anyone is right or wrong here for as you can figure i don't give a rats a'ss (excuse my English), but the point remains, stop this calaacal about how certain individuals are the ones behind everything. Has it ever occurred to you, that those opposing (from Baidoa itself) have brains of their own, their own convictions, their own minds and hence can make decisions for themselves. This theory of the so-called USC members being behind everything (you are giving them waaaaay too much credit) is ludicrous. I have yet to come across any conflict in the South where your camp (pro-CY) has not blamed either the Mogadishu warlords or Sh. Dahir Aweys or this Indha Cade guy. Bottom line is accept the possibility that the disagreement could possibly be between folks of Baidoa without the head intervention of outsiders.
  18. Warlords Aidid Jr being the head of them Exact reason why i despise this bugger :mad: , him and CY- both crying all over the media about how Somalia is infested with terrorists :rolleyes: , he (C. Jr) wanted somewhere to bring his California prostitutes (which he boasted about in a documentary of him) and CY to get rid of the religious people (as they were his most ardent opposition) so as to realise his life-long dream of ruling the country.
  19. May All warlords and their supporters (including those in the west, even those who support them in their hearts) wipe each other out. May Allah save the innocent and defend the righteous people, especially the poor (who will undoubtedly suffer the most). May Allah have mercy on all those who perish in these useless wars.
  20. Indacade and technicals have become a very common term have they not...? It almost seems trivial, turning people into bogeymans. Naga qalee again, I have read ONLY English-language articles and they all name Haabsade vs Shatigudood camps. As i was thinking, i don't understand why there is this obsession with this man and the now-probably dead USC. They're giving him way too much power, it's quiet sad actually. I guess you have to blame someone from the "enemy" - it reads much juicier Oooh, there will be a showdown between archrivals, in the red corner our honorable president CY and co., in the blue corner the USC. Someone beat the damn drum :rolleyes:
  21. Tikniko from Triboli to take part the Xaabsade-Indhacade-Madoobe-Gaduud exircise of who is stronger in action. You say it so jokingly, like it's not a possibility . A man such as CY (judging from his overly decorated war record) is more than capable of such acts. But as per usual, who suffers, the innocent, mainly women and children, damn these men :mad: .
  22. Ar Goobilow, Gobilo, Ah-Uh! a.k.a The anthem. Oh how I love this ciyaar , it’s fascinating. Ms Word, Raula and Horn, what is it folks a reer garbaharay gathering on SOL ? Horn, do you realize that you are missing Miss Garbaharay herself? She might need to join SOL just for this, she lays claim to all that is Garbaharay including discussions about the place .
  23. Shocked at the actions of the man :eek: Saddened by that fact that folks will judge all wadaado based on this story. Amazed at how anyone would send their photo to a complete stranger :confused:
  24. Shyhem, At the very least you are an inspiration to many, at the very best you are one exceptionally hard-working thinking individual-all of which you are . I have to say you are one very impressive young man, we could all learn a few things from your achievements. Rarely do people think in such modes, to see a young Somali making progress in such ways is refreshing :cool: . America is very different from where I reside, Australia, but nonetheless three of my friends and I are making progress in a business which has been in the works for some time- the only issue is finding enough time to make it fruit to the maximum, but inshallah after I graduate it shall be full steam ahead- I just hope that things go just as well for us. Once again, very proud of you brother and May Allah give you success in your endeavors, business and otherwise. But like Baashi, I too advice you, make sure you keep it halal as it has become so hard these days.
  25. looool , i kept looking at your post thinking what is wrong with this guy :rolleyes: , what is he on about? PM, and more importantly who the hell is Darman (who is he anyway?), and then it hit me, Duh! Get a life Sky , you know it was a typo, it was meant to be MP. I really should proof-read.