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Everything posted by Rahima

  1. Indeed you might need this section as you stated you only know about the history of the Aboriginis, why not learn your own?? Because my own like I said is full of shidh. All it comes down to is people writing the BS over exegarrated history of their tribe. Why would I want to know that? As far as Somalis are concerned nothing is safe from such decadence. I have better things to read frankly. Nothing is forget factual, even remotely factual, so why fill my head with something no two people of two different tribes can agree upon? I mean even in discussions of our heroes, everything comes back to their stinking tribes. Just the other day, some people were discussing the supposed tribe of Ahmed Gurey, and walaahi everyone in that room was a pushing a tribe seen as closer to theirs . I mean what difference does it make right? He was Somali right (although now I’m not so sure, I was liking the oromo theory to stick it to all of them)? Anyway it is just opinion. I have never being interested in Somali history and culture (any good of it is from Islam anyway). I do not like any.
  2. Prove me wrong by saying that Moqadishu warlords are destroying us, our future, childrens future and environment but will you be strong enough to disengage you from your clan loyalty? My clan loyalty? This is getting worse by the day. Waryaa do you actually believe in the garbage you write, mise are trying to entertain us all? You’ve being a member long enough to know my views on the Mogadishu warlords. What I want you to do however is be man enough (it will be hard I realise) is quote where I have defended any of them. Even more precisely, tell us what this topic has got to do with them? I don't have anything against my brothers in Moqadishu in the contrary I wish them all the best. But I cannot look away and ignore the plight of my people it really needs to be stopped because it hurts me. Lying is xaraam. I have great respect and adminiration for Rahima Lying is xaraam. I do not like the poems of Togane. I think that they are tribilistic. If he had a point to make, he would not be referring to supporting the militia of his tribe over the others (this is what tribalists do, Nationalists distance themselves from both). If he had a point to make he would be constructive. If he has a point he would not be so rude and vile. If he had a point he would not contributing to the clannish culture of ours that you Yoonis are accustomed to. All that said, it is my opinion. I believe that if we would be married together you would make a great wife because you would sweep all our personal and relationship problems under the carpet and pretend that everything is just fine and well. Don’t make me shoot myself. HA, Shall do now
  3. wats KAKA? chaad? Nope, number 2
  4. my wish; to meet my Rabb(swt) and Brother(pbuh) with a qalb salim Ø¥Ùذْ جَاءَ رَبَّه٠بÙقَلْب٠سَلÙيمÙ(الصاÙات 84 Behold, he approached his Lord with a sound heart. (al-Saffat 37:84) The Prophet (s) once said: "How eager am I to meet my brothers." So Abu Bakr and `Umar said: "Are we not your brothers? We have believed in you, and migrated with you." The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, said: "No doubt, you have believed and migrated, yet I am eager to meet my brothers." Then he repeated the statement. Then he said: "You are my companions. But my brothers are those who will come after you have gone. They will believe in me, love me, help me, and confirm me - without ever having seen me. How I wish to meet my brothers!" That is so beautiful mashallah. I too wish to meet my Rabb (swt) and my brother (scw), right after I am worthy of it. I just love reading new ahadith . Been a long time.
  5. I had a momentary lapse of reason but I aint no hypocrite or kufar Never wrote or implied that. Me too, I take my religion seriously. You need to chill. If you did, you would not be chilling about such blatant disrespect for the religion of Allah. I will chill so long as people do not write words of blasphemy.
  6. Rahima

    Bring it!

    I’m not liking this ganging-up on Bishaaro :mad: . Don't laugh at me, i can deal ripples of wrath upon you all (Aussie style ).
  7. Oooh! Spooky talk! I'm quivering in my boots Know that yawmul-qiyaamah is a surety. That alone should make you shiver in your boots and want to repent from that comment. heh? what's so unislamic about it. It was for jest, lighten up. Islam is not to be jested upon. Only the hypocrites and the kuffaar jest at the religion of Allah. We take our religion seriously .If you do not, then at least show respect.
