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Everything posted by Rahima

  1. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FYI there is an ayah in the Qur’an that commands the faithful to obey whatever the prophet asks them to do and vice versa. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm not aware of what that verse says EXACTLY. But there are many ayas that say follow ONLY words of Allah and no one else. Nay, by your Lord, they will never become believers until they choose you as judge to settle the matters in dispute between them. (al-Nisa’, 4.65) Surely there is for you in God’s Messenger an excellent example for him who aspires to God and the Hereafter, and mentions God oft. (al-Ahzab, 33.21) Say (O Muhammad!): ‘If you love God, follow me so that God loves you.’ (Al ‘Imran, 3.31) O you who believe! Obey God and His Messenger, and do not turn away from him. (al-Anfal, 8.20) We have not sent a Messenger save to be obeyed by God’s leave. (al-Nisa’, 4.64)
  2. Jowhar today, remeber ts only an hour to centre of Xamar.. Yes so! He should be in Xamar to begin with. You see Duke comments like this are the exact reason why your sincerity if existent, would be doubted. What is CY? A man that the folks of Xamar should fear? What do you mean by an hour away? He is supposedly their president also, no? I feel sorry for Somalia. Frauds running around like headless chooks :rolleyes: . The warlords suck us dry and the young who are meant to be the new hopeful generation are khasaaro in that they can’t seem to wash off the dirt of their fathers. Again SL is such a wonderful idea.
  3. Somali terrorists? What a joke . They’re too busy with other matters. This is probably a whole load of hogwash anyway. Even funnier though is that they are from outside SL. No pun intended at SL of course, we too have own a's's -kissers. Our wonderful president CY and that moronic American wannabe Caydiid Jr come to mind.
  4. So basically our 'advice' matters more to you than your 'future' wife's opinions and concerns? Took the words right out of my mouth. Naasir bro, I would advice you to go for it mashallah, Polygamy is a great Nicmaa from Allah. and brother there are many beautiful, pious sisters who dont mind polygamy, i would advice you to move on if thats not for her. So a sister is not pious if she is not happy with her husband marrying a second wife? Aside from it being polygyny, Islam has given me the right and I don’t have to like it. I accept that it is xalaal but I don’t have to be part of such a marriage. I know that and so do you so please don’t scrutinize the piety of sisters based on what is her right. Likewise don’t throw around such advise so freely brother. Emotions are involved here so everything is not black and white. What is good for the goose is not necessarily always good for the gander. One Sheikh said that if you make a contract agreement (either verbal or written) with your wife that you won’t marry another wife with her, it’s obligatory to keep such contract. The other Sheikh disagreed. He said such contract would violate the very basics of Islam. He cited a hadith that state any contract that’s contrary the Kitab of Allah is Baadil. I too once attended a dowrah run by students of knowledge from Madinah University, where this question was asked. The answer was that a woman could make such a stipulation for the reason that she is not objecting to something which is compulsory rather is a choice. They explained that to do so would not be objecting to the actual allowance of the act just that you did not wish it for yourself. People have personal preferences, such as the prophet not liking to eat lizards even though it is xalaal. The reasoning and proofs were strong. At the end of the day though I don’t know why anyone would want to make such a stipulation. I’d rather make it that if in the event he did so I have a right to have my asking for divorce accepted. For him to then marry a second wife would give me the option of leaving the marriage (which obviously I’d be at that stage more than happy to leave). I would never want to keep someone from something they want and in turn be in an unhappy marriage.
