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Everything posted by Rahima

  1. The sports section is a well behaved forum with some good banter, but Rahima may have her hands full at times good luck. loool Northerner don’t start me. Don’t make me come over to the sports section and teach all you boys a few lessons. AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE OI OI OI Bee and 7, Mahadsanid girls and hopefully the womens section will restore its glory. Only question is how does one achieve that whilst being fair ? Baashi, As always your words of advice are greatly appreciated and unfortunately no reply yet. Juxa, Jazaakum Allahu Khayr, mahadsanid, thank-you and aamiin . *kiss kiss*
  2. Mahadsanid Suldaan, this is my first time seeing this and I too was waiting for worse. Any person with half a pea for a brain can see through the lies and propaganda. All along whilst watching it though I was thinking how I’d hate to be this woman in the afterlife. Imagine what is awaiting her if she does not repent. May Allah save us all from such torment. As for her may He The Almighty guide her or destroy her.
  3. Rahima Women are more organized when it comes to household affairs – they’re more caring, look at every Somali household those back home and those in the west during the morning rush of scrambled legs – you will find the mother organizing and directing traffic, even in western societies. You know why, because the men refuse to do it, they teach themselves to be incompetent (or their mothers taught them). Trust me brother, women are not more biologically geared to do household work better, to be more nurturing there is a valid argument, but to clean up rubbish I think not. We women end up doing it because the men refuse to. As for the disappointment part, be patient with me I’m learning to be self sufficient when it comes to cooking and cleaning – so far I only know how to boil pasta, and spread one of those canned Italian sauces on them. As for cleaning, I only use disposable plates and utensils. Bravo, and tomorrow hopefully you’ll find the sink and be able to wash dishes. It will be wonderful trust me, think of the savings . My point though was marry for the right reasons , otherwise get a maid to do that cleaning and cooking. Works both ways sugar. We all take advantage of each other. Don't we marry men so we can take their money? And a lil garabge taking on the side? Girlfriend, speak for yourself . Me is planning to make me own money :cool: . Seriously though, some men and some women both have their priorities all wrong, but it still doesn’t make it right. To marry a man for his money is shallow, similarly to marry a woman so that she can cook and clean for you is shallow.
  4. ^Haa dee. Balo kula quruxbadnaatey. Saas kaliya baa laguu doortey ma'ogtahey? Can't you see the seething anger hiding behind my big fake smile? I clearly told you, I hate you, woman! *mac mac* *I'm a little schitzophrenic* A little? They say beauty is a curse, I ain’t feeling it though La femme :cool: . Shrug it off honey, they say life is a … You know though it ain't all it's cracked up to be, ask seven.
  5. To doubt the shariica can only mean one of two, lack of faith or ignorance. For the reason that the brother is Muslim, the case is obviously of the latter. Having said that though we should not be gleefully smiling at the expressions of such ideas from a fellow Muslims. For those of us who are capable we should be educating the brother instead of sitting back with popcorn awaiting the release.
  6. I'm a dental care freak. I even keep a toothbrush at work to brush after lunch. Hehe, member of the same freak club here . I brush my teeth at least four times a day. Always before fajr, before breakfast, when I get home and before sleep. Usually though I brush at work or uni also. As for breakfast, most mornings I eat nothing at all, I can’t bring myself to walk over to the kitchen and put something together, I miss mom dukes so much --- should have married before leaving home. I was going to comment on the breakfast issue and tell you how it’s the most important meal of the day blah blah then I read the rest of the paragraph. What? :eek: Marry so that a woman can cook for you! I cannot believe you animal farm, you of all people. :mad: Truly disappointed.
  7. La Femme, Love you too bud and I know the bulb is just dazzling, goes wonderfully with my eye shadow wouldn’t you say? Rahima...lol..Femme maseer aa haayo ma is dhahday Femme what do you have to say for yourself? Could this be true? :eek:
  8. Oh Raage, that is feral,lol . Imagine eating with a stinking mouth, uff . Better that you brush before if you have to do one (I mean honestly it isn’t like breakfast dirties much) and if it must be done, what’s the matter with brushing twice. The first proper, the second brief. Id rather have that then eat with a foul mouth .
  9. ^lol, we will and proudly so, but still doesn't change the fact we still are the number one team. Before the poms get cocky i suggest they read up on the history of the ashes. History always repeats itself
  10. Still the number one team folks. Now go and celebrate, it will be short lived and will probably never come around again in our lifetime
  11. Miskiin , maybe it’s the environment. I put my cure down to an environment change. I stopped venturing out down the side of the western suburbs (not taking a swipe at the western suburbs) and beyond for school every day. Ever since I did that and high school was over miraculously it was gone. Spring was once again joyous. Tell me you don’t live in Hoppers or Bundoora :confused: . That is your doom brother, move inner city to the wondrous fumes of pollution . Soon enough you’ll exchange hay fever for respiratory problems, but hey whatever changes the mood. On a serious note though arm yourself with the power of three, the nasal spray (preferably rhinocort), prespcription eye drops (from your GP) and Claratyn.
