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Everything posted by Rahima

  1. You R a ...err whats the word am looking for here?... Help me i cant seem to get it... As much as i'd like to, i don't get it either so i can't help you there dear . Perhaps if you try hard enough it will come out
  2. Wonderful to see such young, intelligent and progressive young Somalis who don’t judge people by the colour of their skin. Conversely though, how sad it is to see such a young nomad who has fallen prey to the “light is beautiful†syndrome. If only she knew…
  3. Well done Admin. Let me second that and add one down another seven or so to go. Yes I have a hit list , admin if you'd like i'll pass it on to you (of course with clear and concise explanations of why) .
  4. Because this is somalia. Girls attend schools where they learn how to prepare foods, wash clothes, mop floors etc. :mad: :mad: Which Somalia are you referring to? Wake up waryaa. The girls are excelling and the lazy-*** Somali boys/men are being left behind to squabble over our scraps .
  5. Rahima, if people can prevent an impending injustice to materialize, they shouldn't give up trying sis. It is in their interest to avoid anymore damaging internal conflicts at the behest of a corrupt organization. Ideally of course, to expect is just but realistically it won’t happen when evil people (be it CY or Caato) have more power than you. I hate being pessimistic but I’m not waiting for wonders, if they can even achieve the basics they have outlived and outperformed what I believe they are capable of. I mean, some of them pray at the mosque five times and have read religious books, yet they are very supportive of A/Y invading if he could(which he can't) Mogadishu where it is guaranteed people will die. If they have such disregard for their faith, surely, they have no claim to deceny and lack respect in the eyes of many and should stop wasting their time justifying what can not be justified. End of story. I have yet to come across any religious (not the pseudo type) who supported this man before his election (they were even campaigning against it be it with financial support or through ducas)-afterwards they have supported the government for it is in accordance with the Islamic teachings. Supporting such a criminal and claiming to be religious is really nothing more than an oxymoron. Good people do not support evil people; likewise evil people do not support good people, that is why a bunch of evil people elected one of their own. Often in this forum you read such and such a warlord betrayed his people and I can only but smile, for in my opinion they have stepped up to the plate and cemented their loyalties to all things corrupt and evil. Ultimately they have fallen victim to their animalistic ways, which is their doctrine, and they have remained true to it- I don’t see any betraying. Xiin, I’m not sure how you came to conclude what you’ve written (I assume that was rhetorical questioning), but contrary to the grandeur misguided beliefs of some people, I do believe to put it plainly that anything in the case of Somalia is better than nothing . Having said that, it is only because of this principal I support the government. Even the nabi scw instructed that we work with people (even the kufaar) so long as they are doing good, therefore if in a position to do so I’d most probably do the same in this situation, however I don’t believe that justice will be achieved and I don’t expect this government to do wonders. This my brother in my opinion is not factored alone by opposition but simply because of the nature and character of the men in charge-evil people cannot deliver justice, that was my point to Xoogsade and hence waiting for our government to perform all that which we hope for is to delude ourselves. Bottom line is I don’t feel that any attempts made by this government to retrieve stolen property is going to go smoothly or undo injustice, rather it might take one step towards justice and then some back again. I expect so much of this government (as I have a right to), but realistically speaking I don’t foresee it happening. The issue is not people who sold their properies or some who have been spared because they happen to have "God fearing" people who look after those properties. The issue is for those who occupy land and property and who gained it through the "gun". God I’m so tired of this BS. It’s almost like he believes he is conversing with a bunch of I-d-I-o-t-s. Duke, we know what the issues are so please for the love of the Almighty drop this tiresome spokesman role you’ve taken on like it is a government which represents you more than it does I (or do you believe that?). This was beside the point and yes before you go on with the tirade again I have a right to my opinion. Like a broken record here i go again, I just don’t think that evil people and criminals (which in my books you still are unless you have repented and reformed your ways-which some of our government has not) can execute justice. I don’t expect a rapist to come down hard on another rapist, nor do I expect a murderer to come down hard on another murderer and in the case of Somalia I don’t expect one group of warlords (turned President and MPs) to come down hard on another lot of warlords and pretend to execute justice on my behalf. I don’t buy into this for each man is serving his own purpose and that sure as heck is not to better Somalia or serve the people they lead rather it is to further their own selfish objectives. This is what differs between the sincere ‘GOD FEARING’ people and corrupt individuals. Having said all that though I still support it because like I said something is better than nothing. Now I’m not in the mood to argue so go ahead and twist it anyway. Have a nice day
  6. Rahima, the answer is simple, the people you are reasoning with know only one criminal, the one who hails from the tribe they don't belong to. In their simplistic mind, they forgot other somalis are as biased as they are if not worse and won't let another criminal from another tribe pretend holier than thou and give himself a power they don't recognize for him. Which is why as i've said we need god-fearing individuals who will judge by the laws of Islam rather than qabiil loyalty. In any case, they will have to contend with the majority who own their own homes and live as decent muslims and who want their blood, nasabad and kinsmen respected and not threatened by Another criminal. One single person who lives in Xamar is far more important than the so called government and that is how it will remain. Xoog, to think that injustice will not occur to undo past injustices' is to delude ourselves. Believe you me, many innocent people will suffer as a result of this, but that is our punishment and we must live with it. Likewise it will be the governments responsibility to shelter and if need be fund the relocation of all the people who will become displaced. Even without this issue of burgled property, Xamar cannot hold all the people living there currently-the government needs to tackle this along with the ‘refugee’ crisis. What i found somewhat confusing though was After the civil war [broke out], no one could issue permits or authorisation for owning a plot of land. So we will use the old records because these are the only legal documents that one can use to prove that the land is his. So what about all the new developments all over the country? From Boosaaso to Mogadishu to Kismaayo and beyond? More importantly what about the contracts of people who have sold their land to others, do they (contracts) all not hold water?
