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Everything posted by Rahima

  1. I am interested in hearing them if you would please elucidate. I would like to hear a novel perspective. It doesn’t matter what the reason is, even if it is jealousy. My point at that was, why must most of the men jest in such a manner to belittle what is rightfully ours? Even if it was jealousy, it is my damn right and so shall it remain. As for me, I’d rather keep it to myself. And I learn from the past, even if of others. As for the khula, you make it sound so simple. I think it is more complicated than that.. I was just reading about this masjid in the UK that suspended taking khula applications because it can get so complicated.. Everything is as hard as you make it to be. If I was to state that I no longer wished to be married to this particular Farax because for example I no longer had feelings for him or I was not attracted to him (both things he or I can do nothing about) and was willing to return his mehr, I have the right and no one can refuse that. It’s all about the person’s reasons and whether or not they stick to their guns (most sisters are not aware of their rights and that is why they are forced to return to men who beat them and destroy their person). Hypothetically speaking (hopefully not), if my husband was to hit me in an argument say I’d leave him and get a divorce. No one, no shaykh or any other human being can force me to go back to him if I say that I cannot share a life with such a person. As for the sister who puts it in her contract it is even much much easier. The clause is already that if he ever wishes to or ever does take on a second she has a right to a divorce. By signing that contract he has already agreed . All I need to do is take my contract and I’m sure in a minute the marriage will be over. Anyway like I said, May Allah give you all (and for those of you married make your wife) a righteous God-fearing patient full of wisdom Muslimah who doesn't mind such a marriage. I am done!
  2. ^ I don’t know why some are getting their knickers in a knot. Like I said a black man can tell a lamington joke. It is not called prejudice.
  3. Ninka Cadaan, Brother it’s all good . Like I said I don’t believe in being deceptive, every party should be honest from the get-go. Also everything is not about jealousy, why must it be brought down to such a thing? Is it not possible that an individual may have other reasons? As for the khula all one has to say is that she no longer wants to be married to this man, that she does not like him and be willing to return his mehr, then it is done. We don’t need a billion reasons, that is good enough. I don’t know of any learned man who would reject that reason from a wife-it is in the Sunnah after all. Nur, Respectfully my brother, this is not about my lack of patience or lack of wisdom rather what I have a right to. Why is everyone finding it so hard to understand that horta? Why must a negative twist be given to it? You acknowledge that it is my right and therefore when I exercise it all of a sudden I have all these negatives thrown in my face. Only Allah knows as I've said, but I have trust in my Rubb. I trust that He will not put me in such a situation and if it ever happened my husband would be in the wrong for breaking the contract. You see Nur, I try my best to think first, have all my bases covered so that in the sight of Allah it will be him who lead to the marriage break-up not I. Like I said I have trust and hope in my Rubb. I also pray that I never become hypnotized by another human being to the point that my faculties are effected. That is unhealthy. 'sidee aniga naag kale la iila qabi karaa?' Mock as you wish (offensive would be an understatement), but it doesn’t change a thing. Anyway Boys, May Allah give you all (and for those of you married make your wife) a righteous God-fearing patient full of wisdom Muslimah who doesn't mind such a marriage. I am done!
  4. Yeah perhaps I misunderstood, but I thought by saying that but im pretty sure that like Aus there is no such thing as graduate schools for law. You actually meant that you thought that there were no graduate schools for law in Australia. My bad .
  5. Rahima

    Ramadan (Q A)

    Ok, so the next natural question then becomes how can indirect and thereby unintentional swallowing of the toothpaste lead to invalidation of ones fast? We know that if one eats unintentionally whilst fasting, their fast remains valid for it was unintentional. The same reasoning could be used here also, no? I can for example brush my teeth with toothpaste without intentionally swallowing any of it and even if i did it would be unintentional and hence my fast would remain valid.
  6. It was worse then ‘that bad’ Horn. It was embarrassing and just plain sad-not just for CY but the government in general and the overall state of Somalia. Makes you rethink why you even care.
  7. ^As is your opinion. I call it bragging, not because of the words necessarily (and why would I follow the subtitles, the man was speaking in Somali after all, your feeling is wrong) or even the tone but because of his actions. To admit that you were the first to destroy the nation and run around as he does is in my books to brag. Sincere repentance equates to not bragging and this is done by making sincere recompense. You might disagree, but you tend to equate the Mog warlords to CY. A big mistake and unfair to the man. Yes the sky is blue. Of course I disagree and of course you would say that. Dude in my books a person who admits to being the first is rightfully arguably the worst, not to mention he along with a few other thugs have made it a habit to use the enemy on their brothers. At the very least CY is as bad as the Mogadishu warlords and i hold this to be the truth. To me evil is evil. And you are right, our political opinions are worlds apart. As far apart as two opinions can be.
