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Everything posted by Rahima

  1. i knew aussies were weird Just Rokko , trust me, the guy even freaks us out with all that sport.
  2. Kaleidoscopic 1. BUKHARI Volume 1, Book 11, Number 660: Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "Isn't he who raises his head before the Imam afraid that Allah may transform his head into that of a donkey or his figure (face) into that of a donkey?" 2. 'Doesn't the one who raises his head before the Imaam fear that Allah turns his head into a donkey's head?' (Muslim) 3. Rasûlullâh sallallâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam said that at such a time, expect the following punishments: a red hurricane will come and some people will be drawn into the ground. Stones will rain down from the skies. The appearance of people will be transformed, i.e. they will be turned into pigs and dogs. Many other calamities will follow one after the other in quick succession just as when a string of beads breaks up and the beads begin falling off in quick succession. Sky, Grow up. Don't worry we can all be wrong at times, no need to get frustrated . I wonder how do you handle difficult situations (not that this was) outside of the net. Anyway breath in, breath out. Also repeat after me, it is just a forum, just the internet, just a forum, just the internet...
  3. ^ In future do not speak on Islamic matters which you do not know. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “In this Ummah there will be punishments of earthquakes, showers of stones and deformity (transformation into animals); that will be when the people drink khamr, listen to female singers and play musical instruments.†(See al-Silsilah as-Saheehah, 2203; attributed to Ibn Abid-Dunya, Dhamm al-Malahi; the hadith was narrated by at-Tirmidhi, no. 2212). As for this case, although i acknowledge that it could be possible (for Allah can do anything) I don't believe it.
  4. Wind, Many thanks for your explanations . It’s just that depending on who you ask the case of Kismaayo changes with the Melbourne weather. Let’s just say that I live in an area populated by reer afmadow, and some of the hard-core Somalis will swear black and blue that Kismaayo is only theirs and everyone else should only be there as guests-which basically means that military presence aside from theirs is unacceptable. As far as I’m concerned it matters not, all these groups are based on Munkar and opportunistic foundations anyway. I was just trying to decipher your train of reasoning . Sayid Muhammed bin Awad Whilst I thank-you for the history lesson, it was not that part which I am “ignorant†of (mind you i don't that as an offence-one cannot be expected to know it all) rather as was the discussion the relevance of this group (the USC) to the JVA. To summarise, bro wind argued that the “USC†branch of the JVA should not be in the Jubba Valley-I quiet surprised and puzzled asked why. The response was that the USC tribes are not native inhabitants of the area. Brother HA put a different light to it and basically said that the USC branch of the JVA are business opportunists, which wind agreed (basically). So then I’m wondering (which is perhaps something you could clarify), where then does the military issue come in? And as HA states if indeed the USC branch are the junior partners, why such a focus and uproar over them? If we even hypothetically assume that the JVA are nothing more than a group of criminals causing havoc wherever they pass, why focus on the little men when the leader is clear to be seen? Also, is this Indhocadde guy part of the JVA? Who are the men in charge of the “USC†branch of the JVA? And how have they come to be classified as the USC (like I asked, it because of their qabiil?). Finally like I’ve asked wind, if indeed this is a business partnership, why such a broad classification of these business men and what is wrong with taking opportunity where it arises (of course assuming it is achieved through morally correct methods). I’ve always held an opinion, all of these abbreviated groups =BAD. Simple I realize, but basically they and their supporters are to blame for our current dilemmas. Therefore it surprises me when we distinguish between them and through questioning came the business issue-which further confused me.
  5. I really hope Baashi will be a good sport. I'm terribly scared of vengeance. I'm sure he will be, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared for the worst .
  6. Kaleidoscopic I cannot believe it,lool Looks like i was right on the money ay -with my hope anyway.
  7. Mobb, Like I thought . Still not man enough. One day perhaps! C'moon Rahima. Don't let us down. Stay cool sister. Stay cool. Sadly the whole Aussie lingo of wrack off and get a life mate went over your head (not that I’m surprised). Imagine, strong Aussie accent, sunset, porch, akubra, fosters (not that I’m calling for that) and boredom with the topic-that is the scene for such a comment. You couldn’t find a more calm term in the Aussie dictionary even if you tried . Do you know what I think? I think you very well know Indhacadde and Hiiraale are some of the worst warlords the Somali nation has ever produced. You just like to play that "ignorance" card na'mean So let’s assume this is true, what would be my motive in denying this status of theirs? What possible loyalty would I have towards these two? If anything, if ever I was to defend any warlord, trust me dude it would not be these two . Wind, So basically it is a business partnership? Where then does the military aspect of it in terms of the USC branch come in? Also is it wrong for people to take opportunity? As for the Jubba Valley area, how does one establish who has right to it? Is it based on numbers? Qabiil? I know this is getting boring, but I just want to know.