  8. Rahima


    Rahima ii daa gabdhaha kuma jirto, waa diracad ilaaheey karti rageed oo kale siiyay. Iiga leexda gabartaas yar, eedo ayey ii tahayee. All that for me? Oh i almost feel special
  9. DO YOU GET THE POINT NOW? Yes, it’s all about clan. Its not about clan, the problems of Kismayu, Baidoa amd Mogadishu etc must be setled through peace and dialogue and within the agreed national framework. Its the job of the government, and Inda Cade, Xasan Dahir and Morgan are not in the government.. Yes it is. When Morgan was attacking Kismaayo before he was your superhero. Kismaayo was in the same shape as it is today, only difference is the coalition, which controlled it, had a faction of the enemy in it-yes it was as you lot who saw it as Jihad. Now that this same evil man is doing the same thing and Kismaayo is in the same state, the supposed attack is wrong because he has sided (stop gasping :rolleyes: ) with the wicked enemy. General, you and the rest of the cheerleaders have one thing in common. Your judgment of good and bad is dependant on the tribe of the person. Over the years I’ve seen you flip and flop using this. We had a government before this one, but because it was lead by C/qaasim it was bad. CY opposed it from the get go- before things went wrong but you were not willing to brand him for what he was and still is. Now we have another government and surprise surprise you all cheer the loudest cheers and not in good faith- rather it is led by good old adeer. Any who oppose it are wrong-, which I agree, but you weren’t saying that the last time. The litmus is tribe. Second example, the kismaayo case. Morgan good first time because he was fighting against the enemy. Morgan bad second time because he might be fighting with the enemy. The enemy is of the evil tribe. The litmus is tribe once again. Qabiil, Qabiil, Qabiil. Now that we have that settled, have a nice day boys . I’m done and off to hibernating in the clean corners of SOL.
  10. ^When a person is in the limelight- they are influential meaning that any garbage they spew is taken seriously by some people hence whether or not we like it it becomes harmful. Rahimoy,what script are you reading from? Read this one and tell me where in that 'Poem' is coy Yaaab! Not that poem, but the one posted by HA. I read that which you posted and I sit there and think how could any sane non-qabiilist Somali call that constructive or non-tribalistic? It is seeping at the seams with it. The man writes qashin and is a tribalist. Now after reading that poem I am convinced.
  11. ^Visible it is- but no shock really. Castro, The man does not come straight out with it (assuming he holds such opinions); rather he does it in a coy manner. For example (I’m sure you’ve read it, just refreshing) the poem highlighted by HA, do you notice something odd about it? The man is not retracting his hatred because is wrong, indecent and against Somalinimo, rather it is because his niece is of the tribe he hated (I’m wondering what about all the other tribes he has no relation with, does he still hate them?). Also, notice how when expressing his previous hatred he does not direct it to just the militia, but the whole tribe? Notice how he also expresses that he would cheer on his own tribe, when we all know that when it comes to Somali tribes and fighting you never have a good and you never have a bad. The only people who cheer are the tribalists. I don’t know about you, but all that leads to justifiable questioning of his intentions. People change we acknowledge, but it should be for the right reasons not because my niece is of that tribe. People should change because it is wrong, immoral and unislamic. Perhaps he has gone back on his reasoning and now acknowledged that it is just plain wrong. Perhaps! But I do not know.
  12. Rahima, if I've ever come close to treating you the way I did Xiin, I'd be forever banned from SOL. If that was the case, some here would of have already being banned. No special treatments on SOL, so have no fear dear Castro . There's no double standard on my side. I am under the impression you find Togane to be a racist (clanist) because of his harsh words. He's not walaalo. He's crude, rude and cruel verbally. But he's not a bigot. I know the man. If I didn't, I'd not have come out in his defence for I wouldn't know, or care, one way or the other. I can’t say for certain for I am not well versed in Somali politics or tribes, but it has being bought to my attention from a few people (of many tribes,H, D and I ) that Mr. Togane is just expressing the views of his sub-tribe, which is why I question his intentions. That said he wouldn’t be different from many people, but when you write publicly expect such criticism.
  13. Rahima v Togane No it is not, but to choose from the selection you provided: Togane v. decency and Somalinimo. His poems are indecent (rude, crude, filthy, offensive etc) and against Somalinimo. One can find his poems humorous (I mean we all laugh at some sort of filth, I for example find Chris Rock to be hilarious- and he is the epitome of filthy humour), but enlightening? Believe me, she happened to be one of the most read nomads around here before she decided the effor wasn't worth coming to this section anymore. You know HA, every time I decide to leave this corner, somehow one of the cheerleaders just have to mention my name. And even worse, I have no self control, I just have to blast. One day I will be strong enough to leave for good .