  8. Rahima

    Ramadan (Q A)

    Tooth paste contains some sugars and sweetners that are sensed by the taste buds, also, it contains fragrances such as mints and others, those two ingredients make Tooth paste MAKROOH, which is one degree between the permitted and te forbidden. Makrooh means strongly not recommended but it is not out right haraam. The fact that it is OK is because you are cleaning your teeth with it whch is Highly recommended. And because you do not swallow, for external use, it is halaal. But using clogate is begging trouble. So then brother how come it is that we can taste food when cooking without swallowing? Is that not like the toothpaste? I’ve heard of the Makrooh status of brushing with toothpaste but I’ve never had the chance for this query to be addressed. JZK.
  9. ^Couldn't agree more and it would be just wonderful if the brothers would realise it. And i think that your indirect advice to the men is also wonderful . You hear that boys, learn your religion.
  10. Rahima & Wind, Kindly stop with the baseless out of touch negative generalised comments regarding reer Mudug. Its unfair to say the least. Dude it’s fair and certainly not baseless or out of touch. I think it has something to do with the culture of the place. Everything bad about Somalia generally stemmed from that area. I’m not making it up and it isn’t something to be gleeful about but that is how I see it. Somalis in general share many evil traits but somehow I always find that reer mudug lead the race :confused: . They have so much hate and animosity. And of course we are generalizing, we do that everyday about almost everything. Just put most before reer mudug to be politically correct . Finally this is my opinion and a black man can tell a lamington joke right ? He wasn't bragging. Its a Somali trait and a Reer Mudug trait at that to be brutally honest. If you have the slighest sense of Somali culture, you'll understand he wasn't bragging. He was actually taking responsibility for Somalia's misery, even though we know who literaly destroyed the country in such a magnitude that coming generations shall suffer from the consequences. I don’t know about you, but I don’t need culture to tell me whether or not a person who admits to being the first to destroy a country (and mind you not doing anything productive to change his ways) is bragging. Not doing anything productive about admitting of crimes is basically bragging in my books.
  11. but, walaal, huuno, abaayo, this is too much to swallow. why must the sister that is ok with polygamy be either ignorent of her rights, or unable to fend for herself? Muhammad, that is not what I wrote. Allow me to quote myself. I wrote: Often I can see they are after the overly subservient ignorant Muslimah who when told she lacks imaan because she does not want such a marriage for herself goes off to seek repentance like she said something wrong. The clause is obvious; it is that a Muslimah who believes that she is in the wrong for not wanting this or believes that to have such a view means that she is lacking in iman is ignorant of her rights. There is a difference between this and what you understood from it. Please read carefully. I did not write as you say. Inshallah it will make sense now. And why the shock, is it that humorous? Not to mention your playing with the Somali was very well noted dear . Jest as you wish ina adeer but I will not recant any of that which I have said so that RAXIIMA oo Guursanaysa faarah becomes Raxiima waxaa guursanaya farah nor will I recant so that some may think I am espousing a sense of feminity. La Femme No offence, he claimed that he didn’t want it and I told him it would be in my contract. It was simple really . Legend, Unfortunately no, but I heard it was very good mashallah. Waleed was wonderful but according to some he was a bit over the top for the audience.
  12. ^ That is why women should always have a backup plan. Always have your own account of savings I say, save your meher I say (be sure to get it first) and be sure to get a suitable education which you can fall back on in the event that you do not want to be in such a marriage. I think for us in the west it is wrong to be married to a man because you feel that you cannot support yourself otherwise. I feel and understand the plight of such sisters in countries like Somalia for they really are between a rock and a hard place. But for those of us in the west and who have the opportunity to gain an education, I don’t need financial security from a man, therefore inshallah I will not stay for food and shelter.
