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Everything posted by Rahima

  1. i tend to agree with you there ALexus, upon purely what I’ve been seeing around Footscray Care to share what you saw? I'm sure it's the men anyway .
  2. I must admit that i could not believe it, but was extremely overjoyed. Go the Socceroos!
  3. I hope if a final victory over the warlords is attained in Xamar, Local government is formed and demand should be made that the TFG must fire all criminals as much as possible to avoid any hindrance for further progress in the path of peace and redress for the wrongs of the past. Don't hold your breath buddy. So long as these warlords and their like elsewhere are breathing, this problem will forever be present.
  4. ^I doubt it, we have a different culture. I can't imagine Somalia becoming another Afghanistan (not that i believe the reporting on the taliban). Typical Manichean take! Can't count past 2? There's a third, forth, fifth and so on of possibilities. Like give both fighting sides the boot. Going by past experience SB , I can with almost complete certainty say that any third, fourth and fifth possibilities you bring to the table are ones that I and many others who want Islam as the governing ideology will disagree with. That said, there is the ideal (mine differs from yours) and then there is reality. My ideal would include amongst other things giving the warlords a chance to repent and if not I’m sure they could be found guilty of murder and therefore let heads roll. On the other side I would be in the business of establishing a viable government and not having courts (made out of necessity) running the show. But all this SB matters not because neither you nor I have any influence. We have two options; you either choose one or leave without any concerns. As Muslims we should always chose the better of two options (or the lesser of two evils). In the case of Mogadishu even with all their wrongs, the courts are angels compared to the warlords. The people living in the city know better than you SB, and they obviously support the courts for a reason. Ponder on that my friend!
  5. ^Possibly, but Bush is not my concern when we have his puppets amongst us, from the filthy warlords to the *** -kissing arab 'sheikhs'.
  6. Rahima

    A Love Note!

    ^ Wa iyaakum brother. I always read your articles to my mother, she's loved every single one of them for the past few years. Some she has even managed to pass on to her friends (the ones that can read english that is) . Your work my brother has gone a long long way and touched the hearts of many. May you be rewarded in this life and next for your efforts .
  7. I had to come back for an "I told you so" moment .
  8. ^It’s all about who supports the ones that they have fallen to!
  9. Ibrahim said: "The Nazis attempted to rule the world, they failed. "The Egyptian pharaohs took the same course and they failed. This is the same path George W Bush is taking and we can see his disgraceful end."
  10. The fact that a lot of women came out to support them is a testimony to extent of support they can rely on. Somalis (in somailia especially have sufferes significantly under the warlords and the Wadaads with all there down faults (soorry Naden & Socod Baden) have proofed to be the best alternative. Point I’ve always argued on this forum and now it's becoming evident to more people. In Somalia and Mogadishu especially you have a choice of either the warlords or the courts. There is a reason why the populace are supporting the courts, namely because they provide the best alternative. They aren’t perfect as no political/social entity in Somalia is, but they provide best what the people require. This is what it comes down to, the people of Mogadishu have spoken on the matter and it is for them to decide who they support. The objections of outsiders (those not residents of the city) are irrelevant for they are not directly held hostage by the warlords. Will the Islamic Republic of Somalia be our destiny? I hope but doubt- not whilst the US is interfering in our affairs and we have gaalo raac running around like headless chooks.
  11. ^ True at that, the topic loses some its appeal. My intention was to keep it on track, but alas some will twist. WaTerLily, It’s all good (amused me also). I now know that unstable was a wise choice . Leave Rahima alone. She's my number one candidate for a minyar. I have been watching you and Mr. Xiin with all this talk. The two of you need some lessons me think . I will be colluding with the girls, you boys just wait :mad: . For now since we are on peaceful terms, hows the family going? The little ones running you off your feet I hope .
  12. ^Thanks for the link, interesting site. Naa soco waa edab darantahay. It is an open topic we can answer however we like. You are the one who is killing the topic by being harsh and to the wrong person on top of that. Don't you know this is about dawah? Harsh? People sure are sensitive these days. No harshness intended and whilst you can answer how you so wish, others can likewise make suggestions. In this case, the mentioning of Pitt and Jolie is unnecessary. That aside, you need to relax, you’re a tad too tense or just unstable. Go learn the proper ettiquetes of addressing people. Classic case of pot calling the kettle ...
  13. ^Don't kill the topic. Mashallah, incredibly inspiring. On why the religion has such a major following from the Nama, a tribe considered a minority, Imam Ali tells the story of Jacobs Salmaan Dhameer, the country’s incumbent Electoral Commissioner. "Jacobs attended an Islamic Conference in Maseru (Lesotho) in 1980 and converted to Islam. He is the country’s first black Muslim," he recalls. "When he returned from the conference he spread the word to his own people, the Nama. That is why many of them are practicing Muslims." Imagine the ajar of this man. May Allah bless him and grant him jannatul firdows.
  14. Yes Zu, on one point I have. I no longer feel that the younger generation are taking advantage of the opportunities at their feet.
  15. Rahima

    A Love Note!

    Mashallah Nur. Amazing! My mother is also inspired by it, she says “jazaaka Allahu khayran†and makes duca for you.
  16. I was born in Isreal in the early 80s Looking for attention again dear? :rolleyes: You irritate me walaahi. Born in Xamar, left with my mother to Pakistan for her job, went on to London all the while hoping to return back home. My uncle down under called regarding his wedding and off we went to attend his wedding- again still planning to return home to Xamar. Then the war broke out and we became refugees in Melbourne, Australia and here I am today.
  17. Now - why can't he add modesty to his praise for Allah? BTW - Aboriginal? - I see 2 whites - maybe in aboriginal in name only! No need to be a hater. Aborigines get whiter than Mundine . That said, I was elated at the win . Sure he’s cocky and at times puts his foot in it- but he sure did stick it to them all (racists and Islam-haters).
  18. I was relieved and glad for them and their families. goo'old Aussie sense of humour I was watching one of the reports on them a few days and apparently when they were first asked how it was down there, they replied that it was a two star hotel, with two stars I'd be crying like a baby.
  19. Rahima


    Rahima, Her majesty is doing great, keeping me fit and active. Jacayl has good uses, see Thankfully her majesty is doing her job healthy and beautiful. As for jacayl, take off the mask and then we’ll talk . Nur,
  20. ^The point is that you should highlight the points of agreement between the persons points and Islam. It will create a positive platform for further discussion- i.e. the person becomes more receptive to you. This has nothing to do with compromising your diin.
  21. Good! Otherwise you would've got verbal reprimand from me for your racist comment. It's a forum dude- written, WRITTEN. That said, reprimand is beyond your ability.
  22. ^Yes i realise . Nomads, it was a private joke between viking and I.