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Everything posted by Rahima

  1. it seems like somali women are more likely to marry outside the somali culture More likely? I think you might be over-exaggerating there a tad sister. A few, a minority perhaps, but more likely? As Somalis I think we tend to marry mostly within our own community, laakiin if it were to be a foreigner, they seem to prefer a white man to say an African American man. It’s nothing more than racism. I mean we believe we aren’t really African, that Caucasian features are more beautiful than African, we’ve made the word ‘adoon’ into a negative, we make fun of people with ‘adoon’ features and we even bleach our skin. This phenomenon is all part of a greater dilemma in our community. On a preference note though, it would be one thing if you happened to know a white brother for some time, fancied him some and then hooked up, but why look for a non- Somali? Wouldn’t you rather want someone you can share so much more with?
  2. after all, these groups aren't going after muslims, they're going after arabs. As I watching one of the news outlets and as the reporter spoke to one the scumbag racists, in the background was another yobbo with a black top reading 'MUHAMMAD WAS A CAMAL RAPING FAGGOT’ . Likewise, a group of young Bangladeshi men were attacked because they were not Anglo-Saxon. An Italian man was also bashed by the mob because he did not appear Anglo-saxon. These yobbos are after any person who does not appear Anglo-saxon, be you Arab or not. They do not care. If you are black, you are on the firing line, if you are visibly a Muslim (i.e. wear a hijab for example or have a khamis/beard) you are on the firing line. So for any Muslim who has any doubts that they might be attacked because they are not Arab (i.e. Somalida for example), rest assured that as long as you are not Anglo-Saxon and/or are Muslim you are on the firing line. You will always have racists wherever you will go, but this is completely out of the norm for Australia. I have lived here almost all my life and although it’s been in Melbourne the entire time, I have never heard of or experienced such collective racism from the people. Governments (especially those of the liberals) yes, but never the general public. Then again, 5000 people is a minority, however what is worse is the number of people who support them as is evident in the talkback radio shows. That Allan Jones-couldn’t stand him since his days on the TODAY show, but he has taken this to a new level and even worse he admits to being part of the fueling brigade- I’m wondering if the new laws of inciting hatred apply to him? I doubt it, but they sure should! The other thing is, although I doubt such an outbreak would occur in Melbourne (we don’t have the lay out Sydney does), if it were to occur, as I read in the Age yesterday the likely suburbs would be Heidelberg West, Preston, Reservoir and Springvale. The reason stated was that these suburbs all have large communities of working class/blue collar from both sides of the racetrack. Heidelberg West for example has a very large Somali community as it also has a large Anglo-Saxon community- even worse it is one the areas the government settles ex-cons. Preston and Reservoir have large Arab communities and Springvale a large Asian population. Suburbs like Broadmedows are off the radar because the Muslims are greater in number, likewise Brunswick and Coburg where there are too many Arabs/Italians/Greeks. Carlton, Flemington and North Melbourne will probably escape the fire also because although the Somali communities there are working classes, the Anglo-Saxons living in these suburbs tend to be more educated/white collar. Bottom line my fellow aussies, brace yourselves and start planning for the future. One thing is for sure, like Shankaroon said, we cannot get comfortable in the west (be it here, USA or UK). We should all be planning Hijra as is the responsibility of a Muslim.