  13. 2. This "government" is led by the same people who destroyed Somalia to begin with - in fact, the President constantly brags about being the man who fired the "first bullet." , he actually bragged about this on the documentary. I was the first man who partook in the destruction of Somalia (and some here deny it when he says it himself) and therefore we men who did so should fix it he reasoned. Yeah it would be nice if they repented and changed their ways, but that has not been done :rolleyes: . 3. I don't mean to sound like a ranting racist, but I'm dead tired of Mudug and its survival-of-the-fittest politicians. Mudug politics lacks the finesse and the needed compromise to form the foundation of a new Somali Republic. As long as we line ourselves behind leaders from this region, we'll always be at each others' throats and Somalia will always be in a virtual state of war. That is not racism, it is reality and you are right. I can’t stand them myself. Most of Somalia’s trouble come from there. The report didn't reveal anything new that we are not aware of right now, so why you guyz jump on conclusions based on this video. Sugarcoat it as you wish, but for those of us who don’t follow all the ins and outs, that report was disturbing and shocking. It was embarrassing.
  14. Sitting the GAMSAT (MCAT equivalent in Australia)in March inshallah. Praying to get Melbourne Uni although it is by far the most difficult school to get into. If not then off to ANU or Perth
  15. but im pretty sure that like Aus there is no such thing as graduate schools for law. No there are graduate law schools in Australia. Both undergraduate and graduate entry levels are available. I have friends doing both.
  16. Although I’m not in Canada allow me to share the following with my fellow sisters: The Ontario Arbitration Act FAITH COMMUNITIES Equal access to Muslims to Use the Arbitration act In Ontario Women March to Queens Park on Sunday 2nd October 4:00 PM To support Equal Religious Rights in Canada To demonstrate our joint opposition to the proposed abolition Of the Ontario Arbitration Act of 1991 NO ISLAMOPHOBIA, RACISM & ISLAM BASHING Sunday 2nd October 4:00 PM At Queens Park Visit www.unitedfrontcanada.com Cast your petition online today. VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED URGENTLY email: volunteers@unitedfrontcanada.com Muslimsisters@unitedfrontcanada.com Phone: 905-887-8913, 416-467-1517
  17. Rahima

    Ramadan (Q A)

    I later asked some of the locals why they were doing this. They mentioned that if your 7km (some said 12km) away from your home, then this can be taken as travelling (even if you dont leave your city). I was very skeptical, if anyone could please expand on this i would be greatful. Allahu aclum, but I too am skeptical about this. I don’t remember where I got this from, but I remember reading/being told that a city is not bound by distance rather what the people consider to be part of the city. For example, Melbourne has a border agreed upon and it surpasses the 7 or 12 km. Extremely restrictive. Going by this theory of kilometers it would mean that women require a mahram to go outside this 7/12 km border then. Bal ka tali sxb. Should be interesting.
  18. ^Isn't that what i've being saying all along? Please don't take my post so personal, because it wasn't meant personally for you. As I stated before, it was general nasihah, not directed to anyone specific. Ok. Quoting me seemed direct. Nonetheless, apologies if it was not intended for me. Rahima, to save my hand from typing too much, please revisit Haseena's post on page 6 of this topic. What she said there, I agree with completely, 100%, and I echo her sentiments exactly. That is where I stand if you are in doubt of my intentions, or if you have been confused by my posts. Shukran abayo. Jazak Allah Khair. Barak Allah feek. Wa iyaakum. Brother I fully understand that there are positives to polygyny. Allah would not of have made it permissible if there weren’t, but at the same time (as was my point all the way through) I do not have to like it for myself. A few of the brothers here (and I can quote) in an attempt to justify their thoughts/opinions are belittling the rights of women. Like I said do as you men please but leave our rights alone. Often I can see they are after the overly subservient ignorant Muslimah who when told she lacks imaan because she does not want such a marriage for herself goes off to seek repentance like she said something wrong. Rahima, ragaan kugu goobanaaya waad iska dhicisay. Bilaash booska laguuguma dooran. Walee inaad fariidad tahay. Gacan baan kuu taagay. Mahadsanid. I can already feel the anger of some nomads . How dare she! they will think. But I have rights and like I said I will use them. Be afraid boys, be very afraid :mad: . To my fellow sisters, know your rights and make an informed decision .
