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Everything posted by Rahima

  1. lol Rahima you feel me?Worst thing is when I put on weight it doesn't spread evenly.It all runs to my belly My problem is the complete opposite-everywhere suffers including my cheeks . just pleased to see you back on track dee abaayo Yes and I was born xalay. I can smell a swipe you know rokko . It is Ramadan ok, i dhaaf please. Anyway where do you pray taraawiix? Have a try of North Melbourne (musalda on top of 8 black). I'm sure you'll enjoy it . Tell me all about your experience (that is not a wicked smile i swear).
  2. Rahima

    The Ramadan Comer

    Welcome to all new comers. Enjoy your stay. A man explained inflation to his wife thus: 'When we married, you measured 36-24-36. Now you're 42-42-42. There's more of you, but you are not worth as much.' Edeb daranaa. She should get rid of his sorry behind.
  3. Given the Fatwe above, It is not permissible to curse Specific living person regardless of whether he is muslim or not. So How can Alle U baahne justify that? that is if he was doing it forthe sake of Islam and not personal vendetta Yes, that is the opinion of this group of scholars. They have expounded on that which they thought as most strong, however as you can read from the beginning of the Fatwa: 2 – Cursing a particular kaafir or evildoer concerning whom there is no text stating that they are cursed – such as wine-drinkers, those who offer sacrifices to anything other than Allaah, the one who curses his parents, those who introduce innovations in religion, and so on. “ The scholars differed as to whether it is permissible to curse these people , and there are three points of view: (i) That it is not permissible under any circumstances (ii) That it is permissible in the case of a kaafir but not of a (Muslim) evildoer (iii) That it is permissible in all cases.†Al-Adaab al_Shar’iyyah by Ibn Muflih, 1/303 Also, by all means advise the brother that the best course of action would be to perhaps make duca for the man (as in for Allah to guide him to the straight path) instead of cursing him. This of course seems like the best course, but at the end of the day the brother may have some legitimate back up. I personally do not like the cursing and would most probably never dwell in it, but that doesn’t matter. My opinions (like everyone else's here) mean natta, what matters are those of learned people based on fact from the Quran and Sunnah. Anyway Allahu aclum. I’m just trying to give a different light to the issue .
  4. Athena & Aeronwen, Girls, I wasn’t stating one way or the other about the mans faith, I don’t know this man and therefore cannot comment on his Islam. If he says that he is Muslim, then certainly none of us here is in a position to dispute that. That said though, going by Alle-ubaahanes posts it seemed to me that he thought that this man was an apostate, therefore the habaar would have arguments for. Nevertheless, either way, irrespective of whether or not this man is a Muslim, there seems to be argument for the cursing of evildoers also (which it seems that it is unanimously agreed upon that this man is); hence Alle-ubaahne could possibly have grounds for support. This is not going by our opinions, but rather what the scholars have stated. Of course if this man is indeed a Muslim, it would be better to make duca for him, for Allah to enlighten him, but at the same time we should draw a line between saying that and saying that such habaar is basically inislamic and sinful (which correct me if I’m wrong but seems to be the point here). Once again allow me to re-iterate I do not really know of this man, have not read his works and do not know of his status. If he says he is Muslim, then he is a Muslim. But it seems that everyone is in agreement about the wrongs of this man, therefore some scholars deem it permissible to curse such people and walaahu aclum. Finally, i do not know which opinion of the three possibilities is strongest, but nonetheless some learned men are of the opinion that the actions of Alle-ubaahane are permissible.
  5. Rahima

