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Everything posted by Rahima

  1. Mashallah Nur. Much, Much better . Hopefully Faraxs will lend an attentive eye- they will I’A read, ponder and act. Now make it a campaign Nur, spread the golden words I say !
  2. 1) Monogamy – The ideal family lifestyle. 2) Polygamy – How Somalis abuse it. 3) Sacrificing for your family’s well being - The male perspective. Excellent suggestions. Br.Nur, I’m sure you know I’m a fan, but these types of topics brother should be over. Amelia has expressed all that is wrong with polygamy in our culture, about time that you started to address that which needs addressing- the problems which arise. Namely topics above.
  3. What did he (or Bush and Sharon) do to YOU? Nu'man b. Bashir reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The similitude of believers in regard to mutual love, affection, fellow-feeling is that of one body; when any limb of it aches, the whole body aches, because of sleeplessness and fever. Nu'man b. Bashir reported that Muslims are like one body of a person; if the eye is sore, the whole body aches, and if the head aches, the whole body aches. Useless probably considering that this character does not even acknowledge the Sunnah. That said SB, you need to get a hobby. This constant need for attention is getting tiresome and silly. Move on!
  4. A front page article in New York Times was covered yesterday in this issue of women choosing staying home over working and challengin with men in all tasks. This looks a natural flight back to the previous position of womanhood. Let's see the reaction of our westernized girls who think emulating western ladies suffices life in its totality. Are you equating the girls in Muqdisho and Hargeysa with enslavement, when in reality the girls in the west are in total confussion about their respective roles? Your blanket accusations for all men as khat chewers seems undeserving, but I would advise you to resign from the feminist impulses for that has failed to bring a headway. The rise of feminism has created backstage confusion before even taking a resolute course in western society. This should be a lesson to you, my dear Eedo Barwaaqo=Blessed. Cajiib, war Alle-ubaahane, would you please give it a rest already. I don’t think any woman would deny another the woman the right to want to be a housewife. The point here is that women do have a choice, you seem to think otherwise, which is what infuriates me about you :mad: . When will you stop this about feminism this and feminism that. What was so wrong about what blessed wrote? Some might be confused but many are not. As for our men in the west, sadly many are useless, you and I both know that. The ratio of good husband/fathers to useless husbands/fathers is no way near equal. Somalia is the same. Now brother do us all a favour, pls naga dhaaf this seemingly never-ending tirade about feminism and attacking of any sister who remotely voices that she has a right to have her rights upheld. A large number of Somali mothers do find their children a burden, but who can blame them? I do! Lazy, they chose to have those children and therefore should be grateful for the blessing of Allah. If a Somali woman has the misfortune of having a deadbeat husband, then she should get smart and start making smart decision. Allah does not burden a soul more than it can bear and whilst it is ideal to have a large family, if circumstances do not permit Islam and your intelligence permit for you to seek other alternatives. They should stop having children so often, one after another every year. Five years pass, she has popped out five, and cannot provide for them (not necessarily financially). I blame them walaahi. If he won't help you, help yourself I say.
  5. Lexus, Down under the reason in my opinion is not difficult family situations, rather because they have nothing else (as they see it) to do once they complete high school. When you spend your high school years flirting instead of working for your future, expect that you won’t get into that degree after high school. The problem sadly is is that our people are delusional. He/she hardly opens a book and expects to somehow miraculously be given entrance. It doesn’t work like that and once they realize they resort to what they feel like they can do- get hitched! For the boys, to the factory.
  6. Screw Costello and Howard. Their faces annoy me :rolleyes: . As for Australia and its intolerance- no difference to other western countries. Any Muslim who is thinking of parking in the west permanently with thought of practicing their religion is delusion. Living in the west is temporary, we should all be making hijrah as soon as possible.