  14. May be that's the problem, atheer. May be no one reads your posts. You obviously do and so does Yoonis because he seems obsessed with me :rolleyes: . Seriously, though, does all the gripe you have with Togane boil down to his using the H word? Or is it the A word? What if Togane was a D man? Or an I man? Would his verbal steak knife cut just the same or worse? Does the "fact" that he is of the tribe that he lambasts the most make any difference to the nay sayers? It doesn’t matter what he is. I’m all for truth and harsh constructive criticism. I’m the sort of person that when amongst people of my tribe and they start gloating; I am the first to shoot. Haughtiness I agree is an enemy, but that does not mean that I have to participate in jaahiliyah. You can make a point without being rude and participating in that which destroyed our country to begin with. I’m not sure if I can make my objection to the poems and methods of this man any clearer, but hopefully it is now clear. And the other thing, whilst this is only a virtual world there are certain nomads whose opinions mean more than others-yours without stroking your ego i pay attention to. Therefore i ask, why question my intention or objection when for example Mr. Xiin is expressing the exact same opinion, as I. Perhaps I am not as eloquent as the brother or as expressive as he, but it is the same no? So why the difference in treatment from you? Simply_I, Don’t waste your time on the likes of Yoonis. The man would have beef with Mogadishu and it’s inhabitants even if it were the most glittering and safe city on this earth. His feelings are based on his tribalistic ways. Mogadishu and inhabitants bad because they are from tribe X which he sees as the enemies of his tribe which is tribe Y. Yeah you got it, he has the thinking which makes us all qaxooti, therefore ignore him .
  15. Yoonis, I gotta say of all the cheerleaders, you take the cake mate. Any who read my posts would know what I stand for, no need to try and paint a different picture. Repeating it at every given chance will not change the truth . I have never supported any of the warlords nor will I ever. I don’t give a shidh if you are disappointed in me because the words of a tribalist in my books mean shidh. You don’t care about Mogadishu or its inhabitants so don’t act like you do. Your insencirity is flowing like water. You give me way too much power, I do not hold anyone hostage nor do I support any who do. This topic is about Togane and his poems. I can see that you are itching to engage in a debate with me, but I see no point because you are making a fool of yourself. Your tribalistic ways are obvious for every Faarax and Xaliima (excluding the cheerleaders of course) to see. Bottom line, we are not the same, we do not think alike and we will never agree. I don’t agree with tribalists, now go and practice your cheers- I hear the nationals are coming up.
  16. Rahima, calling Togane tribalistic is amazingly inaccurate. By all standards, he's the least tribalistic Somali alive. Yes, he insults many tribes (mine included), but sometimes "constructive criticism" falls on deaf ears. What he writes is not constructive criticism walaal. It is insulting, disrespectful and unislamic. To insult a whole tribe even by what we might see as simple, such as degrading nicknames is xaraam at the very least. It is one thing to do it privately and a totally different thing when you know that it is to be published and read by many. It is a totally different thing when you know that many might be influenced by your work, such an individual has a greater responsibility and by doing what this man does you are making matters worse. This man is shooting himself in the foot if he is sincere. He believes that he is making a positive difference, but he is only adding fuel to the fire burning our country. How are his words any different than the thousands of other tribalists who throw blanket insults at a whole tribe? Arguably the intention might be different. But the sincere need to distance themselves from the negative methods of the insincere. The insulting of tribes is that which we know of tribalists and warlords, not those who care for Somalia and Somalis. How many people do you know who's constructive criticisms are noticed, much less heeded? Do you honestly believe that this mans words are constructive criticism? Do you know what makes criticism constructive? I can guarantee you that cay does not make it so . The very fact that his views get aired, favorably or unfavorably, is a step in the right direction. Really? So the fact that the words of every stinking Somali warlord get aired is also a step in the right direction? Airing of garbage is not a step in the right direction and really in my opinion is just negative. Who wants to hear the continuation of that which burnt our country to begin with? I certainly don’t. As for those of us who decide to see his insults as referring to the wicked of every tribe, then I ask, why the need to tarnish a whole name because of a few men. I prefer to think that the majority of every tribe is good, few a rotten apples. Refer to them as you so wish, but no need to participate in jaahiliya . Xiin, but his style stinks But he needs to understand actualities on the ground. He does not have to use tribal names to convey his point. In fact, I can argue that he is taking us back in time as he is replicating the methods of our clannish culture. There are those who object him because of his style, which is frankly devoid of any consideration to the sensitivity of the people he addresses. They have a point. Castro, very difficult to say. But one thing he could do is get rid off the tribal names from his work. It does not add any value. He could still be creative and confrontational without reinforcing clannish stereotypes. Thank-you for simplifying my point . This is as you said just replicating the methods of our backward clannish culture which he is claiming to fight.
