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Everything posted by Rahima

  1. Duke and Sky, Pay close attention to this thread (especially the post of Baashi). You might learn a thing or two .
  2. But there is no doubt from your comments where you stand. Sensitive new age guy ay ! Which comments. Please quote me (of course in context) and highlight exactly where I have shown myself to be anti-PL and anti-government. Don’t ignore this now Duke, take up the challenge. Be a man; don’t run like the playground thing again. For one to disagree with a matter voiced by an entity does not make them anti-entity. Therefore just because I am anti-gaalo troops it does not mean I am anti-government. And just because CY is not my favourite person in the world it does not mean I am anti-government. I don't know how much simpler i can make this :rolleyes: true that bro. its just the name and stance of allpuntland that makes them say this ridiculous shit. the website itself is definetily harmless. if i were them, i would fear the 'venom' of some other puntland websites more than allpuntland if you know what i mean. for example, garowe online used to and still has editorials where it attacks those anti-government ppl like jumatatu and rahima directly. you wont see allpuntland doing that. Same Same really. Whether you do it directly or indirectly matters not. Most of these Somali websites are the same; they all push the agendas of their respective sub-tribes, loosing objectivity in the process and really are full of biased reportings. The reason you and Duke get so heated is because I mentioned Allpuntland as one of them. Isn’t it odd that you choose to ignore that I said almost all Somali websites? Walaahi the lot of you are pathetic :rolleyes: . Make statements but at the very least back yourself up. And Sky, thank-god for the sea
  3. ^ Sahal seems to think i am saying otherwise. I don't know why really, i thought i made myself very clear in earlier posts.
  4. Sky, I would be quiet silly to expect you to be objective or even for one slight moment to opinionate other than that which you have. Dude don’t expect me to think you are anymore objective with the ever-so-abused line of yours “allpuntland is just too boringâ€. Excuse my language, but BS! Allpuntland is exactly the same as most (I would be inclined to say all, but I don’t know all so I best not generalise) of these sites. It pushes the agendas of its respective sub-tribe. Allpuntland is neither more reliable or any more objective. They are all examples of immoral, unethical and just bad journalism. Don’t sit here and give me this nonsense about objectivity and reliability, they are allergic to it, including Allpuntland. now does he really deserve that outburst? Yes because he addressed me unnecessarily and began talking about things he does not stick to himself. If he had minded his own business and realised that he should first practice what he plans to preach all would be lovely and daisy :cool: . On another note, this is rich coming from you. If I “outburstâ€, I do it with a bit of smiles , a dash of sarcasm and I poke fun-all indicating that it ain’t some personal thing. At the end of the day Duke is just another brother of mine, I have no hatred for him. You though, dude you hiss venom (almost literally). When you respond to one who ticks you off (normally me,loool ), one can feel the anger in the words. It's almost like if you could strangle me you would. I suggest you rethink your statement and practice what you preach next time or is both users (sky & Duke ) the same No I don't think Duke would do that, they’re just too afraid to take me on alone. They see the Vaseline of my face, they know I am ready to rumble if need be .
  5. Why bother making lies and why bother in propogating such cheap lies. Sad Nice I like the way you catch on . I see you’re learning the art finally. But here is the small sticking point you need to keep in mind for future reference: Try to direct it (at the very least) at the person who you are disagreeing with (if indeed this story was the truth any sane person would think along the lines I have thought, waa ceeb, simple) or in this particular case he who posted the article (afraid of Juma are we ,lool). I was not the issue here, nor was my post. I know I get on your nerves often enough, but really your newly-found tactic is misdirected. Try to use it on me on other posts. If you want I can give you examples where it would have the dramatic effect you were looking for . Nice try, but better luck next time. The other issue is They make accusation with no back up Funny coming from you of all people . If memory serves me correctly according to you, I was anti-government and yes we all remember-WITH NO BLOODY BACK UP and even sadder you didn’t even bother addressing it when I asked you to prove it. Honestly Duke, you talk a whole load of baloney mentioning back up and reliable sources like you have the right. With all due respect, you lack both . Your sources are far from reliable (like Allpuntland is any more reliable than those you mention-most somali website propagate the respective BS of their tribes) and you make accusations and run like this is a playground. Who are you to talk of all people? Cajiib :rolleyes: Now now, don't huff like that. It isn't very nice
  6. Wind_talker, did not write it. Also, perhaps you should read his explanation on why he posted it.
  7. Why bother joining the delegation in the first place? Even more importantly why embarrass a whole nation like that. Sad.
