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Everything posted by Rahima

  1. Rahima


    Nah, it's okay. I am in no need to study or even learn anything from Abdal Wahhab, of Najd. Seems clear enough for me I must say. Perhaps its a job for you or Nur
  2. Although incredibly simplistic, I’m convinced of this now- Africans are just S.T.U.P.I.D. Inshallah someday they will overcome this. How ya doing viking :cool:
  3. Nur, How is the dream coming along my brother?
  4. Are you gonna tell me what's wrong with it though? Other than that the author is supposedly inexperienced? Ugh! Not really for as I see it, this topic has been done to death. Not just here on SOL but on other Islamic sites. Just to end it though, ponder over my dilemma Pi, you’ll learn a lot from it, namely, watch who you take your Islamic knowledge from- The caqiidah of the teacher is of prime importance to you seeking knowledge .
  5. Rahima


    ^Jariyadii jacaylku helay, inay shaqeysaba wey diidey I swear it blessed, I’m sick of it. I put the filter on the door and try so hard (really i do ), yet they seem to be getting through at every turn :confused: . I’m thinking of blaming Nur , his welcome all attitude is causing a headache for us all. And jacayl is a travesty my dear :rolleyes: . Hows the little one doing? Keeping you awake i hope
  6. ^Bal tano kale arka! What were you saying Rahima? That it isn't important for women to cook. How far removed from the reality you're. Men and women should be able to cook and no self-respecting men or women should lack the necessary skills of cooking. Especially women what will they feed their children and husbands later on? You can't expect anyone to cook for you, that's why I say both men and women need to learn how to cook because if the wife is sick, who's going to cook for the children and sick wife? Are you going to beg around the neighborhood asking people if they could cook not only for you but your sick wife and children too? No way. It's inacceptable for men and women not being able to cook especially for women. Self-respecting? Cajiib :rolleyes: , war relax would ya. Not knowing how to cook is not the end of the freakin’ world. If the sister doesn’t know how to cook it doesn’t mean that she is not self-respecting. Run along and think about the absurdity of that silly and mind you warped claim would ya! I don’t know whats wrong with people maal mahaan, priorities srewed up or what. Self-respecting? :confused:
  7. Rahima


    Who left the door open again?
  8. Pi, I have a small dilemma you see, I want my car fixed but I’m not really sure who I should go to-a fully qualified mechanic who has been in the trade for well over 30 years or my 16 year old neighbour who can now manage to open the hood?
  9. ^^ , that cooks your goose yaa Badcasow. I was gonna sign up for your class but now i feel like a teacher. Mr. Xiin stop showing off . This corner is not for you, now hurry along .
  10. Rokko :eek: We need to chat my dear friend. I'm not liking your new friends!
  11. Most definitely it’s ok. Your worth nameless is not by your culinary skills, therefore not knowing something, which does not impact on your worth, as a woman is ok . Any male (they are beneath the status of a man :rolleyes: ) who insists that a woman is married for her cooking skills is a sad-a'ss chauvinist. If you can’t cook, learn for yourself not for others because they deem it to be a disability.
  12. Hijaab and covering as in Jilbaab is mentioned in the Quraan,coz of the impact it creates In Islam without the person wearing it, while keeping a beard is never a very big issue in Islam..It is partly a sunnah and men are encouraged to..With a slight beard or without a beard, there is no much acrimony.. Wrooooong! You have one day Mr. Rendezvous. Get going I tell ya .
  13. The equivalent of a hijabee is a man of measure, respect, modest and of high moral standards...It doesn't matter to be " bearded Oh please, it does mean bearded and other dress codes- like ensuring that your trousers are of the right length . The problem with Muslim society is that all we concentrate on is what the women should be doing or wearing :rolleyes: whilst our men feel that they can prance around as free willy. It doesn’t mean bearded he says :rolleyes: . War heedhe, like Blessed told you, go do your homework before I blow my lid :mad: . The pass mark Mr. Rendezvous is an easy 100% . You have three days. Tutu luu :cool:
  14. I will keep that in mind. You do that Najib, you’ll soon realize the wisdom of it all . SB, Dude, move on- collect stamps or something!
  15. Waryee AU maad gabdhaha daysay. U just like stirring things up, don't you? Ah, this is why I like you Mr. Xiin- always on the same page we are . Girls, AU is just trying to get under your skins, don’t play the game .
  16. ^ Look I’m all for different viewpoints just so long as they don’t oppose mine . I don’t like it when such generalizations are made about others, no that’s not true, I don’t like generalizations about Somali girls. All who do should be banished from the SOL Garden of Eden. I'm thinking that Alle-ubaahane and you are on the ourskirts :cool: .
  17. Alle-ubaahane, You bored ina adeer? The forum is just fine, we the girls of SOL are also just fine. Our xishood or supposed lack of it is our business- it is womens business :rolleyes: . Pls naga dhex bax. See this is why the men should have their own forum, always coming in, judging us, disrupting the peace of fashion one day, male bashing the next.
  18. Says the mendacious one. At least keep one face, will ya? Like I’ve said before dear, stop this attention seeking campaign. We get it, Muslims are worthless as you see, the kuffar even those who insult the religion you claim to follow are “bright and articulateâ€. We get it; we get it all, now get this- GO FIND A HOBBY! :rolleyes: As for my faces dear, all I care is that they’re all stunning :cool: - and all is real.
  19. Welcome to SOL Najib and ignore SB (you’ll soon enough realize why).
  20. Mashallah and Mabruuk Khayr . May Allah bless the little one and bless your whole family.
  21. Yeah, always knew i was a genius . My PC will remain on :cool:
  22. ^The pair of you are unbelievable. I sat here for a good 30 seconds or so thinking to myself why the shock, and then it hit me. For clarification purposes, I was innocently responding to Xiin’s post, Waagaan wiilka ahaa haddey joogi lahayd sheekadu intaa waa kasii fiicnaan lahayd . Hence unlike Xiin who is no longer a boy, I still am a girl (i.e. younger). Tut, tut, people, shame on you two!
  23. Danyeer, Zafir and Castro, The three of you are absolute xaasidiin. Stop picking on the newbies :mad: .
  24. ^ Two parts to the equation dear . And for the love of God don’t work against us, we’re trying to wean him off it not encourage. You Castro have obviously not been reading the plan of attack :mad: . Waxaa jira kuwa sheekha inay iga maagaan shaqo ka dhigtay. Anna xerta sh.Nur baan ku jiraa The mere mention of the word ‘xerta’ sends shivers down my spine. Allah what they did to me in Somalia . And yes I know I’m one of your favourite female nomads- all those pms made it crystal clear . Don’t worry though, feeling is mutual ina adeer- the favourite part that is, i still happen to be a gabar .
  25. ^For kicks Castro, that's why i've stopped entertaining Xiin. Took me a while, but i caught on eventually.