  7. This is fantastic news. Mashallah, am very proud of the sisters. Wholeheartedly I do believe they will be more successful then their male counterparts for the ego factor is eliminated. They have their priorities set right and with that i pray that Allah assists them in that which is good and forgives them for their shortcomings.
  8. ^According to Somalis it's all about where your tribe resides . I've spent so many years having folks push on me the dusty deserts of Mudug against my will that i have finally succumb . You can’t do much HA, you gotta lump it so be like this one guy i know who in his attempt to glorify Gaalkacyo claims it is the city where BMWs and Mercs are manufactured . @topic
  9. Tongue? :confused: Not only is that feral but hideous as well!
  10. ^Is that a bottle of what i think it is?
  11. ^The problem is that to curtail crime (in all forms) we need upstanding and more importantly god-fearing citizens to do the curtailing. Our government is in extreme short supply of these people if they have any at all. How can we expect one criminal to punish another for the greater good? This government will if at the very best set a foundation but in no way will they be able to achieve what is desired, criminals are limited in what they can do. Only the good and righteous will progress Somalia in leaps and bounds which is why ideally we should leave behind all these warlords (irrespective of what position they hold) and thugs- unfortunately though the pages of the book of reality read otherwise. We are stuck with them, but I wouldn’t hold my breath for miracles unless by the mercy of Allah He transforms their hearts overnight. No doubt even in an attempt to undo the damages of stolen property, injustice will continue to occur. This is one of the many wraths we have earned for our disobedience to The Creator. PS. I write in general terms, i do not know who this man.
  12. This is just getting sadder by the moment. Why on Gods green earth would people be sending each other such private messages? It’s actually quiet funny when you think about . Grown men acting in such despicable ways. I think often folks forget this is just the freakin’ net not to mention Somali politics is not even worth a blink of an eye let alone sending other people threats :rolleyes: . WOW The admins being fair, Rahima and olol you told me it would never happen, ah AMERICA you gotta love it America and fair should not be in the same sentence And I don’t believe I said they wouldn’t be fair, I just said there is no point complaining to the admin (and I still hold to that mind you). This particular corner of SOL is full of filth and I personally think that admin is just tired of all the hooligans running around- I sure as heck would be. Like I said before, I remember the good old days where the even most diluted forms of half of the rubbish posted nowadays was not tolerated for-but now it has become the market place for all things awful. Basically, in my opinion there is no point in complaining to the admin about anything, unless you are informing them about a particular issue of importance not obvious to them such as perhaps someone defaming Islam hidden within one of their posts. The tribalistic ways of some of the users of this section of SOL are clear for every Faarax and Xaliima to see-so what is the point of telling admin what they already see and read for themselves? I don't know why something is not done about it, but to be in good faith, I’d most probably say it was too much of a task to curtail-it really has gotten out of hand. If i was admin, I’d be doing a lot of banning in this section and I’d be doing a lot of deleting. Heck I’d just change the rules altogether (because often folks are trying to get around them)-but then again i ain't admin so no point in speculating