  8. ^Like you lot don't try to hook your sisters up. Gotta love the double standards.
  9. This is sad! Sad for generally it is the truth, except for a few glimpses of hope.
  10. You don't need to give examples, because there is no disagreement. You keep honing in on issues which we all agree on. DO YOU AGREE WITH ME THAT ULUMA CAN DIFFIR IN DISPUTED AREA, BUT THEY CAN'T DIFFER IN UN-DISPUTED AREA? IN OTHER WORDS; THEY CAN DIFFER IN WHAT OUR SALAF SALAH HAVE ALREADY DISPUTED AND THEY CAN'T DIFFER IN WHAT THEY HAVEN'T DISPUTED? See the problem here brother is, THIS IS NOT THE POINT. Can I remind you, for me it is not about what Shaykh said what but rather what daleel they provide (i will be rewarded on the daleel i followed not the shaykh i followed, the former can award me paradise, the later not). If it so happens that the same group of shuyuukh are providing the strongest proofs on most occasions, then it often is that they are more knowledgeable and not simply because I value him as a person because he is hebel hebel. I value them because of their stance and their knowledge which is the foundation for their stance (often the one based on the strongest and most sound proofs). There is no reason for you to go on and on regarding this different interpretation issue. WE ALL KNOW AKHI, no person including our brother Salafi Dacwa will deny this. There are saxiix hadiths attesting to this, we don’t need to argue over the obvious like any of us are oblivious to this. You don’t need to attack brother Salafi (I may not agree with him on certain issues but we have to be fair) or those of the Salafi Manhaj (which I like to think I am favourable to) based on this like they fail to acknowledge. NO ONE DENIES IT, WE KNOW! The issue is attributing every issue even if it is one clear as day to different interpretations. Like I said we have over-used and abused this. Sometimes enough is enough, most of this religion is clear but many Muslims nowadays often portray it to be otherwise. Always you will see the interpretation argument even in unnecessary situations like the music debate. There is no need for other interpretations because simply they are wrong. Why would I even value these different interpretations when I have clear proofs from the established Quran and Sunnah? Why should I care what Sh. Qaradawi has said on the matter (no disrespect to the shaykh), when I have clear proof? It doesn’t make sense. Any of us here, if we were told to answer a question for a million dollars and we were provide with two lots of answers with different proofs, however one had stronger arguments based on established research but the other lacked all this, I can guarantee you all the money in the world that any sane thinking human being would select the first answer because the arguments are stronger. I ask you then, is not paradise worth more than a million dollars? Why would I put my diin and prospect for jannah in jepordy. It doesn’t make sense to me. I am not a scholar, if I make a mistake I will not get my ajar. I will be punished unless I am saved by the mercy of the Almighty Allah. I am not saying I am sinless. I even commitsins I know to be xaraam but I have to be honest with myself and at the very least be honest about the xaraam and the xalaal. Putting an established xaraam or xalaal into discrepancy (as in declaring it the opposite), puts my religion in danger and can push me into the pit of kufr. Why would I take such a chance? It is unnecessary akhi. All in all, the majority of issues in this religion are clear, Allah has perfected this religion. We accept different opinions on a small number of issues, but they certainly are often not the forefront of issues.
  11. You all have no sense of humor. Lighten up alittle. Was this a joke ? My bad, i was unaware. Yet anyway, i could of have sworn that this doesn't come under the banner of "humour" . It must be me. Juma, pls do accept my apology . I honestly thought that you believed in this stuff-many of our people believe in these sorts of fortune telling.
