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Everything posted by Rahima

  1. Rahima, I can assure you that I have no chip on my shoulder. If at anytime you feel uneasy over anything I think you should just keep it to yourself. It is more civilized and more in accordance with the deen. I'm sure many of us here have reservations over this matter but not everyone is enthusiastic about hearing them pronounced out loud. Give the girl a clap folks, that’s rich coming from the likes of you . Woman, practice what you preach, perhaps then your words might fall on attentive ears. That said, clearly your obsession with following me on every thread and somehow managing to attack what you perceive as a ‘religious’ side of me, isn’t easing the fact that you carry a chip. Just don’t let that chip lead you to walking lop-sided . I find it interesting though how you thought what I wrote, then try to take the moral ground. It doesn’t work like that; sincerity is what is required when advising others. Without this key factor, like I said you’ll just end up walking lop-sided.
  2. ^His ofcourse. Rahima,and most xalimos are a bunch of spendthrifts right? Rather that than be a man and a cheapskate . You just cannot get worse that and irrespective of how much support you think you’re getting ina adeer, being a man and a cheapskate is very very bad- especially as far as the ladies are concerned. There is my advice for the day to you boys Zu, why are you complaining, you should be financially comfortable . It isn’t like you’re a poor student. You have no excuse whining, so stop it Chinese man .
  3. Didi, easy with the accusations, saaxib. It’s not my place to speak for Rahima, but I think the same thought that crossed all our minds is what disgusted her. Not the fact that a man married two women but that he did so on the same day. Without reducing the topic down to vulgar levels, I’m still uneasy with that fact. It’s a strange situation to be a newly married woman and content yourself with the fact that your husband is away to spend time with his (also) other new wife! Some people would rightfully be disgusted at the thought. Feel more than free ina adeer , looks like you’re the only one who understands the reason for my disgust. Didi Kong, In a bid to express that chip you have on your shoulder, you’ve managed to make a mockery of that which you claim to defend. And yes, I do think that such a situation is disgusting . Why you and the rest ask, read above. You are driven by that chip and the other lady by what she foresees as an attack on that which is familiar to her (not the union, but she knows,lool). None of you really care about the situation, so move along and find something else to do. As to her, i say Good day to you also .
  4. You Faaraxs are all a bunch of cheapskates, that's the real problem here.
  5. Rahima

    Dubai Nomads

    Thats the main reason i want to go,,,, Interesting, and I wanted to get away. Dubai is surprisingly very Islamic, away from all the malls of course. Really? I thought the place was extremely unislamic, or perhaps I hadn’t ventured out enough.
  6. We all have our opinions, but I’m against internet based unions. Yes I know, some will argue other points, many good points I realise, but I don’t understand how you can take anything on the net seriously, not to mention trust someone that lives on the other side of the world.
  7. Rahima i think you are totally rude yourself! i think you should take back your disgusting comments because these girls or man who got married surely dont care and are happy. You dont know their story so who are you in a position to give such remarkS? This was a decision they all made as mature adults and no abuse nor force was involved. THey all decided as individuils in the west about their mariage and obviously thought this suits them and were not provoked so you can take back what you said because they are happy and dont care if you are not! Girlfriend, like all that above you’ve ranted, what I expressed was an opinion. I think of myself as a member of a forum who has every right to express her opinion, what however, is more poignant it seems is who the bloody hell do you think you are - I think you should take back your disgusting comments she retorts . Cajiib, just disagree and be on your merry way. Unless you can find it that I’ve broken some rule and more importantly can edit my post, you really have no place making demands . Also, I don’t believe that you are in a position to be taking the moral ground as far as right and wrong is concerned-ponder it! All that said, sincerely, in no way am I trying to be rude, just elucidating a few points. Good day . Zu sxb, me love Rahima and she loves me back.. ee jooji dira dirada nooh Very lucky Rokko, you have just saved yourself. It’s interesting how all the men admire this faarax, interesting but not surprising. I still think it’s disgusting and I doubt sane women would willingly engage in such a union- not possible.
  8. Now they are compared to the saxaba is it? What next I wonder. You have a deficiency in understanding. Disagree if you so wish, but grow up and stop trying to clutch at useless points.
  9. Rahima