    Tampon Users

    ^ Gabadha yayna nagu suuxin sheh ee ka naqo the instrument of insertion . Shankaroon, Agreed
  6. ^ That is what I meant. Not everybody is the same for not everybody has the same body structure or metabolism rate. For some, exercising that much and doing such strenuous exercise would arguably have its negatives. Thanks for the info though, good to see productive topics in the womens section . Rokko, War bugger off .
  7. Aeronwen, The hadith you provided specifies that it is for Muslims ( "any person among Muslims upon whom"), so going by that the permissibility of the brothers curse is dependant on whether or not Bashir Gothe is a Muslim. That said though it seems that there is a disagreement even amongst the scholars on this matter (but i'm sure there is a stronger opinion). Question : What is the ruling on cursing (and not just insulting) the Jews and Christians or other groups, whether living or dead? May Allaah reward you with good. Answer : Praise be to Allaah. The author of Lisaan al-‘Arab [a famous Arabic-language dictionary – Translator] said: La’n (curse) means being cast out far from goodness, and it was said that it means being cast away far from Allaah, and from people. Cursing happens in two ways: Cursing the kuffaar and sin in general terms, such as saying “May Allaah curse the Jews and Christians,†or “May Allaah curse the kaafirs, evildoers and wrongdoers,†or “May Allaah curse the wine-drinker and thief.†This kind of curse is permissible and there is nothing wrong with it. Ibn Muflih said in al-Adaab al-Shar’iyyah, 1/203: “It is permissible to curse the kuffaar in general.†The second is where the curse is applied to a specific person, whether he is a kaafir or an evildoer, such as saying, “May Allaah curse So and so,†mentioning him by name. This may fall into one of two categories: 1 – Where there is a text which states that he is cursed, such as Iblees, or where there is a text which states that he died as a kaafir, such as Pharaoh, Abu Lahab and Abu Jahl. Cursing such persons is permitted. Ibn Muflih said in al-Adaab al-Shar’iyyah, 1/214: “It is permissible to curse those concerning whom there is a text stating that they are cursed, but there is no sin involved if one does not do this.†2 – Cursing a particular kaafir or evildoer concerning whom there is no text stating that they are cursed – such as wine-drinkers, those who offer sacrifices to anything other than Allaah, the one who curses his parents, those who introduce innovations in religion, and so on. “The scholars differed as to whether it is permissible to curse these people, and there are three points of view: (i) That it is not permissible under any circumstances (ii) That it is permissible in the case of a kaafir but not of a (Muslim) evildoer (iii) That it is permissible in all cases.†Al-Adaab al_Shar’iyyah by Ibn Muflih, 1/303 Those who say that it is not permissible quoted a number of texts as evidence, including the following: 1 – The report narrated by al-Bukhaari (4070) from ‘Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Umar, that he heard the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), when he raised his head from rukoo’ in the final rak’ah of Fajr prayer and said: “O Allaah, curse So and so, and So and so, and So and so,†after he had said, “Sami’a Allaahu li man hamdih, Rabbana wa laka’l-hamd.†Then Allaah revealed the words (interpretation of the meaning): “Not for you (O Muhammad, but for Allaah) is the decision; whether He turns in mercy to (pardons) them or punishes them; verily, they are the Zaalimoon (polytheists, disobedients and wrongdoers)†[Aal ‘Imraan 3:128] 2 – The report narrated by al-Bukhaari (6780) from ‘Umar, that there was a man at the time of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) whose name was ‘Abd-Allaah, but his nickname was Himaar (donkey), and he used to make the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) laugh. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) had had him flogged for drinking, then he was brought one day and he commanded that he be flogged, and a man who was there said, “O Allaah, curse him, how often he is brought [for this reason]!†But the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Do not curse him, for by Allaah what I a know about him is that he loves Allaah and His Messenger.†Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah said in Majmoo’ al-Fataawa, 6/511. It is permissible to curse all those whom Allaah and His Messenger have cursed, but as for cursing specific people, if it is known that the person died in kufr, then it is permissible to curse him. But with regard to a specific [Muslim] evildoer, we should not curse him, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade cursing ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Himaar who used to drink wine, even though he had cursed the wine-drinkers in general; however cursing a specific person if he is an evildoer or promoter of bid’ah is a point of dispute among the scholars. And Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said in al-Qawl al-Mufeed, 1/226. The difference between cursing a specific person and cursing those who commit sin in general is that the former (cursing a specific person) is not allowed, and the latter (cursing the people who commit sin in general) is allowed. So if you see an innovator, you do not say, ‘May Allaah curse you,’ rather say, ‘May the curse of Allaah be upon those who introduce innovations,’ in general terms. The evidence for that is the fact that when the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) cursed some people among the mushrikeen and followers of jaahiliyyah and said: “O Allaah, curse So and so, and So and so, and So and so,†he was told not to do that when Allaah said (interpretation of the meaning): “Not for you (O Muhammad, but for Allaah) is the decision; whether He turns in mercy to (pardons) them or punishes them; verily, they are the Zaalimoon (polytheists, disobedients and wrongdoers)†[Aal ‘Imraan 3:128] This was narrated by al-Bukhaari. And Allaah knows best. Islam Q&A (www.islam-qa.com)
  8. Rahima