  12. ^As i was thinking. We need more fathers like that who teach their sons to be men rather then mooching males.
  13. Rahima, I think the fatwa is not deep enough to tackle the issue... You are right on it not being deep, however I do believe it summarises the view of the scholars/Islam on the issue. As with all things a deeper explanation will mean further research. I’m not sure that you can get such answers on the net however you can ask people of knowledge who have an Islamic library at home. There are various fatwa books (with more in-depth explanations then the net) available and I’m sure this topic would be covered. Aaah Spring ..and my anguish commences with the first blows of the cruel Victorian Spring Wind...Bloody Hey Fever!! You are so behind Legend, have you not seen the commercial for Rhinocort? Use to do wonders for me when i had to battle such cruelty. Alxamdullilah it has been years for me, I can almost safely say that I am cured- no need for drugs.
  14. PS Its about that those BloodY Aussies Lost Pity honey . We felt sorry for you poms. Enjoy it while it lasts, it shall be ours next time and probably for another 20 years or so .
  15. have a crush, I have a crush! Life is wonderful like gumdrops and lollipops. You should be careful there , one of them might see this, but then again i suppose it helps that he is half-way across the country .
  16. Surely the ummah is in great strife! A hypocrite and a lesbian are now being asked about Islam and the progression of the Ummah. Baashi, as always wonderful posts. Wonderful to read the views of educated young Muslims who have their fundamentals set right. May Allah bless you here and in the akhira.
  17. 6:30am--i wake up with my eyes barely open and head straight towards the toilet...then wash my hands 6:31am--stir my hands in tha pot of leftover biris from last night and nibble on a few handfuls..(note eyes still barely open). 6:40am--see the rest of my family slowly waking up...so i fix up my macawis..and beg my sister to make me sum shax..while i head towards the shower... 6:55am--come out of the shower brush teeth, wash face... I get the point of the post, but can I just ask…shouldn’t the brushing of the teeth come before any eating?
  18. My first paid employment was at the age of 18 as one of those annoying telemarketers . Fortunately though it was for a charity and I was able to make bucket loads of money (the commission was marvelous). It was short lived; the working hours were not good for my studies so I quite. Till today I miss that job- easy money!
  19. Let’s skip the feminism issue and consider the ‘manliness’ debate itself. Seemingly according to this article and the views of some nomads, to be considered a mans man one has to be almost Neanderthal like and qualities such as kindness, compassion and sympathy are shunned upon, seen as weak and feminine. These are all qualities which one should espouse to and for those of you who are somewhat religiously inclined would know are qualities favourably mentioned by our blessed prophet and he himself had. Boys, this ape like mentality is contrary to not only our religion but also basic human decency and common sense. We need to be balanced, sure no one likes the ‘girlie’ man and I say this for there are certain qualities particular to women which aren’t as accepted with men (we are equal but not the same), but to be a real man one does not have to be an unfeeling cold-hearted ape. You can be brave and courageous whilst being kind, compassionate and well-groomed. They do not necessarily contradict one another so let’s keep this in mind instead of resorting to extremes. Carson is not an example we should be looking at nor was Hitler .
  20. ^Not just that honey, it's the whole culture. The whole Somali culture in terms of that which relates to women is basically warped, and really women perpetuate a lot of it. The problem is far deeper than the sayids words; we need a revolution of thinking in Somali culture-the question then naturally becomes who is willing to fight?
  21. ^^^^^ I thought you left the website.Anyway nice to see you around. Nope, still alive and kicking . Likewise and hope you are doing well .
  22. Legend, The fatwa is referring to surrogacy not IVF where the wife is implanted with the embryo formed of her egg and her husbands sperm, therefore what the shaykh stated does apply. Also as far as I am aware, the latter form of IVF is permissible in Islam for those who have difficulties in conceiving naturally, like I said the problem lies in the surrogacy. Hope that makes sense . And Melbourne is treating me wonderfully, enjoying the spring sunshine :cool: .
  23. This aside from his injustices against Somali people and Somalia is the exact reason why i dislike CY. The first time i saw CY (along Caydiid Jr) was post 9/11 on the western media crying about how Somalia was infested with terrorists. My dislike started there and then overtime i learnt of his other hobbies. Even sadder than seeing a Somali kissing a*s*s (excuse my language) like this is the fact that he supposedly represents us all.
  24. Ufff, I so detest these leaders- they have no pride and seemingly no self-worth.