  12. Sahal, You’re confusing yourself akhi, let’s retrace the discussion (for clarification purposes) Our sister writes to me: so i think music issue is not agreed to be haram. Which I then reply Nabiga s.c.w already said that people would make xalaal what is xaraam. It is of no relevance for people to disagree on matters which are clear as daylight. The music issue is like the riba issue. Clearly xaraam, some argue it but it is baseless and not worth reading it (unless a knowledgeable person seeks to refute it). Which you then state: If the song issue is clear HARAM as RIBA it would not be held in the Prophet Mosque in the EID DAY and also Wedding Ceremony (look at SAHIH BUKHARI). Which I then state as a response: The hadith does not speak about music as we know it, (don’t twist words). At the time of Rasuallah only the daf was allowed, other instruments often used today such as wind-instruments and string instruments are forbidden in Islam.They are XARAAM and you know it, so don’t misuse the hadiths. Which you then respond with: First of all i didn't speak about music and i didn't twist words, the HABASHA were singing in the prophet Mosque in the EID day... that's the hadith in SAHIH BUKHARI and nobody can deny it, the ULUMAS differ in intreperation and that's what i told you. So now I ask you, was I saying music all along or singing? I did not say that singing was xaraam, I said that music (as in musical instruments) aside from the daf were xaraam.So why did you use the Habasha hadith in the prophets mosque. Was there music? NO, SO IT DOES NOT APPLY TO WHAT I WAS SAYING! So what is the argument here anyway? You are twisting the xadith akhi or if I give you the benefit of the doubt you don’t realize that there is a difference between signing as in with the voice and music with instruments. Do you realize that there is a difference? Sure I acknowledge that there are different interpretations for certain issues, but issues such as Riba and Music are clearly xaraam (Sh. Qaradawi last i knew does not believe so). I don’t need to hear this stuff on different interpretations. I don’t take my religion from just anyone, I want hard-core proof. With these particular issues I have it, so why the need for other interpretations. If I go on and on about different interpretations, I’d begin believing that temporary marriges are xalaal or that smoking is xalaal or I can lead the prayer or homosexuality is not xaraam. This interpretation thing is so over-used. I acknowledged and yes it is needed at times, but why must we resort to it with even clear cut issues. What next? I need to look at different interpretations to decide whether or not I can bid at the pokies. This is redicilous and like I said over-used by many people for what is clear. Rasuallah s.c.w said: “What is Halal is clear and what is Haram is clear. Midway between them are things which people do not know whether they are Halal or Haram. He who keeps away from them will protect his religion and will be saved. He who aproaches them is very near to Haram, like a shepherd wandering his flock near Hima (protected grazing land), who could soon enter the forbidden area, and Allah's protected area is what He has declared forbidden.†(Bukhari and Muslim) The other issue is Sahal, like i said cut the crusade stuff. I did not defame any scholars so no need to put on the armour as far as i am concerned. Also if you want to discuss Mogadishu be my guest (my life does not depend on it and it is open to wrong and right thoughts-not to mention that has to do with this issue how so? Please do explain). What is important however and not open to wrong thoughts is Islam and the need some of us have to paint gray clear matters. As for Sh. Qaradawi, he is not Rasuallah. He makes mistakes and on the issue of music he has. On one side of the debate, we have many of the respected shuyuukh with clear cut saxiix proof and then on this matter i have the proof of shuyuukh such as Sh. Qaradawi who don't provide me with such clear and saxiix proof. I take that opinion which is stronger. If it were Sh. Qaradawi who held the opinion over say Sh. Ibn Baz, i would take the opinion of the former. I follow blindly none but Rasuallah. It matters not to me who has a particular opinion, rather i am concerned with the daleels of the opinion. The stronger, the more to my liking. I am done with this ! Bilan, Have a look:
  13. Subxanallah. Perhaps it's because of all the dulmi that Allah is punishing us . The solution is Islam, if we truly believed that all were equal in the Eyes of Allah like the teeth of a comb we wouldn't have this problem. The first time i heard of this discrimination some four years ago, i remember i could not stop crying. Sadness, disgust and the part of people washing their dishes (like you do with dogs) after there fellow Muslims ate with it did it for me. May Allah have mercy on the brother and grant him jannatul firdows. thats not true. somalilanders are known to be most distasteful towards these poor, helpless ppl. in central and eastern somalia, the situation is a bit better, becuz its seen as a sign of cowardice to target these helpless ppl. Brother get real and be honest. My mother told me about the horrific stories of how they were treated in Gaalkacyo. It doesn't sound any better than this.