    Tampon Users

    ^ Now that is a credible objection that one could have for themselves.
  9. Little did I know the constant forceful feeding of hilib,kimis,bariis(no veg)and subag followed by a afternoon nap would pile on llbs!A stone to be exact lool.. Tell me about it. Same thing happened to me. I too went to Somalia, enjoyed the luxuries and came back “healthierâ€. Not sure by how much, but it was noticeable let’s just say . Glad to be back to normal though. Foxy, I always find that too much exercise outside of the walk or weekly basketball match when one has the time has its negative- you have to eat a lot to maintain your weight and really I can’t eat that much (ridiculous amounts of food required) so I forgo it in favour of the walk (which is never intentional and i like it that way). I think that you can still be healthy and fit without all the strenuous exercise routines but it all comes down to lifestyle choices.
  10. Rahima

    Tampon Users

    Quruxleey & Katrina, What I still find extremely hard to swallow is that this is coming from a Somali young woman. I suppose I always knew it was more than possible, but to actually encounter such stubborn and not to mention arrogant ignorance is just quiet sad really. Rahima....Nac nac nac I’m guessing you are offended. Why would I be offended? You have yet to say anything worth getting offended over wouldn’t you say. And um.. don’t praise yourself too much dear, you have to have some sort of worth in my books to offend . Yes agreed. Preferably to your stated location .
  11. Rahima

    Tampon Users

    Liibaan, This is not a topic appropriate for a brother to try to participate in- call it womens business . Nazra, You know for a person who can’t differentiate even the simplest of matters, you sure do supposedly recall a lot. Difference is, whereas I am in a discussion where I learn from others (and yes at times retract my wrongs in a civilised manner like that between Wordette and I) you learn none; perceive none; comprehend none and most of all run marathon races of stubbornness. The other thing is, the comment by Libaan is not exactly something a thinking woman should be laughing at . So i suggest that you rethink the laughter.
  12. Rahima

    Tampon Users

    I hope you get my point. Loud and clear sister and agree completely . I was thrown off by ‘experience’ as opposed to ‘knowledge’.
  13. Rahima

    Tampon Users

    Obviously, rahima I was referring virginity to the hymen. I don't understand how that can be obvious. There is a clear distinction woman. Put that aside though, what made this whole thread all wrong were all the other misguided ideas you seem to have. That more than anything is disturbing to say the least. Rahima in future, before hoping into the wrong wagon I suggest you clarify things. I think it was attempted many times to explain the whole issue and difference to you, but your stubbornness combined with the need to hurl that which you perceive as an insult (i.e. single-mother comment) just killed it all. That said, I did not misunderstand you for you kept harping on about the same thing over and over (like you did above, after all the explanations). No wrong wagon here, just a confused nomad around. As you have noticed alot of gurls here were promoting the product yet they claim not to use it This is why I now believe more than ever that we can never be on the same page. Enjoy your time Nazra, perhaps one day you’ll wake up to the greener pastures of maturity .
  14. Rahima