  7. Rahima....I heard they used to have AlMaghrib in Australia...why did it stop....!! They closed it in Columbus Ohio cuz the community was not so active or something....i pray that we get it back cuz this whole travelling business is gonna offset itself with my school schedule soon...!! Was the class you took Usool AlFiqh or Evolution of Fiqh....i'm taking the Usool one soon insha Allah...!! I'v never seen Muhammad AShareef in real life but i'v heard so much that i cant wait insha Allah...!! They had one weekend session- Usool Al-fiqh which was the one I attended. I’m not sure why they returned, but we have our own now. Al-Kawthar institute which is the same and just as fantastic alxamdullilah. As for Usool Al-fiqh, it was amazing. Your head will be done in, so much to take in but so interesting. You’ll enjoy it immensely no doubt and Muhammad Al-Shareef in an excellent presenter.
  8. God the forum has become so full of negativity maalmahaan :confused: . Modesty, girlfriend enjoy your stay . Have the time of your life as I did and ignore the hateful comments.
  9. It’s amazing how we continue to feed the useless argumentative ways of certain nomads when we all know their views. These sorts of discussions, irrespective of original topic name have been done to death and all end up with the same conclusion. Clearly, one or two nomads have their own warped thoughts of what Islam is (and some by their own accord are not even believers). Most of us know better. Educate we have tried- failure. Debating we have tried- failure. I say we end it and move on. Perhaps they can discuss their own warped views amongst themselves whilst we discuss matters of importance and learn our religion more so that we do not resort to such backward ways- to actually think that we understand this religion better than the companions of the prophet s.c.w and the culimaa’ who have dedicated their lives to Islam.
  10. Imam Siraj Wahaj- inspirational speaker will not learn a whole lot of new info, but no doubt your iman will be boosted. I’ve attended his lectures a few times. Dr. Jamal Badawi- only contact is via the net. The rest I’ve never heard of. Castro, Still around, just lurking . As for the xagxagasho love connection happening, I like to have my corners of SOL peaceful if I may. That means no xagxagasho. As for your post count Castro, no need to show off dearest :rolleyes: . It’s all about quality I tell ya , 1785 posts, four years of incubation - obviously they’re quality. I dhaaf ok, it’s my way of going to the happy place . Khayr, Jazaakum Allahu Khayran brother .
  11. About two years ago I attended on of their courses on Fiqh (not the one listed), rather it was on the, methodology of it. The best money ever spent, enjoyed it heaps and learnt more than I have ever in any Islamic class. It was taught by Br. Muhammad Shareef which was a bonus-he really is a fabulous speaker. Looking foreword to others, but living in Australia the chance of that happening is slim. Nevertheless I encourage you all to attend.
  12. Digaale and Khayr, To attack a Muslim who is actually doing good is unislamic. You both know and acknowledge that what Castro has said is correct, that he is doing good, something worthwhile and in accordance with Islam, so why the need to harp on about past grievances? This attitude developing on SOL where even the good of others is somehow belittled because of past events is getting ridiculous. It needs to stop, especially as it applied to our religion. It is our responsibility as Muslims to line up with our fellow brethren in good.
  13. ^ Talk about self-hating ay! I remeber i once told my best friends young cousin (she was about four then) that she was black. Oh my God, what ensued made me wish i never spoke . I don't find black offensive, just like calling a caucasian individual white is not offensive. Technically we are not black, but then again caucasians are not technically white. Coloured however is offensive, it carries with it the stigma of slavery.
  14. Socod Badne, I thought so too until esteemed Moderator (who'll remain anonymous) sent me bone-chilling PM... threatening me with horrific penalties if I don't promote a sense of prison yard camaraderie. That’s a lie and you know it :rolleyes: . Bone chilling ku lahaa, and what horrific penalties are you referring to? My private msg to you in its entirety: Please stop insulting nomads with the name SH. bum bum. This is against the rules of SOL, please respect them. You have done this a few times and i have been editing them. This is your first warning. Thank-you Please, do tell me. Which part of that is bone chilling, threatening or even rude. I acknowledge that it was another nomad whose post i had edited (with the exact same insult to the same nomad), but nevertheless you did insult and i politely (with a please and thank-you) warned you. You have distorted the whole thing to the point that I am utterly disgusted!