  3. Revenge attacks in Sydney race war David King and Dan Box December 12, 2005 GANGS of youths embarked on a series of "hit and run" revenge attacks across Sydney's beachside suburbs last night after a day of racial violence that saw mobs rampage through Cronulla, in the city's south, bashing anyone of Middle Eastern appearance. Scores of cars in the eastern suburb of Maroubra had their windscreens smashed and tyres slashed in what police fear is the first sign of retaliation by members of Sydney's Muslim community. Local MP Michael Daley said the suburb was hit by youths wielding baseball bats and sticks after "a cavalcade of hotted-up vehicles" arrived at 8.30pm. "They smashed cars and everything they could lay their hands on," he said. "I never thought I would see the day this sort of damage hits this city." Police, who said it appeared the men were of Middle Eastern descent, said the convoy then moved to the Maroubra beachfront, where several people were injured in an "altercation". Hundreds of police were last night patrolling the city's eastern and southern suburbs after a day of violence that started when as many as 5000 locals gathered in Cronulla to protest against increasing number of visitors, particularly Muslims, after an attack on a lifeguard last week. The crowd at North Cronulla started by drinking beer and waving Australian flags. But, fuelled by alcohol and an SMS and email campaign to "bash" anyone of Lebanese appearance, the crowd started chanting racist slogans aimed at people of Middle Eastern origin. Despite a heightened police presence and a well-publicised threat of prosecution against vigilante behaviour, at least four people were bashed when the crowd attacked anyone they thought was "a Leb". One Muslim woman was targeted by the crowd and was forced to shelter in a kiosk while an angry mob outside chanted racist slogans, including "kill the Lebs", "kill the wogs" and "go home Lebby scum". Two ambulance officers were injured when they came under attack from locals hurling beer bottles. Police used capsicum spray, batons, dogs and mounted patrols to control the crowds and to protect those who were being attacked. At least eight people had been injured late yesterday, including two ambulance officers, one of whom was struck on the head with a bottle. Thirteen people had been arrested, with at least four charged with either affray or assault. Speaking before the revenge attacks, NSW Police Commissioner Ken Moroney condemned the violence as un-Australian, saying he was "ashamed as a man and as the Commissioner of Police". "By any test, by any measure, that which we have seen here today is clearly un-Australian," he said. "It's not Australian to adopt a mob mentality and assault women. I have never in all my working days seen anything as un-Australian." He promised more arrests and defended the police response. NSW Premier Morris Iemma said the hooligans would face the full force of the law. "The behaviour of the crowd at Cronulla today was disgraceful, cowardly and will not be allowed to continue," he said. "These hooligans have brought shame upon themselves." Sutherland Shire Mayor Kevin Screiber also slammed the violent crowd and attacked the racist text messages circulating in the area, which called for "Aussies" to retake the beach by joining "Leb and wog bashing day". Cronulla locals have been tense since last weekend, when a lifesaver was allegedly bashed by two men of Middle Eastern origin. They claim increasing numbers of visitors from the western suburbs are abusing women and threatening people at the beach. A mass email and SMS campaign called for a rally yesterday to "reclaim the beach". Throughout the day the crowd surged towards anyone of Middle Eastern appearance. Two young men were chased into a chicken shop, where they hid from a group that smashed a window. The young men were eventually taken away by police. Far-Right groups, including Australia First, distributed inflammatory literature at the beach, as did skinhead groups. Australia First NSW secretary Jim Saleam confirmed that his group had been distributing anti-multicultural and anti-immigrant literature at the beach. Mr Saleam also confirmed the group had helped mobilise people for the demonstration. Many youngsters said they were attracted to the event by a sense of nationalism, with people bringing flags and barbecues. They parked their utes at the beach, with stereos blasting. Tim Gosper, 19, of Menai in southern Sydney, said he and his friends had come to the beach to "support Australia, support our country, throw a barbie and have a good time". But he was aware of the anti-Middle Eastern sentiment. "I'm not saying all the wogs and the Lebs are that bad, but there's a certain group who harass and cause trouble," he said. Another man, who called himself Steely, said: "Our women have been told they're going to be raped because they're wearing bikinis. These people try to stop our way of life." Locals in Maroubra last night reported gangs of Middle Eastern men walking toward the beach, taking sticks and baseball bats to the cars. Others described a battle on the beachfront and around the Maroubra Bay Hotel. Estimates of the numbers of men of Middle Eastern descent involved ranged from 50 to 200. Resident Tom Taylor, 26, said "all of these wogs with baseball bats, probably 50 if not more, came flying around the corner". "One warned me. He said, 'Mate, you better get out'. Then the others shouted, 'Kill him' and started chasing me down the street. Then the Aussies arrived. "They all came out of the pub and drove them back up the street. One of the Aussies got smashed. They jumped on him. I thought he was dead." http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5744,17536279%255E601,00.html