    Tampon Users

    No, it’s not a shock to me. Is it a shock to you that some ppl are born without arms and legs? Are they still a human being? And how does an ignorant individual determine that? It was a typo (that was obvious), it was meant to be ‘born without a hymen’ and if it moves out of the way, an ignorant individual (i.e. not medically trained) can never know as to whether or not a female is a virgin. There are some older women who can tell the difference. These women can have experience in circumcision, have seen a lot or are midwives. Men could tell the difference of what’s damaged and what’s not. But I wonder if they can tell a tampon user from a non-tampon user given the fact that both have the hymen intact. Circumcision you say? :rolleyes: Ever heard of re-stitching? Happens all the time, therefore this so-called theory on determining a girls virginity because the work of the gruesome midwife is intact is misleading at the very least. When I said "experience" I wasn’t even thinking about faraax’s. But that’s all that came to your mind. Rahima, I don’t know what you contributed to this topic other than faraax this and faraax that which is unnecessary . I don’t know, but reasoning that Somali girls should never use tampons because god-forbid when she gets married her husband might question her virginity was a very good clue on your logic . And first time husbands can expect the wife to bleed, as for Somali men and other cultures who can’t wait to hang the white sheet the next day. Of course not every women bleeds due to the misfortunes in life that she might come across. But my question is why would any young women; want to use a tampon given the fact that she was born with her hymen. Wonderful. Why don’t we force you to marry your nomad cousin back home and get you to ride camels whilst we are at it. And since when did loosing ones hymen become a misfortune? Frankly, no one has answered my question, yet they willing to give me some non-sense for reply which is out of the topic and a waste of time to read I think that the answer has been given to you many many many times woman. You though are not getting it . tampons break ur hymen(they do) aka virginity, so why do some somali gurls bother? NO, loosing your virginity is not also known as breaking your hymen. This is where you have it all wrong. Because of this wrong, all else spirals down wrong. Tampons may break your hymen, but so what it doesn’t mean that one looses their virginity. Tampons as already stated are xalaal- it is not for you to question a sisters virginity based on something as silly as this. That’s where experienced SOL faraax’s come handy. Last time I think I vaguely remember you about a circumcision debate, you were saying non-sense stuff but at the end it turn out that you won’t circumcise and were defensive. Very mature (someone give the girl a clap please). I don’t know about you, but I find the concept of discussing such matters about myself disturbing and yes to your shock and dismay I will reiterate proudly once more- FGM is disgusting, xaraam and should be eradicated. Likewise views such as worrying yourself that your husband might think you are not a virgin because you used tampons is also just as disgusting. Worry yourself if you so wish, but some of us (irrespective of what we use) are sure of ourselves and no man would dare even bring up the question. Finally get educated honey. Circumcision Somali style is not something to be proud of; neither is hanging a Japanese flag.
  15. Why did you delete it? Because it was rude and inappropriate. The similes were distasteful to say the least. I’m sure you know that .
  16. Rahima

    Tampon Users

    You got yourself confused, I’m kind of suspicious Rahima, are you a single mother? Grow up. And my supposed motherhood status has nothing to do with the point. Anywayz, your hymen is what makes you a virgin. But if you lose you hymen to a gambar (lolz) or a tampon...still you are virgin who has not had sexual intercourse. I know this will be a shock to you, but like it has been said, some people are not born without a hymen, so is she a virgin? What about those born with one that moves out of the way? She will always have an intact hymen so how does an ignorant individual determine her status? I just wondered what would happen in the bed. Anywayz, you don't have to be a doctor to know if someone is a virgin or not. It comes with experience. Experience she says. Wonderful, the faarax is allowed to play the xalima is abandoned to the abyss ( Sheh, this is what I meant by women are their worst enemies ). So Nazra I bet you are one of those chicks who finds attractive that a brother has been around the block right? Stamps his manlihood ha :rolleyes: . I’m not you Nazra but for your own sake, get with it and get educated will you. Virginity can only be ascertained by a medical examination therefore only doctors can know for sure. We’ve already established that the hymen is not marker (although it seems to of have gone over your head) so then I ask you, do you know what a muscle is? Are everyone’s muscles the same? What happens to a muscle when it has not been in use for some time? You know hijaab gurls, the say one thing, but we know what they get up to. Enjoy wallowing in ignorance honey . It will get you very far I’m sure.
  17. Rahima