  17. An opinion would be formed after reading his poems. No one would dislike the method employed by this man without reading his works. As far as Somalis are concerned, we sure do need a kick in the backside, but that does not mean that one has to be rude, disrespectful and immoral. If the man were sincere about his efforts, he would not resort to blanket insults of a whole tribe, instead he would be writing productive pieces rather than the chat played out in Somali mukhaayado. He would be back home working alongside the decent men and women who are actually making a difference. Sitting like a fat jolly Santa writing vile pieces of tribalism does not help the situation back home. The ones who need to read his works couldn’t care any less about him or his poems and the ones who are doing what he should be doing (that is if he truly does care about Somalia) are most probably disgusted at the continuation of what burnt our country to begin with. Criticism is of two: constructive and unconstructive. The former will lead to progress whereas the latter just leaves us in the same state. On a final note, we are all entitled to opinions - not all of us form our opinions based on tribe. If I were interested in the glorification of my tribe (Somali style of glorification of course) the men who I despise would be my heroes. We shouldn’t automatically jump to such assumptions; some of us are separate from the wounds inflicted on our respective tribes. Some of do not hurt because others say negative and some of us do not smile because other praise. Some of just don’t give a hoot; we call a spade a spade. This mans poems are pointless and don’t alleviate any of the problems back home, so I ask what is the point of reading, pondering, learning or teaching? You ponder, learn and teach that which is constructive- his poems are not!
  18. I believe that the most suitable people for this task are actually people who might know one or two things about History and how to convey and varify historical facts. I'am a historian myself. May I suggest that all things come through my door and get my authorisation first before publishing their article's in the History section of SOL. May I begin with the history of one clan without ofcourse mentioning the clan's name in any way or form. Oh sorry its actually unworkable without a permission from the admin to use clan names. Without the usage of clan names there is and will be no history section. LSK, this is what I was referring to when I said I doubt it can work. Look at these absurd suggestions already. This is going to be near impossible even if doable. Most of the participants will be the same ones who leave garbage on the politics section (look at the key interests here- they're itching to have their skewed version of the glory of their forefathers told), that said it will turn out into this clan is better than that fest. It will ruin SOL. General, Rahima represents only herself. No need to mention my name at every given moment like i speak for a clan. The history i know is that of the Aborigines, Somali history is full of shidh as far as i'm concerned.
  19. But i dont undertsand why Rahima and her sidekick Juma are going crazy. The man is giving his view point, why attack people in SOL. iTS A DAMN SHAME I TELL YA.. What is shameful is your lack of understanding. Never took you for the slow type, but your fellow cheerleader (by the way, your skirt is tucked in at the back ) felt the need to mention my name when it had absolutely nothing to do with me. I couldn’t care less about a man who has little if any respect for my religion, all else he says then becomes rubbish. Nothing wrong with being hard and truthful to your clan but when you are a self-hating (tribe and diin) individual, you can’t expect the people who you refer to to take you seriously. Be harsh, yet respectful and courteous, when you preach do so with wisdom and then you just might have an impact. The only people this man appeals to are the cheerleaders, because he blurts out their garbage anyway. He is rude, vial and extremely unprofessional. He not only attacks the warlords and their supporters (which would be justified) but also all the good decent folks of that tribe (which I’m sure you lot don’t think exist). Were this man your tribesman and were he attacking your tribe the way he does, in that disgusting manner, I can but guarantee you the cheerleaders would be calling for his hanging. Just look at what you lot are doing to poor old adeer Morgan . General, you too need help. A whole bunch of men crying in every thread about what I supposedly do or don’t. War what is wrong with you men? Crying like children all the time :rolleyes: . This really is unbecoming and embarrassing walaahi- I’m even embarrassed for you lot. Now grow up, get lives and for the sake of your manhood stop mentioning my name everywhere you go.
  20. Rahima


    ^No suprise really.
  21. Traitor (as according to the cheerleaders): He who fights against the ‘tol’. Listen Rahima, I don't care what you think or say but let me clarify one or two things for you. Really? Is that why you feel the need to mention my name at every moment :rolleyes: ? I think you do secretly care what I think otherwise you wouldn’t be so traumatized . As for your history lesson, I don’t really give a rat’s a’ss. What stands is the fact that when he was attacking kismaayo before he was a hero and would he to do it now with a new breed of bloodsuckers he becomes evil and a traitor. Nothing has changed other than the qabiil of conspirators. For he whose views change about this man, they are nothing but lowly qabiilists. Do I need to give you the answer to one plus one ?
  22. Rahima, JB and Jamatutu listen up guys you heard the truth here. There is no denying it. It's clear like the sun or the moon there is no escaping from it. Inta Abdullahi Yusuf ama Puntland afka ku soo taagesiin clean up your own house as the professor said. Very informative and frank interview thank you Mr. Togane for reconfirming what I thought and preached all along. Listen to it step by step word by word you might get an insight from it. You need help walaahi. I have never commented negatively on PL. CY I dislike but that doesn’t mean I like any of the other warlords. Anyway like is said waryaa you need help but to be fair, thanks for the amusement