  13. Good news, another step to recognition.
  14. Lol War Balaayo, You and I have the something else in common (besides our height ). It's rare (miraculous even) that I find a long Skirt that fits me just right. They are either too short or too big. Somali skirts I don't have the hips to pull them off and Retail store skirts are just way too short for me (They show too much leg.) It’s frustrating ain’t it? The Somalis do pretty good on the sizing thing, but how I hate their styles and colours. Often the ciil gets so bad I’m almost tempted to start my own clothes line, then it hits me, I neither have the capital nor the experience - so out with that and I best learn to live with it. OG-Girl, Try getting tailor made clothes down under ; it isn’t very feasible (for the pocket). No doubt it is an excellent option for Carabaha but not here. I have figure it all out....don't wear it at the waist wear it on your hips and so if its lil short it gives you an excuse to show off your kub(calfs) . oh and if its tall enough but too big on the waist you can have it altered or grab yourself nice belt to go with it. lool Trust me woman, I wear clothes as low as they can go . I’ve never been the type to even let it go near the height of my belly button, I prefer to wear them from the height of for example the hipster jeans which my mother hates like no tommorow The problem though is the sizing and as you might know it differs for every country. When I went to London, I was quite surprised how much longer the clothes often were, here it is a rarity. I think it comes down to the climate, they like short clothes
  15. ^^^^Whats in the reason Suratil Fiil was narrated to the Prophet SAW?. Abysnians had attacked the Kabbah and Allah sent an army of Birds to kill them? Could you please explan that? I'm not exactly sure of what you are asking .
  16. ^Count me in. But as for the questions part, how would you know i wasn't googling that also? I suppose this is about trust. Thumbs up to the challenge.
  17. OOh interesting. So now they're devils. Just full of contradictions aren't we Mr. Baba, so what was that about not having anything against them personally? :rolleyes: I just love reading the posts of intelligent and progressive Somalis not consumed by hate and tribalism- it brightens up my day . As for my involvements, when I read such how i do put it enlightening posts such as yours I almost feel like i am out of league here and almost get tempted to pack me bags but then again every so often the forum needs some fresh air and that my dear does not mean i have to wallow in that which you obviously do NOTE : My initial analysis: and finally we have a young man trying extremely hard to sound just and unbiased by first refuting the points raised by the initial poster (which is fine) yet somehow goes on stating the obvious of Gaalkacyo in a way which degrades Clan Y whilst uplifting Clan X (without even acknowledging differential circumstances and achievements in different cities). I think I was spot on wouldn’t you say? :cool:
  18. then again I could genuinely be a shy guy! Yeah and pigs fly
  19. ^Cali, Yes that’s right , they’re all evil and live on xaraam. Yes those men are indicative of the whole tribe. Yes they're all barbaric savages who need to be leashed and caged. And yes I’m attacking wadaadaha. I mean qaad is xalaal after all, so is tribalism, the xijaab is unislamic and it is absolutely against the tenets of Islam to be educated- in fact it is abhored and repulsive. I write white, you read black. I write South, you read North. Have a nice day Mr. Baba , who knows in future when we begin to speak the same language we might be able to have a productive conversation because I can’t do much for wrongly directed bitterness . Now Now, please don't become sick again on my account. I apologise beforehand if i make you feel this way again .
  20. No its not your fault, you live in Austaralia (they are a couple of years behind in modern-technology) Oh you did not. :mad: :mad: Rokko , thank-you for the offer my fellow melbournian, I think I’ll take it up. I’ll let you know of the results, be sure I shall show him how the Aussie way of handling business is In the meantime, AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE (read and weep audacious )
  21. ^No. 6951 Abu Huraira reported Allaah's Messenger (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) as saying: The Ka'ba would be destroyed by an Abyssinian having two small shanks. http://www.spubs.com/sps/smm/sahihmuslim.cfm?scn=dspchaptersfull&BookID=41&ChapterID=1211
  22. Zu.. the ad was for tampons hehe..see now that wasnt too hard Apparently so . Didn’t think the Zu was that shy or is it all an act to be difficult!
  23. LoL @ you. You must be pretty tall. Not really (5’8-5’9), it’s just that the Aussies like skimpy clothing coz of the weather down here. They have this fascination with everything short and tight :mad: . Those shoes do need getting used to. But they are just so scrumptiously beautiful that I can't help buying them. I bought a pretty pair two weeks ago and they hurt the first time I wore them (silly me, I just bang them on and go to work not bothering to think of the amount of running around and walking I do in an average full day - ouch )...and erm..I haven't had the courage to wear them since. As they say Xarago xanuun ma leh I’ve befriended this old Italian shoe-maker, so that whenever I find a pair of shoes I adore, but a tad too high for my liking, I buy them anyway. I take it to him and he shortens the heel by 1/3, because this way the shoe will not be ruined (you can’t even tell there was a modification) and it the heel is just perfect- no pain, no safety risk and no health risk
  24. ^Now i know you are guilty And don't make fun of other peoples misfortunes young man. Is it my fault i only have access to so few similes and i don't have the talent of Juma? If I don’t put one in, people always think I’m huffing and puffing when in fact I’m as cool as I would be on a lazy Sunday morning :cool: .