  5. I can not imagine a scenario where an individual who is aware of his/her rights will willingly give them away and say here, 'What need I for it?'. Not so much in that sense, but a more subtle approach of betraying their rights and thereby giving them away. I am in agreement that the blame for the subjugation of women in Muslim countries can be laid on many groups, but most of all in my opinion it lies at the feet of the womenfolk themselves. The foremost blame of the state of African Americans lies at their feet, likewise for Africans, Muslims and most others. This is based on the thought that you should never wait for your oppressor to give you a handout of justice, seek it yourself and in the case of Somali (and arguably Muslim) women the oppressors in my opinion are women themselves. Lets take FGM for example, who advocates for it? Who executes it? And who continue to fight for it? Women, Women, Women. Just the other day a friend of mine was involved in a discussion with some other young women (all under the age of 25 mind you). FGM came up and surprisingly of all the girls present, the pro-camp constituted of those who were most educated and supposedly meant to have the best understanding of Islam. Naturally when questioned why they would support such backward and not to mention xaraam acts of injustice, the reply was the same regurgitated by every women over the age of 40, yaa guursanayo gabar ….leh (quoting word for word). This is just one issue. Similarly in the cases of domestic violence have you noticed how most of those advising the battered wife to return to her abusive husband are women? Ceeb weeye they say. But it goes on with the usage of degrading Somali maah maahyo, wixii xunba xawaa leh comes to mind. Women instead of fighting against it use it themselves-I’ve seen it countless times. Gabar ayaa tahay-another lovely term, it would be fine if it wasn’t accompanied by half of the nonsense it usually is. Basically the list goes on and on. Men whilst on the top of most of the institutions of power are the least of the problems. We need to clean up our act first and eliminate that culture amongst us women which is destroying our God-given rights. No need to worry about outside forces when the enemy is within. Especially within the Somali community, women are their own worst enemies and really they degrade their collective worth.
  6. What did Somaliland export to Ethiopia to recoup this huge lost of hard currency? Don’t you think Suldaanka that that is the least of the problems? The qaad crisis is the main problem here. How much qaad is that? Somalia in general needs to tackle this problem, but especially SL. You and I both know that the culture needs to be changed. The damage of qaad chewing sessions every casr is serious and ultimately is probably one of the main impediments for SL. A great number of the men are hooked and many women sell it to survive. This SLs should be your main concern not dollars. Find ways to eradicate its usage and develop other forms of survival for the average family. Lives are more important.
  7. Two nights ago I watched a documentary on how the efforts of one man, an actor Jeremy (forgotten his surname) led to the advent of World Peace Day. First place he visited and was really his inspiration for making his attempt reality, Baidoa Somalia. To say that this man was inspirational would be an understatement. Inshallah one day his complete dream will become reality.
  8. This issue of women not receiving the rights that are said to be given is not only within the Muslim community but the whole of the world (analyse every society and the same will be evident). However for the reason that the rights given to women in Islam are sanctioned by the almighty they should be upheld far more and seen in a different light. With that said Sheh, allow me to just bring up this one question, who are the main obstacles of women receiving the rights ordained for them? Men, women, society in general, our leaders etc? Would it be safe to argue that women are the main proponents of these obstacles? That in essence we stand in the way of receiving our rights?
  9. Sheh, Congrats and tell me was it as painful for you? Be very scared...looooooooooooooool...As someone used to say.....Jecliyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Already stared the bullying I see,lol . This my dear Femme will be interesting, always enjoy watching you flex your muscles- but be sure that it's with the male nomads . Remember, its good to be called a fundamentalist, rather than a Moderate, since Islam is all about sticking to the fundamentals. I don’t take fundamentalist as an insult, yet I like to consider myself as a moderate also. The two can be mutually exclusive me thinks. Anyways thanks and good to see you back . Legend, Congrats my fellow Melbournian . Soon we will take over , but don’t tell anyone just yet. We’ll get rokko on board then full steam ahead to put those poms in their place maal mahaan wey kibreen :mad: .
  10. ^You know why? Because you have such a long lean sexy sur .
  11. The "silent majority" as another esteemed nomad put it, are counting on you in reading your Ramadan "out of box" articles. Allow me to second that. For the past four years I have enjoyed reading your posts and receiving your e-mails. Many of us I’m sure are delighted by your posts and even if nothing new is said to some of us, we thank you for the reminder, not because we lack iman but because you have lifted it for at the very least this day . You will inshallah be in my ducaas for this Ramadan as i hope i shall be in yours.
  12. its unlike me anyway...as u would know Very unlike you? Me thinks that you are unleashing your true self on SOL - that is noted ! Anyway do you see what you have done? Alexus is not feeling the humour (although i'm a little worried about the violence :confused: )- your apology was lousy, revisit it.
  13. Rahima: Talk is cheap sugar. So are caricatures honey :rolleyes: . Let’s step outside :mad: . I'm worried about our good girl Rahima, what would become of her? remember all mods starter with a good reputation and look where they end up It’s already started and I’ve done nutta yet . Can’t you see how Femme is out to get me? I might as well just shoot myself now :confused: .
