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Everything posted by Rahima

  1. Haddad, So basically because you see yourself as a person of average intellect you would prefer a woman who is of the same intellectual capacity, not greater right? I suppose that makes sense (not that I would reason such), but then what do you make of Hayams point about some men?
  2. FYI, I don't support the president. Never did. You just used the fuzzy logic and assumed that anyon who shares clan affilliation with him supports him. That being said, I do support the TFG don't have choice but to hope that Somalia stablizes and regains its place among the nations. Can i just say Baashi, you're not alone. I've said the same thing a billion times (excluding the clan affiliation part) and somehow or other I’m always accused of something or other :confused: . The moral of my reply, "Hakuna matata, it means no worries for the rest of your days, it’s our problem-free philosophy Hakuna Matata!"
  3. So you're one of those guys who'll have a wifey in every corner. :mad: Nice pics though-Amazing how the houses look the same everywhere. The designs are basically the same in Mogadishu and surrounding areas like Marka also, and somehow they all have this fascination with a billion colours :eek: . The other thing is are you sure the land is that cheap :confused: ? I know that the cheapest lands far from the main street in Mogadishu (in the suburbs far from the city centre like Huriwaa) are going for about $8000-$10,000 and obviously more expensive as you go inner city. Land in Kismaayo (although I’m not sure of the size) is also going for about $4000-$5000. What I experienced in Mogadishu was that often land going for as cheap as $2000 or $3000 which was of inhabited areas was not legit in that belongs to the people/government. Things I suppose would be different in Bossasso, but are you sure about those prices? How is it that it could be considerably cheaper then even Marka? Should this be moved to General? It’s not exactly a political issue and many more could benefit.
  4. ^ Wonderful words of truth written indeed! So what say ye of the supporters of our very own president CY? To be more exact those who supported him before his election-I mean we wouldn’t want them to hide behind the slogan “we must show allegiance and loyalty to THE president†So what is the difference between a warlord and his supporters/tools (whatever you like)? Lets all chant together: Nothing what so ever... Therefore going by this premise, which mind you i agree completely with , and under the assumption this man is guilty of what he is being accused of, he sure as hell wouldn't be alone in this crime now would he?
  5. ^You're looking for trouble. Better get ready for battle.
  6. ^It's just that some sisters are well gifted with this particular asset; hence it still becomes visible even with the proper hijab. There isn't much they can do about it really is there? As for the brothers, perhaps the "lower your gaze" part should be practised Haddad, For a man of your intellect and obvious love of the diin, I find number four quiet hard to swallow. I admire requirement number 1; understand that requirements 2, 3 and 5 are of personal choice and hence respect, but number four :confused: ? Why would you opt for a woman of average “smartness†as opposed to a woman who is intellectually well endowed? It only but makes sense that in this category one would want the best of the best for we all know the first teacher of the child is the mother.
  7. Surely there is someone out there who lost everyone and everything to not have fear of any repercussions. If only!
  8. ^When was he elevated to the status of warlord? Which military forces does he lead and what region does he have some control over? Think what you like about the man, but warlord :confused: I thought he was the parlimentary speaker? Have things changed?
  9. ^I don't know if more, but they sure do consume a whole lot. I watched a documentary on it once and boy was i suprised-they too are sucked in.
  10. ^Granted, but I believe the forerunners in such events should be Africans not rich white men living lush lives in the west, and although they may have the best of intentions I think it is given a better face when the face is black and living amongst it all. I personally don’t see how any more aid is going to do anything, just wipe off the debt (or cease it from increasing) and bring in fair trade, for Africans as a people are hard workers, unfortunately our leaders who receive all the aid are corrupt scumbags.
  11. hard to imagine a worse paper than Herald Sun. pure rubbish My sentiments exactly. I’m feeling for you Nomadic_Princess , I’d go crazy if the Herald Sun was the only paper we had-imagine having worse :eek: ! The greatest threat to humanity. If not very close to it-I despise the bugger :mad: . Dragon, Mahadsanid
  12. ^I suppose better than the Herald Sun and perhaps arguably the best newspaper in OZ, but it's far from great. Waleed who used to be the former president of our Islamic society at uni is a great brother, very eloquent and never apologetic- which is what I admire about both him and his wife. Very strong resolve and a model young Muslim couple.
  13. What a bloody waste of time. As i thought would be the case. I'm not really suprised and i don't think these people really care. Africans need to do something for themselves to alleviate their problems rather then waiting for the help of others.
  14. p.s. Are you in your difficult mode again. Looks like it HA but i enjoy reading his responses then don't you?
  15. I guess it is Melbourne? Nope. Good old Perth, exact same climate as Somalia . is the summer time in December as I was told? Yes, sadly we are the midst of winter , but after enduring the winters of London and Norway, boy am I glad we have our winters, not too cold, not too much rain, sun still shines, beautiful alxamdullilah. I wish Somalis took advantage of other natural occuring attractions better than Qaat such as the prestine great barrier reef, a dive or two in these great waters can give a better uplift than a ton of Qaat. Likwise, I’m sure many don’t even know where the great barrier reef is
  16. Rahima