  8. Rahima While u r busy trying to figure me out......the SOL single eligible guys are running out.....u better grap while u can gurlie You had me puzzled there walaahi . Never did i imagine that a somali girl could possibly be so gutsy-good on ya As for Rahima, i think she'll pass. Although she has not yet grazed on the pastures of marriage, she has left those of singlehood. Let's just say she is somewhere in between, soon to finish the journey. As for you and all the SOL nomads good luck.
  9. ^Nice -****** father :mad: . Mahadsanid
  10. ^ Even weirder is that you could possibly be serious. Do you even know what a double standard is :rolleyes: ? Are you having me on here? If I don’t know, I will say so. That doesn’t dear lad equate to having double standards. Anyway, like I said to you and a few other here before, be man enough for once. Take up my challenge. Please, pretty please with cherry on top expose the sinister conniving shrewd Rahima. But then again i know for the tenth time you will not be man enough and as per usual ignore the challenge. Till you do so, as they say down under, wrack off and get a life mate :cool: .
  11. The word “shams†(Sun) is feminine and “qamar†(Moon) is masculine. The sun burns itself out to give light and life to everything around, and the moon is muneer, meaning it reflects the light. Within itself it has no light; it radiates the brilliance of the sun. So when we shine as men, the implication is that we are reflecting the light of our glorious women. May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’aala be pleased with them. Shaykh Abdullah Adhami For more: http://www.geocities.com/mutmainaa/pearls.html
  12. ^Mobb, like I’ve said more than once i couldn't care any less what any of these men do. May Allah guide them all or may they get what they deserve. As for the Somali media outlets, i don't read any of them, never have and most probably never will. They are all full of bias which i do not care to waste my time on. What Morgan and Indhacadde do or have done is not a matter which i care to read about; i just don't like it when people try to excuse some wrongdoers whilst exonerating (in their own way) others. Like i said they are all bad-which means you care for your country and people or are a tribalist because some (miraculously who share a tribal identity with you) are good and others are evil. As far as I’m concerned double standards equates to tribalistic mentality . And whilst we are at it, don’t try to patronize me with the innocent comments. Wind, That granted, it seems I gave the wrong example (accept my apology). So why is one part of the alliance acceptable in your eyes and not the other? Assuming that this alliance is based on evil (hypothetically speaking) how one can be guilty and not the other. Like I said, Rooble and Samatar both commit a crime, to me both are guilty, unless of course you are claiming that Rooble has a mental disability and therefore is excused of all crimes. Also, can you explain to me who is and who is not a “USC†member and on what grounds/criteria you make such classifications? HA, Thanks , always my saviour in my times of ignorance (which I acknowledge freely-we cannot be expected to know everything ).
  13. So is this like serious? :confused: You are pulling our legs aren't you Hibo
  14. Mashallah, even more amazing than graduating from medical school are the circumstances under which he did so- congrats to the brother and May he use his knowledge to benefit those who need it most. May Allah reward him for his perseverance and hard work. Likewise congrats to his wife for I’m sure she was a monumental catalyst in his success. Ducaqabe The article is referring to a particular university.
  15. ^I think Juma was just playing with HA . Hussein Caydiid is an imbecil! Well, he strikes me as a diehard secularist. There's a problem with being a secularist, let alone a diehard secularist. What I am trying to say is, he's indifferent to the interests of Islam and Muslims. He even accused his fellow Muslims as terrorists. This whole debacle cannot even remotely be described as having anything to do with Islam or Islamic system. In that, Hussein Aideed isn't destined to be unique, but mere statistics. My sentiments exactly! I watched him on a documentary once and walaahi I was so embarrassed to be Somali. All I remember was a man talking about the "chicks" in California and calling his brothers terrorists. He has no backbone and does not stand for much.