  14. Have a read of this Juma-the question is different but the issue is basically the same. Hopefully after this we will all have a clear stance on this matter. _________________________________ Question : my mother recently went to a fortune teller (which she is definetly not supposed to because it's haraam) and she was telling me that the fortune teller said that i will have a bad life if i marry my soon-to-be husband and that we will not stay together for more than 2 years.... i know that only Allah knows the future but i've been really worried by what she said....and what can i do to potentially "reverse"this from happening.... really i'm so confused i don't know what to think. Answer : Praise be to Allaah. Firstly: may Allaah reward you for your belief that Allaah alone knows the unseen – this is what we hope for you and for every sincere Muslim woman – and this is one of the essentials of faith in Allaah Alone. But we wonder how, after saying this, you can be afraid of one who knows nothing of the unseen? You have to be assured and put your trust completely in Allaah, for nothing will happen to you except that which has been decreed by Allaah. Secondly: The ruling on fortune-telling, i.e., soothsaying, and claiming to know the unseen, is that these are actions which condemn a person to Hell and put him beyond the pale of Islam. Thirdly: Fortune-tellers cooperate with the jinn; they are liars who cooperate with the shayaateen (devils), who do not help them except after they have changed their religion, and whoever changes his religion [leaves Islam] is to be executed. The ruling concerning those who go to them and believe them is that they are guilty of kufr; if they do not believe them, their prayers will still not be accepted from them for forty days. The evidence (daleel) for the former is the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah, according to which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever goes to a fortune-teller and believes what he says, has disbelieved in what was revealed to Muhammad.†(Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 135; Abu Dawood, 3904; Ibn Maajah, 639; Ahmad, 9252. The hadeeth was classed as saheeh by al-Haakim (1/49), and al-Dhahabi agreed with him. Al-Haafiz ibn Hajar said, it has two corroborating reports narrated by al-Bazzaar with good isnaads. See al-Fath, 10/217) The evidence (daleel) for the latter is the report from one of the wives of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), who said: the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever goes to a fortune-teller and asks him about anything, his prayers will not be accepted for forty days.†(Narrated by Muslim, 2230). Fourthly: How the fortune-teller gets his “information†was explained in the hadeeth narrated by Abu Hurayrah, in which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “When Allaah decrees a matter in heaven, the angels beat their wings in submission to His words, making a sound like a chain striking a rock. When the fear is banished from their hearts, they say, What is it that your Lord has said? They say: The truth, and He is the Most High, the Most Great. Then the one who is listening out hears that, and those who are listening out are standing one above the other†– Sufyaan [one of the narrators] demonstrated with his hand, holding it vertically with the fingers outspread. – “So he hears what is said and passes it on to the one below him, and that one passes it to the one who is below him, and so on until it reaches the lips of the soothsayer or fortune-teller. Maybe the meteor will hit him before he can pass anything on, or maybe he will pass it on before he is hit. He tells a hundred lies alongside it, but it will be said, Did he not tell us that on such and such a day, such and such would happen? So they believe him because of the one thing which was heard from heaven.†(narrated by al-Bukhaari, 4424). Fifthly: When the Shaytaan listens out to hear what the angels say to one another about the decree of Allaah, this is part of the knowledge of the seen, it does not not mean that the shayaateen have knowledge of the unseen. Then they add a hundred lies to that word, such as when a fortune-teller says that So and so will give birth to a boy, and the people see that he was right about that so they believe in him, but he adds lies about the child, saying that he will get married in such and such a year and will die in such and such a year and other such details. So he gains a high stature in people’s hearts and they seek to get close to him by bringing him gifts and money, and he makes a profession out of these lies when the people believe in him, and so he makes a living by haraam means. Sixthly: Not every fortune-teller is a kaahin (soothsayer). He may be a geomancer or reader of coffee-cups, because the kaahin, unlike the others, is one who receives information from the jinn. The others are just liars, but the same ruling applies to them, because they claim to have knowledge of the unseen, although the kaahin who cooperates with the shayaateen is more of a kaafir because the kufr of fortune-telling is compounded by the kufr of his interacting with the shayaateen, who do not give him what he wants until after he directed some acts of worship towards them in a manner which takes him out of Islam. Seventhly: You have to advise your mother not to go anywhere near these liars, lest she falls into sin or her good deeds are wiped out. Do not give up the idea of marriage, because marriage brings many benefits. It is an important matter which is part of the fitrah (natural inclinations of man) and of the religion. Your life will not be miserable, in sha Allaah; be optimistic and hope for a good and happy life. We ask Allaah to join you with a husband who is knowledgeable and righteous. If something bad happens, and you marry someone with whom you are miserable, this is because of the decree of Allaah (qadaa’ and qadar), not because of what the accursed fortune-teller said or because he knows the unseen. This may happen as a test or trial. In any case, going ahead with the marriage – in addition to its own great benefits – will be a way of snubbing these liars and fortune-tellers, and those who believe in them. May Allaah help us and you to do all that is good. May Allaah bless our Prophet Muhammad. Islam Q&A Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid (www.islam-qa.com)