    Dubai Nomads

    Jimcaale, i have been meaning to go to Ajman but havnt managed to yet. Not much to see, just lots of Somalis. The whole of Sharjah is a construction site. The construction done however, is beautiful, very nice homes.
  10. Not nice to associate sheekhs with a talk unbecoming of them. Hard to believe any dignified sheekh would talk behind others like this. Xoogsade, it’s possible that the ICU shaykhs/members may have points which they disagree on (it is natural, even the saxaba did not agree on everything), but obviously they are not so great as to cause division and we should all pray as pointed out by Nur that this does not happen. Likewise though, I too doubt that Sh Cukaash (who is a long time family friend and came to see us whilst we were in Xamar) would say anything contrary to the above- he most definitely is not that kind of person to wish for the breakdown of the union.
  11. Its that type of popular discounting of wadaads that flipped the events in Somalia for the Islamic Courts Advantage, most of the men in that delegation were seasoned in areas of their respective expertise. And that I’m glad for Nur. My reasons Nur were that for the last 16 years it seemed that the warlords and their supporters were continuously outsmarting the wadaado politically even though it was the latter group who was making the required difference. I’m just glad that it is finally them who has the upper hand politically and has won the hearts of the populace. You should have heeded his advice, In due time, I’A. I still have unfinished business. My parents however are just waiting for my younger siblings to finish high school, 3 years or so more.
  12. Then what can we say of the morons who choose to purify the vice? Morons are incapable of purifying or making sound judgement.
  13. The point, I know why. Me, War face it will ya, Somalis are sick losers (and of course I’m generalising, we all do, for God sake there are good people like moi). So in the future talk about the person alone without dragging a whole nation through the mud for the actions of one individual. One individual? You actually think that the problems of our people are on the shoulders of one or a small group of people?
  14. ^ Probably Arabs, but I’m just speculating. Nothing wrong with that either, it’s politics and even Mullahs have to play the game from time to time. I was surprised by how politically savvy they were- I can’t say I expected that from Somali wadaado but they proved me wrong. A skirt would only show off my herculean calves. And a lot more , wax NGONGE? HA, The man amazed me walaahi, he spent a good hour trying to convince my mother to return home for good and then went on to my brother and I. Gave us some good advice mashallah, not likely to forget it anytime soon .
  15. ^ She was even more amazed, since they're hearts were bleeding for the poor lebanese Muslims. So they care for the Lebanese, but not their own :rolleyes: . Somalis will forever be pitiful losers.
  16. This may seem irrelevant to many, but I’d like to point out that we have a new cheerleader on board. Let’s all welcome him with a warm applause . And no, it's not NGONGE, skirts don't suit him .
  17. A friend of mine told me the other day that she had encountered older SOMALI women who were making duca that Ethiopia and America take over Somalia instead of the courts. Cajiib walaahi.
  18. It’s amazing how some never want any sort of success for the folks of Mogadishu. I can write with complete certainty even if this questionable character Indhocade was not part of the equation certain people (i.e. the cheerleaders- you know yourselves ) would still be harping on about nonsense. Continue to hate boys; it only engulfs the morons who chose to indulge in such a vice.
  19. I met him whilst in Somalia; he's a very intense, very religious, serious and extremely driven man.
  20. Girls, let's get real; Somali women are arguably the main instigators of their own oppression. Three examples, the foremost proponents of FGM are women; in cases of domestic violence our women always seem to advise one another to return to the worthless husband because it is "ceeb" to leave; and finally we believe in serving the men first and we the leftovers. Yep, it’s us, others will treat you the way you let them and teach them to.
  21. I in my naivete always thought if we are threatned by an external enemy that it would unite us. Yesterdays and todays comments have shown me that some are willing collaborators, others are qabiilists willing to do a deal as soon as possile, some would like to see the Somalis suffer forever, some are cowards and pacifits, and others are hiding behind Islam. I can group most of the SOL people in these groups. I swear it that sounds very familiar me , although you include me (as in Rahima). Anyway dude looks like you aren’t immune, welcome to reality . Our people are sick and don’t understand what unity means let alone want it.
  22. ^ If he is indeed guilty of what is claimed, then hopefully they will. What any of us think is irrelevant really for at this point like i said Mogadishu is the prime concern. That is my point, i don't see the point of talking about this man all the bloody time, when we all know that there are other issues to deal with first. When these issues are dealt with, and mogadishu is cleaned out then off to other areas, till then all we can do is wait and see.
  23. ^I'm no expert on Somali politics, but one thing i do have is common sense which is directing me to the view that all things take time and there are priorities. I don't understand how people can expect for change in other places, when the job is not even done in Mogadishu.
  24. Nur, Not much you can do but laugh at our sad state , our people need guidance from above walaahi. We’re all happy pointing out the evil men of other tribes, yet ours are saints free of evils.