  4. Violent beach mob 'hides behind flag' Simon Kearney December 12, 2005 MOB attacks on men and women of Middle Eastern appearance, police and ambulance officers at Cronulla Beach yesterday were disgusting and un-Australian, police, politicians and Lebanese community leaders said. Lebanese youth leader Fadi Rahman last night said he feared further confrontation and violence after a day that saw flag-draped men target Middle Eastern men and women with racist taunts and violence. "We're heading for a disaster. Can you imagine 5000 Lebanese people getting together and saying, 'Let's get Aussies'? The whole country would go haywire," Mr Rahman said. "As a community, we are disgusted. This is not the Australian way. "We're working day and night to build bridges and what we always get is rejection. This shows you the Australian people are not ready to give us a fair go. That's in plain bloody English." NSW Premier Morris Iemma last night described the Cronulla crowd's behaviour as disgraceful and cowardly. "These hooligans have brought shame upon themselves," Mr Iemma said. "Some today tried to hide behind the Australian flag. The Australia that I know ... does not support the sort of behaviour we saw today. "I reserve particular contempt for the cowards who turned on police and the NSW ambulance service. There is never any excuse to attack any emergency vehicle." NSW Police Commissioner Ken Moroney said the violence was un-Australian: "It's not Australian to adopt a mob mentality and assault women. I have never, in all my working days, seen anything as un-Australian." He said responsibility for the day's events must rest with the individuals committing the violence and not with the police. A young Lebanese woman, Julie, who works in a restaurant at Cronulla Beach, told how she had to endure racist taunts all day and then returned to her car to find the grille kicked in. "I work here and I don't even want to be here," she said. "The Lebanese community are not going to sit back and take these insults." Mr Rahman said he believed new terrorism laws were partly to blame for the violence. "The new laws are dividing and justifying the actions of people, such as in Cronulla," he said. "This is early Nazi Germany." Lebanese Muslim Association president Ahmad Kamaledine said he had been visiting the beach at Cronulla since he was a teenager. "Middle Eastern people have contributed a lot to the area," he said. "I don't believe this is the Australian spirit. This has been motivated by people on talkback radio." Lawyer Stephen Hopper, who has represented members of the Lebanese community in the past, said he planned to talk with members of the community about taking action for indirect racism. "A large proportion of responsibility for today's events should lay at the feet of The Daily Telegraph and some other media outlets," he said. Islamic Friendship Association of Australia president Keysar Trad said the violence was "bound to happen" because of racist rhetoric on Sydney talkback radio throughout the week. "Sections of the media took this issue far too far and one can only surmise that the way this issue was dealt with on talkback radio amounts to incitement," Mr Trad said. He said the media turned a common youth issue into an issue of ethnicity. http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5744,17536213%255E601,00.html
  5. ^ No one was home so I dropped it in the mail box .
  6. Yep, the tensions have finally erupted in Australia. Johnny boy is reaping the rewards of the seeds he has sown. _______________________________________________ Sydney race-violence spreads Neo-Nazis are believed to have been among those who took part in the race-fuelled violence at Cronulla in Sydney's south. More than 20 people have been injured and 16 arrested as a series of apparent revenge attacks — including two stabbings — followed yesterday's unrest at Cronulla beach, where more than 5000 people gathered yesterday. Drunken mobs within the crowd yelled racist chants and chased down and bashed people of Middle Eastern appearance in an extended show of violence. Police resorted to using capsicum spray and batons in their battle to subdue the rioters, who pelted officers with bottles and stomped on patrol cars. An ambulance crew was also assaulted as racial tensions peaked. At least 25 people, including two ambulance officers, were injured, about 40 cars were vandalised and an Australian flag was burned during the mob scenes. Later, a 23-year-old man was injured and more than 40 cars smashed with baseball bats in an apparent revenge attack at Maroubra, in Sydney's east. A group of about 60 men of Middle Eastern appearance and armed with baseball bats smashed the windows of parked cars about 9pm. The group then clashed with rival mob outside the Maroubra Bay Hotel. A 23-year-old Maroubra man was taken to Prince of Wales hospital after he was stabbed with a sharp implement, believed to be a stick or nail, in the hip. Riot police were called to Brighton-le-Sands, in Sydney's south, to control a group of about 200 brawling youths who had reportedly thrown projectiles at police. NSW Deputy Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione said police believed neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups were among yesterday's crowd at Cronulla. "That in fact is something that we're following up," he told the Nine network. "Yes, that's the advice we've received." One woman was pictured at Cronulla beach holding a poster that read "Aussies fighting back". Her photo appeared in a Sydney newspaper today. She was advertising a group called the Patriotic Youth League. The group, founded by former Newcastle student and One Nation activist Stuart McBeth in 2002, described itself as a "radical nationalist" group, it was reported. Said to be linked to the German-based skinhead group Volksfront, British Nationalist Party and the New Zealand National Front, it has campaigned for the deportation of immigrants and for keeping foreign students out of universities. - AAP http://theage.com.au/
  7. Taped it and will hopefully get around to watching it. It seems interesting though, my 14-year-old brother is having a good laugh at the old men in power .