  14. Layziegirl, Girlfriend they can keep the sports section so long as they leave our womens section alone. And anyway who the bloody hell cares about sports right? I mean for God sakes Ben cousins won the brownlow and carlton got the wooden spoon :mad: . Rahima, I think you're first task as Mod is up. You're not gonna let her get away with that are u? *points at FF* I think you’re right nafta. I really should put this woman in her place :rolleyes: . La Femme I’ll have you know that I’m more of a man-eating vulture than all of you put together so bow woman, bow. The other thing is at least I don’t *whispers* and I’m not a *whispers*. Yes you heard me, don't be so shocked...close your mouth woman :rolleyes: Ameenah, Congrats to both you and … on the little one . Wishing you all the best.
  15. ^ You should be happy that she would be willing to tell you that your breath stinks rokko. I'd let you stink .
  16. Oh must you woman! Is this the thanks i get for my cousinly kindness? :rolleyes: Allow me to retract my input, go ahead unleash as you see fit
  17. Wordette, Run and pulverize you say? Hmm, I shall keep that in mind .
  18. ^ I joke you not. No, as in shankaroon was joking . Rahima, I think you need to make a grand entrance... why dont u delete Sky and call him 'a punk'? It will be the kinda of publicity you need to let every1 know you're here. Mind you Rahima is sharpening her sword. Once she comes back, hell will break loose on here. lol , Sorry guys but I can’t deal with any more threats. I think I’ll find some other way to make that grand entrance and in the meantime put the sword back in the shed .
  19. Rahima

    ! J. D. M. J

    I didn't know Baashi ranted. As i was thinking
  20. ^ Probably just a change in process. Rokko, Raising the flag for down under . Raqiid, Mahadsanid and lucky for all i'm not moderating the politics section- out of frustration id probably get rid of all posts , including my own.
  21. Oh Rahima...get ready for a bumpy (yet enjoyable, if you have that sadistic streak *wink*) ride. LoL. I’m sure the streak is there somewhere, just gotta re-awaken it . Might be rusty at first but I’ll get the hang of it, hopefully. Now that you've been added to the women's section too.. you've gotta awaken the other two blonds and return this section to its former glory. Its as interesting as turning a doorknob. This should be good . *awaits zephs response* If by "one of them" (how did you manage to know of the the "annihilated" audacious, and unsavory character horta?) you mean those pseudo politicians (whom by the way are half-way across "another" country, Mansha'allah) they know who I have a crush on before I do. They are just that scary. Another country? That little...didn’t even bother saying goodbye :mad: . Audacious was kind enough to introduce himself to me. Loved him, funny and impulsive. I didn’t agree with him on politics of course, but outside of that he is a nice kid. Waiting for him to get through the back door again , or has he already? They are just that scary. That is useful piece of information. I always used to step on my tipi toes around HA for he just seemed so commanding, but now I know this I shall stomp. Stomp to power!
  22. ^LOOOL You are wicked woman! Just as wicked as my best friend who lives and breathes by the same philosophy. Thanks for the good laugh Femme.
  23. I SAY KEEP UR MOUTH SHUT AND UR LEGS OPEN!!!!! Just wonderful! Thank-you for the advice fat-boy
  24. ^It ain’t about the cricket, its loyalty to land and country. I hate cricket, I hate it with a passion to the point I feel like throwing the remote at the television when its on, but nonetheless I still barrack for Australia. Why? Because I don’t like the poms. Why? I’m not really sure, it was ingrained in me as a child and I have yet to question it. They will prob beat us a footy though Yeah go on roll those eyes, that was the sort of attitude you guys had before we initiated the ashes. :rolleyes: Like I said don’t get too cocky. You never know North you never know. You can kiss the ashes good bye for the next decade to come They say dreams are a wonderful thing you know, must be true ay! Rahima, was the initiation ceremony painful? Congrats.. No, not yet, have you heard otherwise? Sheh, tell me what do you know? All I’ve being told was that it would be as wonderful as a spring morning, but nothing about pain. Have I being tricked Sheh? Sheh…Sheh *biting nails*