  15. Rayaana, I like how you base your whole argument on nothing more than hearsay. Ask any grandmother these days and she will undoubtedly tell you that the youth are rude and unruly, nothing like the respectful youth of her days. No surprise and I don’t believe I stated that they were squeaky clean-they are a product of the society they have been raised in. how many relgious groups are there in melbourne. Do not forget you have a higher population in melbourne there so should have a higher ratio Much more than Sydney, how do I know this? Because I have been to both cities (which you dread-I was surprised because like I said you live in our Las Vegas-the most decedent city in OZ no questions asked-the gaalo attest to this dear). Because the case here is simple. Just ask anyone and they would tell you Nice! Ask anyone what? Is Melbourne more decadent than Sydney (girlfriend, the premier of NSW which is Sydney is the capital of, Bob Carr, would say No !). Sydney is where the homosexuals congregate, Melbourne the intellectual elite (I’m not making this up, just look at the university ratios, the private school ratios, have a look at the last census, then we’ll talk facts rather than hearsay). Ask anyone what? That the Somali youth in Melbourne are wild and unstable? Why should I? We can all see what unfair generalizing that is. You have not been. You go on and on about I heard this and that person said that-let’s just put it this way to you, many leave here for Sydney for one of two reasons (to be fair), for employment or to have fun (you finish it off). Talking about ratios, on the assumption that Melbourne has 10 times the number of Somalis as in Sydney (based on the 2000 or was it 2001 census, the Somali community in Sydney was less than 800, Melbourne over 10,000), I expect to see 10 times as many youth getting in trouble. This is the logic dear, for me to expect to see the same number of problems amongst Somalis in a suburb where almost every third or fourth home is Somali as opposed to most probably been the only Somali family on the street or block is ridiculous. Having said all that, a few do not make the whole wild and unstable. Just to provide you with another example, have a close look at the Lebanese communities of Melbourne and Sydney-what trends do you see there? Watch ACA lately ? Anyway sister, you are right, this is useless, you know why? Because you state: perth has lower living expenses than melbourne aaah? See this is how I know (with all due respect walaahi) that you have absolutely next to no clue what you are talking about. I don’t mean to sound harsh, but so far I have heard nothing more than heblaayo and hebel said this and that. Going by that line of reasoning, I would be painting Sydney as hell on earth, but the reason I do not do so is because I know such arguments based on this do not stand up-they have no value. You see, what you say to sister Amitallah has no relevance to our disagreement, but it highlights a small factor-you don’t know much about Melbourne, so asking you to produce facts about why you make such unfair, disrespectful and biased remarks against the youth of Melbourne (i.e. that they are unstable and wild) is quiet silly. It’s like asking a mechanic to diagnose an illness . For this I apologise and leave it as just your opinion (which you are entitled to). Just for future reference don’t make such blatant remarks and paint them as real .
  16. If the song issue is clear HARAM as RIBA it would not be held in the Prophet Mosque in the EID DAY and also Wedding Ceremony (look at SAHIH BUKHARI). The hadith does not speak about music as we know it, (don’t twist words). At the time of Rasuallah only the daf was allowed, other instruments often used today such as wind-instruments and string instruments are forbidden in Islam. They are XARAAM and you know it, so don’t misuse the hadiths. Sahal, this discussion like the hundreds before is not beneficial. I know who these shyyuukhs are and I know that they adhere to what is termed the Salafi Caqiidah. They may not call themselves Salafis as such, but this is what they prescribe to. Attack the salafis and you attack such scholars. I don’t know why you feel like you are on a crusade here brother. I mean do we not have better things to discuss than quarrel about this. It is so tiresome, these arguments destroy this section and I’m sure you confuse many. Enough is enough really, there is no benefit so let us move on.
  17. Rahima walaalo i don't like in aan idin soo kala dhaxgalo you and my bro. " But" That’s ok, butt in any time-I do it all the time . Uuups xanuun badanaa ina hooyo ma isku dayi kartaa in aad anigana sida aad u heesato ku waaga aad iigu raadiso kuweeygana IF it is not to mutch to ask??? You’ll have to pay me . No seriously, have you or your family tried to retrive it? You may not agree with the courts, but if you can prove it, in many instances you are able to get it back. This does not apply for every xaafad, just those the courts have influence in. I like you opinions it doasn't seem like you are spurting Qabiil you are very good at Difference keep up heating the depate. Why thank-dear . *curtsy* One minute you seem like you are anti Muqdisho worlord the other minute comes you are Anti Yeey government. Oh well afcorse Plus reer borame aad aheeed. I am not reer Booramad, mate I’m from the outback of the great Aussie plane :cool: . But in terms of Somalia, i was born in Mogadishu. I passionately dislike the Mogadishu warlords, I passionately dislike CY (same breed as the Mogadishu warlords) and I am pro-government. It's possible. I want it to succeed because I know CY is not the goal here, it is peace and stability. He will go, but my Somalia will be around for a long time to come inshallah.