  16. Please, don't justify USC military presence in the Jubba Valley - its tainted with the blood of the innocents the USC massacred over the years. I don’t believe I did! I’m not sure which part of my statement had you think that, but rather I was questioning your justification of another militia group. As far as Kismaayo and Somalia as a whole is concerned, I have come to note one factor- the answers to questions and who is viewed as the enemy/rightful owners is determined by who you ask, likewise whose military presence is justifiable. As far as I’m concerned, military presence (in the Somali sense) anywhere in Somalia by any group, be it the USC in Kismaayo or Mudug itself is unjustifiable and wrong because in my opinion all these groups are based on evil and the backward mentality of tribalism. To me they are all the same, I do not favour one over the others, in fact I hope they all vanish off the face of the earth. Therefore no need to beg me on a matter which I am innocent of . If anything if i were wanting to see in your statements things that weren't there i could perhaps conclude and write "Please, don't justify XYZ military presence in the Jubba Valley - its tainted with the blood of the innocents the XYZ massacred over the years.". Replace the XYZ with any of the groups who are supposedly more deserving of been there militarily than the USC. I said a USC military presence is unacceptable - which excludes the shacab because all Somalis should always feel free to live in any part of Somalia. Yeah I got that part , but why (according to you) is it more justified to have Morgan (and his group- I don’t know their name) in Kismaayo than the USC? I mean like I said, are they not different sides of the same coin? You are entitled to your opinion, but on what grounds have you come to hold your opinion? Even if you believe that the USC committed more atrocities, are you saying that Morgan and co did not (I know you are not, just a rhetorical to get to a point)? Therefore if we agree that both Samatar and Rooble are wrongdoers, why should one be punished and not the other? Why should in your eyes one be exiled for his actions and the other not? I personally believe in punishing both and all the other boys who partook in the fight. If I exonerate through my opinions one, I am indirectly supporting him. I need to tell them both they are wrong and punish both- in that way I will be fair no? Secondly and probably most puzzling for me, how exactly do you determine who belongs to the USC? For example is Sh. Hassan Dahir Aweys part of the USC (although he is Al-itixaad)? I mean I’m not getting it really (and in that I say it with sincerity), how does one paint another as a member of a group? Is it qabiil based? Is it ideology based? Is it past-actions based? Likewise another question, the JVA, I see the name of Barre Hiraale been thrown around (which I have come to work out represents the “reer gedo†part of the equation), so who represents the “USC†part of the equation? And how did they come to hold this title (of USC)? Is it because they happen to share a tribe with Caydiid, Caato and co? Sky, Why am i not suprised at your response?
  17. Girls, some might take this seriously and who knows you might find yourselves with your own cyber stalkers as a result of this one joke
  18. Mabruuk Khayr. Soon we'll be so large that we'll start discussing if unmarried folks should be online Keep dreaming woman!
  19. BUT, I will never - in 1 or 50 lifetimes - accept a military presence in Kismaayo of the very men (USC militias) many people died protecting the city from, and our Col Hiiraale has invited into the city. I do realize their presence is a matter of temporary political adjustment, but it irks the living daylights out of me that Hiiraale still believes he needs such men in Kismaayo. He'll be my hero the day he tells USC militias to evacuate the Jubba Valley. That’s interesting wind. Going by how it sounds, you are saying that one half of this alliance is acceptable so long as they drop the other half, and the reason for this is that one hails from Clan X whilst the other is an “outsiderâ€. I mean what makes the actions of one right and not the other when basically they are doing the exact same thing? I’ll admit, I don’t know much about this, but I’m just going by what you wrote. It is either one of two, I misunderstood and you mean something else, or one group is justified because of their clan whilst the other is not. Reer Kismaayo as I am aware have not only been effected by the USC but also many others like Morgan (at different stages). I mean I don’t understand how you can accept one group of wrongdoers whilst as you say never in 1 or 50 lifetimes accept the other? You either condemn all or … I hope I am wrong; I don’t take you (going by your posts) as the type to judge on such backward terms.
  20. All problems would be solved if we had a functioning just government (which although I personally am starting to loose hope, is not all gone yet). This issue of stolen property whilst it exists and is wrong, is so over-exaggerated, like Baashi said it is a few greedy men, but inshallah will subside as we progress. These men will be swept with the wind. This concept of painting it as a tribal identity (which some here are doing indirectly) is disgusting and full of prejudice. These “few greedy men†cause more of a problem to their own tribesmen than others. Justifying it with where it begun doesn’t make it right. Likewise limiting these phenomena to the corner of one tribe (because most Somali tribes, in different forms partook in the evil of Somalia) is prejudice and does not make it right. Looting and killing is not limited to one tribe or Mogadishu. At one time or another most did it or are still doing it. It is wrong for the government to allow to be held hostage by these people. There are many good, decent, hard-working men and women who reside in Mogadishu rightfully and who are willing to work with the government and establish peace. It just so happens because Somali politics is dirty and so qabiil orientated that generally the wicked of every tribe are selected. I know for a fact that the MPs from Southern Mudug/Galgadud are not the good people from that region/tribe and are not looked upon by their clansmen with hope. They are the people who for example held their own clansmen hostage when they reused to pay the Qaaraan for the war that occurred in Hobyo. Therefore what can one expect from these people? If this government wants to succeed in Mogadishu they need to get on board the good people of the city, whilst not alienating the evil (so as to curb their havoc). This government needs to support these good people for they are the only ones who can truly make a difference. Asking people like Caato to represent his tribe is plain ********* for he does not care for their welfare, just like it can be argued that CY does not truly care for his tribesmen. These men (warlords turned MPs and looters) are out for their own gain, so at times I wonder what they can achieve besides increase the dough in their bank accounts. Sadly this is the case, we cannot do much about it, but we can be selective about what we choose our mentality to be. These warlords and thugs at the isbaaro do not represent their tribe nor do they represent Mogadishu. Basically we know where tribal prejudice and discrimination has gotten us, making broad general degrading remarks targeted at a particular tribe is doing just that.