  8. ^ Yeah, where is hadaad. I miss his quirky posts and one-liners. Liked how good Rahima was sent scrambling over her dictionary to chip in Not mine, I have no need for one. My Somali is bad enough without making myself feel even worse with a dictionary around. I just made the suggestion Mr. Xiin to settle the discussion . I mean you can’t really argue with THE dictionary now can you?
  9. Sad is how this society is overly concern with the niceties of women’s behavior while the great and pressing issues of this age do not register in their radar. Always puzzles me as well. I never really get their obsession with women, must be an Arab thing because it surely is not Islam. I’m shocked at the passiveness of these women. Perhaps they have weighed out their options and decided that this was the best option for their livelihoods and lives. I hear that to be outspoken against the royal family is to wish death .
  10. Sheh, Sure is. I log off and come back to return to a new post with 7 pages. Castro, According to a Somali-english dictionary in front of me: Guilt: dambi, eed, gabood-fal. I think that these are going to have to do. I mean for God sake, it’s from a dictionary .
  11. This thread must take some sort of record on SOL, 7 pages in less than 24 hours.
  12. ^ I see that you’ve become Yoonis' new buddy. I was his, thankfully no longer. You'll see the evidence of no longer very soon
  13. Togane’s pieces are directed at his own qabiil (mostly). Are self-directed insults, a prejudice? They’re still wrong. Who gave him the right to insult a whole qabiil, especially the way he does it (it is pretty bad, there are insults and then there are extremely vile insults)? I mean like I said be harsh and be truthful, but be wise about the way you do it especially if you want to make a difference. The warlords of Somalia need a good bashing, but they aren't going to listen. People such as Togane need to appeal to those who support them (financially) and he will not be getting through to them by insulting them. You need to be smart about the way you deal with those who you are trying to impact. And this notion of him attacking his qabiil mostly, perhaps I’m mistaken here, but he is not attacking his qabiil mostly. He is attacking what is in the Somali tradition a rival clan of his. That last poem spoken of, he is referring to one of the bloodiest clashes of the Somali civil war; he openly states that he cheered on his clan over the other (which seemingly is the one he bashes most). And this is further confirmed by the ardency and consistency with which one praises and admonishes the opposing qabiil/political entity without giving in an inch of credit. There isn’t in my opinion a single Somali political entity, which is worthy of praise. All are in it for their interests. They let Somalia bleed and continue to die, so why should they be praised? I will praise any good actions they do or any progress (like I praised the establishment of the government- amazing that they could even do that, like praised the courts- some stability is better than none), but the entity, hell no until my country is safe, productive and corruption free. Might be harsh, but I have high expectations. They ruined my country (the one i want to return to inshallah) and continue to do so; I expect them to clean up their mess. Till then they will receive no praise from me. As for this forum, whilst i realise it is unhealthy, i think that to assume all are qabiil orientated is misdirected. One has to show signs to be labelled as such. And Rahima.. if you wrestle in a pigsty, ur bound to pickup dirt, noh? Get out while u can girlfriend. Very true. I gave up and then I was strangled back in . I think they will leave me alone now and I can go back to places of cleanliness.
  14. Tuujiye, please behave yourself . I do not want any blood letting. You do not want to mess with Layzie
  15. Rahima

    Bring it!

    *High-fives Bishaaro* Now i say that we conquer the world. Whatd'ya say sister :cool:
  16. Ahem CW , I am 10 memebrships older than you . I demand that the size of my name be bigger than yours , by 10 fold at least.