    Tampon Users

    have u lost your virginity??? I didn’t know how appropriate that was. I mean those things are big, and you can easily rupture your hymen and bleed with ur menstrual blood and never know. Girls, Girls, when will you girls become informed. Nazra if memory serves me correctly you are meant to be a nursing student no? I’m quiet surprised that you do not know what virginity actually is. Virginity my dear sisters is not a description for something tangible rather it just basically means someone who has never had sexual intercourse before. Therefore, you could of have ruptured your hymen at the age of five when you slipped on the playground but still be a virgin. This thinking of attempting to validate virginity by an intact hymen is ludicrous to say the least and is based on ignorance. we don’t know the effects it will have on their first sexual encounter with their husband should I say? Correct me if I’m wrong here, but are you saying that a man has the right to question his wife’s virginity because she does not bleed (i.e. hymen is not intact, or she was never born with one or it might even be one of those that moves out of the way which mind you also exists)? If this is so, walaahi this is just sad sad. I feel sorry for us women, so gullible we can be. Women read carefully- you do not need a man who questions your chastity, you are better off without him and more importantly you should not be worrying yourselves with such s’tupid absurdities. Also,realize that technically speaking a man can never know for certain whether or not a female is a virgin. Of course there are many arguments, but none are substantiated by fact, therefore they remain baseless and basically carry no weight. The only way to ascertain the virginity status of a female is through a medical examination. There are other ways dear, apart from the hymen being intact, that can tell whether a girl is a virgin or not; if a girl's husband isn't familiar with these alternative ways, then the girl should be wondering about him. Particularly about his sexual orientation before he met her. So it’s ok for him to of have explored his sexual orientation? Honey a man who is aware of these alternative ways (even if we were to accept them as fact which they are not) then he has no right taking the high moral ground. A sinner cannot point fingers. He should be concentrating on himself because otherwise it is called hypocrisy. Disappointment would be an understatement here. How I wish I could attribute this to 15-year-old ignorance, but I’m sure all of you are older than that. Sisterly advice- please please be informed and know that which you have a right to. As for tampons, if anyone is interested on the Islamic position visit:
  18. ^Oh why thank-you for being so understanding. How does one become opposition horta? I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure I’ve never has a discussion with you, so what is this us and them mentality :rolleyes: . To me, all are individuals, come from PL, SL or Mogadishu matters not. What matters are views. But it seems that you see this as a PL vs. the rest thing. And I didn’t think that WT was part of the ganging-up group, that special status is reserved for others . Anyway, since you're clinging on 'previous encounters', what on earth happened to Salaxudiin's topic about the drowning of Somalis and Ethiopians in the Gulf of Aden? I remember you and Castro raiding the thread USC style. Why was the thread deleted? Man are you still crying over that thread? This perfect example is what I meant by previous encounters. And I read your article before it was deleted, proved nothing of the prejudice you were spreading. But then who cares, I certainly don’t. And you know smiling suites you better then that aggressive one-minute crying the second way .
  19. ^ I’m being blamed for the nightmares you know. Sky, Smile dear, smile . How shameful to let a women get to you right? And..um just one small point- you do understand English right? So where does the hateful venom comment come in? So I don’t particularly like CY and Caato, so? (in case you miss it, all rhetorical) Did you expect me to be part of the cheerleading squad like our dear brother Camel Milk here? Oh wow General you’re so good , oh wow your so amazing! I say give me a G “Gâ€; give me an E “Eâ€â€¦ What is this high school all over again :rolleyes: ? Shameful to see grown men get irritated and try to have a gang up session on poor sweet Rahima . Anyway to all Ramadaan Kariim and to the cheerleading brigade (no need for names right) you will be in my prayers also.
  20. WT , I think you have taken sister’s analogy little too far. To her (and I share that view, to some extend), for the old man to send isbaaro-removing cavalry to the besieged city of Xamar would only exasperate things as those in the city would see him as revenge-seeking man who wants to settle old scores. Her analogy rightly fits in that clannishly induced political environment. So lets not stretch that string too extreme, saaxiib. Thank-you. Looks like you got my point . I'm not gonna sit here and tell anyone that Col Yeey is gonna save Muqdisho. Basically my point from that analogy brother. As for Caato, don’t start me on him. I think my feelings on him (along with all the other thugs) are well known. Sky, Regarding my hateful venom towards warlords, yes I am proud of it so no need to make it sound like something I should be ashamed of :rolleyes: . If I could do more than words to deal with these morons I would, shame I can’t. Finally, in future respond to me when you’ve managed to get over previous encounters .
  21. Yeah so! Nothing new wouldn’t you say? Somali warlords and their pathetic supporters have been doing this for as long as we can remember. Just to refresh our memories, our beloved president who now is demanding that all come on board with him was one of the forefront objectors to our last attempt at peace, was he not? They say what goes around comes around. But sadly the people suffer.
  22. ^ No need to get angry if that is the impression you are giving .