  21. Baashi, So sorry , Allah I was only joking, I know my sarcasm stinks, but what can I do? They only allow eight similes in one post :confused: . Funny. Reading, searching and backtracking through 1558 posts is not my idea of fun; I have better things to do . And I am not partaking in your silly game Baashi . I am comfortable with my Somali thank-you very much . ^That was an attempt of taking up your challenge LOOL . It was a miserable attempt (or so it seems now) and only one more thing becomes clear, my Somali past the every-day lingo sucks. Thirdly, akhris means shukaansi in ciyaalka xaafada (Benadir youth) lingo not the literal akhris of my almost 2000 posts and dibjiidid, and riigid is a dance male pigeons do when in mood of courting. You can’t be serious :eek: . And how the hell am I meant to know this? All I know is the shukaansi of ciyaalka Melbourne . Thanks for that, I think I might flex my newly found Somali words on my buddies :cool: . I’m very surprised that you of all people dragged my lovely wife in this maala yacni. What have I done to deserve this awoowe? Nothing brother, I swear it nothing. I swear it i admire you and think extremely high of you Gosh I feel so bad, it was a joke gone all wrong. All wrong, I must revise my ways. And um no need to call any of us awoowe anymore, sadly it becomes almost clear that you are not as old as I had hoped . only challenge him whenever he slips. Not even that, no longer will I try to poke at Baashi, this is enough to last me a lifetime.
  22. I would be able to throw around hard-core somali maah maahyo not to mention understand Somali poetry.
  23. Outch! Got it. So Rahima that's what it was: a compliment...should’ve known better! Dang! must be one of those moments when my mind escapes me. Blame the old age but that happens quite often. So the sarcasm in the first and second paragraphs are well noted . I’ll give you at the very least that much. Irrespective of how you wanna take it, it was a compliment. Now more than before I am certain you don’t know how to accept compliments. So modest Baash- very nice attribute (watch him go red now ). Stop being modest Rahima. I’m not, once I’ve knocked down wall sixteen, as far as our culture is concerned I have surpassed the prime. I’m sure someone is doin some akhris, riigid and even some dibjiid (I challenge u to find what these Somali terms mean...ur Somali lesson of the day) Funny. Reading, searching and backtracking through 1558 posts is not my idea of fun; I have better things to do :rolleyes: . And I am not partaking in your silly game Baashi . I am comfortable with my Somali thank-you very much :cool: . Kaleidoscopic In all fairness to his wife, no longer shall anyone compliment this man. Where could she possibly put a head bigger than the one currently on his neck :confused: ? I say we sympathies with our sister and think up ways to deflate it? Any suggestions? I have some really foul Aussie lingo , what do you think?
  24. Before that they were always called Wahhabis. By who? Yeah that’s right, the Brits/kuffaar The Salafi sect have destroyed graves and masjids to prevent the muslims from as they claim Shirk but refused to demolish the grave of Ibn Taymiyah in Damascus (syria) to make way for a road. Under the assumption that this is the truth, how can you paint Salafiyyah as the culprit? I can claim to be an upstanding citizen of the community, yet commit morally repugnant acts everyday, be it theft or murder. Similarly people can make claims of adhering to the Salafi/Ahlus sunnah idealogy yet commit actions displaying otherwise. That is why when people quote ahadith they are unable to find from their new versions printed in Saudi Arabia. It’s called a summarized version- if you want the original (countless volumes), you can always get it. It’s not like people took out ahadith because there is something to hide or they do not recognize them, it is just for convenience. You can still get the full thing. A lot of theories really, but with all due respect no real substance. You are doing exactly what the kuffar do these days, one Muslim stuffs up and Islam is bad. A few people who claim Salafiyyah (they might in essence even be, we all make mistakes) stuff up and Salafiyyah is bad. Next time be objective, rather than giving all these conspiracy theories not based on much. Say what you want, but be mindful of who you attribute problems to. At least be distinctive and say certain individuals who claim to adhere to the salafi ideology….