  19. salam alaykom Ukhti. I am not stating that a woman lacks taqwah and deen if she dislikes for herself to be in a polygynous marriage. The choice for polygyny is given to the man, but the woman always has the Islamic right to seek a khula if she wishes. Although, I don't know if there are many mushayikh who would issue a khula because of jealousy. Aside from the fact that a women can actually include it in her contract (yes she can) a khula can be granted on an issue as simple as not liking the way her husband looks when he walks amongst other men (I’m sure you’ve read the hadith ), that she does not find him attractive. This is not about jealousy. I have never being married; I have no reason to be jealous thus far. It is just that some of us have found possible negatives to polygyny that we would not want for ourselves. Once again to simply brush it off as s’tupid jealousy is to mock my right. However, let me clarify, I am stating that to disklike that polygyny has been Legislated by Allaah is a very dangerous matter for any believer. Amazing. Where in my post have I stated that I disliked that Allah sanctioned it as permissible? Please do quote me for I’m pretty sure I made myself very clear. This is offensive wouldn’t you say? To accuse someone of mocking this religion and hence saying that they are in danger of disbelief is very dangerous. You should be completely sure before throwing around such advice. Like I said, I do not like it for myself. This is not mockery of Allah’s religion and more importantly I suggest that you read carefully next time. I could understand if I had not made myself clear, but I think I did that just to avoid posts like yours. Looks like you missed it though. Baashi, If only you knew me in real life. And inshallah (I’ve always said that for only Allah knows really) I will never be involved in such a marriage . That poor brother I shall supposedly spend forever of this life with knows, I told him long time ago (he knows my reasons) and he has agreed to sign. I am not holding a gun to anyone’s head you know . You can only convince unsuspecting women .
  20. Forget the filmmaking. I kept cringing at the reports, from the ICG worker to the commentary on our president. I kept cringing all the way through. A while back I was at my uncles house and Ciise Bari was there. It was then I first heard of this documentary and automatically laughing Ciise said that he was not responsible for any of it. Now I understand why he was distancing himself from it- it was horrible and very bad for the government. Going by that though, this government is failing. I wouldn't know so please the cheerleading brigade save the chants, but the outlook seems bleak. I was in agreement with that hebel Yaasiin guy though (his sister owns stores in Footscray). He spoke very well and hit the nail on the head.
  21. And now I must go shopping fast! Sounds almost tempting , but my heart wouldn’t let me. Raxima, mar bay xigmadu wadnaha kaa gashaa ee Jacayl equationka ku dar dee 'nooh' Jacayl ceases to be part of the equation when this comes around . Sorry, I don’t buy the unconditional love crap. Come on, u gotta be kidding, you telling me if I wanna date you, got the hosts 4 ya, shukaansi kaa rabo, kuu kululahay and say "hey sis I like you blaaa blaaa blaaa waa is ku dhacee, jiroos aa tahay, waa kuu kululahay but I wanna marry more than one wife, do u think you will even decline in a calm manner,,, shoooottt I will be lucky if u don't slap me or u may say "dhaandhaan yahow na dhaaf". but once u find how warm and gentle I am you may not wanna give up on me that easily. My example was an over-exaggeration but I hoped you’d get the point. The point was that brothers with hopes such as yourself should make their intentions very clear (i.e. say it word for word, not implied) early on in the relationship. Be sure to tell her your intentions when you tell her that you would like to have as many children as Allah will give you. Either way Naasir, don’t be deceiving. Do not try to put the emotional noose around a poor unsuspecting sister (who has the right to not want to be part of such a marriage) and then spring such intentions on her. It is unfair and morally wrong. I don't see what's the big deal if the bro wants 2 wives....All the women in here are jumping up and down and fuming like they're married to this guy already!!"Be a man!!" and blah blah blah....Naasir,walaal,if you really want it,and you think that you can fulfill the Islamic requirements for such an arrangement,then go for it!!Whatchu axe-ing us 4? I think you missed the gist of the whole thread. No one is contesting Naasirs right; it is rather an issue of whether or not the sister has a right to protest. To put it simply, yes she has a right and for that it needs to be respected. Do not belittle women’s rights. All I have said with out adding or taking off anything out was "Anywayz I Pray to God to save us from Women" and the prophet himself (swc) talked how difficualt women can be and more. And the other one "Also I Pray to God to lead us the right way" I guess that doesn't need any explanation unless you aint belong 2 any religion. Bro life is beautiful, enjoy, but don't try to take the taste out of it. Cajiib walaahi. Here you are taking the prophets words to serve a silly point. What has any of what has been said so far got to do with what nabiga said? This is disgusting. Like libaan I suggest that you stop belittling women (which is exactly what you are doing by the above paragraph). All of a sudden you need to be saved from women because a sister is exercising her God-given right :rolleyes: . Learn to respect women for they are your mothers, sisters and daughters. Brother Naasir, I heard Indian Muslim girls are Ok with polygamy as long as you intend to maintain their dues and rights. You can