  15. Rahima, we seem to be saying the same thing but i will come IA and show you the danger of Sayyid's blanket takfiir. I expected from you to scoff it without qualification. this thread is getting very interesting, and intend to partake it IA. Like I said Xiin, no doubt that to say that Iranians are kufaar is dangerous/takfiir and whilst like I said I’m no fan of Sayids posts, I was under the impression that he is referring to those who attest to shi’ism without the excuse of ignorance. I mean to quote esteemed scholars as evidence would in my opinion mean that he is well aware of the conditions- Allahu aclum. Kanshare, Sayid, you, in a non-comprehensible way, keep alleging, along with comment from the eloquent Rahima, the Ulama said all the while forgetting it is not in the position of the Ulama to revoke anyone's Islamic(ness). Who are they to do so? What would you make of an individual such as say Salman Rushdi. He insults Allah, His prophet and His diin, yet he claims to be a Muslim. Obviously based on their knowledge (Allah has said in the Quran something along the lines of when you do not know ask of the scholars) of what nullifiers ones Islam, they are Islamically able to determine who is an apostate. This ofcourse is not a light matter and most often brother there is a consensus on such individuals (In a sahih hadith Rasuallah scw said that ‘my ummah will never have a consensus on wrong’). There is a consensus on individuals such as Salman Rushdie. It’s all good and well to say that it is only for Allah to judge and whilst generally that is of course the truth, Allah has given the scholars of this ummah the ability to lead, they are the representatives of Allah on this earth. We cannot be expected to accept the shahada and consider as brethren individuals who are blatantly blasphemous. We need to and have set guidelines, which protect us from such individuals. Therein lies the problem, so, please, do not be purposely incomprehensive and simplistic. The problem is not easy as Sunna and Shia, all those of Sunna schools of thought will go to heaven while all those of Shia school of thought will go to hell. No. True, but I’m sure we all know that . ^What do you think about Wahhabism? HA, it doesn’t exist. You know that .
  16. Kashafa , are you endorsing bro Sayyid’s blanket takfir? Are you impressed with his selective quotes from the respected Muslim scholars? And a solid footing, you say? Comeback and say more good brother; take the ambiguities from your statement! It’s really simple; are the Iranians kufaar? That’s what good Sayyid would want us to believe. I’m sure this will most probably create uproar amongst some of the nomads, but I feel that in terms of the Islamic side of issues, you and I Xiin are mainly on the same footing. That said, whilst I’m not a big fan of the methods employed in this thread, I’m sure that you will agree that those who attest to most of the sects of shii’ism (with the exception of one) without the excuse of ignorance (i.e. they are well aware of the teaching of Rasuallah) are considered by the scholars (Ahlus-sunnah wal jamaaca) as non-Muslims. This is no secret Xiin, and whilst Sayyid’s blanket statements of the whole of Iran are misdirected, he is just making a generalization. It’s like saying all Somalis are Sunni Muslims or Americans are Christians. It doesn’t apply for all, but it is the general reality. However, whilst we can make the blanket generalization that Iranians are Shia, we cannot make the blanket statement that Iranians are kuffar and on that I differ, because we cannot make blanket generalizations of the hearts of all those people. Only Allah I suppose is aware of the level of their knowledge or ignorance to the xaqq. That said, to label someone a non-believer (who deems him/herself a believer) is not in the hands of us lay people rather the scholars who obviously come to this conclusion using the words of Allah and the traditions of the nabi. Bottom line, shii’ism in general (par that one sect as I’ve said) is not considered by the scholars as part of Islam and we can say that anyone with knowledge who attests to it knowingly is not a Muslim. I have come across such people, people who know the ins and outs of the correct caqiidah yet due to some misguided conspiracies chose to deny it as the truth- that said I or anyone else cannot say hebel hebel is a kaffir.
  17. Kashanre and Khayr, Brothers I acknowledge that more than likely all those Muslims are protesting with good intentions laakiin good intentions do not always correlate with what is right or best. I’m all for peaceful protesting if that is your thing, similarly I think the boycott of all Danish products is a brilliant and effective method of making them feel the heat for their blatant disrespect of our blessed prophet. That said, I don’t see what violent rioting and mind you injuring of one another is going to do. We need to stop waxaan and get back to the teachings of our blessed prophet. We need to get smart and think long term instead of reacting aimlessly every time. This, as I see it is just another proof of how the good intentions of the ummah continue to misfire. We were angered by Afghanistan, we rallied and cried out injustice- we were ignored, nothing achieved and now we’ve all forgotten. Next came Iraq, we went through the same and ended up in the same rut. We do the same about Palestine, every so often we remember our suffering brothers and then we all go back to our rosy lives. Nothing is ever done for the long term, nothing is achieved and we will continue bearing the brunt of the disrespect of the kuffar. We need to employ more effective methods, until we do so we will never progress.