  25. The "new group" that the sheikh is talking about is the one referring itself as "Salafis". No! The new group is not the one just calling themselves “Salafisâ€, but rather those who call themselves “Salafis†(and others) but in reality are opposing Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaa’ah in any aspect (note the clause). Basically it is those who don’t have a true understanding of what Salafi means. The true Salafi knows that Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaaca is the way to go. As you have seen, Salafai has posted even their rules which are coined by the monachy and the clerhy of Saudi Arabia. 2) In your question, if the word Salafi is referring to those who follow the Sahabah and Salf-e-Saaliheen, then in that case the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaa’ah i.e. the four Imams and their followers are all Salafis. They (Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaa’ah) maintain great respect for the Sahabah and Salaf-e-Saaliheen and follow their ways. If you are, however, referring to a specific sect, then kindly inform us as to what views they maintain and in which aspects do they differ with the four Imams. As you can see from the fatwa you provided yourself, there is nothing wrong with the title “Salafi†as such. It used interchangeably with Ahlu Sunnah wal jamaaca, same same. Are there people who over exaggerate Salafiyah into an almost different religion, sure, but tell me where extremists don’t exist and to what ideology they do not proclaim to follow? It is not a problem exclusive to “Salafiyah†as such and to make such a claim is founded on very misinformed ideas. Salafiyah is not for Saudi Arabia, so the Saudi connection is irrelevant. Basically it is to say that one follows that which the salaf (pious predecessors) were upon, which are the Quran and authentic Sunnah based on the understanding of the first three generations of Islam. Sure Muslim will cover it beautifully (which is what i prefer personally), but in a time where even some of the Druze claim Islam, distinctions may be needed, it is just a description. The "Salafi" always say that ibn Baz and Albani are the greatest sheikhs of our era but those outside their sect usually don't agree, but they have high respect for them. But the "Salafi" attack other scholars with fatwas usually from the two sheikhs above. I’m sure if I were to ask a Sufi who they deemed the greatest scholars of our lifetime, certainly Sh. Albani and Sh. Ibn Baz would not be among the ranks , but I speak in terms of those who claim to follow like I said the Quran and authentic Sunnah based on the understanding of the first three generations of Islam. Scholars (this is a noble title, not any Maxamad with minimal knowledge is a scholar, with no direct pun intended, for example brother Xamza Yusuf is not a scholar, he a dacii- propagator of Islam) disagree and lay people, such as you and I are not in a position to discuss their personal disagreements. We can choose to uphold a particular opinion because we deem that it is based on proof which is stronger, but to attack a scholar is wrong, for every wrong ruling they still receive their reward. They are humans and hence are bound to make mistakes, but they should be safe from our tongues. If some people do it, then it is ultimately their issue and it is them who will be accountable. Such individuals do not necessarily represent “Salafiyahâ€. As for the opinion of Sh. Albani on this matter, check out: http://www.al-manhaj.com/Page1.cfm?ArticleID=156 This might seem as a joke to you but it is not. It's not an "obsession", our Diin that is in jeopardy here. Saying "Wahabism" isn't a "vomit" either. It is attributing the sect to the person who revived the thoughts of ibn Taymiyah and helped it spread. No one can deny the role AbdulWahab Najdi has had on the creation of this sect. I think this has been done to death, but let’s get real. Wahabism is non-existent and to claim it exists is a joke. It is nothing more than a term coined by the kuffaar to divide the Muslims. For this reason it equates to vomit for it is a term used in a derogatory fashion. Where will you find a Muslim calling themselves a “Wahabiâ€? I have yet to meet one, have you? Till this occurs, this does not exist, i mean how are you going to have a group/idealogy with no followers? Who believes in it for it to exist? As for Sh. Muhammad ibn Abdulwahab, he was a great scholar of Islam and did not bring in anything new to this religion. All he did was revive Islam as it had been lost from the practice of the people. Then why did Salafi post "Our Creed and Call" and where did he get the list from? Like I said it is a word used as a distinction. I personally do not agree with the rule mentioned, but then again there are varying opinions of it even amongst the Salafi scholars (Salafi Dacwa is propagating the opinions of some Salafi scholars-still inshallah they recieve their reward from Allah). Either way does this change the position of a person with respect to their overall ideology? No. It takes more than that. All in all, if we want to speak about a certain group of extremists who call them selves “Salafisâ€, then do so, but let’s not paint Salafiyyah as the problem.