  18. It’s sad really, that Muslim women have to fight for a god-given right. I don’t know about the rest of the media across the world, but here it was an Islam-bashing field day.
  19. ^ :eek: Don’t make such blasphemous remarks wind, my GOD! Rahima, my sister. I must give you credit and much praise. I have realised that of all those who oppose the government in SOL Politics section. You are by far the shrewdest, sharpest and most cunning. Look how the others hide and cower, when the news is not good and compare that to the way you have tried to turn this into a personal thing between us, wonderful. Allow me to make two points: a.I am not anti-government (I just don’t like CY and some of the MPs-what is that, a crime? :rolleyes: ). In my opinion any person who is against the government as such is in essence anti-Somalia and anti-peace. I can be anti-a particular action of the government (like the whole gaalo troop deployment issue), but the entity and the overall government I am all for. Young man DO NOT insult me and more importantly DO NOT tarnish my good name. How dare you! b.I have better things to do than count numbers of MPs (meaning I have better things to do than follow this), more like my money. Ya wanna discuss ? You know Duke, just shudh up and relax . You are so up tight, even light-hearted comments you somehow translate into defamation. I was teasing you, you know joking, like ha ha ha-people these days :rolleyes: In all honesty though I was trying to make you feel better, considering that everyone was ignoring it, I thought Rahima since you are such an upstanding citizen of the world, come to the rescue of your brother Duke. I mean even if you don’t follow the subject, talk rubbish at least this way you’ll keep the thread up top and Duke will feel better. Has it worked? Have I made you feel better? Yes I know I annoy the crap out of you,loool , but who cares, I find it amusing . Insha Allah Somalia will get better and this government will succeed. *serious mode back on* Yes inshallah. And with that I hope we don’t sell our souls to the devil.
  20. so i think music issue is not agreed to be haram. Nabiga s.c.w already said that people would make xalaal what is xaraam. It is of no relevance for people to disagree on matters which are clear as daylight. The music issue is like the riba issue. Clearly xaraam, some argue it but it is baseless and not worth reading it (unless a knowledgeable person seeks to refute it). its always best to double check a scholar's source if you encounter something u don't understand. Yes, all the more reason for Hamza Yusuf (which unfortunately has a track record for voicing weak and at times wrong fataawa) as he is a only daacii (speaker) and not to the level of scholar. All in all even if Hamza Yusuf is not a sufi he is not someone who we should encourage people with little knowledge (like most of us) to listen to. We cannot differentiate between right and wrong as far as the religious proofs are concerned and since like I said the track record of this speaker isn’t promising, why listen when there are so many other speakers and scholars who do not have such a shroud of doubt over them? It’s not like we don’t have other options. Sahal you might not attack scholars by name, but basically when you make statements against salafis you in essence attack the likes of Sh. Albani, Ibn Baz and Cuthaymin which were undoubtedly amongst the greatest scholars of our lifetime.
  21. But right now we are not talking about politics and all that middle eastern stuff. What about what they did in Somalia. Or politics aside, let’s talk about that shocking crime rate-yes you know Somerican . Ladies and gentlemen,we are just making fun of each other, nothing more,nothing than less. Yes people, no need for mediation . I can take him on
  22. ^Which related to what was said how? It's simple really, it's called respect and being nice (I'm sure you know what they are )- especially considering that the sister was all that.
  23. its president in London hospital, Why? What's wrong with him? This is not good! Mobb, find something new to argue, this USC supporter stuff is getting old dude. Find a new line, i don't know something like looter or even bloodsucker (bad imagination i know-but i'm sure you'll come up with better ).
  24. they are more than credible look at the silence of the other side its almost deafining Perhaps it's only you and those who agree with you that care. Man i don't understand why any person would be so engrossed in waxaan. Who cares, wake me up when they actually begin to do something then bash each other one minute and quarrel over where they should be the next. You know Duke, these days, you're no fun :rolleyes: ! I make fun of you, and you do nothing :confused: . Passiveness will not do your political aspirations any good. Be fiery like good old adeer, you'll get far then !
  25. The Somali parliament will be in a better shape without him. I can think of better ways it could be in better shape-throw out all the warlords.