  18. As things unfold one thing becomes clear, this ummah is in great strife, more strife than I could ever imagine. It’s about time that we returned to the sunnah of Rasuallah s.c.w and took some very much needed lessons. These strikes, burning and hurting of one another is really pointless. What we need are long-term actions and goals to not only combat such events (which I’m sure all who attest to the oneness of Allah are angered by) but to also raise up the status and current condition of the ummah. I still fail to understand what the burning of buildings is going to do. If we are claiming to be defending the best of mankind then is it not logical that we follow his example? Rasuallah s.c.w waited patiently and planned long term even whilst the Quraish would dump intestines on him whilst he prostrated in front of the kacba to The Almighty. In that is a great lesson. When you are weak and overpowered you should be working to build up strength not throwing punches aimlessly. What is the point of acting in such a manner when no one actually cares and it achieves nutta? The hypocritical words of certain governments are not worth the paper they are written on, so if they are useless then what is achieved by the reactions of the Muslims? What is the point of all this when inside our own homes we are burning ourselves from our own leaders to the man on the street. This is a larger extension of greater problems, burn Israel we say, yet all the Palestinian children are in Levi jeans and drinking away at that thirst crusher. I’m awash with mixed emotions, anger, sadness and some disgust.
  19. Rahima


    ^ Busted with your hand in the cookie jar. I didn't get any of all those exchanges (not that i read them) but i sure have had a good laugh at your expense
  20. Ah I’ve been found out , I’ll go find someone else now Bishaaro. Muchos gracias in adeer, I enjoyed ! Habeen/maalin wanaagsan. Good Rahima, your (welcome) return shouldn't cause the departure of good Bishaaro and old Xiin, should it? As long as it's together why not? No, no, Castro I'm done. Enough, case closed.
  21. You see Xiin, you have a chance . Inantu wey khalkhashay to the point that even her comebacks have mellowed out . See what that word does to people.
  22. ^I’ve been working on the ‘independent’ thing awoowe. As for this issue, don’t play the poor victim card here with all that ‘good old Xiin is not even in the acceptable category in Bishaaro’s list. What is she to do with such a sanele soul like Xiin’ nonsense. Thinking that she’ll feel sorry for you and succumb hey? Dude, Bishaaro likes the rough and tough kinda man, a mans man you know. Don’t crumble, you are a proud probably once a geeljire Faarax, stand your ground . Abraar, ^ Yeah really, what does this old man think? That young, educated and fabulous Xalimos grow on trees? The nerve! That above and other unspeakable findings :eek: which is what the eerie music was for.
  23. Rahima, Awoowe doesn't bother good Xiin anymore, he's accepted the age factor with grace long ago...ask CW That’s only from us lay folks, not the sought after Ms. Bishaaro. Trust me Abraar, I know of things you wouldn’t even imagine are possible . *eerie X-files music*
  24. War waa la wada arkaye, balse i think Rahima weey yara kululaatay Gosh, how did you ever notice Mr. Pharax . Alas my seceret crush of Mr. Xiin has been exposed . That rock is so cosy right about now. Xiin, warkooda dhag ha u dhigin. Forget that dear, the old man is smiling from ear to ear now, niyadaan u dhisnay now . He now knows he has a chance, whereas before you were hiding behind the awoowe label. All a cover Xiin, complete cover. Bishaaro and I pretty tight you know, she told me last night over that cup of shaah (which she makes beautifully mind you- good wifey traits as you can see ). Oh bugger peace, i might as well enjoy it if i'm gonna get dragged into dagaal.
  25. Alla dadkani xaasidsanaa . War I dhaaf I tell ya. I ain’t ready for or want dagaal, just advising walaashey . No harm in that I say!