  17. ^ The first time I got that song (it was explained to me) I almost choked. After that it was funny What disgusted me though was that every female was singing it. I’m still convinced that they didn’t get it .
  18. It’s always best that you complete your undergraduate studies in a field which is to your liking and will get you a decent job even if you don’t get into medicine (unless you enjoy biology don't bother with it because you most probably will not get a decent job majoring in it). Don’t do biology just because you want to get into medicine. Entry into med is very competitive and the chance of gaining acceptance is slim so why risk your whole future on a gamble? Try to find a course/major which allows you to serve all your purposes. Take bio as an elective if you have to. What is important is your GPA and first year bio/chem/physics. You do not need to major in a field to have the knowledge required for the graduate-entry medical exams. All you need is an understanding equivalent to what is taught in the first year of tertiary education.
  19. You have to offer an incentive man , like shaah and mac macaan. Have you not learnt anything from the peace deal I have brokered between Castro and Alle-ubaahane? I tell ya, the shaah did it . I always knew shaah was magical, now i have proof :cool:
  20. Yes I was against the previous TNG for Abdiqasin was a weak and always wrong. And you and adeerkaa knew this at the beginning did you? You do realize almost all of Somalia had hope but for reasons we all know you were yelling failure before it happened. The fact that it happened means nutta, it just shows your intentions. As for Morgan, my point was proven I think. The research has being done on the flip-flopping I was referring to. And to answer your question, as this is my last post in this topic, Morgan represents himself and the likeminded sick individuals. Morgan represented them and himself before when you were cheerleading just like he does now. Nothings changed really .
  21. The offence is not personal. That is just my point. What I do or what you do should not be pinned on our respective tribes, just like what morons of our respective tribes do should not be pinned on our tribes also. The insulting of tribes is part of jaahiliya and it should not be condoned. The fact that it is xaraam should be a good enough reason for it to be shunned. The way I see it is that if we are to move forward we really need to leave behind the clannish and degrading culture. Taking a lassie-fair approach to it just exacerbates the problem-we are indirectly saying that it is ok and acceptable. We wouldn’t let sexism (check the women's forum for proof ) or racism fly easily, so why tribalism? All are forms of discrimination and all are against our religion. I’m the type of person who when in my presence you will not get away with words such as ‘eelay’ (legit name I know but it is said by many as yasid), midgaan or qaldaan. You will not get away with f'aqash or moryaan when referring to a tribe. You will not get away lightly with degrading any tribe or people period. If anything the only tribe I never defend is my own for the reason that I don’t want to be viewed as a tribalist fighting a personal war. Alle-ubaahane, Advice well noted
  22. ^Facial hair is manly . I’m not saying it should be scruffy and unkempt, but this clean-shaven phenomenon is very feminine me thinks.
  23. Yesterday I might have given the wrong impression of supporting Morgan, through my copy and paste, maybe I got emotional, however you was against him, for the same reason you defend him today. Because of your clans interest. Defend him? Where did I defend him? You understand English I know, but is something up with your thinking? I have never defended the man nor will I ever. Quote where I am defending him. All I’m doing, and have proven is that you flip flop on the same personalities and situations depending on aspects surrounding tribe. You do it for the case of Morgan and you do it for the case of establishing a viable government in Somalia. I hated Morgan then, I still hate him now. I supported the government when C/qaasim was the leader and lost heart when nothing was being done. I support this government but loose hope as everyday goes by because nothing is really being done. You, loved Morgan when he was fighting the ‘enemy’, hate him now that he fights with the ‘enemy’. You were against the previous government and refused to admit that CY was wrong in going against it from the onset. You support this government to the tooth even when it is evident that it is going down the same trail as the one before. So you see dear, i am consistent. Spade is a spade regardless of which rake it supports. You however flip-flop depending on the type of rake. Good spade if rake is from shed X, bad spade if rake is from shed Y. Getting my drift now
  24. Rahima


    ^^I call them the honorable people with the good intention of increasing the number of our people, who are, in fact, better than the likes of Castro and his stoogies! Alle-ubaahane, leave Castro alone will ya. Enough is enough; you’re almost on the verge of stalking the brother. He really is a nice fella you know . The two of you should go out for shaah and mac macaan on me .
  25. ^It was probably meant for another thread