    London Nomads

    Rahima, there was an old man in a khamis and hat and beared, ppl kept staring at him, it made me so mad, he wasnt even carrying anything? Justa piece of paper, I swear I was about to shout at the man sitting opposite me who moved away from him as if he was a disease. Alxamdullilah he wasn’t physically abused, but I can see how frustrating it must of have been for both him and you witnessing it. Inshallah it will subside soon till then may Allah keep the resolve of the Muslims strong because ones faith is surely tested at such times.
  17. (Eucaliptus)Is that the scientific name for the Qaat? the same tree the Koala's munch on trees in Australia and New Zealand? I saw this name in natural healing literaure, I hope it not the same though, I hate to see Somalis find a new health application in chewing on Qaat. No it’s not, but Qaat is to Somali men like Eucalyptus leaves are to koalas, which by the way are only natives of OZ not kiwiland (The fierce rivalry has sucked me in too ). Sadly in Australia many are flocking to a particular state because of its abundance of qaat trees.
  18. It's getting awfully tiring, I must say! You can say that again!
  19. Rahima

    London Nomads

    I not just wary of terrorist but also the potential backlash that made result from yesterdays events. Is anyone else out there planning to go out this weekend or am I the only paranoid person here? I'm sure you're not alone and your concerns are justified. Unless it is a necessity sister, stay at home until these feelings subside, especially if you are hijaabi. I mean even all the way in Australia the backlash has already started, imagine London.
  20. you must really blv I follow you around I swear i was not thinking that , but since you mention it.. Really, this is so immature, it's actually laughable . Next it’s going to be “I know you are but what am I†.
  21. ^Dermovate sister is like any other medication, used appropriately and for the right indications it can be beneficial, abuse it and the consequences might be grave. As for any possible side effects, all medications including Panadol and Aspirin have side effects; we just need to weigh up the benefits and possible problems. Whilst it shouldn’t be taken as biblical, your mother could of have benefited dramatically from dermovate and we shouldn’t avoid such medications just because certain people feel the need to abuse them. I for example know of many young children who have being prescribed this medication for their eczema and mashallah it has done wonders.
  22. ^ You see Zeph, that’s just it. Who’s to say that it was Muslims who are actually taking responsibility? I don’t know but this whole thing just like all the other bombings and attacks in the west just seem fishy :confused: . They are either the most s-t-u-p-i-d moves (even speaking tactic wise) or Muslims are not behind them. So far aside from a whole load of claims and no real proof brought foreword, I’m not willing to accept the mainstream view in the west. But then again it doesn’t matter what I think, what matters is what the public think and sadly no one really cares about proof these days or having enough insight to differentiate people who share something (in this case assuming it is the case, Islam). If you get more proof, what would laying responsibility on Muslims achieve or change? Nothing, but at the very least have proof when you make claims. It's a simple request and very basic wouldn't you say? especially in light of the possible outcomes. You mean Muslims in the West? Basically, not necessarily from the government as such but rather from the general public. People get heated and lash out unjustly after such incidences.