actually marry a better Muslimah with full collaborations in bring your future ambitions into actuality, I mean with the help of Allah. I know some brothers who are determined in the pursuit of marrying Indian muslim ladies, plus they are very gorgeious, don't forget that! Once you get one, you may recommend them your future sons. Don't wait brother, act now. You know Alle-ubaahne I respect you as much as one can respect another online , but that above was disappointing. Firstly you are being very unkind to the brother, don’t encourage a brother into going into such a responsibility without first highlighting the difficulty of it all- basically don’t paint a rosy and easy picture when it’s not (and I KNOW it is not). Secondly, please do not insinuate that a sister is lacking in piety (or is not a better muslimah) because she does not want polygyny for herself. Finally there are other factors to marrying beside whether or not the potential wife is willing of such a marriage, ever thought of compatibility, having things in common? Or is it all about the beauty and sex? Forgive me for my naivety but I was of the age-old thinking of the former. Nur, The name can be deceiving. Going by my writings now, no brother would be s’tupid enough to attempt such suicide and if worst comes to worst I’d get an AVO on him . Thanks for the entertainment though , but on this one Nur no one can ever convince me otherwise. I’ve come to this conclusion from experience very close to home . If she has taqwah (which requires KNOWLEDGE of Allah aza wa jel and His religion), then polygyny won't be a big problem because the girl will take the Sahabiyat as her example and be content and pleased with what Allaah has legislated in his Mighty Book concerning marriage, and if she has knowledge and taqwah, she would be content to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet (sulallaahu alayhi wa salam) and the way of his companions (radhiallaahu anhum). I keep getting shocked by these men (don't know why though). Allow me to ask just one question, where in Allahs religion does it state that a sister lacks in taqwah because she does not want to be involved in such a marriage? I mean would I be lacking taqwa because I don’t like timir, or lizards? I mean they’re both xalaal right, just like polygyny. Bottom line boys, do as you please. Marry four for all we care, but do not try to trample on our rights and just as importantly do not try to bring a sisters religion, iman and/or taqwa into disrepute because she exercises her God-given rights. I realize that strong Muslimahs scare weak Muslim men, but face it boys. We have rights and we sure as hell will use them.
  22. ^Indeed, May Allah guide her, aamiin.
  23. General, Would you for one minute just stop regurgitating the same sentences every time? Yes yes we understand, Lord have mercy. BUT, all that you mentioned did not answer my question. Why the need for that nauseating comment when CY is meant to be the president of all Somalia and the leader of all Somalis? IS he the boogeyman? Do you believe that the people have something to fear? If not (and this is of course what you will say-I don’t give a rats a’s’s’ if he is or not mind you) then why that s’tupid comment? It is called a contradiction. Warlords are not bound within the borders of the South. We have one as our president you know :rolleyes: .
  24. determined that if you decline that he would camp right infront of your apartment building peresistently praying in public view all of Ramadan until you accept, what would you do? Say no of course. This my brother is a no-brainer. I do not like such a marriage for myself and unless it is nabiga or the companions I could not care any less how great the brother is. It may seem unreasonable to some but this is the choice I am making for myself, and like i said it is my right. Also going by this scenario the brother has made one grave error, the fact that he is already married should accompany his name during the introduction. Then without even knowing how supposedly great he is, I would of have already come to a conclusion . Erm, why do u feel the need to read it from this perceptive? Because that is how you made it sound . Also women are not shirts. In future perhaps it would be best that brothers such as Naasir express their thoughts at the BEGINNING before emotions become involved. Asalaamu Calaykum sister, My name is Naasir and I plan to marry more than one wife… Rahima- So u gonna walk away from your beautiful husband, kids and house even though things are going great, he isn't trying to hide something from you not mention he been forward and honest. Who said anything about the kids and house? He is going out and I get the kids. The possibility of such situations is the exact reason why i plan to have financial stability independent of my husband. Call me cynical, but I have seen and heard too much, too many women stuck in unhappy marriages because they have no way out. Inshallah this will not happen to me. As for beautiful husband, he stops being beautiful (in my eyes) the day he decides to marry a second wife. You see I make my thoughts very clear. I would never even contemplate getting to know a brother who wishes this for himself, therefore if he ever decides to change his mind (or was lying to me all along) then obviously beauty is no longer an attribute of his- he obviously no longer cares for what I feel or think, so macsalaama. Honesty and straight forwardness are all wonderful and dandy, but they are required like I said at the beginning, not five or ten years into the marriage. If a brother with such hopes was interested in me and he told me so, I wouldn’t necessarily badger him about it- it is his right after all, but I’d simply just decline, no thanks. Are you going to deny that Islam has given me such a choice?