  23. General, You know what your problem is, every time you are asked a question you somehow feel the need to tread into unquestioned waters and state the agreed upon as if it gives your point more weight. Find a new tactic will ya and irrespective of how you try to justify that garbage you wrote (which is the whole point since you missed it), it was inappropriate and it sure as hell is not something, which should be said by someone who cares about Somalia. Like I’ve said over and over, in my opinion, the worst enemies of CY are his own supporters. You people make it worse for the old man. Because of the rude cockiness (full of prejudice also don’t forget) like that you have displayed, CY even if completely transformed would never be seen positively because you lot are tarnishing his image. And finally can I just laugh at the absurd insinuation you are making, So you say that CY is going to be the savior of the people Mogadishu? Thanks for the laugh . It’s like asking Hitler to save Jews, Sharon to save the Muslims or Cato to save PLs. See how absurd it is?
  24. I've been trying very hard for the past three years to marry a decent girl from those respectable families of Madhiban. I am determined to make sure that I become one of the reasons that integrates those people to the rest of Somalis, I mean in the real sense of integration. Even though waan kugu xanaaqsanahay, mashallah and May you succeed.
  25. Shamsu-diin, thanks for the post walaal, but you may of have missed it but I have already stated: Brother I fully understand that there are positives to polygyny. Allah would not of have made it permissible if there weren’t, but at the same time (as was my point all the way through) I do not have to like it for myself. I know the positives and I don’t really need you to tell me. That said I also don’t need anyone to accept my reasons. My reason of just because I don’t want it is good enough in the sight of Islam, so for me that is enough. I don't look for acceptance of my religion from other mere mortals. You are as equal as I, so in all fairness why should i care what any of you think of my piety (or supposed lack of it)? The other thing is, please don’t play the there aren’t enough men out there card. There are plenty of men, they harass us everywhere we go and on the phone every living moment, the problem though might be that they don’t match up to the standards the sisters are looking for. Perhaps you enlightened brothers should stop busying yourselves with convincing me or judging whether or not my reasons are good enough and do dacwa to the men who sit around at the mukhaayado doing nothing but be seen as useless men by the sisters. We don’t need to go into a hypothetical here. This is reality. Men are everywhere, we are yet to reach the 50:1 ratio so please lets cut this reasoning, it doesn’t hold much water yet. Also, almost every man who wants more than wife is thinking with anatomy besides his brain. They are not thinking about the good of the ummah or those poor husbandless sisters :rolleyes: . Please, who are we kidding. Just look at the Somali men if you want an example. Perhaps you enlightened brothers should stop busying yourselves with convincing me or judging whether or not my reasons are good enough and do dacwa to the men about the need for proper intention. If you agree with me there, we can even go further and say that if there were three other women with no prospects of finding a husband within a foreseeable future, and you refused for your husband to marry the other three women with you, then, for the good of the society he should divorce you and marry the other three. Dude I never said that I would refuse for my husband to marry all four (obviously you have not read properly). Don’t twist my words ina adeer. He can marry four if he wants, but he sure as hell will not be married to me at the same time. It is his choice. It shouldn’t actually be the case if you were less selfish and egocentric, and accepted Allah commandments and showed patience and faith. Why faith? Because it was our Prophet (peace be upon him) who said: “none of you truly believed if don’t love for your brother/sister what you love for yourself†(if I remember it correctly). So I’m selfish and egocentric because I want to exercise my God-given right :rolleyes: . You see this is the exact reason why I get irritated by some men. But for the sake of my diin I’ll refrain from participating in an insulting match. Think as you may, but at the very least practice what you preach. You love that others do not stand in the way of you exercising your God-given right, therefore perhaps you should give others (namely I) the same courtesy, that is of course if you believe . Opposition on the basis of mere principled mentality is a dangerous one, and can be overcome with strong faith in Allah and understanding. I went to Catholic primary and secondary schools in Holland and suffered from mentality stoppages caused by false doctrines which conditioned me and confused me, but I got rid of it over time. My advice would be give not your feelings free reign to control and bias your thinking pattern, and make sure you always know what and why you are doing what you’re doing. Oh Thank-you (I would never use JZK in a jest). I mean of course I’m going to take advice from someone who in one post referred to me as: Selfish, Egocentric, Lacking in strong Faith and Lacking in understanding. :rolleyes: Opposition for any reason is good enough. I don't like the colour orange (don't gasp girls) and i don't like to be in a polygenous marriage. To sum it up my dear dear brother- This is my right and I don’t need to please any person or give any of you legitimate reasons for my disapproval for me. Just because is my reason. Dear Rahima ! Please before you throw the towel due to the massive pressure and go aight.. bring on the other chick and subside to beeing the 2nd 3rd or 4th choice!! I’m confused JB, I don’t know what you mean by the chick (which mind you is degrading when used by a man), subside thing. But I was trying to leave this thread because you male nomads are just not getting it. Yes Rahima it is your right but…. What But, it’s none of your business, it is my right. Simple, end of story. I also wanted to leave thanks to posts like that above yours. Yes the brothers are all high and mighty, perfectly pious mashallah and we women, oh we are trials, we are wicked, may Allah save our brothers from the wicked Xalima :rolleyes: .